⚪ Teach Me Not To Play With Fire 🔵

Sea of Radishes
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Wheein crouched down to examine the fire truck's exterior. Her fingers began trailing across the red paint that time had begun to wear down. For years, the vehicle had helped save plenty of lives, yet at the moment it looked like it needed salvation instead. She stood up to find Jungkook, a fellow firefighter and a colleague of hers. She found her easily, with the man's hair being a bright red and his arms full of tattoos.


“Hey, JK,” Wheein called out to him. 


Jungkook stopped pacing back and forth. He glanced up at Wheein, eyes wide and sweat trickling down his forehead. 


For a second, Wheein was reminded of the fire that burned down a house earlier that month. She thought she smelled smoke and felt flames around her after seeing Jungkook's expression. “Something wrong?” 


Jungkook scratched his head. “Well, you know how there will be a class touring the station today?” 


The information made Wheein raise a brow. “That was today?”


“Yeah.. And I...” Jungkook looked at his watch. 2:47 pm. He gulped. “I need a favor, Wheein.” 


Wheein's eyes narrowed as her heart started to pace faster with anticipation. “What kind of favor, Jungkook?” 


“Please take my place and lead the tour here!” Jungkook blurted out. 


Wheein shook her head, almost as a reflex. “No, no, no. Jungkook, you know I don't do well with crowds!” 


Jungkook began talking with his hands, “Yes, Whee, I know! But please- I need to pick up my girlfriend. Come on, please? They'll be here in ten minutes..” 


“And why are you only telling me this now?” Wheein caught a glimpse of herself and saw that she only had her tank top on. She rushed to the lockers to find her shirt. 


Jungkook ran after Wheein. “Whee, please do this for me. I'll return the favor sometime. I just need to get my girl and-” 


“Jungkook, you know I don't like talking in public,” June glared as she picked up a clean black shirt and put it on. 


“Yeah, but come on. It's not like you have to say a lot,” Jungkook emphasized. Wheein pushed her out of the way but he continued following her. “Besides, this is your opportunity to socialize outside of the fire station.” 


“I think I socialize enough outside of work, thank you very much,” Wheein retorted. She headed to the bathroom to wash her face. 


“Visiting your mom on weekends doesn't count,” Jungkook argued. He stood near the sink with a persistent gaze. “Jung Wheein, you're the toughest firefighter I know, yet you can't handle a simple tour around the station?” 


Wheein splashed water on her skin before replying, “I can. I just don't want to. You're better off asking Chief to do it.” 


Jungkook's face turned sour. “Not that dude. Hell no. He's like you and the devil combined!” 


“What's that supposed to mean?” Wheein turned to Jungkook with a hard stare. 


“That you can't deal with people,” Jungkook pointed out. 


“I can, but I won't,” Wheein responded. 


“Oh yeah?” Jungkook smirked. “Prove it then,” he dared. 


Wheein took a deep breath. As much as Jungkook was getting on her nerves, she felt the need to prove him wrong. Besides that, it would be a disaster to have the Chief cracking dad jokes and boring the students. “Fine. Fine. I'll do it. You'll see, Jeon Jungkook.” 


“I won't actually,” Jungkook replied. “I have to go now. I owe you one, Whee!” He dashed out of the place with a grin. 


Wheein sighed. "Oh, damn it.." She ran her fingers across her long, ash blue hair and hoped that this afternoon's event would go without scrutiny.


Moments later, the voices of a handful of pre teens entered the station. They were led by a woman who had chocolate hair. She seemed to be the teacher, as evidenced by her bookish look, dressed in a cardigan, a white shirt and a pencil skirt. There was a smile planted on her face, one that resembled sunshine and its warm embrace.


When Wheein met the woman's almond eyes, her world paused. It felt like the butterflies tattooed in her forearm had become animate and were now fluttering in her chest. She gulped. What was this woman's name again? That's right.. Kim Yongsun. 


Yongsun beamed at the students, her excitement palpable even from across the room. Her dark chocolate hair shone in the sunlight streaming through the open doors, framing her eyes that seemed to sparkle with warmth and curiosity. Despite the facade, Wheein could sense a hint of nervousness beneath the surface, a mirror of her own apprehension.


The twenty-six-year-old middle school teacher was way outside of her comfort zone. Despite having a career of handling kids, she wasn't exactly that best when it came to public appearances. 


From a young age, Yongsun's ambitions had always contradicted her personality. While she was incredibly timid, she strived to be her class' top student to make that speech on stage. After much deliberate struggle with stage fright, she succeeded. And now here she was, a teacher who could only interact awkwardly when she was outside the classroom, standing in a fire station with all these eyes on her. Earlier, she had noticed one firefighter that resembled one of her student's father. She prompted herself to give her best, knowing she had to be the responsible, tough adult that her students saw her. 


As the group approached, Wheein met Yongsun's gaze for a split second. The air crackled with an unspoken energy, an unexpected spark that caught Wheein off guard. This wasn't how she'd imagined starting her afternoon-facing a classroom full of curious eyes and a captivating teacher who made her heart skip a beat.


“Uh, hey everyone,” Wheein began, her voice surprisingly steady despite the turmoil inside her. “Welcome to the fire station! I'm firefighter Jung Wheein, and I'll be your guide today.” 


Her words felt stilted, but to her surprise, the students greeted her with an enthusiastic chorus of hellos. Yongsun smiled with affirmation, stepping forward to introduce herself and the class. Her voice, soft yet melodious, resonated with Wheein, making her stomach tighten with an unfamiliar sensation.


“Thank you for having us, Ms. Jung,” Yongsun uttered, her smile crinkling the corners of her eyes. “My students are eager to learn all about what you do here.” 


The students' inquisitive stares and excited chatter heightened Wheein's anxiety. Public speaking wasn't exactly her forte, preferring the company of roaring flames and the steely camaraderie of her fellow firefighters. But looking at Yongsun's encouraging smile, she felt a surge of determination. 


Taking a deep breath, Wheein squared her shoulders. “Alright then,” she announced, her voice gaining confidence with each word. “Let's give you a glimpse into the world of firefighters, shall we?” 


With that, she led the group deeper into the station, the worn concrete floor echoing with the sound of their footsteps. Her initial hesitance began to fade as she launched into a passionate explanation of their equipment, her voice resonating with the thrill of adrenaline that came with battling flames.


As she spoke, she stole glances at Yongsun, captivated by the way her eyes gleamed with fascination and a hint of something more-admiration? Respect? Wheein couldn't help but feel a warmth spread through her, almost similar to the usual heat she faced in her line of work.


The tour continued, with Wheein demonstrating how to put on gear, operate hoses, and climb a ladder. The students' questions came rapid-fire, each one answered with Wheein's growing confidence and Yongsun's encouraging nods.


Soon, the hour flew by, filled with laughter, curious inquiries, and a strange sense of connections. As the group gathered at the exit, Yongsun approached Wheein, her smile brighter than ever.


“Thank you so much, Ms. Jung,” she spoke, her voice tinged with genuine gratitude. “This was more than just a tour. You've shown us the courage, the dedication, and the humanity behind the badge.” 


Wheein's cheeks flushed with Yongsun's words. “It was my pleasure,” she stammered, surprised by the genuine warmth in her own voice. “And remember, kids,” she added, addressing the students, “if you ever see a fire, stay calm, call 119, and most importantly, never play with fire.” 


As the students and Yongsun said their goodbyes, Wheein watched them leave, a strange mix of emotions swirling within her. She'd faced her fear of public speaking, but something else had ignited within her-a spark of something new, something she couldn't quite define.


Standing alone in the now-empty station, Wheein couldn't help but smile. Maybe Jungkook was right after all. Maybe socializing outside of the fire station wasn't so bad, especially when it involved meeting someone like Kim Yongsun. 


The final echoes of “bye!” and revving engines faded away, leaving Wheein alone in the quiet of the station. The setting sun cast long shadows across the polished concrete floor, painting a picture of solitude even with the remnants of the afternoon's tour still lingering in the air.


Suddenly, a flash of black materialized across the yard, accompanied by the rumble of a powerful engine. Moon Byul-i, Wheein's best friend and resident badass cop, rolled up on her sleek black motorbike, hair whipping in the wind like a rebel banner.


“What's up, Whee?,” Byul grinned, dismounting with a practiced swing of her leg. “Just saw the kids leaving. Their teacher's a cute one, huh?” 


Wheein raised an eyebrow, a familiar smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. “Uh, well, she was alright. What brings you here, Officer Moon?” 


“I'm hungry,” Byul stated. "Thought maybe you want to join me? My treat, as long as you tell me all about that teacher.” She looked around the station, catching a glimpse of Wheein's colleagues moving about, doing their work. 


Wheein chuckled, knowing exactly what buttons Byul liked to push. “Nope, sorry, duty calls. Gotta clean up and get some paperwork done.” 


Byul rolled her eyes in a playful manner. “Jung Wheein, come on! You haven't had a decent night out since... well, ever!” 


Her playful jab hit a familiar nerve. Wheein knew Byul was right. Relationships seemed to come easily to everyone around her, including Byul who was now in a relationship with her best friend, Ahn Hyejin.


Memories flooded back like a tidal wave, washing over Wheein's mind. Back in high school, it was Hyejin she was inseparable from. Sharing whispered secrets, late-night movie marathons, and stolen glances across crowded classrooms. But it was always Byul in the corner, watching with a smile that sometimes seemed strained. The day Byul finally confessed her feelings for Hyejin was heartbreaking and liberating all at once. Wheein, realizing her own growing emotions for Hyejin, stepped back, letting Byul pursue Hyejin.


The reminiscence ended with a sigh. “I'm fine, Byul,” Wheein insisted, a touch of steel in her voice. “Go enjoy your date with Hyejin, or whatever patrol shenanigans you cops get up to.” 


Byul's grin softened, a flicker of genuine concern replacing the teasing glint in her eyes. “You sure, Whee? You know you can always talk to me, right?” 


Wheein gave her a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. “I know, Byul. Thanks. But trust me, I'm good.” 


The two friends shared a look that spoke volumes beyond words, a silent understanding forged in years of shared secrets and unwavering support. With a final wave and a playful roar from her engine, Byul disappeared into the twilight. 


Wheein turned towards the setting sun, its fiery glow constant like the emotions swirling within her. Time for paperwork and a long, introspective night, she thought. Tomorrow, the fire would call again, and tomorrow, perhaps, she would find the answer again waiting in the flickering flames. 


Even with the morning sun streaming through her window, Yongsun couldn't shake the phantom touch of Wheein's calloused hands, the scent of smoke mixed with a hint of something intoxicatingly feminine. It was just a dream, she kept telling herself, a strange byproduct of an eventful afternoon. But the way Wheein's gaze had lingered on her, the gentle curve of her smile, lingered like a whisper in the corners of her mind.


Pushing the unsettling thoughts aside, Yongsun forced herself to rise and face the day. The chaotic energy of middle school awaited, with its chorus of pre-teen squabbles and endless questions. Yet, as she approached the school gates, a jolt of surprise ran through her. Standing there, silhouetted against the morning sun, was the woman from the fire station: Jung Wheein, in all her ash-blue haired, earth-eyed glory.


Dressed in a crisp black shirt and dark blue pants with a single orange stripe, Wheein exuded an air of quiet power, the hint of danger lurking beneath her calm surface. As their eyes met, Yongsun felt a spark jump between them, an unexpected flicker that set her pulse racing.


“Ms. Kim?” Wheein's voice was smooth like silk, a melody to Yongsun's ears. “I found something at the station yesterday. I think it's yours.” 


She held out a small, white handkerchief, its edges embroidered with tiny blue anemones. Recognition dawned on Yongsun- it was the one she'd used yesterday. Shame burned her cheeks, but Wheein's smile, a deep dimple gracing her cheek, eased the sting.


“T-thank you,” Yongsun replied with a stutter, taking the handkerchief from Wheein's outstretched hand. The moment their fingers brushed, a jolt of electricity shot up her arm, leaving her breathless. 


Wheein seemed unaffected, as she put up a polite smile. “No problem,” she responded, her gaze holding Yongsun's for a second too long. “Have a good day, Ms. Kim.” 


With a final, enigmatic smile, Wheein turned and walked back towards her car, leaving Yongsun standing there, the forgotten handkerchief clutched in her hand. The morning sun no longer felt warm, but like a fire had been ignited within her, fueled by the memory of Wheein's touch and the lingering sparks in her eyes. 


As Yongsun headed into the school, the dream from earlier no longer felt so outlandish. Could it be, she wondered, that destiny had led her to the fire station and Wheein for a reason? The day, it seemed, held more surprises in store than just a misplaced handkerchief.


“Alright, alright, admit it, Whee,” Jungkook grumbled. “You did good yesterday. Even managed to charm the teacher, huh? I heard about it from the crew.“


Wheein threw her head back and laughed, the sound echoing through the room. “See, Jeon? I told you. Public speaking, piece of cake. Thanks for putting me in the spot. Really helped my confidence, even if it came with dubious intentions.” She rolled her eyes. 


Jungkook feigned offense, but a flicker of genuine pride shone in his eyes. He and Wheein may have their playful banter, but beneath the surface, they were closer than anyone in the station. Just as he was about to launch into a cheeky retort about Yongsun, the sonorous voice of Chief Choi interrupted.


“Roll call, people!” Chief Choi's gruff voice reverberated through the station, a familiar drill that brought the day's events into focus.


One by one, names were called out, followed by grunts of acknowledgement. 


“Ahn Jiwon.” 


“Present, Chief.” 


“Bae Jaejoon.” 


“Here, Chief.” 


“Cho Woojin” 


“Present, Chief.” 


“Dong Min-seok.” 




Wheein stood there with her hands on her side, waiting to be called. Names kept being called, and she wished the Chief would arrive at 'J' in the blink of an eye. 


“Jeon Jungkook.” 


“Here, Chief.” 


Finally, Chief Choi, with a mischievous glint in his eye, boomed, “Kim Yongsun!” 


Laughter erupted in the fire station. Jungkook choked on his water, while Wheein simply rolled her eyes when she realized there was only one Kim Yongsun. She fought back as smile as her colleagues jumped in on the joke. 


The teasing continued as they prepped for the next call, the playful ribbing warming the atmosphere. But before the banter could escalate, the piercing shrill of the fire alarm cut through the air. The smiles, the jokes, vanished in an instant, replaced by the rigid focus of duty.


“House fire,” Chief Choi barked, the urgency in his voice unmistakable. “Near the middle school. Possible trapped residents.” 


With practiced efficiency, Wheein, Jungkook, and the others geared up in a blur of movement. Engines roared to life, carrying them towards the heart of the emergency.


As they arrived at the scene, rain lashed down, the flames reflected in the wet streets. A single house, nestled in a neighborhood near the grounds of the local middle school, was engulfed in smoke and fire. Adrenaline surged through Wheein's veins, the heat a familiar comfort as she plunged into the chaos.


Hoses were unfurled, ladders scaled, commands barked back and forth. The rain mingled with sweat, the acrid smell of smoke filling the air. Time blurred into a symphony of coordinated action, each firefighter a vital instrument in the orchestra of the disaster.


Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the flames began to succumb. Exhausted but triumphant, Wheein paused to catch her breath, rain dripping from her helmet. It was then she saw Yongsun, standing at the edge of the crowd, her face etched with worry.


And that was when Wheein's heart stuttered. Despite the grime and exhaustion, Yongsun's gentle gaze seemed to pierce through the rain and smoke. Her eyes, previously wide with concern, softened as they met Wheein's. In that single, rain-soaked moment, a spark ignited within Wheein, a feeling she couldn't define.


But before she could explore it further, a cry rose from the crowd. One of Yongsun's students had been inside the house, and the fear in her teacher's eyes tugged at Wheein's heart. Without a word, Wheein turned and disappeared into the still smoldering remains. Jungkook and another firefighter ran after her. 


Yongsun's breath caught in as Wheein emerged from the burning house, carrying the child with the ease of a seasoned warrior. Relief washed over her, followed by a strange warmth that had nothing to do with the rain still pouring against her umbrella. She approached Wheein, her heart beating like crazy inside her chest. 


“Jung, what happened? You know how dangerous what you did was, running inside to get that kid,” a senior firefighter reprimanded. 


Wheein wanted to retort but she ended up with a sigh. “I apologize for my mistake,” she bowed. 


Jungkook and a fellow firefighter also apologized to spare Wheein's ears from a harsh admonition. “It was our fault too. We didn't check thoroughly and we endangered that kid.” 


Their senior sighed. “You kids have a long way to go. You need to remember to put safety first and not get reckless,” he told them with a stern tone. 


Wheein swallowed after the sermon. She removed her upper suit to catch some air. Her soaked tank top revealed the powerful lines of her arms, and for a moment, Yongsun was mesmerized by the sight of this woman who had just faced down flames and rescued a child.


Wheein met Yongsun's gaze, her own eyes blazing with cold fire that sent shivers down Yongsun's spine. There was a silent understanding in that look, a shared experience that transcended words. It was the language of danger faced, lives saved, and the quiet knowledge that they both thrived in the face of chaos.


As the paramedics rushed the child away, Wheein approached Yongsun, her boots leaving muddy tracks on the rain-soaked ground. Their conversation was short, punctuated by the hiss of dying embers and the murmurs of onlookers.


“She's going to be alright,” Wheein assured the teacher. “Smoke inhalation, but nothing serious.” 


Yongsun offered a shaky smile. “Thank you. You... you were amazing in there.” 


Wheein shrugged, a hint of self-consciousness flickering in her eyes. “Just doing my job.” 


But before the conversation could continue, they were interrupted by Chief Choi's booming voice. “Jung, get yourself cleaned up and back here pronto. We've got another call.” 


Wheein nodded curtly and disappeared into the fire truck, leaving Yongsun standing alone. The moment was over, yet the embers of something more lingered.


Later, at the school, the events of the fire replayed in Yongsun's mind like a lucid dream. The image of Wheein, emerging from the inferno like a phoenix, wouldn't fade. Nor could she shake the feeling of something strange simmering beneath the surface. 


A student ran up to Yongsun, ready to submit his written report on the most memorable event for him this week. 


'When we went to the fire station to see the fire trucks. Firefighter Jung was really cool.' 


Yongsun could not agree more with her student's words. Even simply thinking of Wheein in her uniform made her heart skip a beat. 


During recess, Yongsun couldn't help but watch as Wheein's fire truck roared past the school, sirens wailing. There was an undeniable allure to Wheein, a captivating blend of strength and vulnerability that left her yearning to know more.


That evening, as Yongsun graded papers, a stray object fluttered from her pocket. It was her handkerchief that Wheein had returned, the soft fabric still faintly scented with a hint of smoke and something else - a warm, musky aroma that lingered in her memory.


Holding the handkerchief, Yongsun closed her eyes, conjuring the image of Wheein's smoky eyes and the way her gaze had lingered on her. She found herself smiling, and she shook her head, brushing off the unhealthy thoughts of the charming firefighter. 


The next day, driven by a newfound curiosity, Yongsun made a detour after work. She found herself standing outside the fire station, hesitantly waiting. Minutes crawled b

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I just beat my own record 😅. Thank you for the support though, folks. I truly appreciate it. I'll be back after New Year's. See you 😃.


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Wheesunlv #1
Chapter 13: I'd love the wilder version of this author nim hahah. please do upload it if you can
TUPaPa #2
Chapter 13: I love this fanfic, so cute, thank you for writing it, I like how you write. and my god I want the wild version too, please author nim hahaha
catalaya #3
Chapter 10: Hi! I just want to say you are awesome author-nim. I’ve been a big fan of this story for a long time. My only request is can you make a moonsun ship chapter where Byul is a bottom and Yong is top (and a bit of a violent top too)? I love this chapter so so much, if only the part where Byul turn into a man was replacing by Yong got mad because of the kiss, topped Byul violently (Byul is in her female form and 100% copporative since she love Yong). But your ending was beyond perfect.
Frozen_J #4
THANK U THANK U! and i dont mind a sequel ahahaha
Ginetta #5
Chapter 10: Stupendo
Chapter 10: woww i rlly loved this recent chapter with supernatural elements and moonsun! looking forward to more! happy new yrs!
Chapter 8: Finally, a wheebyul 😍 thank you authornim 🫶🏻 this is so much fun to read and spicy too hahaha. Byul’s parents are so unserious hahaha
Ichig02101 #8
Chapter 7: Eric w byul?? 🙅 Not in million years 😂
This is a sweet chapter. Tq authornim. Waiting for next😉
Chapter 7: I was seriously shocked that eric wanted byul to be his girlfriend 🤣 I was not used to that kind of twist hahahha
Knightlym #10
Chapter 6: The first POV was good & interesting, I didn’t except this chapter to be like this 🤣 It was funny, cute and refreshing ! I think the next ship would be MoonSun ? 😏