
Opposites Attract
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No matter whom you ask, anyone would tell you that Hyukjae and Donghae were different.

You could see those differences in anything – starting from the way they dressed, following to the way they spent their leisure, and finishing with the what they preferred to eat most.

They were different in almost every tiny detail a person could possibly possess, and maybe that’s why they were so perfect as friends. Maybe when people were saying they were looking for a soulmate, they didn’t mean they needed a twin who’d have the exact same thoughts. Maybe in reality, they only needed someone who’d understand and accept all facets of their personality without being judgmental, although that certainly would be challenging.

And, believe it, accepting their differences was challenging for Hyukjae and Donghae as well.

They were a famous bickering couple because somewhere amidst that bickering the truth was born. The truth of how they feel towards certain things, the truth of how they need to keep working on themselves and their relationship to keep going.

Sometimes, they failed. And drifted apart from each other. For hours, days, weeks and even months. But that need to be together, that yearning to the only person, who – for absolutely odd, unjustified reasons – was so dear to each one’s heart always won.

They were breaking up. And reconciling. They were fading away. And shining together even brighter than ever before, again and again.

Because there was no challenge they weren’t able to conquer. No difference that’d make them think it’s not worth fighting for what they had.

However, there was that one tiny detail that, despite being just one peculiarity among all of their traits, was the root of most of their differences and the cause of most of their fights.

Hyukjae was a lone wolf by nature. Which didn’t mean he couldn’t be with people or never needed them – it only meant that he needed to be alone just as much as being with someone, sometimes even more.

Meanwhile Donghae had abandonment issues. Quite literally. It started with him calling himself super extroverted to embracing the fact: he couldn’t be alone. Not for long time. Of course he had no troubles with taking care of himself or solving his own problems, that was not the point.

The point was, once he had his eye on a very important person – which was Hyukjae – he didn’t want them to part. Ever. Hyukjae needed space, but in Donghae’s world lovers don’t need any sort of space from each other. Because why would you want to rest from your dearest person in the universe, right?

Or not?

Maybe Donghae was wrong? He often wondered whether he truly was. Whether it wasn’t okay to desire someone’s affection in such an impressive amount, maybe he was weird for that. But throughout his life… there were so little people who stayed. They were besties, but then what? What changed? Why so many people who were once close to him, were no longer? He simply couldn’t grasp that fact.

Why’d you disappear? Why would you leave me?

Why would you find someone who’s better and more precious than me? And even if you did, why would you cut me off from your life just like that? It’s okay, let’s talk less. I can be your friend every Thursday every week. Or every month. Once per year is okay too. But don’t leave me. Please, have a partner and kids on your own, but don’t leave me, friend. Be here. Even if I can only be with you when it’s convenient for you.

Just be here. Please, be here. Don’t leave me…

But they always did.

That’s okay, that’s life. Donghae knew he had to accept his friends won’t be here forever. His family won’t. No one’s able to stay in your life forever. Everything comes to an end.

A very heartbreaking and sad end.

But sometimes, he felt like it was unfair. They always say this world isn’t made for introverts as too many activities are meant for extroverts, but no. No one ever thought about people like Donghae. It was always him who had to understand that others don’t want to be with him as much as he wants to be with them. It was him who had to mind their ‘me-time’, and no one seemed to care that his need to be with someone is just as valid as their need to be alone. He was understanding. Were others?

Everyone thought it was okay. That’s how life works. But did anyone think about Donghae? For a mere second? Did anyone think that – no matter how wrong it was in your world – in his he always had to tell himself that it’s okay if that certain person doesn’t want to be with you? You can abandon anything you’re doing for them, but they won’t do that for you, and that’s okay. You simply have to live with the fact you’ll never be that important.

He knew it wasn’t quite okay to think that way of himself and only be able to calm himself down by self-loathing, he even saw therapists for that. But it barely helped. Donghae just… couldn’t let that fear go. Couldn’t get rid of the feeling that the person who simply wants some space now might not return. Ever. Because many people didn’t. He didn’t know how to fix it.

But, surprisingly, Hyukjae was the one who told him he doesn’t really have to fix it.

They were fighting over it. Hyukjae didn’t become a perfect and accepting boyfriend all at once. He did use some harsh words when he needed Donghae to leave him alone. Donghae did say some mean words in return.

There were many incidents when they fought.

There were so many such incidents.

Yet somehow, they lived them through.

And somehow, from a guy who hated being too close to someone, Hyukjae became the one who’d hold Donghae’s shoulders first on the stage.

Somehow, from a guy who didn’t want to see the same face both in real life and at work, he established their very own agency with the dearest person in his life.

Somehow, they went from bickering all the time to accepting each other.

Donghae would let Hyukjae hang out on his own. As much as the latter wants to. No matter how broken he feels inside, no matter how hard it is to find something else to do while pretending he doesn’t miss the other person too much.

The man had to pretend his plants are his besties. He had to pretend he can’t be home because he’s such an active and outgoing person, when in reality there were just too many things that reminded him about Hyukjae at home.

But Donghae was doing it. Because any relationship was all about compromises.

Hyukjae, on the other hand…

He’d post their pictures on his newly established Instagram when they’re apart

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Chapter 1: HELP THIS IS SO SWEET 💙💙💙
Urlia_ #2
Chapter 1: loveeeeee this one
961 streak #3
Chapter 1: Merry Chrismas and a Happy New Year!
I always love how well you expound on a single thought, act or concept. This one shot is a testimony to it.
Thank you so much for sharing.
1455 streak #4
Chapter 1: This is so heartwarming. 💙
Achichi #5
Chapter 1: Perfect story , thank youuuu 🥺❤
HelenDamnation #6
Chapter 1: Awwww. That was lovely.
1577 streak #7
Chapter 1: It's lovely how they both adapt to each other. Donghae, though clingy and wanting more affection and time together, doesn't insist on tagging along with Hyukjae at all times - whether it be just a lazing around by himself introvert day, or a weeklong (or more) trip with his friends or family. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, of course.

Hyuk also does initiate a lot more of those displays of affection and makes time for Donghae outside of just work, even though he's a notorious tease. He is also the one who often mentions how different they are, the first to talk about how those differences compliment and have made them stronger, and their personal and professional relationship last so long somehow. They kinda just fit like puzzle pieces - if they were the same shape, they wouldn't go together as well.

Thank you for sharing this cute read, Merry Christmas! ♡
Chapter 1: EH: What do you want from me? DH: Just breath.
DH: I don't need more money, just Hyukjae&morning is enough.
The story captured that feeling beautifully. Thank you.🌹
1455 streak #9
Looking forward to it. They say opposite attracts, guess this applies too to our fav couple ;))
961 streak #10
Looking forward.