Of ghosts and love

Seulrene drabbles or one shots
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In the heart of Seoul, where the bustling cityscape meets the quiet alleys, a certain girl with the name Bae Joohyun navigated her daily life with a unique ability – she could see ghosts. It wasn't a gift she had asked for, but it had been with her since highschool. Spirits, lost and wandering, sought solace in her presence, and she learned to coexist with the ethereal realm that lingered just beyond mortal sight.


Joohyun could remember the very first time she discovered her abilities.

The SM highschool was a huge place, too huge for one little girl who had just moved from a small town to noisy and prosperous Seoul. 


Joohyun's eyes kept wandering off to the labyrinths of hallways, each and every one brought her to a dead end.


Math class seemed impossible to find. 

Joohyun kept walking around until her head hit one of the lockers, leaving behind a nasty bruise. 

"​​​​​That must have hurt." A voice came into Joohyun's line of sight or hearing, to be more precise.

A gingle of laughter echoed in the empty hallway, so loud the students were most likely to hear it from their sound proof classrooms.

"You basically spawned out of thin air. Are you a ghost?"


The question lingered in the air until the bell rang and student poured out of the numerous classrooms like a workaholic ants.


"Look at the new girl!" First day and people were already pointing fingers at her. She couldn't really blame them. Her facade was rather comical- eyes wide and mouth agape. 


A girl she had just talked to was still standing in the middle of the hallway, blocking the entrance .


Only she wasn't, students walking over  and through her as if she didn't exist.


Which was true, as Joohyun later found out. The girl had passed away during fire at school. Now her ghost was the only thing left from her as she passed through the whole building, unbestknown to other students.


After that day everything changed. Shock, disbelief and a sprinkle of ecstacy over her freshly achieved superpower were a few of many emotions in the carousel that is called feelings.


Joohyun had seen more than enough ghosts in her life time. One particular ghost held a special place in Joohyun's  encounters – a mysterious figure cloaked in shadows, haunting her steps with an intensity that set it apart from the others. It was Seulgi, a spirit whose story seemed to be entwined with the history of the city itself.


There was a story, more like a legend actually, that before the city was built, an evil prince ruled over it. He was known as a notorious heartbreaker, Seulgi's heart being one of many that he stomped and trampled over, leading the young woman to die. How she died, was a mystery, at least none of the story tellers ever mentioned it. 


Joohyun was the only person in Seoul, possibly in all world who could find out the truth by simply asking Seulgi a few questions. 

But she couldn't bring herself to do it,

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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 1: hope they meet each other in next life 🤧
zjkdlin0121 #2
Chapter 1: wow
eunxiaoxlove #3
Chapter 1: Nice start!