R to V [intro. VCR] - I

Slice of Cake
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A/N: The intro VCR of R to V. Don't think so much, let's go!



Spring was late but it finally came. Wendy dreaded its arrival ever since her phone’s weather app started to notify her of the gradual changes. The onset of the on and off drizzles were a pain and despite losing the frost, temperatures dipped and rose like a pendulum. It was either too hot for a winter jacket or too cold for a light hoody. The worst however was that all the spring flowers decided to bloom all at once….


Wendy sneezed for the umpteenth time, utterly miserable. Even though she diligently took her allergy medicine and wore a mask, hay fever always got the better of her. It wasn’t so acute until she moved to the city, and realised in her first year of university that the gravity of her symptoms increased tenfold. She was a sneezing wheezing mess… Wendy certainly didn’t want a repeat, especially after a few weeks into the start of a new school year.


The numbers on her desk clock flashed and Wendy knew if she didn’t leave in the next five minutes, she was going to be late for a meeting she had scheduled with her professor. One that took her through a bit too much trouble to arrange… Furthermore, having to hand reading papers over to Seulgi at the campus cafeteria before the meeting?!


So she brushed, dressed, skipped breakfast, greeted the apartment complex cat from a distance, hopped onto the scheduled train, ran through the various shortcuts and arrived panting, teary eyed, runny nose in front of the campus cafeteria. Struggling for air, clearly out of breath!


Wendy’s short dark brown hair was in a complete mess, face flushed. Her oversized varsity major jacket and bag hung lopsidedly off her shoulders. She definitely struck a new record from apartment to campus.


There was still time before the morning classes started, so the cafeteria was in a quiet buzz. Greetings, yawns and small talk were floating softly in the air. With such calm suddenly surrounding her after her mad dash from the train station, Wendy wasn’t too sure if her eyes were just playing tricks on her as she walked through the glass doors looking for Seulgi. With the hay fever raging, she did a double take to reconfirm what she saw… It’s not an illusion!


The morning sun shone softly on long dark hair, cascading in gentle waves over narrow shoulders, framing an ethereal beauty in a crisp white shirt paired with a black pinafore crop top. A small neat white ribbon in the middle, a thin bronze necklace peeking out from behind the collar. Thin legs crossed in a grey pleated skirt, finished with a pair of ankle high black boots. Brown eyes completely engrossed in a book.


Oh my goddess.


Stunned, albeit briefly, Wendy swallowed hard, and tried her best not to stare at this… girl, lady, woman, who sat alone at one of the small round tables in the far corner of the cafeteria.


The sight completely drew Wendy in, eyes fixed. With adrenaline still pumping through her veins, her curiosity instinctively shuffled her forward, feet stumbling. Clarent brown eyes caught her in the midst of an awkward wobble. A raised eyebrow, glossy lips slightly parted.


Wendy’s heart stopped.




And thank the gods for Seulgi.


Revived with a sharp turn, Wendy caught onto Seulgi’s face and made a beeline straight to her friend standing in line at the drink counter. Her hands immediately reached forward to Seulgi’s arm as she neared, steadying herself. She knew if she was a second later, she would have fallen to the floor. Her legs had instantly gone weak… How- How did that happen?


‘Wen- Oh my. You look terrible.’


Seulgi’s voice gave her some ground to anchor on and Wendy heaved in heavily, rubbing the back of her thighs, all the while trying to pull herself together. Not just from the hay fever, but also from those brown eyes that shot an arrow right through her heart. What was this? Cupid’s arrow? Love at first sight?!


‘Here. Have a tissue.’


‘I’m okay. Thanks. I’m fine. I have a box of it in my bag.’


Wendy took the tissue anyway, wiped her nose and pocketed it quickly in her jacket. Adjusting her mask, Wendy kept her eyes steadfast on Seulgi’s black eyes… She wasn’t ready to turn around to face such intense beauty, she was still short of breath! Then again, she was eager to know who that was. And, no better person to ask than Seulgi, who had circles of friends extending throughout the school. Lucky girl!


‘Do you know who that is?’ Wendy didn’t know why she was whispering as Seulgi leaned in closer, unsure eyes narrowing, ‘Your two o’clock, small round table by the windows. Long black hair…’






Wendy spun around and indeed the double major student was sitting in front of the beauty. Long black hair tied high into a ponytail, topped with a black ribbon. Teeth clenched, Wendy knew she gave too general of a description. Most of the female students in the university had long black hair. Even Seulgi has long black hair!  


‘No no no, not Yeri! We both know Yeri.’ She scrunched her eyebrows at Seulgi who looked back at her incredulously, ‘The one sitting with her.’


At this point, both of them were staring questioningly at Yeri and-


‘Irene?’ Wendy perked up. ‘We had a lecture with her in our first year.’


‘Ire- What?!’


Everybody in the cafeteria had their heads turned and eyes on her. Even those clarent brown eyes. Wendy immediately ducked her head, mouthing silent apologies around as Seulgi smiled meekly in support. She always forgot how loud she could be… When the soft chatter in the cafeteria resumed-


‘What? When? How?’


Her grip on Seulgi tightened, eyes widening, ‘I would have remembered her pretty face.’


Lips pursed, inwardly cringing, Wendy also forgot how she spoke whatever was on her mind. Thankfully Seulgi knew her better and grinned, lightly patting down her hands that had wrung tight,


‘Not when you had your face stuffed with tissues last year.’


Wendy winced, recalling the sneezing fit she was in, followed by a constant runny nose that had her sniffling throughout classes. Everything had been blurred by her puffy watery eyes. Just the sight of her made everyone assume she was a victim of school bullying right at the start of a new term! It was truly a nightmare!


Seulgi placed her order, paid and pulled Wendy aside, who was still recovering from the shock of a missed opportunity.


‘Did something happen?’


Wendy her lips,


‘No.’ She glanced over quickly, ‘She’s just…really pretty.’


Seulgi chuckled,


‘Yes she is,’ A few affirmative nods, with a hand out, ‘and the supplementary readings?’


Wendy snapped her head back from staring, hands quickly in and out of her bag, handing Seulgi the papers. Now, she had to control herself from looking over her shoulder as Seulgi flipped through the stack, stopping to scan a page or two. It didn’t take more than three seconds for Seulgi’s sharp eyes to catch onto her restlessness,


‘I’m sure Yeri will be more than willing to introduce you to her.’


‘Huh? What? What are you talking about?’ Seulgi held her stare and Wendy’s eyes darted away guiltily, ‘No, I can't ask that of Yeri!’


‘Ask me?’


Wendy jumped. She grabbed her chest, wheezing noisily as she turned, her heart could only take so much after that accidental love shot. Yeri stood before her, chestnut eyes questioning,


‘Wow. You look like a truck ran you over.’


Pleasantries… but Wendy shoved it aside at the situation presented before her. Because, if Yeri was here, then-


Wendy immediately looked over Yeri’s shoulder and found that beautiful being, no, Irene, was no longer at the table. She blinked hard. Oh! When did she? She turned to look around, only to find Seulgi and Yeri looking at her equally confused. Soon they joined in, following her wandering gaze around the cafeteria. Yeri huffed a second later,


‘Hello? And what exactly are we looking out for?’


‘Hmm?’ Wendy hummed, taking one more glance at the table Irene had been sitting at. Still

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Polaski121 0 points #1
Chapter 14: That was such a well written setting. I would love to see how their relationship developed. Adding Seulgis perspective made it more fun to read. Can't wait for the next story!
WluvsBaetokki 0 points #2
Chapter 14: You did not just insert the diced garlic TMI..? Haha I love it! Gosh I remember when Irene just dropped that bomb... I squealed like a pig LMAO
1700 streak 0 points #3
Chapter 14: It make sense, a succubus or rather dream eater here. I guess Irene really 'ate' her desires every night eh, it would be M rated.
That diced garlic throwback haha I missed Irene's blonde wig
WluvsBaetokki #4
Chapter 13: I was cackling the whole time 🤣🤣🤣 Seulgi's character is so funny
1700 streak #5
Chapter 13: They meet frequently but Irene didn't remember Wendy's face? Oh well, she probably meet hundred people on caffe so make sense. But dreamwalking is something else than lucid dream.
Riscark #6
Chapter 12: Irene be like, we playing it safe and wasted so many years, now I'm not holding back aT ALL🫣 I'm so looking forward for Milky Way, whenever you're ready authornim
For the next setting, I'm guessing Feel My Rythim?
1700 streak #7
Chapter 12: I cried when I first see Wendy on milky Way vid. But member's big grins each time Wendy sing made it okay.
Chapter 12: Ohhhhhhh I love how Wendy literally short-circuit while Irene endlessly. So cuteeeeeee!
And, how can we forget about the legendary 45 degree! 🩷🩵
Riscark #9
Chapter 11: Ohh I like this one hehe
The tension at the end, the embrace, damnn, I don't mind another one in this setting
WluvsBaetokki #10
Chapter 11: Ahhhh one of my favorite songs!!!! I freaking love the way you write! Makes my heart flutter