
I Know You / My Love Mine All Mine (JMJ)


The crowd of friends and classmates is rowdy as they queue for a table at the Korean barbeque restaurant. They’re seated in the lobby, where there are a few seats for patrons, most of which are filled up by people on this busy Saturday night. Minjeong arrives a bit later, with Ningning and a few others in tow.


“There they are!” Aeri greets them first and Minjeong happily hugs her friend.

“Sorry, we’re a bit late.” Minjeong smiles sheepishly.

“All good, we haven’t even gotten a table yet.” Aeri snorts. 

“Seriously?” Ningning blinks as she visually takes in how many people are in the restaurant.

“Yup.” Aeri nods. “But we’ll get a table soon, they said.” 


Aeri sits back down and Ningning finds a stool beside her, but Minjeong blanks when she sees no remaining space. She looks around and sees that everyone is either standing or sitting tightly beside each other.


“Sit here!” Jaemin grins as he pats his lap and Minjeong rolls her eyes.

“Don’t be gross!” Ningning smacks him across the arm and he whines.


Minjeong chuckles at her friend’s childish nature and moves along. She comes to a stop when a hand reaches out for her wrist. Minjeong almost startles but relaxes when she sees that it’s only Jimin.


Yu Jimin, who was later introduced to Minjeong by Aeri after Jimin returned from her studies abroad in Australia. She had gone to Australia with beach blonde hair and an attitude made for celebrities, but when she returned, she was reserved and had her hair dyed back to her signature jet black hair. Minjeong thinks that when Jimin was blonde, she was some kind of unreachable distant star in the night sky that she would pass by in halls and watch wistfully as Jimin showed off her friendly charms. On the other hand, Minjeong thinks Jimin looks best with her black hair. It makes her look more mature and elegant. 


Minjeong thinks Jimin is very pretty. Unreachable? Not so much anymore. Jimin’s not a distant star when she’s tugging on Minjeong’s wrist gently as she stands up and leaves her stool vacant for her. Like a thief in the night, she swiftly stands and moves over to the opposite wall where the window panes are and leans against it without a word.


Jimin blinks at her, although Minjeong believes it was a failed wink as Minjeong stifles a laugh, ducking her head slightly. Minjeong smiles brightly and Jimin softens, her shoulders noticeably relaxing. 


Minjeong’s engaging in talk with her friends when she feels a constant gaze across from her. She turns away from her friends and finds Jimin with her arms crossed over her chest, leaning back against the window with a gentle smile.


Minjeong tilts her head. What? She mouths.


Jimin shrugs with a growing smile. You’re pretty. She mouths and a blush begins to paint Minjeong’s cheeks.


She scrunches her nose with embarrassment and Jimin grins brightly.


“Number fifty-six, table for fifteen!” 


They shuffle into two tables up against each other and Minjeong’s finds herself being pulled down by Jimin towards the starting end of the table.


“Sit next to me?” Jimin asks with her pretty doe eyes and Minjeong grins.

“Of course,” she answers. 


Ningning leans over and pokes Minjeong.


“I heard Jaehyun’s coming today.” She whispers. “Why don’t you sit on the end when he arrives later?”


Minjeong peers over towards the end, where her other friends are sitting, but her eyes return to Jimin’s bright eyes. 


“No thanks; I can catch up with him another time.” Minjeong settles into her seat. “I’m good here.”


Minjeong catches sight of the tail end of Jimin’s small smile from the corner of her eye.


Yu Jimin, the undisputed “queen” of the business administration department. At the start of university, her presence had been far from ordinary since day one. Known for her superior intellect, as demonstrated by her academic history, she has always ranked in the top ten and was admitted to this school by scholarship—and not to mention her height, figure, and face—all contributing to her undeniable beauty. 


Her name was spread throughout other departments as well. 


Although there are surprisingly few girls around her, there are plenty of guys who follow her around. To women, she is the public enemy, and to men, she’s the living fantasy. 


Even now at dinner, Minjeong can see the eyes on Jimin and whispered words behind callous hands. They are busy talking behind Jimin’s back while she’s there. People itch to have a taste of her and they all have their own opinions about Yu Jimin.


As for Kim Minjeong, she’s somewhat of a “fence-sitter”. She is just another ordinary college student. Yu Jimin and her popularity were all stories from another dimension for Minjeong. Even though they had both been in the same major and year, Minjeong doesn't remember a point in time where she would have interacted with Jimin if not for Aeri. 


But now, with Jimin in Minjeong’s life, she doesn’t remember when their friendship began, but she knows she wants Jimin in her life for a long time.


“Dude, you made it!” Johnny greets someone loudly and everyone’s attention turns to the late-comer, Jeong Jaehyun.

“Sorry about it,” he grins charmingly. "Practise ran a bit later.”
“We don’t need excuses, pretty boy!” Johnny smacks Jaehyun’s shoulder good naturedly. “We’re just glad you’re here, and I bet some would be extra glad that you made it!”


It’s no secret that Jaehyun is as popular as Jimin, even surpassing her—but almost like her male counter-part. Although he does not carry the flirtatious charm and cold beauty that Jimin does, he exudes a boy-next-door like charm. He gets good grades, plays basketball, is handsome and tall, and is overall friendly.


It’s also no surprise that a number of girls follow him around helplessly, and Kim Minjeong doesn’t follow him around, but she does like him.


Her feelings for him run deep. Having grown up with him in the same neighbourhood up until this point, Jaehyun has seen Minjeong grow up in all stages and has taken care of her protectively for the last twenty-plus years. 


Minjeong believes—although quite childishly—that Jaehyun will be her one true love. It’s cliché, like any other childhood sweetheart story, but Minjeong knows in her mind that Jaehyun will be the one for her. Even their families are rooting for them; they paired them up for everything as children and they have even attended the same schools since elementary school.


Even though she wants that kind of love story, Minjeong won’t be the one to make the first move. As stereotypical as it is, Minjeong doesn’t care.


For all Minjeong knows, Jaehyun hasn’t dated anyone or shown interest. They talk almost every day and see each other almost every day. It’s comfortable for Minjeong to be around Jaehyun, and Jaehyun does so too.


She just wishes he'd wake up one day and ask her out.


Minjeong’s a lightweight, and when she drinks, she drinks. She’s smiling brightly, her ears burning hot, and a redness travels from her round cheeks to her neck. She would be facedown on the table if not for Jimin, who graciously let Minjeong lean on her shoulder.


“Let’s go home, guys; I’m dying!” Aeri moans as Ningning holds the girl up.


Jimin chuckles and shakes Minjeong lightly.


“Minjeong-ah.” She calls sweetly. “Minjeong-ah, are you sleeping?”


Minjeong shakes her head and doing so, she musses her hair and tickles the junction between Jimin’s shoulder and neck.


“Let’s get you home.” JImin tries to lift Minjeong up, but then realises she’d need to be a burly man or the Hulk for that matter, to take Minjeong home on her own. 


Minjeong slumps down and hits her forehead against the table, groaning slightly as Jimin winces.


“Kim Minjeong.” Jimin pulls her up by her shoulders. “You okay?”


Minjeong looks up with clouded eyes and tries to make out the figure in front of her, but she feels familiar with the person, so she’s sure it’s probably Jimin.


“What is it?” Jimin questions as Minjeong’s intense stare lingers.


Minjeong whines as she leans against Jimin’s chest, breathing against Jimin’s collarbone.


“Are you tired?” Jimin asks and she doesn’t receive an answer, except for Minjeong’s continuous burrowing. “Minjeong…”


Jimin’s eyes widen when she feels Minjeong’s hot breath and plush lips against her skin.


“Oh jeez!” Ningning pulls her back and Minjeong slumps against her. 


Jimin blinks slowly and Ningning looks at her.

“What’s wrong? Are you drunk too?” She asks.

“N-no, that’s…” Jimin swallows, rubbing her neck awkwardly.

“Are you okay? Your face is really red." Ningning asks.

“I’m fine!” Jimin chuckles, feeling the burn at her ears. “It was just really sudden.”


Huh. Ningning thinks. Did she bite her or something?


“I’m going to take her home.” Jimin says, pulling both her bag and Minjeong’s bag over her head. 

“Really? But she’s completely plastered, so it’ll be hard to take her by yourself..” Ningning tells her.

“Worst comes to worst; I'll just carry her.” Jimin shrugs.

“She’s secretly kinda heavy, though…” Ningning smiles wryly, but then she notices Jaehyun.


Jimin chews on her bottom lip in contemplation before she looks over and finds Jaehyun shrugging on his jacket.


The funny thing about Jaehyun and Jimin is that, as similar as they are to each other, they’ve never been good friends. They’ve never been on the right feet or in the right setting. The only thing that grounds them and that they have in common is that they take care of Minjeong like their lives depend on it.


Jaehyun’s known Minjeong for longer, but Jimin’s a girl and her neighbour too. She shares all classes with Minjeong and is almost with her every waking day. She doesn’t find use for Jaehyun except for the fact that Minjeong likes him but Jaehyun seems to like her too but doesn’t do a thing about it. 


If anything, Jimin thinks he’s a bit of a bother. 


Later in the night, Jimin’s walking side by side with Jaehyun, who has nicely decided to carry Minjeong in a piggyback back to their home. Coincidentally, after Aeri introduced them, they found out they live in the same apartment complex, as their doors face each other on the first floor.


When they reach Minjeong’s apartment, Jimin unlocks the apartment, remembering what Minjeong had told her keycode for the apartment was. After an ex-boyfriend attempted to break into Jimin’s apartment when they weren't close yet, Minjeong called the cops and changed Jimin’s apartment code to her birthday. Minjeong had changed her keycode to Jimin’s birthday as well to keep the gag running, and they grew close because of that situation.


It hasn’t been changed since.


“You can leave now,” Jimin tells Jaehyun once he’s placed Minjeong down on her bed. “I’ll be fine on my own now.”

“...But I think we should take Minjeong’s jacket off and tuck her into bed comfortably...” Jaehyun says and Jimin looks at him pointedly.

“I’ll do it," Jimin says.


Jaehyun doesn’t say anything—he only looks at Jimin silently as if he wants to say something.


“What is it?” Jimin sounds slightly guarded.

“Those nails…” He trails off. “You might scratch her with them.”


Jimin looks down at her long, manicured nails and frowns.


“I’m not that careless!” Jimin scowls.


She stands up without a word and grabs her purse before heading into the bathroom. She returns just as fast as she left and shows Jaehyun her cut nails.


“Here.” She says. “We’re good, right? You can leave now.” 


Jaehyun lingers as he purses his lips tightly in contemplation.


“You know I hear things about you.” He says.

“So what?” Jimin raises a brow.

“It’s odd for Minjeong to be around someone like you.” He says this, and Jimin clenches her jaw. “You’re always hanging around her.”


Jimin scoffs slightly under her breath.


“It’s nice that you’ve known Minjeong for so long.” She says. “But do you know her as well as I do at this point? Maybe she’s the one that clings to me. I’m with her every day; you’re right about that, but you have no right to assume things about me because of what you hear. You should put a little more trust in Minjeong and who she hangs out with if you like her.”


Jaehyun’s face pales with embarrassment at Jimin’s clear words. He stands up from the edge of Minjeong’s bed and dusts off his pants to clear the tense air.


“I… I do like her.” Jaehyun nods.

“It doesn’t seem like it.” Jimin says, and quietly she adds—despite the tight pang of pain in her chest. “You should really show her you like her one of these days. She won’t wait forever.”

“Does she like me?” Jaehyun asks.

“Have you been blind?” Jimin scoffs.

“N-No, I just..." Jaehyun shakes his head. “Nothing. It just seems to be too good to be true.” 

“Well, I won’t answer for her, but I know she does like you.” Jimin swallows thickly. “But you better do something. There’s people lining up for someone like Minjeong.”


He looks at her and Jimin feels seen all of a sudden.


“Are you too?” He asks and Jimin doesn’t freeze; she only sighs.

“I know my capabilities, but relax." She smiles. “I won’t take her away from you.. yet .”


Jaehyun turns towards the door and Jimin walks him out. He turns back around at the last moment.


“Please take good care of her.” He says, and Jimin nods.


She closes the door and returns to Minjeong, who’s just beginning to stir awake.


“Jimin?” Minjeong calls out.

“You’re awake?” Jimin asks. “Go back to sleep.”


Minjeong shakes her head with a cute expression and Jimin smiles.


“Can I get a glass of water, please?” Minjeong asks and Jimin does so immediately.

“Here.” She holds it up to Minjeong’s lips and she takes a generous gulp.


She places the cup down and Jimin sits beside her on the long edge of the bed.


“Did you take me home on your own?” Minjeong asks.

“No, Jaehyun carried you home.” She shakes her head.

“Oh.” Minjeong blinks. “That’s nice.”

“Yup.” Jimin nods. “Don’t be weird about it.”
“Yah!” Minjeong pouts. “I’m not going to be weird about it. Like I said, it was nice of him.”


Jimin nods and hums without believing Minjeong.


“Are you fine to be here alone now?” Jimin asks.

“Hmm, will you stay if I ask?” Minjeong says and Jimin blinks.

“You want me to stay over?” Jimin chuckles. “Kim Minjeong-ssi, I think you’re still drunk. Luckily, you were asleep when Jaehyun was here. Imagine you asked him to stay.”

“Okay but I’m sober enough to know I want to have a sleepover with you!” Minjeong whines. “I haven’t seen you much these days and we’re neighbours for god’s sake!”

“You can always go into my apartment; you know my code, y’know.” Jimin snorts.

"But, like, privacy, and what if you don’t want to see me those days?" Minjeong counters.

“I’ll always want to see you, Minjeong-ah.” Jimin pats Minjeong’s head and the smaller girl pouts.

“Then sleepover.” Minjeong says.

“I never said no.” Jimin shrugs.

“Yes!” Minjeong pounces on Jimin and hugs her tightly.

“Go shower.” Jimin tells her. “I’ll shower at my place and then I’ll come back, okay?”


Jimin showers at her apartment and dries her hair as well before slipping into Minjeong’s apartment in her pyjamas. She finds Minjeong already in bed, sitting up and slightly dozing off again.


“Sleepy again?” Jimin chuckles as she watches the girl struggle to stay awake.

“You’re here!” Minjeong perks up.

“What happened to your plushies?” Jimin asks, feeling nothing on the bed except for the two of them and the usual bedding.

“I put them on my desk so we can have more space.” Minjeong beams, pointing to the three plush toys she placed on her desk.

“Smart.” Jimin chuckles.


Jimin slips into the space Minjeong leaves for her and they lay facing each other.


“Can you do that thing you always do?” Minjeong asks.

“What?” Jimin asks.

“When I’m sleepy, you play with my hair and pat me to sleep.” Minjeong grins and Jimin rolls her eyes.

“Are you a baby?” Jimin snorts.

“I just like it, okay?" Minjeong frowns. “It’s soothing.”

“Okay, okay.” Jimin chuckles. “Come closer.”


Minjeong wiggles closer to Jimin until her face is practically against Jimin’s chest. Jimin threads her hand into Minjeong’s short hair and plays with it until Minjeong’s breathing evens out.


She pats Minjeong’s back to sleep gently, like a mother would a baby.


“Jimin?” Minjeong says quietly.

“You’re still awake?” Jimin questions and Minjeong looks up at Jimin.


She nods.


“Can’t sleep?” Jimin looks at Minjeong and she shakes her head.

“I’m almost there; I just wanted to say something.” Minjeong hums.

“Okay.” Jimin nods.

“You know I lived an entire life without you,” Minjeong speaks with that small, sleepy tone. “But now that I know you, it’s like I don’t know how to live another day without you in my life.”


Jimin smiles, resuming patting Minjeong’s back. 


“You’re sweet, Minjeongie.” Jimin chuckles and Minjeong hums.


Too sweet. Jimin thinks.


Her heart beats against her chest and she hopes it won’t rouse Minjeong from her slumber. She feels the burn in her ears and she doesn’t know how much longer she can hold back these feelings she’s been harbouring for her beloved friend.

She can’t compare to Jaehyun, who’s known her for more than a decade. Jimin’s only known Minjeong for a little over two years, and only this year they’ve grown closer.


She hopes these feelings will fade and won’t hinder her anymore.


It’s wishful thinking—believing love can go away completely.



It’s around nine in the night when Jimin’s doorbell rings.


She peers through the peephole and sees Minjeong.


“Why didn’t you just put in the code?” Jimin asks.

“You could’ve been doing something.” Minjeong shrugs.


Jimin steps aside and lets Minjeong into her apartment as the smaller girl takes off her shoes.


“You look nice.” Jimin comments, taking in Minjeong’s summer dress and jean jacket combination. Her hair's been combed and her bangs are clipped to the side neatly.

“I don’t feel nice anymore.” Minjeong sighs. 

“What happened?” Jimin frowns, seeling Minjeong’s sullen expression.


Minjeong sits down on Jimin’s couch and Jimin follows.


“Jaehyun took me out to dinner.” Minjeong tells her and Jimin nods.

“What happened?” She asks.

“What didn’t happen?” Minjeong snorts deprecatingly. “It was so nice and he was nice and the food was nice, but I just thought he was going to ask me this time.”

“Ask you to be his girlfriend?” Jimin asks and Minjeong nods. “He doesn’t know what he’s missing out on.” Jimin scoffs and Minjeong smiles, scooting closer to Jimin and leaning on her.


Jimin accommodates her and wraps an arm around her, patting her softly.


“What did he say the dinner was for?” Jimin asks.

“He said he missed me and wanted to eat with me. That’s all.” Minjeong shrugs.


Jimin sighs, thinking of how to remedy this situation as much as it annoys her.


“Then maybe he really just missed you and wanted to see you.” Jimin says. “He could be saving the question for another time.”

“I guess… I just.” Minjeong sighs.

“What?” Jimin asks. 

“I just…” Minjeong huffs. “I feel childish. To me, there’s such a big difference between ‘I miss you’ and ‘I missed you’. Like one is saying I constantly think of you, while the other says I thought of you at a small point in time.”


Minjeong sighs.


“Do I have to beg the world for someone to love me? Do I have to get on my knees and just ask for someone to look at me?” Minjeong says quietly. 


“I’m looking at you.” Jimin says softly, like an autumn breeze and Minjeong meets her eyes.


“I don’t deserve you.” Minjeong smiles sadly and Jimin is caressing her gently.

“Then I must have done something wrong in my past life,” Jimin smiles. “Because I know you deserve everything this life offers.”

“Now who’s being sweet?" Minjeong snorts, leaning her head against Jimin’s shoulder.

“I only speak of the truth.” Jimin shrugs and Minjeong relaxes against her.


“Wanna sleepover?” Jimin asks.



“Okay, wow, you look worse than you did the last time I saw you.” Aeri’s eyes widen when she sits down across from Jimin at their usual meet-up café. “And that was like less than two weeks ago.”

“Thanks.” Jimin nods into her cup of coffee.

“What happened?” Aeri asks her as she places her bag down to get more comfortable.

“Nothing. I’m just tired.” Jimin shakes her head.

“C’mon, don’t shut me out.” Aeri kicks her foot lightly under the table. “I haven’t stuck by you even during your year abroad for nothing.”


“Just…I like someone.” Jimin sighs, leaning back into her cushioned chair.

“Okay, this is new. Who?” Aeri asks. “And please don’t say Jaehyun.”

“Of course not; Minjeongie likes him." Jimin sighs. “But…”

“But?” Aeri leans forward.

“I like Minjeong.” Jimin decides to throw caution to the wind.

“Okay…” Aeri blinks. “Unexpected but expected.”

“What does that mean?" Jimin snorts.

“I just never thought of it. I just thought you liked Minjeong as a close friend because she’s like a puppy who follows their owner around. Doesn’t think bad of you, y’know?” Aeri details and Jimin nods.

“If I tell her I like her, do you think she’ll think bad of me then?” Jimin asks.

“No way. Minjeong’s not like that.” Aeri says. “And I mean, you probably know her better than me at this point, so you should know.”

“I don’t know. That’s why I’ve been losing sleep.” Jimin sighs as she slumps down against the chair. “I just can’t stop thinking about her.”

"It doesn't help that you’re a door apart either.” Aeri snorts and Jimin smiles.

“Not at all.” She shakes her head. 


Not at all.


“Minjeong?” Jimin presses on Minjeong’s doorbell and does not enter, even if she knows the code.


She hasn’t seen the other girl for a couple of days, barely seeing her in class either. They’d pass each other and that’s it. It’s odd when they’ve been with each other for weeks on end. Jimin wonders if Minjeong’s caught wind of her feelings for her.


There isn’t a response and so she punches in the code.




“Minjeong-ah?” Jimin calls out. She places her bag on the dinner table and takes off her shoes. She opens the door to Minjeong’s room and finds the smaller girl bundled up under her covers, watching the TV with red eyes as she hugs onto her three plush toys.


“Jimin?” Minjeong blinks, wiping at her eyes.

“You’ve been crying," Jimin says. 

“W–what are you doing here?” Minjeong sits up. 

“I…I haven’t been around you in a while.” Jimin swallows. “I miss you.” 


Minjeong blinks and then her shoulders begin to shake again as she cries. Jimin rushes over immediately and is at Minjeong’s side, embracing her.


“I–I didn’t want you to see me like this." Minjeong hiccups. “It’s embarrassing. You must think I’m pathetic!”

“No.” Jimin says softly, patting Minjeong’s head and running her fingers through the short ends of her hair. “I think you’re beautiful.”

“God. Why can’t Jaehyun be like you?” Minjeong scoffs. “You tell me you miss me and not missed me, and you say all these sweet things. I’m starting to think he just sees me like a little sister.”

“Minjeong, I’m sure he likes you too.” Jimin says and Minjeong chuckles lightly.

“Wow, you said that so soullessly.” Minjeong says and Jimin freezes up.


She pulls away slightly, tightens her hand into a ball and releases the tension as she flexes her hand.


“Sorry, I’ve just been out of it for a bit.” Jimin says and Minjeong frowns.

“What’s wrong?” Minjeong asks, inching her hand towards Jimin’s. “Why haven't you told me?”

“You haven’t been speaking to me about yourself either.” Jimin counters.


Minjeong links her hand with Jimin’s, feeling the cool metal of her rings and the taller girl wants to pull away so desperately. Sitting in front of Minjeong like this in this vulnerable atmosphere makes Jimin’s heart want to lurch out of and spill all over Minjeong’s room without caution. 


“I’m sorry. I’ll do better.” Minjeong says and Jimin smiles softly before pulling away. Minjeong’s hand twitches at the lost contact.


“What happened with Jaehyun this time?” Jimin asks.

“Just…I guess I’m tired of waiting on him, but it’s stupid because I still like him, and I thought he did too.” Minjeong sighs. “There was a festival yesterday and I thought he would invite me and take me but he didn’t. All his friends went with their girlfriends and he went stag. Come on, I have been here for over ten years, just standing and waiting!” 


Minjeong huffs into her hands.


“Haven’t you ever thought of other people instead of Jaehyun?” Jimin asks.

“Like who?” Minjeong sighs. “Who’s going to like me?” 

“A lot of people, Minjeong.” Jimin says, feeling a sort of pain in her chest, hearing Minjeong talk about herself like that. “People practically line up for you.”

“No one’s lining up for me,” Minjeong says, looking away. “Everyone wants me with Jaehyun. I’m nothing without Jaehyun. If I don’t get with him, it’s like I’m disappointing our families and all our friends. No one’s going to want me if I’m not tied to Jaehyun.”


Jimin jumps up from the bed, her ears burning with simmering anger.


“Don’t say that!” Jimin says and Minjeong turns to her, startled. “You’re everything, Minjeong! You’re everything to me and to our friends. You’re smart, you’re funny and clever, and you’re so beautiful. When I tell you that people line up wanting a piece of you, Minjeong, I mean it… Can’t you consider someone else? There has to be someone else you like. I know so many other people who will love you like they mean it.”


Minjeong picks at her blanket, her cheeks red from hearing Jimin’s out-of-the blue speech.


“LIke who?” Minjeong says quietly. “Who should I consider?”


Jimin’s heart beats against her chest like the drums of war and grows dry as her heart lurches painfully. 




“There has to be someone, Minjeong.” Jimin decides. “You just have to put yourself out there.”

“I know..." Minjeong pouts.


Jimin clenches her fist at her side and exhales slowly.


“Sorry about my tirade." Jimin’s ears burn. “I just don’t like hearing the people I care about put themselves down like that.”


Minjeong smiles, noticing the red of Jimin’s ear peeking out of her hair.


“You look so cold on the outside, but you’re really just all mush on the inside.” Minjeong grins and Jimin rolls her eyes.

“Yeah, yeah..." Jimin chuckles.

“Can I get a hug now?” Minjeong asks, already reaching her hands out for Jimin. “I miss you.”


Jimin doesn’t tense up at Minjeong’s ever so overflowing affection. Instead, she relaxes and falls into Minjeong’s arms, holding her tightly. Jimin doesn’t refute her feelings for Minjeong; she only accepts this because why should she deny these feelings when Minjeong proves to be so worthy of love every moment she spends with her?



“Minjeong.” Ningning pokes her and Minjeong blinks, finding all her peers shuffling out of class already. “Class is over.”

“Oh.” Minjeong blinks, putting her things into her bag.


She follows Ningning out of class.


“What’s got you all up in your mind?” Ningning nudges her.

“I’m thinking of what to cook. Jimin’s having dinner with me again.” Minjeong says.

“Why don’t you ask her what she wants?” Ningning inquires.

“She told me to surprise her.” Minjeong huffs and Ningning snorts.

“That just means she wants you to choose.”

“But I want her to choose!”


Ningning chuckles as they turn the corner.


“Hey, you know you’ve barely mentioned Jaehyun these days.” Ningning says and Minjeong pauses.

“I haven’t?” Minjeong blinks and Ningning nods.

“Barely. Honestly, I would think you like Jimin from the amount of times you talk about her.” Ningning jokes and Minjeong almost trips on thin air.

“Ha-ha, very funny.” Minjeong rolls her eyes. “But also... I kind of blew him off last week.”
“What?” Ningning turns to her.

“He asked me out to dinner and I just didn’t feel like it.” Minjeong shrugs. “I kind of also didn’t feel bad about it. I just hung out with Jimin.”

“Wow.” Ningning blinks. “That’s crazy different.”

“I just don’t feel like waiting around for him forever, y’know?”


“So, like, what now?” Ningning ponders. “I can’t think of any other relationship for you except for my o.g. ship with you and Jaehyun.” 

“That’s why I kind of need help.” Minjeong grins sheepishly. “I don’t know how to date people.”
“Honestly, girl, me neither," Ningning snorts. “You’re asking the wrong girl, but! We can definitely ask Aeri.”

“Okay, then we’ll do that.” Minjeong nods, feeling oddly determined.

“Imma message her!”


Minjeong decides on an easy meal that both of them would like—pasta, salad, and garlic bread. She’s in the middle of simmering the sauce and boiling the pasta when she hears the noise of her apartment code being punched in.


“Minjeong-ah, I’m here!” Jimin calls out. 


Jimin shuffles into the kitchen, her fluffy slippers padding against the wooden floor as she had not bothered to put on actual shoes since Minjeong lives right across from her. 

“Hey!” Minjeong turns around briefly and sees Jimin, dressed in a nice white dress. “Did you dress up for me?” 


Jimin looks down at her new dress and touches her freshly curled hair with a bashful shrug.


“It’s a new dress. I just wanted to wear it.” Jimin says. “And it looks like you dressed up too.”

“Of course I did!” Minjeong beams, doing a little twirl to show off her freshly ironed dress shirt and slacks behind her childish Shin-chan apron that Jimin got her. “It’s an Italian night!”


Jimin chuckles, shaking her head with amusement.


When Jimin exits the kitchen and heads to the dinner table, she finds the table covered in a red and white gingham tablecloth. There’s a battery candle at the centre of the table and fresh flowers, as well as the salad Minjeong had prepared. Jimin pretends that this kind of setting with Minjeong and effort from the smaller girl doesn’t flutter her heart.


“Hot, hot—coming through!” Minjeong comes through with a giant plate of pasta in one hand and a plate of garlic bread in the other as she places them in the centre of the table. 


Jimin sits down and Minjeong takes off her apron, throwing it carelessly into the kitchen before sitting down in front of Jimin.


"Oh, Minjeong, you’ve got..." Jimin giggles and Minjeong blinks.

“What? Is my hair messed up?” Minjeong reaches up to smooth her hair but she feels nothing out of place except for her groomed hair (which she spent an unnecessary amount of time fixing down in the bathroom).

“No, no, just,” Jimin’s reaching over, pushing her hair to one shoulder and Minjeong stills. “Here.”


Jimin’s thumb makes contact with Minjeong’s cheekbone as she gently swipes at Minjeong’s soft skin.


It’s weird, Minjeong thinks. 

She recalls cheesy moments in films where the world stops for a moment and everything moves in slow motion between two people. Funnily enough, she’s never had that kind of heart stopping moment, except for this short moment between her and Jimin.


“You’ve got sauce on your cheek.” Jimin grins as she it off of her thumb. “There, all gone now.”


Minjeong’s heart skips a beat abruptly and she hiccups loudly.


“Whoop–e-excuse me! And thanks!” Minjeong grins and Jimin laughs at her gleefully.

“Let’s eat now.” Jimin grins.


The two share a conversational filled dinner and Minjeong sits with her toes pointed to the floor, buzzing with joy and excitement every minute she spends with Jimin. It makes her feel a bit silly, like an overexcited puppy. But she just loves spending time with Jimin so much.


“Aren’t you just being too cute today?” Jimin asks, taking a sip from her drink as she watches Minjeong lean over the table with a cute smile. “What’s the occasion?”

“Nothing.” Minjeong shrugs and Jimin imagines a fluffy tail wagging from behind the girl. “I’m just happy to see you.”

“Me too.” Jimin grins.


They finish up and both head to the kitchen with the dishes, despite Minjeong’s protests for Jimin to just sit down and wait.


“You cooked, so let me clean.” Jimin says and Minjeong yields.


Minjeong’s washing one of her knives in the sink when it nicks her. She winces and tries to play it off, knowing Jimin’s caring nature, but the taller girl spots her almost as soon as her skin breaks.


“Did you hurt yourself?” Jimin turns off the water and dries her hand before grabbing onto Minjeong’s wrist. “Let me see.”
“It’s nothing! It’s just a tiny nick!” Minjeong tries to pull away but Jimin is oddly stronger. 


Jimin wipes Minjeong’s finger with a paper towel and inspects the wound. A small amount of blood appears and Minjeong doesn’t have time to process it before her finger is in Jimin’s mouth, feeling the quick swipe of her tongue as Jimin on the wound.


Minjeong’s entire frame freezes when Jimin releases her.


“Go sit down; I’ll finish quickly.” Jimin tells her and Minjeong nods dumbly without saying a word.


Minjeong sits on her couch, strangely dazed, as she feels the pulsing wound on her finger, although it is not what sticks in her mind. 


Jimin returns with a first aid kit and puts a bandage on Minjeong’s finger. When Jimin’s hovering over her, Minjeong’s eyes drop to her lips silently.



Minjeong has a bad habit of dozing off and spacing out. If you were to ask her friends, they can vouch and definitely say Minjeong’s mind is elsewhere most of the time. Like now, as she and her friends are at a small get together at one of their friend’s apartments, Minjeong is sitting on the couch thinking of something deeply, and it doesn’t have to do with the girl sitting on the floor, leaning on her legs (it does).


She plays with the bandaid on her finger and her mind strays to the feeling of Jimin’s soft hands against her cheek and her lips against her hand. Her ever so plush and soft looking lips don't hesitate to hound Minjeong’s thoughts. 


“Who gives the worse hugs?” Minjeong blinks out of her reverie when she hears the tail end of one of the questions being read out from a card game.

"Easy; definitely our Yu Jimin.” Yeji snorts, pointing a finger at Jimin.

“Yes! She’s so cold!” Ningning says and Jimin doesn’t refute, only snorting.

“Jimin doesn’t give the worst hugs.” Minjeong blinks and everyone turns to her. “Jimin gives the best hugs!”

“Ohoho—am I sensing special treatment?” Ryujin snickers and Jimin shoves her floor.


Minjeong blushes, her cheeks feeling warm and Jimin’s ears feeling hot.


“I’ll just take the shot.” Jimin shakes her head, grabbing the shot.


Her eyes meet Aeri’s eyes from over the rim of her shot glass and she finds her looking at her with a questionable expression. Jimin shakes her head at her and Aeri looks away, smirking.


When the two of them return home, Jimin is slightly more tipsy than Minjeong and that is a rare occurrence. Minjeong doesn’t want to leave a drunk Jimin alone, so she makes home in the taller girl’s home. Jimin’s lying on the couch with the TV on low volume as Minjeong folds Jimin’s freshly washed clothes that she was too lazy to put away.


When Jimin feels slightly more sober, she approaches Minjeong and drapes her body over Minjeong’s back, arms wrapping over her shoulders.


“I didn’t think you were actually going to fold my clothes.” Jimin chuckles over Minjeong’s shoulder.

“I didn’t want your clothes to be wrinkled the longer you left them in the basket.” Minjeong says, smoothing out the last blouse Jimin owns.


She places them in the three piles she organised and pats them down.


“Go put them away.” Minjeong instructs Jimin and she pouts.

“Okay, mother .” Jimin huffs and Minjeong chuckles.



Minjeong had said she wanted to move on from Jaehyun and she was actively doing so, but he had invited her out again and she didn't want to blow him off again.


That eager invitation from Jaehyun had allowed her to feel like a teenage girl again as a sliver of hope sprung up brightly.


When she’s walking home feeling worse than she had during this whole week, her sliver of hope dies prematurely. She’s in front of Jimin’s apartment door again for some reason, wishing to seek comfort from her again, but she hesitates.


She wonders if Jimin has better things than to continuously listen to her complain about Jaehyun and his lack of romance. 


She cherishes Jimin so much because she’s sure no one else would tolerate her clinginess and constant word-barf other than Jimin. She’s glad Aeri introduced them and allowed the theme to grow so close. She wonders if Jimin cherishes her this much as well.


“Minjeong?” Jimin’s voice rings out not from her apartment but from the hallway.


Minjeong turns around, almost tripping over her feet, as she finds Jimin walking towards her apartment with a bag of food in one hand.


“Uh, hi.” Minjeong raises her hand in an awkward wave.

“What’s up? Were you looking for me?” Jimin asks, punching in her code.




“I just wanted to—uh, to visit. That’s all.” Minjeong blinks.


They enter her apartment and Jimin looks down at Minjeong’s attire.


“Were you out before? You’re dressed nice.” Jimin says, placing the bag on her dinner table. 

“Yeah. I had dinner with Jaehyun…” Minjeong says.

“Oh.” Jimin blinks, emptying the groceries.


Minjeong helps her put them away immediately.


“And how was that?” Jimin asks.

“The same.” Minjeong sighs.

“I bought hot chocolate. Your favourite.” Jimin holds up the box she bought and Minjeong’s eyes light up.

“Make it for me?”


Minjeong’s curled into Jimin’s couch with blankets that smell like fabric softener and vaguely of Jimin. Jimin hovers over Minjeong's, placing the steaming mug of hot chocolate in front of her.


“For you.” Jimin sing-songs and Minjeong beams.

“Thank you!” Minjeong grins, already bringing the mug to her lips.

“Hold on, hold on,” Jimin tells her, and Minjeong holds the mug, looking up to Jimin.


The taller girl drops three small marshmallows into her cup and Minjeong gasps delightfully.


“They’re mini!” Minjeong grins.

“I thought you’d like them.” Jimin chuckles, walking over to the sofa chair beside her couch, sitting diagonally from Minjeong.

“You didn’t make it for yourself?” Minjeong asks.

"I didn't feel like it.” She answers.


There’s a romance movie playing on the TV and Jimin vaguely remembers seeing a trailer for this movie on her phone, but she can’t exactly remember what happens. But it’s a standard romance movie—boy meets girl and they fall in love despite protests and obstacles from their outside world.


When the main couple are kissing, Minjeong sighs deeply.


“You know, I think I’m seriously ready to consider other people.” Minjeong says, eyes watching the TV. “I think there’s nothing I’ll be able to gain or even live comfortably with Jaehyun. I mean, he’s just a guy.” 


The couple is laughing and hugging tightly on screen and the two of them watch the film wistfully.


“Who do I consider?” Minjeong sighs. “It’s not like the dating pool in our area’s huge.”


“Would you consider me?” 


Minjeong pauses, not sure if she’s heard it right. She turns to Jimin and finds her staring intently at the TV screen, as if she’s afraid to meet eyes with Minjeong.


“What did you say?” Minjeong pauses the TV and Jimin swallows thickly.
“Would you consider me?” Jimin repeats, turning slowly to look at Minjeong.

“You…” Minjeong blinks, unbelieving. “You like me?”


Jimin answers, nodding slowly.


“W-what?” Minjeong’s heart speeds up.

“I get that I’m not Jaehyun and that you want your childhood sweetheart's story with him, but I know you.” Jimin exhales heavily. “I know you like the back of my hand. Even if I didn’t know you for years, I’ve been here and I’ve grown to love you.”


“I—I didn’t know you…” Minjeong stutters over her words, not knowing where to start. 

"You don't have to take my word seriously,” Jimin says quietly. “I don’t want this to get in the way of our friendship. I mean, I didn’t become your friend just to fall in love with you. It was by chance and it doesn’t help if you’re so loveable either.”


"It’s okay if you still like Jaehyun. I know he loves you; he’s just scared to confess.” Jimin says. “You should take charge this time. You two would be great together.”


Minjeong opens and closes it, feeling grow dry as she tries to figure out how to remedy this situation.


“I need you to be happy.” Jimin’s voice breaks. “I need one of us to be happy, so if it’s him for you, then go. Go be happy so I can be happy for you because if we’re both like this, I can’t stay and watch us be ruined this way.”


Jimin.” Minjeong’s voice breaks. 


“If he’s not looking at you, Minjeong,” Jimin swallows. “I have. I’ve been looking at you this whole time.”


“I’ve always loved everything about you.” Jimin says. “Even what I didn’t understand… you like things in threes and I didn’t know why, but I’ve started to arrange things in threes as well.”


Minjeong thinks about how Jimin wears three rings on her hands and how she always buys small miscellaneous things in trios as well. She thinks about the stupid three Sylvanian family cats she made Jimin buy her and how they sit on her vanity every day in a tiny bed Jimin bought for her as well.


“I’m sorry.” Jimin stands up, no longer looking at Minjeong. “I think you should go.”



It’s no lie that Minjeong thinks about going over to Jimin’s apartment to sleep in her bed, although she doesn’t because it feels like a breach of privacy, knowing the other girl hasn’t been home. She had passed her in the hallway one day and seen a man holding luggage coming out of Jimin's apartment.


He introduces himself as Jimin’s brother and Minjeong learns that Jimin’s going home for a few days.


They share a quick goodbye and Minjeong sees it in her mind, her heart trailing behind Jimin as she leaves.


It’s days of radio silence that drives Minjeong over the edge.


It’s not entirely fun, either, when Jaehyun actually asks her out one day and she feels nothing. Like an empty can, Minjeong only hears the inside of her rattle, as if a candy drop unsticks itself from the bottom of the can. She lets him down gently, and he’s almost baffled. Minjeong’s baffled too, but she’s far too tired when all she can think about is Jimin and her absence.


She doesn’t care if Jaehyun is there willingly for her.


Jimin’s absence creates a presence and Minjeong makes a call.


The call doesn’t go through; it only stops at the voicemail.


“I miss you...” Minjeong whispers. “I do that thing you do—it’s silly, but I cross my arms over my chest and pat my back to sleep like you’re laying beside me doing it. I pretend it’s your touch that’s holding me.”


Minjeong swallows thickly and breathes deeply.


“But it doesn’t feel the same.” Minjeong calls for her softly. “I need you, Jimin. Please come back when you’re ready.”


She makes another call the following day.


Aeri? Can you give me the address of where you and Jimin used to live?”


She doesn’t have a clue what she’s doing, but then she’s borrowing her brother’s car with nothing but her phone and wallet.



When Jimin returns to her childhood home from hanging out with her older brother, a small child runs at full speed towards Jimin. 


“Auntie!” Jimin kneels down and clasps her nephew in her arms, hugging him tightly.

“Aw, you grew up so much, Dong-hwa!” Jimin coos. “How have you been?”

“Dong-hwa, your auntie is tired; don’t bother her too much.” Her sister-in-law says.

“It’s okay, unnie.” Jimin beams.

“Auntie! Your friend is here!” Dong-hwa grins and Jimin blinks.



Jimin’s eyes widen when she looks at her mother and aunt at the floor table, setting up a hotpot. She looks past them and sees Minjeong.


“Hurry and sit!” Her mum calls out.


Minjeong looks at her silently and Jimin’s heart stutters.


“Y—you…how did you..!” Jimin stammers in disbelief.




Minjeong hadn’t put much thought into her plans, as she clearly shows as she exits her car, feeling her wallet and phone in her pocket. She stops in front of a rural shop and sits on the raised wooden floor with a can of cola in her hand.


She ponders if she’s gone overboard with this impromptu trip to Jimin’s hometown. She thinks it’d be rude to show up without notice and thinks about returning home. She stands up and prepares to leave when she sees an old woman walk past, holding a bundle above her head.


"Oh gosh, my hips..." The old woman croaks. 

Halmeoni!” Minjeong calls out and the old woman turns around slowly. “Halmeoni, I’ll carry that bag for you.” 

“Eh?” The old woman squints. “Omo, I’m fine, dearie.”

“It’s alright; please let me handle it.” Minjeong smiles good-naturedly.

“Then I’ll rely on you right up until there." She hands over the bag and points in the direction they’re heading.

“Yes, of course.” Minjeong beams.


They walk up to a house that appears to be well-loved.


“Great job; thank you so much.” The grandma grins. “You can leave it right there. Thank you for being such a pretty young lady; you sure do have a heart of gold.”

“It’s nothing much.” Minjeong shakes her head with a fond smile.

“Hey, you know, you don’t look like a local... did you come to visit?” The grandma asks. 

"Oh, something like that.” Minjeong answers. “I actually came here to look for someone.” 

“Did ya find the person?” She asks.

“No, unfortunately.” Minjeong smiles sadly. “I think I’ll just have to go back home.”

“Now see here!” The grandma speaks loudly with her strong country accent and Minjeong startles for a moment.


“You look like you came straight out of Seoul!” The grandma huffs. “Do you think it’s fine that you came all this way for nothing?!”

“Um…” Minjeong chuckles nervously.

“You came from Seoul, right?” The grandma asks. “Are you a student? What school?”

“Ah, yes… I go to SM University.” Minjeong answers timidly.


The grandma brightens up and her eyes grow round.


“Is that so? A family I know has a kid that goes to that school!” The grandma beams. 

“Oh, I see.” Minjeong blinks.

“This won’t do; come with me for a second.” The old woman says this as she latches onto Minjeong’s wrist.



Minjeong finds herself being dragged by the older woman she just met to some destination. They make it through the backyard of someone’s home and Minjeong helplessly follows.


“Momma Yu! Momma Yu, are you there?!” The old woman calls out.


They find a middle-aged woman hanging up sheets and Minjeong blinks, finding a slight resemblance between the woman and Jimin. Both women have dark hair and a tall stature, although this woman’s hair is shorter.


“Were you in the middle of hanging up the sheets?” The grandma asks.

“What did you need—” The middle-aged woman beams as she turns around. "Well, I’ll be. Who’s this pretty little lady? Is she your granddaughter?” 

“H–hello…” Minjeong bows shyly.

“Of course not! My son’s not even married yet!” The grandma croaks.

“Anywho, Momma Yu.” The grandma starts. “This little lady here said she came from Seoul SM University. Didn’t you say your youngest goes there as well?”

“Oh, Halmeoni." The woman chuckles softly. “That place is absolutely huge. That school’s so big that kids in the same class don’t even know each other’s names.”

“Is that right?” The grandma blinks sheepishly. “Maybe I was being too nosy. What was the youngest’s name again…?"

She turns to Minjeong and looks up at her.


“Ah. Do you know Jimin?” She asks and Minjeong freezes for a brief moment.

“The youngest in the house is named Jimin! Yu Jimin!” The grandma beams.

“Jimin…” Minjeong whispers and then her eyes widen. “Wait! Then that means you’re…”

She turns to the woman who looks like Jimin and it clicks in her mind.


“Do you know our Jimin?” The woman smiles.


Minjeong bows deeply, surprising both the women there.




Minjeong’s new predicament is now sitting beside Jimin, who has Dong-hwa in her lap, and she’s surrounded by the Yu family.


“Junmyeon, go fetch me the peach wine.” Jimin’s mother tells her older brother.

“Yes, ma’am!” He beams.


He returns with the peach wine and Momma Yu opens it.


“This here is the peach wine I made myself." The woman grins. “Have a little taste.”


Minjeong blinks, almost fumbling, as she raises her cup with both hands towards Momma Yu. “H–huh? Of course!”


Minjeong drinks it all down and Jimin watches her from the corner of her eye. 


“How is it? It tastes amazing, right?” Momma Yu grins as she leans over Jimin. 

“Yes! It’s absolutely delicious!” Minjeong beams at the sweet taste lingering on her tongue.

“You have a good taste in wine,” Momma Yu chuckles. “Here, have another glass.”

“Thank you.” Minjeong accepts it graciously.


Minjeong chugs it down and Jimin’s gaze sharpens.


“Have another!”


“Have another!”




“Enough!” Jimin speaks out.

“Young lady, this isn’t something you can just taste anywhere.” Momma Yu frowns.

“Geez, mum, that’s enough! She’s going to get drunk.” Jimin chastises her mother.

“A-ah, it’s alright, I want to drink mo—”


Jimin turns over and her eyes sharpen as she stares into Minjeong’s eyes, effectively silencing her.


It’s a bit later when Minjeong thinks she’s overstayed slightly, but as she tries to bid everyone goodbye, she gets pulled in and they refuse to let her leave after coming such a long way and since it’s late now and she’s had a few drinks, she shouldn’t be driving.


“New sheets.” Jimin enters the room with a bundle of bedding and Minjeong turns away from the window to stop listening to the crickets chirp.

“Thanks.” Minjeong nods.


Jimin places her bed sheets on the floor futon and sets up new sheets for Minjeong on her bed in silence.


“How…” Jimin swallows. “How did you come all the way here? How did you know where I live?”

“That… I asked Aeri.” Minjeong answers.

“But still… how did you think of coming here alone in the first place?” Jimin asks quietly.

“I…I didn’t think I’d get this far,” Minjeong confesses. “It all just happened so fast.” 


Minjeong’s sitting on the edge of Jimin’s bed as the taller girl sits on the futon.


“I just… I didn’t like how we ended up last time,” Minjeong speaks softly. “I just want to talk to you, although I admit it was a bit reckless of me to do this…sorry.”


“When…when you asked me to consider you, what way did you mean it?” Minjeong asks, looking down as she holds onto the bedsheets to ground herself.


Jimin chuckles softly, looking at Minjeong over her shoulder. “Is there another way I can mean that?”


“N–no, I mean…” Minjeong flushes. “Did you mean it seriously?”


Jimin stands up from her futon and Minjeong looks up. Jimin stands in front of Minjeong and it almost feels as if she’s laying herself bare. Here in her childhood home and with the girl she loves, Jimin doesn’t find reason to hide away.


She brings a hand forward and tucks Minjeong’s hair behind her ear. 


She cups Minjeong’s cheek and smiles softly.


“I mean everything I do and feel for you seriously, Minjeong-ah.”


Everything Jimin does feels like an autumn breeze, even the way she speaks. Minjeong’s favourite season is autumn and she doesn’t like how fleeting it is at all. She wants to hold on forever and she wants to keep Jimin with her for as long as the taller girl wills herself to.


Minjeong’s heart seizes at Jimin’s words and she feels a burning warmth behind her eyes. She wraps her arms around Jimin’s waist and brings her in as she hugs her tightly, the side of her face resting against Jimin’s stomach.


Jimin startles but she finds herself gently placing her hands around Minjeong’s shoulders, holding her in place.


“You know… you make my heart flutter anytime you’re with me…I never used to think anything of it, as if I’d be excited to hang out with you because you’re a friend I cherish,” Minjeong chortles softly. “But…even I never felt like that with Jaehyun.”


“I thought love was something meant to be comfortable and easy, like what I had growing up with Jaehyun. I thought it was something I’d ease into, but it started to feel like an obligation at one point,” Minjeong sighs, and Jimin pats her back comfortingly. “But with you, nothing feels like I have to do it. Everything I do with you, I choose and feel entirely. I…I feel safe with you but I also know nothing with you, and I like it like that. I like that I can’t expect what we do next, but I just know I want you right by my side all the time.”


Jimin pulls away and looks down at Minjeong, both hands crassing her cheeks as she smiles softly. Minjeong’s tears slip from her eyes and Jimin brushes them away.


“I’m considering you.” Minjeong says. “I’ve considered you for a long time.”


Jimin’s pushing Minjeong back, falling softly on top of Minjeong as she wraps her arms around the smaller girl tightly. She buries her face against Minjeong’s neck and breathes in her gentle scent.


“I’m sorry I left so suddenly and said nothing.” Jimin says and Minjeong smiles, hugging Jimin back just as tightly and desperately.

“You had your reasons," Minjeong says softly.


They lie there in each other’s for however long until Minjeong grows warm and suddenly bashful.


“I like you…” And then Minjeong’s squealing into Jimin’s shoulder. “I’ve never confessed to someone; I feel shy.”


Jimin’s laughing as she leaves one hand around Minjeong and pushes herself up with the other arm to peer down at Minjeong.


“It’s just me.” Jimin smiles.

“I know it’s just you.” Minjeong pouts, looking away. “You like me too.”

“I do.” Her smile only grows wider.


When Minjeong feels the sleight of Jimin’s hand as her shirt rides up, she expects long pointy nails at the small of her back, except she feels only the blunt round tips of nails in place.


“You cut your nails.” Minjeong turns to Jimin.

“Mm.” Jimin nods slightly. “I’ve had them short for a while.” 

“I noticed, but I thought it was just for a bit.” Minjeong says. “I didn’t realise you'd kept them short for this long. Anyway.”


Jimin laughs under her breath and then she’s looking down at Minjeong, her eyes tracing over Minjeong’s features.


“I think…” Jimin almost falls into a trance of Minjeong but pulls away. “Never mind.”


“No.” Minjeong’s grabbing onto the front of Jimin’s shirt, holding her in place.


“I want you.” Minjeong utters candidly and Jimin’s eyes widen, her ears growing red. “Kiss me.”


Jimin’s arm almost gives out from under her, but she’s leaning down slowly until she’s almost resting gently atop Minjeong. Her arm still around her waist, caressing the soft skin of the small of Minjeong’s back. She props her knees up slightly to stabilise herself as she uses her other hand to rearrange Minjeong’s stray hairs.


Minjeong’s breathing grows shallow, anticipating Jimin’s next move and she expects it, although caught off guard as well. Jimin hooks her pointer finger underneath her chin and holds it in place with her thumb as she urges Minjeong to lean up slightly. 


Jimin leans down, her long hair curtaining one side of Minjeong’s face, and her plush pink lips are against Minjeong’s. 


Jimin’s touch is deliberate in the sense that she is being so gentle and caring, as this is Minjeong's first real moment of love, and Jimin wants to make it the best for Minjeong.


One kiss ends short, and another follows longer. Jimin kisses her softly and Minjeong melts against her, relishing in Jimin’s affection. She breathes her in like oxygen and Minjeong believes this is her true meaning of love and she never wants it to end.


Jimin pulls away and Minjeong is breathless.


“Wow.” Minjeong’s eyes flutter and Jimin chuckles, falling onto Minjeong and beginning to laugh aloud. “What?”

“You’re so cute, Kim Minjeong.”



“Did you pack everything?” Momma Yu asks them.

“Yep.” Jimin nods.

“You should leave before the sun sets.” Her brother instructs her.


Jimin leans down and ruffles Dong-hwa’s hair.


“Goodbye, Dongie.” Jimin hugs the little boy. “Auntie will get you a present for sure next time.”

“Don’t leave!” Dong-hwa whines into Jimin’s arms.


Minjeong’s smiling softly until she feels a pair of eyes on her. She blinks, turns, and walks towards Jimin’s mother.


"If there’s anything you’d like to say..." Minjeong grins, blinking.


She hugs Minjeong abruptly and she blinks.


“Thank you for coming all this way.” Momma Yu says. “Our daughter is still a bit shy sometimes, so I was worried about sending her off alone to another city. But I feel reassured seeing you.”


She pats Minjeong’s back gently and Minjeong grins at the familiar action.


“Of course.” Minjeong nods.

“Visit again with Jimin next time.” She says.

“I’ll come again.” Minjeong nods.


“We’re off!” Jimin waves, closing the trunk of the car.


Minjeong bows again before going into the passenger seat.


“You’re sure you want to drive us back?” Jimin asks again to be sure.

“Yes, Jimin.” Minjeong chuckles.
“Okay, okay.”


Jimin finds herself falling asleep during the drive back, and Minjeong stops somewhere to grab coffee before returning to the car. She takes a sip of the coffee and sees Jimin moving around in the corner of her eye. She reaches into the back of the car and gets her jacket, draping it over Jimin as she lulls in and out of sleep, her head leaning against the seatbelt. 


She rearranges Jimin’s long hair, putting long, uncomfortable strands of hair away from her face behind her ear. She smiles softly, caressing Jimin’s cheek. Minjeong thinks she resembles her brother a lot. Dark hair, but with a soft complexion, yet hard set and loyal eyes. 


As she drives them home, Minjeong thinks in the silence—driving alone to Jimin’s hometown, eating with her family, sleeping in Jimin’s room, and being on the receiving end of Jimin’s affection. 


Minjeong had thought about how much she didn’t want to lose Jimin.


“Jimin-ah, we’re here.” Minjeong rouses the taller girl from her slumber.


Jimin stirs awake, looks around, and blinks awake when she finds herself in the car with Minjeong. A smile blooms on her face and Minjeong smiles too, although curious as to why she smiled suddenly.


“What’s with the smile?” Minjeong asks.


Jimin shrugs, unbuckling herself.


“I had a good dream.” She smiles, leaning over to Minjeong to press a long kiss to her lips. Minjeong blinks, surprised but she melts into the affection.


“We’re home.” Jimin grins.

And I love you, Minjeong thinks.


They head to Jimin’s place first and Minjeong helps her put back the clothes and food Momma Yu made them bring back. Minjeong closes the fridge door and turns to Jimin.


“Well, I’m going to head back now.” Minjeong says but Jimin tilts her head.

“Who said you’re going anywhere?” Jimin smiles, dragging her hand down Minjeong’s arm to interlock her hand with Minjeong’s. 

“I need to shower…” Minjeong shies away and Jimin moves forward until Minjeong’s back is against the fridge.

“You can shower here.” Jimin says, leaning down.




And then Jimin’s kissing her again and Minjeong doesn’t fight it—wrapping her arms around Jimin’s waist, her hand holding tightly onto the front of Jimin’s shirt.


Jimin’s heart doesn’t lurch painfully like it’ll spill out of without caution, but now she is willingly handing her heart over to Minjeong, her heart against Minjeong’s warm palm as she holds it gently. Jimin grins as she pulls away, kissing Minjeong’s cheek softly.


“Go shower. I’ll be waiting.” Jimin tells her and Minjeong nods.


Jimin heads to her room, but Minjeong pulls her back and kisses her again chastely.


“I won’t keep you waiting.” Minjeong grins.


When Minjeong is asleep in Jimin’s bed and in Jimin’s arms as the tall girl pats her back to sleep soothingly, she believes that this is where she’s made to be. She is loved entirely by Jimin and she’s with someone she loves entirely as well. 


Minjeong knows in her heart that Jimin is the one for her. 




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163 streak #1
Chapter 1: It’s so exhausting when you wait for someone to look your way when u love them with everything you got. By waiting we deprive ourselves from meeting the one. I just love your work so much, there are no words to describe it
kasterian #2
Chapter 1: 🩵🩵
Chapter 1: 💙💙💙💙❤️❤️
ilyy12020530 #4
Chapter 1: I just recently re-read And this fic really gave me a closure(somehow).
I'm happy that i stumbled upon this story. ❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙
Thank you!!!!! This is really good!!!
Chapter 1: Ahhh that was good
166 streak #6
Chapter 1: quick read~ this is so uwu 🥹
Chapter 1: Awww another fluttering storyy 🫶💙 thanks 🥰🥰🥰
Chapter 1: i feel like one of the marshmallows in minjeongie’s hot choccy 🥹 this is so comforting
Chapter 1: Suddenly I m missing fluttering feeling manhwa T3T
RIP Ssamba... anyways I can imagine the characters were really suited to be winrina..... and you really write it really well......I felt like having a closure now on that story ....gosh now I reminiscing when I was only waiting for that manhwa to update weekly then real life happens :((( .

Anyways thank you again . I LOVED IT
Chapter 1: My heart is full! 😍❤️💗

I really love how you wrote it!!! Thank you for this, authornim and to feb for recommending this! 😍❤️