Chapter 3

Hiding the Truth

Niki met them at the cafe the next morning, knowing class was canceled. Again. He wondered if they were discriminating against him, since he still didn't know what his soulmate mark was. He decided against trying to find those answers as he saw Chanyoung hurrying over after almost being late. Seobin was right behind him, somehow without his ever present book and markers for once.


“So I couldn't find anyone, thankfully you said something,” huffed Chanyoung as he stopped in front of Niki, panting as he tried to catch his breath. “Seobin couldn't bring his book this time, so hopefully that doesn't cause too much trouble,” he added.


“It shouldn't,” reassured Niki as he nodded his head. “You said it was just down the street right?” He asked, making sure he had the right address.


“It is, yeah,” responded Chanyoung as he nodded. “Seobin isn't good with doctors, but I can't be there to help him today,” he added. “So try and help him okay?” He asked.


“I will,” reassured Niki as he nodded his head.


“Behave okay?” Asked Chanyoung as he turned to Seobin. “I'll come over to the cafe when I'm done with classes, so we can go get lunch,” he added.


“Can we- can we get chicken nuggets?” Asked Seobin as he perked up at the idea of lunch.


“Yeah, we can get chicken nuggets," responded Chanyoung, chuckling at Seobin's excited yell. “Okay, go to the doctor's appointment okay?” He asked. “I'll see you after classes are done,” he added.


“Mhm,” responded Seobin before he rushed off down the sidewalk.


Niki let out an exasperated sigh before following after Seobin, quickly catching up to him once they were out of earshot. “Is the stuttering thing normal?” He asked, more curious than anything.


“Yeah- yeah it is,” grumbled Seobin as he sighed. “It's one of- one of the lasting effects of the accident I was in,” he added, dropping back to a normal tone of voice. “I'm- I'm fine though,” he explained quickly before Niki could say anything more. “It's not as bad as it used to be, it- it's a lot better now,” he added.


“I'm not judging you for that,” reassured Niki. “I was just curious is all,” he added. “But I understand, some things are permanent,” he explained as an afterthought.


“I'm just hoping you can- you can keep my secret,” sighed Seobin as they reached the clinic. “For my brother's sake,” he added.


“I will try, I can't guarantee it because I am terrible at keeping secrets, but I will at least try,” reassured Niki as he nodded his head.


“We're here,” remarked Seobin as he looked at the front of the clinic. “I'll be in and out in like 10 minutes tops,” he explained, turning to Niki. “Unless they need blood tests, but It'll be- be quick,” he added before turning and walking into the clinic.


Niki followed after him, watching as Seobin checked himself in with that child like facade up. He then went to sit down, looking around the clinic with curiosity.


Seobin went to sit down beside Niki, fidgeting in his seat as he still hated doctor's visits even when the facade wasn't up. He quietly mumbled to himself, keeping up the facade while waiting for his name to be called.


Niki almost reached out to try and reassure Seobin, but from what he understood Seobin did not react well to any physical contact. He could only offer a smile in encouragement, something that Seobin returned in kind.


“I wish I had my books,” whined Seobin, wishing for something to do more than anything. “Coloring is so much fun!" He explained, nodding along to what he was talking about.


“After this we can see about stopping somewhere to get a book,” reassured Niki as he nodded. “Just, behave okay? If you're good we can get a book,” he added.


“Promise?” Asked Seobin as he perked up at that, sitting still now as he was genuinely excited about getting another coloring book.


“Yep,” confirmed Niki as he nodded his head.


“Yay!” Cheered Seobin, a genuine grin appearing as he got excited for something new to color. He got up when his name was called, running over to the nurse and turning and waving back at Niki before turning back and walking into the next area.


Niki chuckled at that, choosing to relax in his seat and play a game on his phone. “I guess some things are still affecting him,” he mused, thinking back on the interaction from just a minute ago. He chose to not question it, not in a place like this anyway, and continued to play the game on his phone.




Seobin's loud complaining brought Niki out of his concentration, looking up from his phone as the door opened and Seobin walked out, sniffling, looking down at the floor and keeping a hand around his arm where he had gotten blood drawn from.


“Seobin?” Asked Niki as he got up, walking over to him and taking the paper from the nurse.


“They- They stuck a needle in me,” whined Seobin as he refused to look up. “I hate- hate needles,” he mumbled, reaching up and wiping the tears away and trying to calm down.


“Come on, this is the last time we'll be here for a bit, okay?” Asked Niki as he made sure to read the paper to make sure nothing really was wrong. “I promised you that new coloring book, can you calm down for me?" He asked, wishing he could do more than just calmly talk to him.


“Can we- can we get new markers too?” Asked Seobin, his voice sounding small as he stepped forward and out of the way of the other patients being called into the next room. “I don't- don't have markers with me,” he mumbled in explanation.


“We'll see if anyone has markers at the cafe, okay?” Asked Niki as he leaned down in front of Seobin to look up at him. “I don't have your brother's number otherwise I'd ask him to bring them over,” he grumbled, shaking his head. “But we can get another small pack of markers okay? I don't want your brother asking why you got another pack of markers,” he eventually decided to say, noticing this facade wasn't a facade. It was like Seobin had went into another headspace entirely.


“Okay,” mumbled Seobin, agreeing to the terms as he wiped away the rest of his tears. He took a breath to calm down, managing a small nod to Niki indicating that he was ready to leave.


“Come on, let's go get those markers and that coloring book, okay?” Asked Niki, looking relieved as he stood, leading Seobin out of the clinic.


Seobin followed after him, still quietly sniffling as he stared at the ground while he walked.

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Chapter 13. Time crunch!

Also I swear I'm not dead!


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