

winter felt her whole world crash as soon as she heard her professor sigh at her when the professor returned her midterm. she panicked and thought that maybe she'd been caught cheating??? but that was impossible because she never does. even if her classmates try to copy off her or signal to her to let them see her paper, she ignores them. she was about to ask her professor what it's about but the professor had already moved on to the next student.


she frowned and looked at her paper. there was no grade on it, nor any check marks. only a mere sticky note on the top right corner which had a comment in red ink made by her professor. see me after class. her eyebrows furrowed in confusion and it was a good thing that class was almost dismissed because she can't wait to find out what's happening any longer.


as soon as the students emptied the classroom, she approached her professor. "hello, sir."


"ahh, yes. ms. winter kim." greeted her professor. she placed her midterm exam on the table, both in their line of sight. "i don't understand sir, did i…did i fail the exam?"


the professor only smiled. "ms. kim, please calm down for a moment and grab your paper." she does as told. "please read the instructions. on the first page, just below the student undertaking."


Round off all your answers, partial and final, in your solution to three decimal places.


winter read aloud and looked confused as soon as she finished. it was the first time she's read them and now she knows why she's in trouble. "sir, i—"


she was cut off. "i know that during our lectures, we don't round off values unless it's the final answer. however, this is an exam, a departmental one at that and you didn't follow instructions."


winter was silenced. she pulled an all-nighter to study for this exam and was almost late for it. she came in just in time before the proctor was going to lock the doors to prevent late comers from entering. it was a rule for departmental exams such as this. coming in in such a clutch, her mind was only focused on one thing: to answer and finish her midterm. which she did as soon as she got a questionnaire. her only fault? she didn't read any of the instructions.


"but sir—" her professor took a deep breath. "look, this is a departmental exam and i'm not the only professor who made it. instructions are there to be followed, ms. kim. no one else from your class or the other sections had made the same mistake as you."


winter bit her lips to mum herself. "yes sir, i'm sorry sir."


the professor sighed, "i did check your solution, ms. kim." winter nodded. "you got everything correct if it were under my rule, just like in our lectures. and if i can say so myself, you're the only one who got it perfect."


winter looked up, her expression brightened but immediately faded away as soon as she saw her professor's serious face. "however, since you didn't follow instructions, i need to deduct points, as a reminder for next time." winter nodded. "read the instructions, especially for a departmental exam. is this understood, ms. kim?"


winter immediately nodded. "yes sir, thank you. anything but failing, please."


her professor took her paper and graded it. "since it is only your first warning, a 10% deduction will do. you'll still be the highest." winter couldn't be more thankful. the professor just encoded it to his records as well. "alright then, you're dismissed ms. kim." winter thanked him again then bowed before leaving.


"ah before i forget, ms. kim." the professor started, stopping her at her tracks. "mistake aside, i hope you know that i am proud to know that someone from my class has perfected the exam. so congratulations, ms. kim." the professor finally smiled at her, genuinely.


winter smiled as well. "thank you, sir."


discrepancies. winter hates them. especially after that happened. she feels embarrassed every time she's reminded of it.


ever since then, when she encounters a new professor, she makes it a point to ask and note down their preferences in rounding off values because it turns out, it's all different from one another. she needed to because it might cause her a grade again. even if it's just on a seatwork. to think all her hard work would go down the drain just like that? no. winter kim refuses it to.


even on groupworks like laboratory or field reports. even if she wasn't the one assigned on the computation part, she still makes sure to check it before they submit it. because of this, her classmates nicknamed her "little miss perfect" because she wants everything to be perfect.


she doesn't mind it. she's not ashamed of wanting to get a perfect score every time. besides, it's also the very reason why her classmates always want to be grouped with her.


with all the expectations now surrounding her, from her peers, her professors, and even her relatives for her not to make a mistake, she simply doesn't just dislike discrepancies. she can't afford to have them. she can't let anyone down, not even herself.


she just doesn't understand why she lets the biggest discrepancy in her life be and continue to be a menace in her peaceful and calculated life.


karina, like her, is a college student. though, she's a year ahead and is taking a different course from her.


she had met the older in a coffee shop when the older asked if she can share the table with her seeing as how the shop was crowded. normally, winter prefers having the table all to herself because she gets a bit messy while solving. but winter agreed to share. (mostly because karina had started rambling about her not taking much space on the table anyway since all her notes and books are on her iPad. she just needed a table because she didn't want to walk all the way to check if the campus library had vacant ones.)


winter shared the table. and karina (they'd already exchanged introductions), true to her words, kept to her side of the table and didn't take up much space. the only movements from her was her scrolling on her screen and the occasional scribbling on it. winter could also hear karina mumbling to herself as she read through whatever was on her screen. it didn't bother winter, surprisingly.


winter also didn't judge her for her study habits. she simply thought about what if winter also turned to technology and just solved her practice problems on an iPad as well. but then she realized that she prefers the pen and paper style, for the iPad screen might break if she's deep into solving and gets frustrated because she keeps getting it wrong. it's not like she can just grab the iPad and crumple it then throw it aside to write on another one.


they've been sharing the table studying together for a few hours now, and winter noticed a slice of chocolate cake sliding in to her side of the table. winter looked up and saw karina sheepishly smiling at her, already munching on her slice of cake. "as thanks, for sharing the table."


winter hadn't even noticed that the girl left to order, because she knew that the girl only had an iced coffee earlier. gosh how long have i been stuck on this problem


"...is chocolate not okay for you?" she heard karina ask and only then did she realized that she hasn't even touched it since the girl had given it to her moments ago.


winter panicked and fumbled to clear the immediate space in front of her, of her pens and paper, just to put the saucer plate containing the slice of cake there instead. "no, sorry. i tend to get so lost in solving that i forget what's around me."


karina nodded. "ahh, i see. you must be in engineering, judging from all your reference books." she pointedly looked at the stack of books to winter's left.


winter followed karina's line of sight. "ahh yes. structural engineering. you?"


"nursing." karina smiled.


winter nodded and took a bite of the cake. "if i didn't bother you with the cake, you wouldn't have stopped trying to solve that problem, would you?" she's surprised at the question.




karina laughed. "oh winter, you should still take breaks."


winter just took another bite.


"oh i know! will you be my study buddy, win?"


winter raised a brow at the nickname. "we're taking different courses, i doubt we'll be able to help each other."


karina shook her head. "doesn't matter, i only need someone who's motivated to study, so i can be motivated as well. and clearly, you need someone to remind you to take breaks."




"so? what do you say?"


winter thought about it. she did prefer studying alone because she didn't want distractions. but having studied for the last few hours, sharing the table with karina, she had not been distracted, not one bit. even if she can hear karina's mumbling repeatedly about random scientific names, it didn't throw her off in solving. so,




karina smiled. "alright, when do you usually study? and where?"


then it was settled. they worked out a schedule and met twice a week. sometimes at the same coffee shop. sometimes at the library.


it's been going great. the two had also gotten close and winter found out that karina was actually a year older and ahead of her, making her not only an unni but a senior to her.


"why do you not treat me like a junior?" she asked one time, it had been bothering her for the past week.


"what do you mean, win?"


"don't seniors boss around their juniors? most of the ones in my department do. i see it all the time."


karina looked at her and teasingly cooed at her. "awww, my poor baby winter. were you bullied? do you want me to avenge you?"


winter felt her ears suddenly heat up. they've turned red and she's aware of it so she immediately grabbed a book, opened it to a random page and covered her face with it. "n-no!! they…they don't bother me!!"


karina laughed. "i'm only teasing!" she laughed some more before speaking again. "anyway, i don't see why i should treat you as my junior. we're not from the same department, so i don't think i really have any authority over you….do i?"


winter, still hiding her face, turned a page because she couldn't think of how to respond. "i don't know."


"well, do you want me to boss you around or something??"




"so, why are you even asking?"


winter put the book down. "i was just curious! 'cause you're di-different from them."


karina sipped on her coffee. "hm?"


"you treat me like a…friend…?"


karina puts a hand over her chest and acted offended. "are we not friends???"




winter thinks about it carefully. aside from the fact that they've been meeting each other twice a week to study, they're in contact daily. karina would usually be the one to message first to check on her and ask about her day. while winter was weirded out at first because it was something new to her, she however, eventually found herself actually waiting for karina's messages.


"we are." she finally realizes. "we are friends."


"good god, winter kim!!!" karina's now actually offended. she knows that winter's just became aware of their friendship.




"i hate you. you owe me a slice of cake now, ."


winter just nodded, grabbed her wallet and stood up. "what flavor do you want?"



winter didn't know when exactly did they go from meeting twice a week to meeting daily. and most of the time it's not to study, but just to hang out, sometimes it meant grabbing lunch together or even just a quick coffee break in between classes.


they had each other's class schedules so it was a no brainer for winter to find out how karina always knew when exactly to message her to meet up.


though lately, winter would be surprised to see karina waiting for her outside her building, no texts or heads up or whatsoever. just a "hey, um. is that your friend over there?" from a classmate she's with and viola! there karina was, just across from her, waving at her.


this has happened quiet a few times already for the past two weeks, so now winter isn't surprised anymore. she would just walk up to where karina was waiting and greet her.


today though, she's feeling a bit playful so she decided to tease the older one a bit. "hey. " she says as soon as she's near. "do you not have other friends than me or something??"


karina groans. "ugh don't remind me. they all left me to go on dates."


winter was already offering to carry some of karina's things. "ah, you're the only one single then?"


karina rolled her eyes. "haha very funny now, ms. kim." karina stands up and off they go for lunch. "kidding aside though, i know they're just making the most of their remaining free time."


"what do you mean?"


"we're starting our hospital duty soon, we'll be super busy by then so i understand why they want to spend their time with their significant others now." karina explained.


winter grinned, an idea popped into mind. "aww, is that why you're spending your time with me?"


karina laughed and decided to join in on winter's fun. "yea, don't miss me too much, okay baby? i'll message you whenever i'm free then, don't worry."




karina shrugged and grinned at her. "you started it, win. don't start something you can't finish." she teased.


"w-whatever." winter pouted and karina just laughed.


karina forgot to mention to winter when exactly her hospital duty starts. winter just finds out on the day itself, because she waited for karina for lunch but karina never showed up.


"ah." winter blinked when she put things together. (she had been waiting for almost an hour when the thought crossed her mind.) "did that start today? i should've asked." she wasn't disappointed. rather, she was relieved that was the case. she didn't know what she'd do if it weren't.


luckily for her, she had a long break so she still had time to grab lunch by herself.


1:47 PM

u didnt tell me it starts today. i waited for u for lunch:(

anw, dont feel bad. i also forgot to ask about it :)) but…

msg me when ur free? u said so!!!


3:19 PM

omg win bby im so sorry!! i forgot too

ill make up to u soon, i promise



the next time she sees karina, was in her very own apartment. winter was already in her apartment despite still having one more class for the day. she was sent to the clinic earlier on and there, it was recommended that she go home already because she had the flu.


she casually mentioned it to karina in a message about an hour ago and a few more exchanges of messages, here karina was waiting for her to open her door, in her uniform.


woah. winter's jaw almost dropped and she isn't sure why because it isn't her first time seeing karina in her uniform anyway. karina's sent her pictures. it is, however, her first time seeing it in actual. her eyes squint, she blames it on the terrible headache she's got, but really she's just checking karina out.


"win? are you okay?" karina's voice snapped her back into her senses.


"w-what are you doing here?" she asks. she's already in her pajamas, the long sleeved and fleece one because it's warmer.


karina walks inside winter's apartment as if she owns the place, in her hands a takeout and her own bag.


"really, win? after you told me you live alone and that you haven't eaten anything today yet, that's what you're gonna ask me?" karina said.


"hey you asked them and i was about to order in…"


"well, here's your order." karina started to unpack what she brought. "do you even have medicine here?"


winter, suddenly feeling the hunger, felt her knees go weak so she decided to just sit and wait by the dining table. "no, but the clinic gave me a prescription though."


"that's what i thought." karina pointed to her bag. "inside, i have a pill box. it should have what you need for at least tonight. i'll just buy you more later."


winter just nodded and looked for what karina said. "um…what about your shift at the hospital?"


karina did have a shift tonight. she was preparing for it when she received winter's message.


"don't worry about it. besides, i've got a patient to care for here anyway." karina said nonchalantly, all while navigating herself in winter's kitchen.




winter didn't think her evening was going to be like this. she wasn't that down with the flu just yet, so she knew she still had strength to buy her own food and medicine. just like how she usually does whenever she gets sick. she lives alone, and has been since college. her family is hours away so she had to take care of herself.


but, now she's at the receiving end of karina's care. her own personal nurse.


"you've been skipping meals, haven't you?"


she's been found out. but also, not really. "no."


"one sandwich and a drink isn't a meal, winter."


"but it says so on their menu…"


karina sighed. "winter kim."


winter straightens up her sitting posture and continues on finishing the soup karina had brought. "you're getting seconds." karina said, and it shouldn't sound as threatening as it did but that's how it sounded to winter's ears. "y-yes ma'am"


she was not going to tell karina that lunch without her just isn't the same and that she'd rather grab a sandwich to go and lose herself solving sample problems than admit that she's been missing the older.


"sleep tight, win." winter wasn't sure if the medicine made her drowsy or if she should blame it on the hearty soup she'd just devoured that she's about to go into a food coma. maybe it's both, but she's in bed now, all tucked in. karina made sure.


"unni…" it was rare for her to call karina that. she really must be under some kind of influence to suddenly call karina as such.


karina's face finally comes into view. her expression is soft. "hm?"


"will you stay?" here


a smile but it looks like a teasing one. winter isn't sure, her eyelids are heavy and karina had already put out the lights. "i'll be here when you wake up, baby. don't worry, just sleep." it was the last thing she heard before succumbing to sleep.


true enough, when she woke up, karina was there, asleep on a chair by her bedside. she wasn't in uniform anymore, instead it was winter's casual wear. winter reckons karina changed out of her uniform while she slept.


"hey." winter managed to croak out. karina immediately awoke. "you're awake. how are you feeling?"


"better now."


winter can't help but notice it. "my clothes look better on you. i'm jealous." winter sat up, karina chuckled. "is that so? then you don't me keeping them, do you?"


winter shook her head and patted on the bed. "come, sleep here. the bed is big enough for the both of us."


"hold that thought." karina stood up and placed the back of her hand against winter's forehead, letting it stay there for a while before nodding. "hm, your temperature has gone down for sure. does your head still hurt?"


winter shook her head. "no, no. just sleepy. will you sleep here now? if you don't want to, the couch is a better choice than that chair. but i don't have an extra pillow, so…"


karina checked the time, she still had a few hours until she had to go since she only managed to switch her shift with her friend's and it was after her original one. "alright, i'll take you up on it. scoot over."


thankfully, winter's flu didn't worsen by the time karina had to leave.


there was a shift in their relationship as well. they had started having sleepovers,  but not like one would usually imagine sleepovers. much to winter's surprise.


karina would crash at her apartment every once in a while after her shift, which was usually when winter would leave to go to class. karina's been lucky to catch winter before leaving and winter would just let the older one in, to sleepover while she was out.


when winter asked about it, karina only said "i just prefer your bed. your bed is comfier."




karina shrugged. "it just is. now shush. i need sleep." winter initially thought that karina would say that it's because winter's apartment was closer to the hospital where karina reports for duty. because karina had said so before.


winter dismissed it. "well, here just in case i'm not around to open the door for you."


karina stared at it, it was a spare key, a spare key to winter's apartment. "really?" winter nodded and nudged karina's hand to receive it.


winter had thought about it, especially because of what happened the other day. she caught karina looking absolutely spent and was on the verge of passing out right there and then, winter had opened her door just in time before karina actually succumbed to her exhaustion.


"yes, really. so please keep it and you're welcome here anytime."


"even if you're out?"


"even if i'm out."


karina hummed. "go now. you'll be late for your class."


winter nodded. "and goodnight to you. message me if you'll be around for dinner, i can bring take out."


karina just shooed her and chose to get even more comfortable in winter's bed. "good night winter."



winter was dumbfounded at the question her classmate had just thrown at her. "sorry? what'd you just ask me?"


"um." her classmate blinked a few times, trying to gauge winter's disposition. "i didn't mean to pry but it's been weeks since i last saw you with your girlfriend so i got curious if you two had broken up…?"


absolutely ridiculous. winter can't find any words to say. "she's not— i mean, we're not… err i mean. what does it matter to y—"


her classmate's line of sight shifted somewhere else, thankfully along with his attention. "oh." she heard him say. "nevermind. forget i asked, win. i'll see you later in class!" he looked almost as if he was running away.


"what even was that about?" winter asked no one in particular and was about to go on her way to eat lunch when an arm rested over her shoulders.


"hey you big baby, missed me?" winter's eyes widened. karina. she faced the older with surprised evident on her face. she hasn't seen her since the other week because karina hasn't been coming over to her place. they still talked everyday and for some reason, winter just couldn't ask why karina hadn't been around. she didn't want to seem clingy.


karina smiled at her. "hey win, who was that earlier?"


"just a classmate. what are you doing here?? how…are you here??" she didn't think she'd see karina in campus for two weeks because that's when karina's hospital duties ends. that's what she calculated.


karina chuckled. "chill babe, i'm here legally." winter felt karina pat her head as they began to walk together, karina now has linked their arms together.


there goes karina again, calling her babe or baby. winter couldn't say anything, or rather she didn't know what to say. ever since karina took care of her when she was sick, winter thinks something's changed within herself. she just can't pinpoint it. all she knows is, karina makes her all fidgety and nervous.


"but to answer your question," karina started. "i had some errands to attend to this morning in our department and i finished them just in time to grab lunch with you."


winter nodded. "don't you have to hurry to the hospital?"


karina smiled. "as i've mentioned. i'm here legally. don't worry about that now, babe."




"are you not happy to see me?"


"no!" winter says almost immediately and when she realized, karina already had her brows up in amusement. "i mean, i am happy to see you. it's a nice surprise."


winter blames her classmate earlier for messing up her head. now, she can't think straight. she hears karina chuckle. "i'm done with the hospital duties now, win. i've already finished the required number of hours."


"you have?"


"technically, i still had about…less than a week's worth. but they already cleared me, i already submitted my papers earlier. so, im all yours for the rest of the day."




"mhm. so, where are we going?"




"for lunch, win. i'm hungry."


"ahh…" winter couldn't focus. her eyes landed on their linked arms. "the usual…?" with karina being this touchy, which she hasn't been before (has she???), winter can't focus.


"i don't know, i'm kinda craving for some ramen. i know a place."


"then, ramen it is. lead the way."


"you sure? you don't mind?" winter just nodded.


winter had always been calculated. not just for her solutions, but with everything.


whatever she does daily, she had already planned it out. even how long she hangs out with friends, it's all according to a schedule in her mind. even how she does things, she has a system which she follows through. and she's been this way ever since. it always bothered her if things weren't.


with karina, however, she doesn't mind. in fact, she anticipates and welcomes it.


karina came into her life and everything in winter's life had changed bit by bit, all while winter willingly let it so.


even if she had survived the day without eating but just a coffee in the morning before, it isn't the case now. karina would scold her if she skipped, she also had been bringing some snacks to munch on throughout the day as per karina's orders. or rather, karina puts them on their cart whenever they do their weekly groceries. weekly groceries weren't new for winter but doing it with karina was.


her habit of not stopping when solving a problem until she gets the answer has also been thrown down the drain. "stop it." karina once said and confiscated winter's papers. "you're not getting anywhere and you won't ever if you continue on being like that."


winter frowned. "like what?"


"i know you keep getting stuck somewhere in your solution and i've been hearing you sigh repeatedly and then you crumple the paper and start on a new one."


winter frowned. "i'm close to solving it, give it back."


"no." karina's voice was stern. "stop for now. clearly, you can't see where you're wrong right now. let's call it a day." karina started to arrange their things, putting them in their respective bags. "okay." winter just did the same, arguing with karina never turned out in her favor.


it is already night time too, winter didn't notice. maybe i could try again later before sleeping— "you need to tackle it with a fresh perspective. how about a movie after dinner? to help you clear your mind off it."


ah nevermind. "okay. what movie do you want to watch?"


karina smiled before answering, "frozen."


"again?" karina shrugged. "why not?"


"wait, you promised we'll watch a horror one the next time we have a movie night." winter's just remembered the promise karina made in haste to her when the older one made her watch disney movies back to back.


karina grinned and unlinked her arms from winter, only just a second because she takes winter's hand in her own instead. "this isn't a movie night. we're only watching a movie. we both have classes early tomorrow."


winter resigned. "fine. but next time, we are going to watch at least one horror movie, okay? you promised." karina squeezed her hand. "i know, babe. i didn't forget. it's a promise."


"there you go again calling me that!!" winter's ears are red again. karina just laughs at her. and even if winter is supposedly sulking, she doesn't let go of karina's hand.


they walk together like that, hand in hand, headed to winter's apartment for dinner. that's what the weekly groceries are for, dinner together at winter's.


at this point, it's like they're already living together. the only defining factor that says otherwise is karina, despite having some of her things (like spare clothes, her own towel, toothbrush, and even her own plushie on winter's bed) in winter's apartment, doesn't stay the night no matter how late it gets.


even tonight, after watching the movie with winter, karina bid her goodbye saying it's gotten late now and that she'll head back  to her own apartment. winter, as usual, sees her out while wishing her safety. they don't tell each other goodnight. (because they'll still talk later anyway when karina arrives home.)


the next day, winter finds out that karina was right. she was able to solve the problem from last night with ease, except it wasn't because she was merely answering sample problems. this time, it's on a surprise quiz and winter aced it. she felt like today was a lucky day.


when lunch time came around, she was excited to relay to karina the good news. "rina!!" winter practically was running towards where the older one was waiting.


"win." karina greeted with a smile. "were you that excited to see me? you even ran."


"yes, i am." winter admitted without any hint of hesitation. "look." she fished out the quiz she aced earlier. "we had a surprise quiz, i aced it. and the problem from last night was one of the items that came up. i got it!!"


karina melted at winter's excitement. "that's good, baby. i'm proud of you."


winter felt giddy and that she was about to burst. "rina!"




"i like you!"


karina was taken aback by the sudden confession and couldn't say anything but blink.


"sorry, i didn't mean to blurt it out just like that. i'm just. i don't know. i'm just happy. you can ignore what i just said, it's oka—"


"winter, stop talking. i just." karina finally spoke. "i just needed a moment."


"okay, sorry." winter zipped up. karina shook her head and chuckled to herself.


"i like you too, ."


"what happened to calling me 'baby'?"


"winter kim i swear—"


"shutting up now."





when winter met karina for the first time all those years ago, she never would've guessed her life was about to change.


but so long as it's karina, discrepancies doesn't matter.


only when it comes to karina and no one else.


"baby, hey."


winter's done with work for the day and is just waiting for a certain someone before heading home. she looks up from her phone to look at the owner of the voice. karina, in her scrubs smiling sheepishly at her. "you're late." she says, while pouting.


it was a system they came up with. winter proposed it because she's concerned about karina going home after her shift at the hospital. she knows how exhausting it can be and doesn't want anything to happen to karina on her way home when all she wants to do is to rest. so winter suggested that they go home together. karina had initially insisted to meet halfway but winter wouldn't budge, so she waits for karina at the coffee shop near the hospital where karina works.


winter watches as karina sets her things down before leaning down to place a kiss onto winter's forehead. "i know, babe. i'm sorry. there was a this patient and—"


winter cut her off. "oh, no. no. babe it's okay, i'm not mad. i was just concerned because you didn't message. i thought something had happened to you." she stood up and grabbed karina's things. she left hers inside the car.


"sorry, phone died some time during my shift." karina smiled. "but i'm okay, just tired." winter nodded and held karina's hand in hers. "do you want anything before we head home, babe?"


karina shook her head. "no, i prefer a home cooked meal and i don't want to spoil my appetite." winter nodded. "let's go home?"


"yes please."


winter opened the passenger side door for karina then put karina's bag at the back before entering the driver's side.


"hey, win?" she heard karina sleepily call her, some time into the evening traffic. "hm?"


"i love you."


winter giggled. "i love you too. get some rest for now. i'll wake you when we're home."





ending notes:



ok hi


i didnt know what i was writing the whole time i think i out while doing so,,,like i had intended this to only be a drabble but idk what happened. I  hope u guys enjoyed nonetheless (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)

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Chapter 1: Wow 😣😍😍💙❄
joyie4ever 17 streak #2
Chapter 1: Ok this is sooo cute
Chapter 1: This is so cuteeeee. I hope you'll have a spare time again to write huehue. <3
Chapter 1: so this is the view of being in love haha you let someone in and you eventually changed yourself
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Chapter 1: they're so cute! I love how their relationship progressed. when did Winter realize that she was in a relationship? maybe we need another chapter...
Chapter 1: this is so good!! <3
Chapter 1: They are so cute. It's like Karina just slowly integrated herself into Winter's life without Winter knowing 😆
I love this story, thanks author-nim!