

"Hey, you're gonna get hurt. Sometimes being too courageous is a problem. Shout out, ask me to save you. If not, then watch closely. I'm different then you who searches for the Himalayas." - Nu'est Face.

Ren decided he wasn't going to stand for it anymore. He was sick of seeing the poor kid shoved into lockers or punched up after class. He wants to be there for him, but being friends with people who don't like getting involved in business not their own, who's going to help him when he's the next target?


So guys, originally my top biases are Junhyung, Myungsoo, Bang, Soohyun/Eli (can't choose), and Thunder (possibly GD). Now... say hello to Aron, bias list. Aron is going to completely take over, not even joking.

But I felt like writing all five of the boys first.

But seriously, expect more Aron. Like, a lot more.

What am I even saying?

Go listen to Face, if you haven't.


did i really just make that typo wow i must still be really sick


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Chapter 1: I just found this story and it's so freaking awesome...seriously love this...and of course I really love Nu'est too...they're very potential and talented idols...and the "Face" song really caught my attention on the first beat...you depicts their friendship in a very good way...i can see it and so love it...thanks for writing this wonderful story~^^
loveghost #2
this is rly awesome! love their brotherhood and friendship :')
This was literally super amazing. Omg I take my hat off to you dude it was awesome!
dejalynnsaili #4
Wow...I'm speechless and this isn't a kind of thing that happens very often. This means only one thing : YOU ARE AN AMAZING WRITER!

I wish you many good ideas for the future stories!
awh, it's really good.
I love this so much! Awesome job!<3
I loved, it was so sweet ;)