Chapter 4

Schrodinger's Cat
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The rest of the day was spent with Dongwoo showing Sungjong the way around the office, and introducing the offices of the different departments. Sungjong was going to spend the next six months working in the farming schedule division, where he would be traveling the planet, getting to know the different regions and their specialty products. He would also have to plan the farming and delivery schedules, before sending them to planet 477.


He was then handed a map of the planet, before given another more detailed map of the region they were working and living in. The maps were rather simple, as most of the land on this planet was dedicated to agriculture alone. There were a few districts meant to grow carbohydrate sources all year round, while other districts were dedicated to rearing domesticated animals for meat. The region he was currently in was used to grow a variety of citrus fruits, essential in providing vitamin C in humans.


All the land bodies were connected, with many rivers and streams cutting through the land mass. It was no wonder this planet was chosen to be used for agriculture. This planet reminded Sungjong of planet Earth, the first liveable planet in the original solar system. He wondered if the plate tectonics would be the same and if they would eventually observe the formation of mountain ranges and lakes. He made a mental note to ask Myungsoo about it. 


Sungjong rolled the maps up and slotted them into his backpack before hastening his steps to catch up with Dongwoo who was on his way out of the building. 


“Sometimes, people from planet 477 will drop by to see how the plants are growing and if there is anything that could be done to improve crop yields or nutritional value. People from this department will also help coordinate their schedules and projects. Look at it this way, you will be one of the people maintaining close contact with planet 477,” Dongwoo explained, as he referred to an electronic tablet nestled in his palm. He then kept quiet, allowing Sungjong to digest the information given to him. However, Sungjong's mind had drifted somewhere else. 


"Dongwoo-hyung, do you mind if I ask you a question?"


Dongwoo hummed, and Sungjong took that as a chance to ask his question. "Why do people on planet 477 call the other planets ghettos? This place seems pretty nice to me."


Dongwoo chuckled slightly. "Well, this planet isn't much of a ghetto, and I would concede that. However, ghetto or not depends on the administration of that planet. I can't say for sure if other planets are better or worse off compared to this one, but the rumours about the other planets could have been born to persuade you guys to study to the best of your abilities."


"What about the rumours of not being able to have children?"


Dongwoo's smile threatened to break into a laugh at Sungjong's quizzical expression. "You can have children, but just like on planet 477, the children will be separated from you at birth and because we are no longer on 477, it will be difficult for us to be acquainted with the children at a later age. Also, because space conditions are rather dangerous and unsuitable for infants, many die on the way to planet 477."


Sungjong nodded in newfound understanding as he motioned for Dongwoo to continue with his introduction. 


"I think we are almost done for the day. Let me bring you to the dormitory to settle in for the night. All daily necessities will be provided for, let me know if you need anything else." Judging from the questions that were asked, Dongwoo decided that Sungjong had had enough for the day.


“Also, we’re here.”


Before they knew it, they were already entering the building behind their office. 


“According to my list here, your room is on the fifth floor, second from the corner. A bathroom is attached to every room here, and everyone gets their room.” Dongwoo introduced as he handed Sungjong a bunch of keys. Sungjong had not noticed Dongwoo collecting any keys from anyone, thus he simply assumed that Dongwoo was already carrying the keys with him.


He shrugged, before making his way to the flight of stairs in the corner. 


Dongwoo was no longer following him. “My room is on the other end of the corridor, so I will be going up the other flight of stairs. See you tomorrow, reporting time at the office is nine a.m.” 


Sungjong nodded, as he hastened his steps up the flight of stairs. He had no idea why, but Dongwoo had seemed to instil a sense of discomfort. Dongwoo had changed too much for his liking. Yes, Dongwoo was the same male who did not seem to pay much attention to his looks, but his happiness seemed forced. It was as if he was hiding something from everyone. 


Songjong clenched his fist, vowing to get to the bottom of what was going on. However, the more important task at hand was to assimilate and adapt to life on planet 480.


He found his room in no time and opened the door. 


His jaw dropped at the sight presented in front of him. It was in large contrast to the view from outside. The room was at least twice the size of the room he shared with Sungyeol on planet 477. It was almost weird that he had the entire space to himself. 


There was a double-decker bed flushed to one side of the room. Instead of a bottom bunk, the area below the mattress housed a study desk fitted with a desktop computer, just like the ones they used on planet 477. 


A wardrobe stood in the opposite corner of the room. Sungjong made his way in front of the wardrobe and threw it open, only to see it filled with a variety of new clothes. He had never gotten so many things at once before, and he had

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702 streak #1
Chapter 7: thanks for the update 😃
Hfbdghcnf #2
Universal stars
702 streak #3
Chapter 6: Woogyu ❤️
702 streak #4
Chapter 5: Thank you for the update. I wish there will be more woogyu too 🥹
702 streak #5
Chapter 4: thank you for another update
702 streak #6
Chapter 3: myungjong babies🥹
702 streak #7
Chapter 2: Sungjong being scolded by Sungyeol 😭
702 streak #8
Chapter 1: This is interesting 🙂
20 streak #9
This sounds exciting!
Can't wait.