XIII. Jimin's home

Call You When The Party's Over (JMJ)
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A filler chapter of sorts (?)

Anyway, my return !! Is anyone still waiting on this fic... i promise I'm working towards it's end heh...




Jimin takes Minjeong to her hometown and she meets her family (and horse)



“So, you have everything?” The queen asks softly and Minjeong nods her head as she watches Jimin load the car’s trunk with their belongings for the short trip to Jimin’s hometown.

“Yes.” Minjeong nods.

“Okay.” The queen holds back on her words and purses her lips, nodding gently as she rearranges Minjeong’s hair.

“Be a good guest, okay?” he says.

“I will.” Minjeong smiles.

“Have fun on the trip. I’ll leave you in Karina’s hands and hope she keeps you safe," she says.

“Karina always keeps me safe. She’s always with me.” Minjeong beams and the queen nods.


Karina finishes loading their belongings before turning back to Mark and Johnny, who have decided against going on break since this is their first job and want to provide their utmost service.


“Make sure to inform me about anything you hear about the black mamba gang.” Karina tells them.

“We will, boss.” Mark beams.

“Promise.” Johnny nods.

“Good. I’ll leave the majesties in your care.” Karina nods before turning away.


Minjeong is already sitting in the passenger seat of the car, fiddling with her necklace as she waits for Jimin.


“Karina.” Karina turns to the voice of the King.

“Yes, your majesty,” Karina bows slightly.

“I hope you remember what we discussed.” He says that, and Karina nods. She had approached the majesties in the morning before Minjeong woke up and explained the situation about suspicions about whether Minjeong was a part of Black Mamba’s plans or not. She’d rather not tell Minjeong just yet, afraid she’d put more stress on the girl than she already is carrying.

“Yes,” Karina answers. “I promise Minjeong’s safe return and we will stay there longer if necessary if she is in danger.” 

“Good. I trust you.” The king nods. “I’d hope that gang isn’t really after my daughter.”
“I hope so, too.” Karina says.

“Alright, head on before night falls.” The King says and Karina bows deeply.


Karina finally enters the car and locks the doors before starting the engine.


“Took you long enough,” Minjeong whines and Jimin smiles.

“I apologise for your impatience.” Jimin snorts.

“Let’s go; I’m so excited!” Minjeong squeals. “I haven’t been out so far without my parents before.”
“I’ll make sure to make it the best you’ve been out far.” Jimin says.

“I know you will.” Minjeong smiles cheekily.


The drive is six hours, more or less, and Karina’s prepared to drive through all of it, despite objections from Minjeong.


“I swear I have my licence; I'm not lying. I can drive too, you know.” Minjeong pouts.

“But I know the way and I’d rather drive you to safety. I’ve never been driven by you and I’m not sure if I want to experience it just yet.” Jimin chuckles.

“Jimin!” Minjeong whines. “I don’t want you to strain yourself.”
“I won’t.” Jimin says.


Minjeong pouts and Jimin glances for a second at the sulking princess and sighs softly.


“How can I make a compromise with you, then?” Jimin suggests.

“Hm.” Minjeong purses her lips. “How about we take pit stops every two hours?"
“And if there isn’t an available pit stop?” Jimin teases.

“Make one then.” Minjeong huffs.

“As you wish.” Jimin chuckles.


Minjeong yawns and Jimin takes notice.


“Why don’t you sleep if you’re tired?" Jimin says.

“I’m not tired.” Minjeong shakes her head, fighting the next upcoming yawn as tears well in her eyes.

“Says the one who kept rolling around in her sleep,” Jimin snorts. “I check up on you in the night; you know that, right?”
“You do?” Minjeong blushes.

"Yes," Jimin answers.

“Yah! What if I look stupid?” Minjeong grumbles.

“I’d doubt that, princess.” Jimin grins and Minjeong knows Jimin isn’t looking at her directly, but she still burns with embarrassment.


Jimin chuckles softly. “Look, just go to sleep or rest your eyes if you can. It’s a long drive and I don’t want you to be grumpy and sleep deprived.”

“I’m not always sleep deprived and grumpy.” Minjeong pouts.

"Well, as a college student, you usually are. However, you’re on break and I’m taking you to a quaint place. Relax a bit, Minjeong.” Jimin says.

“Fine.” Minjeong huffs.


Minjeong rearranges herself in the passenger seat until she’s comfortable. The seat is reclined, and she’s half leaning on the door and window, arms tucked and crossed at her stomach as her legs curl up to one side.


Jimin keeps her eyes on the road and taps her finger against the steering wheel to the beat of the music Minjeong chose to play and she assumes Minjeong's already asleep when the call falls silent. However, the princess is most definitely not asleep yet when Jimin stops at a red light and turns to check up on her.


Minjeong is pouting and a deep frown is on her face, connecting to the crease between her brows. Minjeong shifts in her seat and huffs quietly.


“Are you uncomfortable?” Jimin asks. “Is the air conditioning too cold?”


Minjeong startles slightly and turns to look at Jimin with a blooming blush.


“Uh, no, it’s fine. It’s fine.” Minjeong shakes her head.

“Do you want me to pull over so you can go to the backseat to sleep more comfortably?” Jimin asks.

“No, it’s okay. I’m okay.” Minjeong shakes her head again. “I’m just not used to long drives.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.”
“Okay.” Jimin accepts her answer for the time being. “Tell me if you need anything.”
“I-I will.” Minjeong smiles softly.


Jimin continues driving and unbeknownst to her, a hard gaze is fixed on her hands. Minjeong chews on her bottom lip, trying to force her eyes to shut close to sleep, but she keeps opening them to look at Jimin, who is strangely attractive when driving. And maybe it’s because she’s loopy from the lack of sleep, which she’s trying to remedy, but she just feels really clingy all of a sudden. Her hand twitches uselessly as she ponders whether or not to reach out and ask Jimin.


“A-actually…” Minjeong breaks.

“Hm?” Jimin hums.

“It’s kind of weird… Well, maybe not too weird,” Minjeong rambles. “And you don’t have to be comfortable with it because it might be a bit—”
"Minjeong!" Jimin chuckles, turning to look at Minjeong. “Relax, what is it?”
“Can I... can I hold your hand to sleep?" Minjeong blushes furiously.

“You didn’t need to hesitate so much.” Jimin snorts, handing over her free hand for Minjeong to hold.

“I was just making sure," Minjeong grumbles.


Minjeong latches onto Jimin’s hand, pulling her arm into herself as she curls around it. Both hands are intertwined with Jimin’s, front to back and she snuggles close to Jimin’s arm, as much as the distance between them and the mobility for Jimin to drive allow her to.


Soon enough, the gentle touch lulls Minjeong to sleep and she's no longer frowning but sleeping serenely. Jimin doesn’t mind the touch, having promised herself that she’d be a bit less strict with the princess on this trip since she’s going to her hometown. Although her loosening up doesn’t account for her blushing ears and rapidly beating heart as Minjeong clings to her arm in her sleep, she’ll just drive with one hand and maybe use her knees.


It’s exactly two hours later on the road—well, a little more than two hours—since Minjeong was sleeping so peacefully and Jimin heeded Minjeong’s order to find a pit stop, so searching on the roads, she found a restaurant with a generous parking lot and pulled into it.


“Minjeong-ah,” Jimin rouses the princess awake gently.

“Hm… five more minutes.” Minjeong pulls Jimin’s hand closer and she chuckles.

“We’re at a pit stop, like you asked. Come on, wake up; we’ll get food.” Jimin nudges her with her stolen hand.

“Food?” Minjeong stirs awake and blinks at Jimin.

“So that’s what wakes you up?” Jimin laughs and Minjeong blushes. 

“Shut up.”


Jimin gets out of the car and goes over to the princess’ side to open the door for her.


“After you.” Jimin smiles and Minjeong sighs sleepily, grabbing onto Jimin and clinging to her side.


The restaurant is quiet and only a few patrons go in and out of it. Jimin and Minjeong find a booth and settle down. Minjeong checks the menu and sees that it’s decent before making Jimin order up an entire storm.

“You’re paying, right?” Jimin asks.

“I thought you were.” Minjeong grins cheekily and Jimin glares at her. “I’m kidding!”


The food comes and they immediately dig into it, not speaking much to each other. 


“What’s to do at your home place?” Minjeong asks, munching on some fries.

“Have you ever ridden a horse?” Jimin asks.

“Hm, maybe once when I was younger? I don’t remember that much from when I was younger.” Minjeong says. “Do you have horses?”

“We own a farmhouse property.” Jimin tells her. “We’ve got a few horses. I have one; her name is Winter. I’ll teach you how to ride her when we have time.”
“Sweet! But you have to be there with me; I'll be scared.” Minjeong says.

“I won’t leave.” Jimin chuckles.


───※  ♕  ※───


They finally arrive at Jimin’s place and Minjeong is already bouncing out of the car.


“Minjeong—hold on!” Jimin shakes her head before going to the trunk of the car and bringing out their luggage.

“Fresh air!” Minjeong giggles, spinning around. “And there’s so much grass!”


Jimin didn’t grow up in a big house, but it was far out in the country. Their town wasn’t very populated, but many people take trips here because they have excellent farms. 


“Jimin, darling, is that you?” A sweet voice calls out and Minjeong recalls the voice belonging to Jimin’s mother, whom she met at the Christmas party a few weeks ago. “Oh my! You’ve brought the princess with you!”


Mrs. Yu gasps and runs down the steps of her house to greet Minjeong.


“Was the drive alright, dears?” She asks, curtsying to Minjeong and Jimin chuckles at the sudden panic she gives her mother.

“It was good, Mrs. Yu.” Minjeong beams. “Jiminie is an excellent driver.”

“Why didn’t her highness tell me you were bringing her along?” Mrs. Yu makes a stern face at her daughter. “I could’ve prepared the guest room.”

“She can just sleep in my room.” Jimin shrugs. “I’ll take the floor.”
“Don’t be upset at Jimin, Mrs. Yu.” Minjeong says. “Me coming along today was a bit of a last minute decision.”

“Oh no, your highness, I’m happy to have you here.” She beams. “The more, the merrier! And anyway, since you’ll be here for a week in our house, you should call me Eomoni.”

“O-oh. Okay, eomoni.” Minjeong blushe

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imnotchal #1
pls, i started reading this without noticing that it's still not finished 😭
729 streak #3
Congrats! Promoted ♡♡
Sakunako08 #4
Chapter 14: Please make them happy 😭
162 streak #5
Gonna start this one, it looks good
Chapter 13: Awww so cute😭🫶
Chapter 10: Omg she kiss her 😭
Chapter 1: Oohh interesting
Chapter 13: abdkajdksndksnfksjfowjdosjd

me blushing giggling smiling throughout the whole chapter at work 😭🫣🥰🤭
898 streak #10
Chapter 13: cute cute naman 🥺