Chapter 8: Nemesis

Sailor Moon
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The dark came again as a new enemy appeared and said " I will make this world mine and have the silver crystal to myself!" Nemesis headed towards the light as Nemesis head towards it and laughs evil knowing that he succeeded as he indulges the light and said " now I'm stronger than ever, I'll beat you Sailor Moon and have your silver crystal!" Nemesis disappeared as the darkness disappeared and made it day as the sun shines...

Aishalynn woke up and saw Lisa doing her homework as she asked her " aren't you supposed to be in school?" Lisa said " it's the weekend!" Aishalynn gets up slowly and goes to wash up when she hears the news that a darkness indulged the light as Aishalynn said " I guess I can go investigate what happened!" Lisa said " let's go!" They both went as Baekhyun saw them and asked " where are my two darlings going?" Lisa said " daddy, we are going to- did I just say "daddy" please tell me that I just said that!" Aishalynn said " well he is your father!" Lisa thought about it for awhile...

Baekhyun, Lisa, and Aishalynn came inside the room when someone appeared and said " my oh my what do we have here!" Aishalynn saw a upside down crescent moon as she said " your nothing but trouble!" The person said " oh really then it looks like your asking for your death!" The person attacked them as Aishalynn said " Moon Crystal power...make up!" Aishalynn transforms into Sailor Moon as she said " I'm the pretty guardian who fights for love and justice... I'm Sailor Moon and in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" The person grabs her but failed...

The rest shows up and transforms when Sailor Neptune, Sailor Uranus, and Sailor Pluto arrived and said " let us handle that one, Sailor Moon get the power back on!" Sailor Moon said " but how, it's impossible!" Sailor Uranus said " just believe and I'm sure you'll succeed!" Sailor Moon nods and leaves to go to the lighting room... Sailor Moon opens the door and got electrified as she yells when Baekhyun pulled her away and asked " are you ok?" Sailor Moon nods as she tried it again only to get electrified again...

Sailor Moon got to the center as she saw a cable with no electricity as she grabs it and opens the box and saw that the ca

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1290 streak #1
Chapter 1: We love a good love triangle 👀