Chapter 4

Hiding the Truth

Seobin remained in that mindset for the rest of the morning, choosing to sit and color while Niki kept an eye on him. They were currently sitting in the cafe, deciding that it was better for Seobin to collect his thoughts than to risk anything more.


“Are you okay?” Asked Niki as he looked at the picture Seobin was coloring.


“Mm f-fine,” mumbled Seobin as he nodded his head. “Hurts- hurts still,” he grumbled.


Niki leaned back in his chair, looking concerned before he got up and went to get a refill for his drink. He soon came back, with a pastry for Seobin, putting the pastry in front of him. “It's not chicken nuggets, but is this okay?” He asked.


Seobin looked down at the pastry before nodding his head, picking it up and bringing it to his mouth. He took a bite, humming in content as he stopped coloring. “Thank you,” he mumbled sincerely, continuing to eat.


Niki huffed out a sigh before taking a sip of his drink.




Chanyoung entered the cafe sometime during the lunch rush, getting his drink before walking over and sitting down beside Seobin. “How was it?” He asked.


“Well, it went fine for the most part,” replied Niki as he shrugged his shoulders. “The only thing that went wrong was him getting blood drawn,” he explained. “He's been fine since then,” he added, shrugging again.


“Does it still hurt?” Asked Chanyoung as he turned to Seobin.


“N-No,” mumbled Seobin as he shook his head. “I'm- I'm fine now,” he reassured, looking up from his coloring.


“Okay, that's good,” remarked Chanyoung as he looked relieved. “I know you hate getting blood drawn, so it must've been hard for you,” he mused, humming in thought.


Niki nodded his head before leaning back in his chair.




Jeongwoo and Jake entered the cafe a little bit later, Jake needing to drop Jeongwoo off before heading to his classes.


“Heading to class?” Asked the person at the counter.


“Yeah,” sighed Jake as he went to pay for his and Jeongwoo's drinks. “Jeongwoo is going to stay around for a bit, there's no one home right now,” he added.


After getting their drinks Jake headed off to class while Jeongwoo went to sit down, deciding to play a game on his phone to occupy his time. 




Seobin came back to the cafe after lunch, being alone for a little bit since Chanyoung had to return to school to finish something for his classes. He seemed to be back to his usual mood, getting something sugary to drink before walking over and sitting in front of Jeongwoo who acknowledged his presence with a head nod.


“I hate needles, so much,” grumbled Seobin as he looked down at his drink.


Jeongwoo hummed, nodding in sympathy as he looked up at Seobin.


“Niki seems like a good person,” Seobin remarked with a shrug. “He said he'd- he'd try to keep my secret,” he explained. “I can't trust him f-fully but,” he added, sighing before taking a sip of his drink.


Jeongwoo nodded again in understanding before his phone pinged with a text message. He looked at the message, seeing it being from an unknown number. He looked confused, his eyebrows furrowing in thought as he thought up a reply.


xxx: Are you at the cafe right now? 


Jeongwoo: Who is this?


xxx: It's Niki, I asked Jake for your number

he asked why but I told him it was to at least be able to talk to you

I couldn't think of any other excuse but that

surprisingly he gave it to me


Jeongwoo: that sounds like Jake

Yes, I am

I'm surprised you figured out that you could text me


Niki: it seemed logical, I mean I do remember seeing you with a phone.

we'll talk later I need to go


Jeongwoo showed Seobin the messages sent and Seobin blinked in surprise.


“I forgot about using a phone!” Seobin remarked with a slap to his face in frustration. “I don't have one though,” he grumbled, letting his hand drop to the table. “I could- could ask Chanyoung to get me a phone, or something,” he mused, looking thoughtful. “I guess it could be better than trying to understand what you're trying to- to convey,” he mumbled.


Jeongwoo looked amused, a small chuckle escaping him as he remembered the first few times they hung out.


“Don't- don't laugh at me,” whined Seobin as he pouted. “It was hard to understand what you're trying to say and still act like- like this,” he grumbled in a way of trying to excuse himself. “To be fair I'm getting better at understanding what you're trying to say,” he added with a huff.




Niki felt awkward as all hell as he met up with Seobin and Jeongwoo a few days later after finally being able to go to his one class for the semester. He had been asked by Jeongwoo to meet them there so he met them at the cafe.


“What happened?” Asked Niki as he sat in front of Jeongwoo and Seobin.


“Big brother got me a- a phone!” Responded Seobin as he showed Niki. “I can finally talk to- Jeongwoo,” he explained, grinning in happiness.


“Oooh, can I see?” Asked Niki as he held out his hand for the phone.


Seobin handed Niki his phone after unlocking it, taking the phone back after Niki put in his contact information.


“See this app here?” Asked Seobin as he showed Niki. “It's for people to color pictures together!” He explained. “Jeongwoo showed me,” he added, opening the app and showing Niki that it was a messaging app in disguise.


“That's cool,” remarked Niki as he went to download the app. “I got it too so we can color,” he added, showing Seobin and Jeongwoo.


“Sorry to interrupt but,” came a new voice as Jeonggeun walked over. “I need to get Jeongwoo home,” he added. “Jake wants to go out for dinner so,” he explained.


“But- but Jeongwoo just got here,” whined Seobin as he pouted. “And- and Niki too!” He exclaimed, looking sad to see them go already.


“I have to get back to the dorms to prepare dinner anyway,” sighed Niki as he shook his head. “I'll take you home though, Allen's dorm isn't far from ours I think,” he added.


Jeongwoo looked apologetic as he got up and walked over to Jeonggeun.


“Bye Jeongwoo,” Seobin said in goodbye before Jeonggeun left with Jeongwoo, going to where they were headed for dinner.


Niki watched them go before shaking his head, turning back to Seobin who let out a soft sigh.


“I know you can't keep an eye on my brother since you're not technically in the program yet, but can you try?” Asked Seobin as he turned to Niki. “Something about him recently makes me feel like he'll try something again soon,” he mumbled. “He- he's all- all I got l-left,” he explained.


“I'll try,” reassured Niki as he nodded his head. “There's a few others in my dorms that are probably in a few of his classes,” he explained. “I'll see if they can keep an eye on him too,” he added.


Seobin nodded, looking relieved as he tried to smile at Niki. “Thank you- really,” he mumbled, sincerely as he looked down.

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Chapter 13. Time crunch!

Also I swear I'm not dead!


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