❥ the company

 ↳ 𝐃𝐆𝐃𝐆 ♥ ♡ ♥ 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵... // ᴀᴘᴘʟʏ ᴏᴘᴇɴ!
a.den entertainment (standing for apple of eden) is a relatively unknown company formed back in 2015. originally a business ran by an indie artist by the same name (ok hyoshin), the company was then passed down to his sister who had graduated in business management in 2018. they both thought with their joint expertise, they could build their own empire.
though those dreams would be some times away with the oversaturated world of kpop. as hyoshin only knew of the indie scene, things were much different on the other side.
the company's big break didn't come until the took their chances on a single trainee. with a risky choice of debuting him in the midst of the pandemic, they were surprised with the fame that followed and finally with some resources and money to their name, they push forward their next big idea of dgdg and hopefully they, too, will bring in more fame.
current artists
founder of a.den
at first glance, ok hyoshin isn't much of a person. he's very quiet off camera and shy that many people call him a bit of a wallflower.
we wasn't the most popular indie artist, but he garnered a bit of fanbase which was why he continued to release music here and there, for the fans. he was originally under a different company, but started up a.den when he wanted more control of his own music and schedules.
owning a company and making it run was hard on the indie artist and after three years, he passed his company onto his sister.
despite his quietness, hyoshin is a gentle figure and likes to hang around coffee shops to just listen to the ambience of chatter and the enchanting smell of coffee.
he's a well-known coffee-holic and is always seen nursing some kind of caffeine concotion in his hands.
fc. kwon jungyeol, 10cm
operating ceo of a.den
ok hyejoo, unlike her brother, is a much more striking force. with her head held high and a strong conviction, she walks to the beat ofher own drum and won't let others run over her.
at first, she didn't want to take over her brother's company, but decided to lend him a hand when she noticed how over his head he was in paperwork and the like. after taking over and giving the company quite the overhaul in terms of business, she found herself enjoying her brother's presence once again and liked how a.den was coming along.
she's a very busy woman, always holed up in her office or in and out with paperwork. once in a while, one could see her enjoying a coffee with her brother, but those moments are one in a million.
fc. son yejin
creative director for a.den
one of the first employees of a.den, song hanse is a force to be reckoned with. he has a keen eye for art and followed hyoshin when he left his original company with the single comment of "hyoshin, you're boring. how will you make art with your cardboard artistic talent."
hanse is known for having quite the temper, sharp tongue, and constant mood swings. though, he's also a bit of clown with those he's close too. hanse always finds a way to sneak into dressing rooms to give his own fashion or makeup advice to the stylists.
fc. kim heechul
in-house producer for a.den
alicia kang, although more known under the handle wxxnderlxxst, is fairly known for wide arrangement of music. she dabbles in many different genres, never really sticking to just one.
hailing all the way from the states, she found her way to a.den through hyoshin. she had been a fan of his music and she soon found herself with a permanent job as an in-house producer after the success of their soloist's debut song.
alicia's a real chill person, always wearing the most comfortable clothes and speaks with a light voice. many find her presence calming and enjoy whenever they are in the recording studio with her.
fc. jang dahye, heize
soloist under a.den
the one and only, moon yong has had quite the journey before finding his home in a.den.
yong originally ran from home, not wanting to conform to what his parents wanted. he wanted to sing, to dance, to entertain. he ran off to seoul and found himself scouted by yg ent. for years, he trained. he was a very well-known trainee for his well-rounded talents, but they never landed him anywhere. yg entertainment kept in the dungeon, giving further proof of the dungeon meme.
after getting fed up with yg's treatment, yong freed himself from yg in 2018. on a whim, he joined produce x 101 as an independent trainee. he garnered a lot of fans, due to his training background and enjoyable personality. sadly he was eliminated in the last episode at rank 15, but that wouldn't be the last time fans would see him.
after produce, yong was snatched up by a.den. he was, at first, skeptical about the company, but trusted them enough and, in the end, he was glad he did.
despite debuting during the pandemic, moon yong thrived. his fanbase proved to be big as his sales grew even through covid. his first fansign meeting sells out, further proving his success.
even through his fame, moon yong is optimistic and sociable. he's an easygoing person which fans find easy to fall in love with. excitable like an oversized puppy, he charms people with his eccentric intricacies.
whenever yong doesn't have schedules, he could be found in the company's practice room. he enjoys barging in on dance practices, blessing the trainees with free food and his never-ending energy.
moon yong's discography includes what are you up to, touchin', 2u, who u are, paranoia, antidote, and outerspace.
fc. enhypen's heeseung
manager for dgdg
a cousin of hyoshin and hyejoo, ok kyungwoo very much takes after hyoshin. he's also a quiet individual and is a man of few words, though some come to find that as one of his charming points.
he's punctual and knows what he's doing, his own diploma of business management under his belt just like hyejoo. he doesn't tolerate tardiness and can be a bit stoic.
hyoshin finds him as the perfect man for the job of managing dgdg, though kyungwoo would beg to differ, especially after finding out how young the boys are, but a job is a job and he's not going to screw over a bunch of kids just because he doesn't like them.
ps. the grow on him, eventually.
fc. do kyungsoo, d.o
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 ❥ Finally_Home's review is now up! sorry for the long wait & thank you again for applying <3


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Hihihi! Is this fic still open?
27 streak #2
Chapter 3: found another one B}

AGSHFDSF I LOVE THAT YOU LOVE HIM and i did clarify that he speaks mandarin, thanks for pointing that out!

tbh icb we both have characters from the dongbei/northeast region because i usually only make beijingers LMAOO twas fate that led me to make this babie >:))


btw when you reach the end of the application cycle, just lmk and i'll nudge nancy a bit (or fill in my own love interest lmao)
Chapter 4: hello tis i the great pumpkin

first of all /inhales/ jahan is NOT just a babie bear idk what you've been seeing but that man is a mENACE???? mind, lost, bias list, destroyed, pain, extreme. you can suffer if i have to /srs. i certainly thought i was funny with his shimba/shimbo nicknames. he kinda a himbo. as the rESIDENT jAHANIST if i didn't give him a bear nickname i would have to revoke my jahanist card.
i think my description does him half-justice. i was particularly head empty when i wrote it but "side profile that could kill god" about sums him up. (also, appearances are always just "rina cries over faceclaim because she's a simp" and bonhwa is no exception. please help). I'M SO GLAD YOU LOVE HIM i think he's on the better end of my characters and it was fun to write someone that isn't my usual (thorn/jason/kyunhee). this group will need all the braincells, of course. and he is one until emotions come into play /j
bonhwa is the devil, song, but only if you piss him off so just let him have his hellcoffee and he'll let you drink diabetes. he is short, but he is stronk. fear him. also, pretty sure yongha was the leader bc he was the oldest iirc. listen. not a good choice but it was A choice. bonhwa loves song i swear. he just also thinks song is an idiot.
originally, his dance twin was going to be arthur but i got to thinking and cheese nord fit the vibe Far better so i used him e u e and i am big simp for jahan's voice as we know, could cry facedown for an hour about that man (jk we know i don't cry over men).
listen... i just needed any excuse to make another survival boy, i love 1the9, under nineteen and 1the9 were a perfect timeline, i was that evil grinch gif when i realized i could be the devil. jahan would fit who you. he has the vocal range for it but i don't have the life span for that so let's not invoke him EVER covering one of my favorite songs thanks (i already had to see him dance to shinee) (god help me)
listen, someone has to not be scared of bonhwa. he doesn't actually bite unless provoked. let him have friends (and song)
just two unmoving statues staring at one another across a table. /j
listen idk why my brain said yongha should be the love int if i don't collab with someone but the brain spoke and i shan't argue.
THANK YOU FOR ACCEPTING AND LOVING BONHWA i should go get ready and go to work now ily bye
Chapter 4: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this review was so cute!!! im so glad you like minki as much as i do <3 i havent written for applyfics in a few months so i was worried i'd miss the mark with him but im seriously so relieved that he came across well !! im excited to see where the story goes :D
how many times can we apply? i'm so bad at narrowing down ideas haha
Chapter 4: thank you so much for the nice (and fast) review! ♡ right?! i was gonna go the j-pop route, but then i remembered the beautiful gem that was justin! i wanted something that sounded like an old man that nobody in their life would ever use, hence reginald lol reggie will gladly accept any and every cuddle song throws his way! IM SORRY ABOUT BAEJIN but not really because he's underrated and amazing heh and if i'm gonna do one broduce boy i'm gonna do 'em all! this is indeed a winwin household! cue reggie fully reddened and yangyang slamming the door immediately lol if i'm honest i didn't know whether i should add astro. but yes we love a good myteen song over here. hehe thank you again for your review! this seems like such a wholesome story and truthfully i LOVE boygroup fics!
Chapter 3: this is such a stupid question but im so unfamiliar with new gen male idols >.< who is moon song's fc? :O
Chapter 3: *yeets in, knocks over several vases and accidentally steps on a cat's tail in the process*