Uncalculated Attraction

Canvas Calculations and Grid Paper Planes
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Yongsun found herself unable to shake the memory of her encounter with Wheein as the tech conference continued. There was something about the young artist's genuine appreciation for her work that had deeply touched her. Yongsun, known for her logical and analytical mind, experienced a rare sense of wonder and attraction that she couldn't easily dismiss.

In the midst of the conference's ongoing presentations and discussions, Yongsun's thoughts kept drifting back to the encounter with Wheein. The memory of Wheein's warm smile and the sincerity in her words played like a recurring loop in her mind. Yongsun was used to operating within the realm of equations, diagrams, and logical solutions, but this unexpected attraction challenged her structured world.

She sat in her conference chair, her attention partially on the ongoing lecture, and partially on her own thoughts. Yongsun pondered the unusual turn of events. She couldn't help but wonder if she would see Wheein again in the crowd, if fate would bring them together once more. The mystery of the artist's world, so different from her own, left a lingering curiosity in her heart.

As the conference continued, and Yongsun presented her groundbreaking work to the attendees, she couldn't help but feel a sense of hollowness in the applause and accolades she received. Her logical and analytical mind, which had always served her well, was now in turmoil. She yearned to find a way to connect with Wheein again, to understand the feelings that had been awakened within her. Her logical and analytical mind had always been her guiding light, but now, it was clouded by a new and perplexing experience—a sense of wonder and attraction that had taken her by surprise.

While sitting in her conference chair, listening to various presentations and discussions, her thoughts continually returned to Wheein. She couldn't help but hope for a chance to see the young artist once more amidst the busy schedule and future demands of her work.


As the days go by and still in the midst of her internal turmoil, Yongsun's mind wandered back to the moment she first encountered Wheein. That warm smile, the sincerity in Wheein's voice, and her genuine appreciation of Yongsun's work played like a vivid memory in her mind. It was an encounter that had left an indelible mark on her.

While, in her cozy studio apartment, Wheein was immersed in the quiet solitude of her own world. Her friends had about the "engineer from the conference," and Wheein couldn't deny that there was something different about this encounter.

Sitting among her scattered art supplies and canvases, Wheein couldn't escape the feeling of connection she had experienced with Yongsun. The memory of their meeting played in her mind like a vivid painting, and it left her with a sense of curiosity and yearning.

Wheein, who had always been a passionate artist, had never felt drawn to someone in the way she had felt drawn to Yongsun. Her friends found it amusing and about the unlikely connection she had formed with the famous engineer. However, Wheein couldn't dismiss the impression that Yongsun had left on her. Yongsun's logical and structured world was a stark contrast to her own, where emotions flowed freely through her art. The engineer had awakened a curiosity and yearning in her that she couldn't easily understand. Wheein's contemplation was marked by uncertainty and curiosity about Yongsun. She wondered about the engineer's life and what had drawn her to the conference. The connection felt unexplainable yet undeniable, leaving her with a desire to understand more about the enigmatic Yongsun.


In the days that followed the tech conference, Yongsun's life returned to its familiar, fast-paced routine. Her days were consumed by the demands of her work, her research, and her innovative projects. The world of equations, diagrams, and technological breakthroughs once again took center stage. Yet, something had changed within Yongsun. Her thoughts often wandered back to the moment she first met Wheein at the conference. The memory of the artist's warm smile and the genuine appreciation in her voice refused to fade into the background. Yongsun found herself yearning to see Wheein again, to hear her voice, and to witness her infectious enthusiasm once more.

During her long hours in the research lab, Yongsun would catch herself lost in thoughts of Wheein, a sharp contrast to the precision and logic that usually dominated her mind. Her newfound infatuation disrupted her usual work-driven focus, and her logical mind grappled with emotions it had rarely encountered before. The relentless demands of her work and the bustling world of innovation still held her in their grip, but Yongsun couldn't help but hope for a chance to reconnect with Wheein, to explore the feelings that had been awakened within her.

As she returned to her apartment after another exhausting day in the lab, the city of Seoul outside her window was bathed in the war

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oh im so seated for this.
Chapter 1: This is nice. I don’t think I ever come across this kind of stories where there’s no dialogues. It gave less connection to the characters as I don’t feel the involvement with them but the way you write made it nice and enjoyable. I hope this is just the start of a whole thing you’re writing and wish to read more. Thank you for writing a Wheesun story.