11:59 PM

11:59 PM

"-c'mon, pick up, what if he's brushing his teeth aga-Ah! You picked up, finally!!"

Donghae watches chaos unfurl around Hyukjae as he crouches in some corner to try and avoid the noise.

"It's 11:59 there right? I got the timing down, right??"

Donghae can't help but smile.

"Yes, and?"

Hyukjae stares at his wrist watch.

"Well, I get to be the first to wish you happy birthday if I monopolize your time until it's midnight."

"Don't you have to practice? You should go."

Hyukjae's head bobs up and down in time with the seconds ticking on his watch.

"No, no it's fine, I can squeeze in a few minutes and-HAPPY BIRTHDAY DONGHAE!!"

Hyukjae beams sweetly, and Donghae can't help but wish once more that they were together in person today. Even more so with his solo activities. It's been... harder than he thought it'd be by himself.

"Thanks, Hyuk. But aren't you busy getting ready? You could have called when you had more time."

"I know but... I wanted to see you now. You should have been here after all." Hyukjae scowls. "Damn album delays."

"It's okay, give ELF our love. I want to see you shine tomorrow."

Hyukjae winks. "Of course, as always. Just be prepared to fall in love with me again after watching how cool I'll-hey, stop laughing!"

Hyukjae yells, offended, as Donghae falls off his bed in tears. Off in the distance, Donghae can hear Kyuhyun. "Hyung, c'mon, we gotta go!"

Hyukjae hurriedly stands up, adjusting his outfit. "I'll see you later."

"Good luck!" Donghae gives him a teasing grin. "I'll be waiting here after falling in love with you all over again."

Hyukjae laughs. "You still have to praise me for this week too. I've waited patiently."

Kyuhyun is fast approaching, ready to drag Hyukjae away if he doesn't come quickly.

Hyukjae's eyes go soft and whispers quickly, "I'm so proud of you, doing so many things alone. I'll be back soon. Love yo-"

Donghae stares at his blank phone and gently kisses it "Love you too."

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1455 streak #1
Here again cos why not😁
1586 streak #2
Chapter 1: Another adorable one. I'm sure that every birthday they spent apart due to other schedules, they still took the time to wish each other a happy birthday. Also, Hyuk really must be proud of all the things Donghae has managed on his own, baby has come really far! But they're still best together, they both know that, which is why D&E is so strong. πŸ’ž
1122 streak #3
Chapter 1: Cute ^^
Urlia_ #4
1455 streak #5
Chapter 1: Cuuuteeeest! Haha smiled while reading this :)