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"Why are y'all talking about Jay like that?" Chaewon asked her fellow co-workers when she returned from the bathroom.

She and her co-workers were having a team dinner after work. Jay was present as well, but he had momentarily left to take care of something. At the moment, she heard them complain and rant about their boss without shame. Like, it was normal, but Chaewon felt like this was not deserved as Jay was a wonderful boss and took real care of them unlike past employers she's worked for.

"You do realize he's the one paying four our dinner tonight, right?"

"Yeah, but he should be paying since he has the money to do so and there's a lot of us."

"Plus, he's our boss. He should just be paying for us all the time, too."

"Yeah, and that we constantly work under him around the clock without any additional benefits."

Three of her co-workers responded with the others agreeing. There were a total of eight of them, including Chaewon, and without Jay.

"Because we're all on a rotational schedule, Jaeho. You've been working for him for three years and I know that even though I'm barely a year in."

She cast the others a look.

"Besides, our boss pays us above minimum wage, gives us Sundays and Mondays off, time and a half when working on Saturdays, and even gifts us stuff on our birthdays and special occasions." Chaewon reasoned, confused by her co-workers' behaviors.

"What other additional benefits do you guys want from Jay?"

"More pay."

"More time off."

"Better office space."

"Better lunch options."

Came various responses as one of Chaewon's co-workers eyed her.

"Why are you even defending him, Chaewon?"

Two more chimed in, wanting to give their two cents.

"Yeah. Do you like him or something?"

"Or are you up so that you can get in with his wealth?"

"Yeah, of course I would love Jay's black card." Chaewon admitted without shame.

"Who wouldn't? It'll totally help me out financially. Besides, yeah, I like him as a person. What's wrong with that? He's a good guy and a great boss, too. However, I can't say the feeling is mutual with a majority of y'all though."

Despite Jay being their boss, he was a young one at that. Jay was around their age, but had his own successful business and company with a fine reputation that many would love to work for and be associated with. However, there was a misconception about Jay running the company due to his wealthy background and that his father gave him this position without any work. That wasn't totally true. Yes, Jay did have the backing to upstart his company, but this was due to his own hard work and merits that got him where he was today at such a young age. Maybe it's another reason why he preferred to go by first name basis instead of position ranking.

"Oh, so you're a gold digger?"

One of them assumed as the others took a dig at Chaewon.

"Or are already one since you came on to the job pretty fast."

"Yeah, it took me like a month to even be able to work in the office freely."

"She even gets the best lunches, too."

"No wonder why she dresses the way she dresses."

"And wear the makeup the way she does."

Chaewon raised a brow at her co-workers, knowing that they probably had too much to drink, but she wouldn't let them get the best of her whether drunk or not.

"I got this job because I actually do my job and don't complain or lag like some of you here. Not sure why y'all think that, but if it makes you feel better, then the feeling is mutual and we can continue working without associating with each other, too."

She cast her eyes onto her female co-workers.

"The way I dress and wear my makeup is way more modest than some of you, so not sure why y'all think that."

Chaewon didn't want to deal with them anymore.

"You know what, y'all enjoy the rest of our so-called team dinner. I'm going home because I don't want to be around this negative company and may plan not dealing with ya'll further either.

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2034 streak #1
Chapter 1: That was a nice oneshot! Definitely enjoyed reading it. See you again in your other stories ^^
745 streak #2
Chapter 1: I loved it!