as luck would have it

as luck would have it
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It is not an unusual sight to see the Gryffindor house prefect sit in the library for days poring over thick books, especially when the said girl is taking her O.W.L.s this year. It is, however, silly of her to be researching the uses and effects of the potion, Felix Felicis excessively. You see, Jimin had just won a small vial of liquid luck from Professor Slughorn for concocting the almost perfect Draught of Living Death in her potions class earlier this week. A small feat from the best potions maker of her year, really.


You may ask, is this potion going to be tested during her Potions exam for O.W.L.s? Probably not. And if not, then why on earth is Jimin wasting her time researching so intensively on this? The culprit will then of course be none other than her best friend, Aeri.



“Yo, this is so crazy! You're the first to do it since Harry Potter!” Aeri proudly gives a huge pat to Jimin as they walk out of the dungeon classroom.



Waving her hands humbly, Jimin shrugs. “I feel like I could have done a little better with juicing the Sopophorous bean.”



“Alright, perfectionist. So what are you gonna do with this?” Aeri looks at the small vial of liquid and back at Jimin with a glint in her eyes.



Catching that suspicious look, Jimin raises her brow sceptically. “What do you have up your sleeve?”



Smiling mischievously, Aeri leans in closer to Jimin and whispers. “I don’t know, I think maybe it’s time to act on your huge crush on the Ravenclaw Quidditch star seeker which has been going on for the longest time ever huh.”



“I. Do. Not. Have. A. Huge. Crush. On. Her.”



“Oh hi Minjeong!”



Jimin immediately jumps away from Aeri and looks around.



“Gotcha,” Aeri winks and leaves Jimin a blushing mess as she trudges after her best friend, cursing under her breath.



Jimin first laid eyes on Kim Minjeong when the second year Ravenclaw made the house Quidditch team as the seeker. Jimin is not one to be captivated by the sport but she was enthralled by the younger. Minjeong is normally cool and focused during games but she can be so freaking adorable off the pitch! And her million dollar smile? Jimin swears it is the best thing ever and so who can really blame her for developing a crush?



Being a year older and in a different house, it means Jimin can only catch glimpses of the Ravenclaw at hallways during breaks and occasionally, in the Great Hall during mealtimes. It was not until Aeri made friends with Yizhuo, who so happens to be Minjeong's best friend that Jimin gets to interact with the younger more often. Minjeong has always been nice to her around school, they even studied together a few times in the library although Jimin does not know why the Ravenclaw would join her there when they have a library in their common room.



And this is how Jimin ended up in the library, studying about the potion for her own usage (though not without a lot of persuasion from Aeri). To put it simply, she just needs the additional luck when she asks Minjeong out on a date.


For one, it is not Jimin to put anything in her body without knowing everything, especially the exact effects it would have on her. Two, Professor Slughorn honestly wasn’t very helpful in answering her questions down to the minute details either.



(Professor, how many drops should I take so I don't get overdosed? I can’t take the whole vial, can I? Merlin’s beard! Not too much my dear, perhaps just a few drops will do the trick!



Professor, does two drops equate to two hours of luck? I’m not the best when it comes to Arithmancy, Jimin. Although I would say a few drops may give you luck for a couple of hours. Why don’t you try it and let me know? 



Professor, how will I know when the effects of the potion wears off? Oh, I promise you darling, you will know! )



Goddamn it. So how much is a few drops exactly?






After much contemplation and research, Jimin decides that she will take just three drops, not too little but also not too much. She hopes that this will give her a few hours to do something at least. 



As much as Jimin hates to admit, Aeri is her best wingwoman (her only one, really). She had offered to find out Minjeong’s schedule for this Sunday (yes, they decided on a Sunday because Sunday is the seventh day of the week and seven is luc- alright you get the idea) and the Ravenclaw will be doing nothing much except studying in her common room. (A perfect match, as Aeri would say). 



So here they are, both sitting in the Great Hall at their Gryffindor table, having breakfast, going through their plan for the last time.



“Alright, I will go straight to the Ravenclaw common room. Yizhuo will be there and she will get Minjeong for me.” Jimin starts reciting the plan again, hands fiddling with the vial.



“Yes, she’s in on the plan. Don’t worry, she will be there waiting for you.” Aeri nods encouragingly.



“Okay, when Minjeong comes out, I will ask her out.” Jimin looks up at Aeri for assurance.



“On a date to Hogsmeade.” Another firm nod from her wingwoman.



“On a date to Hogsmeade.” Jimin repeats and stops twirling the vial in her hand. The Gryffindor prefect takes a deep breath before uncapping and dripping three droplets into her goblet.



“Here we go,” Jimin raises her goblet and downs her drink.



“How do you feel?” Aeri asks curiously.



Jimin smiles brightly at her for a moment before responding. “Excellent!” 



“Great! Now remem

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Chapter 1: this is so cute im literally SICK
Taitai84 1233 streak #2
Chapter 1: I enjoyed your stories and hope you don’t mind I am commenting separately.

At first was wondering why Aeri had to be hit with a bludger too, was it like the universe hitting her with bad luck to compensate for the good luck brought on by the liquid luck. Then realised it’s to set up for the ending, so funny!

I hope it didn’t smash their beautiful faces, only the sides of the head 🤭
Gyeolui #3
Chapter 1: Cute story 😍😍
wnddmks_ 696 streak #4
Chapter 1: Cuteee
284 streak #5
Chapter 1: awww too cute 🥹🥹🥹
cherrynuts #6
Chapter 1: so wholesome
2186 streak #7
Chapter 1: This is cute<3
Chapter 1: the ending… cringe 😭
reveluv316 813 streak #9
sounds cute already
Chapter 1: this is so cute omg😭two dorks