
Bangs on Karina are like wings to an angel
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. Minjeong, age 22, has never in her young life cursed as audibly as she did right now. The reasoning behind this is her precious little cheese cat named Yoo Jimin. The small (she's taller than Minjeong), nerdy, frail, frizzy-haired, and brown-haired girl she has come to know, adore, protect, and not so subtly love has turned into a very attractive woman with jet black hair, a high ponytail, and bangs. Goddamn bangs. 

It was the beginning of the second semester at their college, and Minjeong begrudgingly decided to go to school on time. Reasoning that being late on the first day may set a bad precedent for the rest of the semester She was walking her way to class, thankfully only a relatively short walk from her dormitory that she shares with Ningning. A childhood friend and long-time annoying little sister. She muttered how she wasted the summer being unproductive and vegetating in her parent's house watching whatever show was popular and eating home-cooked meals 5 times a day. By the grace of god or genetics, she barely got fat and Ningning's opinion was well needed as Minjeong needed more meat in her bones if she were to attract a living being. To which Minjeong responded promptly with a smack on the head using the nearest blunt object. 

It wasn't all bad she said to herself, she needed the well-deserved rest and slacking off after a particular hellish 1st semester with profs that could be best described as senile and one tumble away to a retirement home. She did on occasion go out with friends to drink, go to the mall, or random spur-of-the-moment decisions such as bingo. The latter part was Giselle's idea, another friend who may or may not want to go to bases with her roommate Ningning, if you catch my drift. Although she enjoyed the company of all her friends and was grateful for their invitation. There was one friend she wasn't able to hang out or even talk to through text. Yoo Jimin.

She had half a mind to call Jimin up to ask her to go out (as friends) or grab lunch (platonically) but knowing the girl was currently a graduating business econ major. She would have expected her to be dead on her bed surrounded by an army of kuromi plushies. The small thought made Minjeong smile, imagining a bundle of Jimin sleeping soundly in her bed waiting for a princess charming to come and wake her up. However, said princess charming was busy cosplaying as a potato. 

Laughing to herself, she reminisces about meeting that girl Jimin. It may have been faith as Jimin would like to describe it that two met. To Minjeong it was more of a case of the girl forgetting to take a general education class. Forcing her to take the class with lower batches. To which Jimin would respond with a cute pout that Minjeong would all too proudly take a picture of much to Jimin's dismay. 

Jimin was by every definition of the word a loser and a nerd. She wore thick-rimmed glasses, wore flannels 25/8, and would spend her days debating over dinosaurs and aquatic sea life tier lists on the internet. To most, it would put them off from talking to her but to Minjeong it made her all the more endearing. Every time Jimin would talk or gush about something, she felt her heart flip. She constantly babies Jimin, calling her, her little stupid cheese cat which Jimin would argue is inaccurate due to her being taller than Minjeong. Fair point but Jimin could never win because all Minjeong had to do was use her secret assets to sway Jimin's opinion, aka her big puppy-like eyes.

To Minjeong underneath all those cuteness and nerdiness was a heart of pure gold. She welcomed friends with open arms, figuratively and literally. She would be the one friend whose shoulder they could always lean on. She was always the friend who would move the hell over the earth to make them happy. She was always that friend who'd give the warmest and loveliest hugs. And she was the friend that Minjeong couldn't help but fall for. 

She wouldn't admit it to her friends because she believes that Jimin also has feelings for her. Reasoning that she's biding her time till the girl breaks and confesses her undying love to Minjeong (copium). However, that all changed as she approached school and arrived at her locker where she would usually find Jimin waiting for her. A small routine developed between them, after finding out their schedules do align. Instead of her stupid little cheese cat patiently waiting for their owner, what awaits her is a lioness waiting for her prey to arrive.

Minjeong freezes, her mind going into overdrive as she processes all the information in front of her. That was Jimin standing near her locker, that was her stupid cheese cat who she cuddled countless of times, that was the Jimin who she would hug in a death grip due to cuteness aggression, and that was the girl she fell in love with. But what in god's green earth happened to her Jimin? She for the lack of a better term became the definition of Hot.

Jimin by no means was ugly, she had a charming face and the few times she saw her wear make-up left her breathless but this Jimin was on the Next Level. Her cheeks which were previously puffy are replaced by a shapely face structure. Minjeong silently cried at the loss of her mochi cheeks but that was a problem for another time. Her brown curly hair is replaced with jet black hair that she swears could blot the sun. Gone is the flannel and admittedly endearing adorable pastel joggers and its place is form-fitting jeans alongside a crop top and leather jacket with Doc Martins. 

Before Minjeong can fully process everything, she hears the girl who she knows is Jimin squeal and runs towards her at Mach speed. Hugging and swinging her around like she weighed nothing. Through this short interaction, she could feel the

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Chapter 1: 😣😤😍💙❄
Elatedbliss #2
Chapter 1: Aww cute!! ♥️♥️
Gyeolui #3
Chapter 1: This is soooo cuteee 😁😁
Stupid cheese cat 😍😍
Desmos #4
One-shot is up. Please do enjoy and I hope this fills you with warm and fluffy feelings.
Hello author-sshi
Waiting for your updates