Only one

turmoil of fate



The restaurant was quite noisy because it was Valentine's Day. And Valentine's Day meant hearts and confetti everywhere, which Kyungsoo found extremely cheesy. But despite how cheesy it all seemed at that moment, Kyungsoo was eagerly awaiting his date.

The meeting was at another one of those hidden little restaurants on the quieter streets of Bucheon. Yeah, he had taken the train there to finally meet him for the first time: the somewhat eccentric guy.

He had this fascination with wooden airplane models that gave Kyungsoo a headache trying to understand. But hey, at least he was drop-dead gorgeous! With a good ten centimeters taller than him, Oh Sehun was simply one of the most beautiful guys Kyungsoo had ever laid eyes on. He couldn't deny that he had high hopes for this date, even if he had to endure hearing about airplane models for a good two hours before getting to the point.

Something had to be gained from all of this.

Arriving at the restaurant, the short guy could only hope there was still a table for two available. Being the idiot he was, he hadn't even thought to make a reservation in advance to prevent the date from being a total disaster. He was a complete idiot, a triple idiot, as the place seemed completely packed.

The small restaurant was well-lit for that time of the afternoon. It wasn't too dark, but not too bright either. It was the perfect time for the sun to rest on the horizon, and for Kyungsoo to rest his tired legs. He was in desperate need of a table!

He went straight to the reception with a fake friendly smile on his face that concealed his desperation quite well. He was hoping the attendant would take pity on him. If he was lucky, he might leave her a tip at the end of the night. He would make sure she noticed that.

"Good afternoon. How can I assist you?" Well, it was now or never.

Kyungsoo forced his best heartfelt smile that he knew worked for most things. He had to be the epitome of friendliness at that moment.

"Great afternoon, Miss. Could you point me to a table for two?" The girl smiled strangely.

Perhaps she found him overly forced. Yeah, he had definitely been forced. But everything was worth it, right?

"Certainly, sir." The girl typed on the computer, already well worn by time. It took about five minutes until she returned with the precious information.

"We only have seats at the bar now, if you'd like. As soon as a table becomes available, I'll hold it for you. Is that okay?" Well, what could he do? It was the price he had to pay for not being prepared.

"Sure, sure. Thank you." Kyungsoo sighed in disbelief.

That date was already off to a wonderfully great start, and he couldn't wait to see what would happen for the rest of the evening.

He headed to the blessed bar, which was a bit further back in the place. There was a small stage, chairs, and a comfortable light for the Valentine's Day atmosphere. It was incredible how it made him feel slightly good.

He didn't know what to order to drink, or if his partner would take long enough for the alcohol not to cause any problems. Thinking about it for a moment, he decided to go for a simple beer. It wasn't possible to get drunk with that, right?

The waiter was even kind to him, probably thinking that Kyungsoo was there to drown his tears of being alone on Valentine's Day. Well, that wasn't the case. Do Kyungsoo was going to have a great night, no matter what!

He calmly drank the beer, letting the minutes slowly pass by. He wouldn't go crazy. Everything would work out in the end. He had to maintain a positive mindset, and believe in himself. If they couldn't get a table, they could still have fun in other ways, right? Other ways that Kyungsoo was really hoping would happen.

The short guy turned his attention to the bar, noticing a spotlight on the stage. It seemed like someone was going to perform. The piano was set up with a microphone installed on top. It was like a scene from a movie. Then, when he suddenly appeared, Kyungsoo thought he could die.

The guy was handsome, all dressed in a suit and tie with his blond hair neatly styled. He had an aura that made anyone stop and look at him. The way he walked to his place in front of the piano... Kyungsoo would never forget. So elegant. As if it were natural for him to look so elegant every day, even if it still seemed otherworldly to Kyungsoo.

The blond guy sat down, adjusting his posture and the microphone close to him. He closed his eyes for a few seconds before starting to play a few notes on the piano. His voice came in with a soft yet powerful tone. It was a type of voice that was distinct and different from any he had heard before. So warm. So strong. A contrast that only made Kyungsoo want to listen to him for a long time. He hoped the singer could stay there for the rest of the night.

The song was about a guy who wanted to take away his beloved's pain. It talked about tears and how it would now be his turn to cry in her place. It was such a pure and beautiful song that went straight to Kyungsoo's heart.

The blond's voice conveyed everything the lyrics were trying to express. He was great. Really good. More than that, even. He seemed, at the very least, excellent.

Kyungsoo started to feel comforted by that voice singing with so much heart. He didn't know who the singer was, had never heard of him before. But for sure, that guy could hold the whole world in his chest.

When the song ended, several people applauded. But Kyungsoo was still frozen. Disoriented by the mix of emotions he had felt in that moment. With that voice. He didn't know what he was thinking when he walked closer, trying to get a better look at him.

Byun noticed that he was staring but didn't seem to mind. So he continued speaking normally:

"I've never heard that before. People usually compare me to beauty, something angelic... but 'distinctive' sounds more powerful to me." He smiled gently at Kyungsoo. "Thank you, Kyungsoo." Do returned his smile.

He was speaking the truth. Yes, Baekhyun had a beautiful and angelic voice, but there was a strength to it that Kyungsoo found admirable. He knew that his vocal power was much greater than what he had shown there. He could sense it.

"But then, Do Kyungsoo from Goyang..." Baekhyun redirected his attention, smiling near the mouth of the bottle.

He was so y that it made Doh lose himself in the image. Baekhyun took a sip, then placed the brown glass back on the counter. He hadn't taken his eyes off Kyungsoo.

"It's Valentine's Day." The blond was clearly teasing him.


"I think you owe me a dance. Everyone deserves to dance on this special day."

Kyungsoo chuckled softly, unsure of what to say. Dance? He couldn't even remember the last time he had danced with someone like that. The guy was smiling at him as if he had been waiting for that.

Kyungsoo didn't know what to say. This was definitely a situation where he felt he should follow his heart. His heart raced every time he looked into the guy's eyes.

"I think... you're right, Baekhyun."

Kyungsoo got off the stool he was sitting on, reaching out his hand. Doh paused for a moment, just looking at him. A sarcastic smile formed on his downturned lips tinged with mockery.

"One thing you'll realize, Kyungsoo..." Baekhyun paused, speaking softly. "Is that I usually am right." The wink he sent was a direct hit to Kyungsoo's stomach, completely flipping it.

That guy knew how to flirt. More than anyone else in that room. More than Kyungsoo was used to. He accepted his hand in his and together, they walked to the hall where the blond had performed earlier.

It was much dimmer now. Some couples were dancing close together to the gentle melody of a piano playing in the background. Kyungsoo didn't quite know what to do because he hated dancing. But if it meant being held like that by the guy in front of him, he definitely wouldn't mind. In fact, he might even get used to the idea.

"I see we're the only ones without partners here," Baekhyun whispered softly, a bit closer than before.

"What do you mean?" He pointed to the other people there, with a half-smile on his face.

"They're all... how should I put it? Lovebirds?" Kyungsoo laughed at his joke.

"Well, I got stood up. And you?" Byun shrugged, moving a bit closer.

He circled his waist with one arm while still holding his hand with the other. Their gaze locked, a bit more serious than before.

"Waiting for someone." He whispered to him.

Kyungsoo liked his honesty. Of course, he was waiting for someone. No one wanted to be alone on Valentine's Day. It was practically a nightmare. He continued dancing with him back and forth, in a comfortable sway. Do could smell his scent wafting through the air, permeating his own skin. It was very pleasant. And quite masculine too. He was hypnotized by him there, in that low light, looking at him as if searching for the secrets of the universe.

"Do Kyungsoo..." He called him softly.

"Yes?" Kyungsoo responded, curious.

"I'm interested in you."

Kyungsoo widened his eyes. He wasn't expecting such straightforwardness.


"I'm interested in you. I want to... make you a proposal."

Do stopped to listen, causing them both to stop on the dance floor. Baekhyun approached, getting close to his ear.

"Make tonight a date with me. I promise to entertain you much more than anyone else."

Kyungsoo didn't know if he was talking about the conversation or something more. Either way, neither option was a bad one. Besides, he had been hoping to hear that for a while now.

"I accept." He replied softly with a smile.

He was betting it would be a memorable night. The blond smiled widely in response.

"Thank you so much for that." He brought them closer, resting his head beside his.

They must have looked like a couple now. At least that's how Kyungsoo felt. Baekhyun swayed them in a slow rhythm, making the warm breath resonate in the curve of his neck. Kyungsoo's skin tingled at that moment. He was quite sensitive to stimuli, especially from someone he was extremely interested in.

The music was no longer as romantic and was transitioning to a more passionate melody. He felt the hand on his waist tighten at the same time the blond whispered in his ear again:

"Do you have a place to stay?" Ah, he was being quite direct now.

"I was thinking of a hotel downtown." Baekhyun nodded in agreement.

"If everything goes well, you can stay at my place. I don't live far and I'll even make you breakfast." Kyungsoo laughed.

"You seem eager." He chuckled softly in his ear.

"You have no idea, Do Kyungsoo."

Kyungsoo fell silent at that moment. Byun Baekhyun was an extremely y guy. He didn't have time for games, and the way he dealt with everything so directly made Kyungsoo even more interested than the games he was used to playing with his previous suitors. Which was dangerous, as he was already enjoying it too much and knew he would miss his assertive way of handling things.

The music was almost over when he hugged him closer. Kyungsoo felt that the embrace was his way of establishing contact, more than a romantic gesture. He seemed fully aware of the seductive weapons he used.

Kyungsoo thought he had never been with anyone like this before.

"I don't know if I still have to go back to the piano or not, but I'd like to ask you to wait for me if you want to," Baekhyun whispered in his ear with a husky voice.

"That's fine," Kyungsoo said.

He was already asking for help there. It was quite obvious that Kyungsoo would want to wait for him. He was too curious to back down now.

Baekhyun smiled at him again as he stepped away.

"I won't be long." He said, planting a kiss on the corner of his lips before leaving.
Kyungsoo stood in the same spot. It was such a simple gesture, but it had such a profound effect on him. If his stomach fluttered with just a kiss, he could hardly imagine what he would feel if he kissed him for real—or if things went further than that.

Kyungsoo took a deep breath. He needed a drink or he doubted that he could make it through the rest of the night without attacking the pianist. Baekhyun was an intense guy. He wasn't used to guys like him at all since all of Kyungsoo's boyfriends were like him: cute, slightly erted, and very, very lazy. But the guy there seemed to be his complete opposite, and that was something the dark-haired guy wasn't able to handle.

Kyungsoo got up from his seat while watching the pianist move away from him on the dance floor. Even the way he moved was graceful, with the pants of his suit perfectly hugging his well-developed thighs. Yeah, he's damn hot, Kyungsoo thought, without the courage to say it out loud. He could say he was lucky to get stood up by a hot guy just to meet another one on the same day. Maybe there was something in that city that made all the guys extremely attractive.

Or maybe it was because he was indeed a ert.

The dark-haired guy pushed aside his thoughts, trying to compose himself. It wasn't going to be the day for that. He should focus on the fact that he was alone, abandoned, homeless, and without any dignity, seriously considering going back home before everything got even more complicated.

He walked over to the bar and ordered one of those sweet, high-alcohol drinks. As undecided as he was about what to do, he also wanted to enjoy a bit. Make the trip worth it. After all, it wasn't every day that Do Kyungsoo left his house on a long journey to another city for a date that had actually gone wrong. That's why he was still thinking about it when he took his drink and went to the smoking area of the restaurant.

He was feeling a bit irritated. It wasn't the first time he had been stood up by someone, but it was the first time he had invested so much for a date that was going nowhere. When he took his phone out of his pocket and saw that there was still no response from his date, the dark-haired guy simply gave up. It was obvious that he wasn't going to show up anymore.

Kyungsoo sighed, drinking half of the glass of tropical fruit alcoholic concoction (the affectionate name he had given to the drink), and put the device back in his pocket, feeling angry. Damn Oh Sehun and his wooden airplane models. Damn him for going so far only to end up disappointed. Whatever popular saying summed up his situation there.

As he swallowed the rest of the drink, he heard a familiar voice calling from behind him again:

"I thought you had run away from me."

Kyungsoo turned around, realizing that the pianist had returned. He looked different now, wearing a tight black shirt that accentuated his broad chest and extremely tight jeans. Kyungsoo didn't think he could get any hotter, but that's exactly how he looked. Kyungsoo started to feel dizzy just by looking at him, but he suspected it wasn't just because of the drink.

"Where did you get that outfit?" The guy smiled widely, approaching until he stood by his side.

"I don't like wearing my uniform when I'm off work. It gets dirty too easily, and I don't earn enough to buy another one." The dark-haired guy agreed, even though he had no idea how much a pianist earned in one night.

"I brought a drink for you," he said, handing a red plastic cup to the dark-haired guy.

Kyungsoo accepted it because at that moment, he just wanted to forget about the blunder he had made that night.

But as soon as he looked at the liquid, he realized it was carbonated, and... transparent?

"Is this... water?" Baekhyun laughed.

"Yes. It's always good to cleanse the neurons, isn't it?" Kyungsoo smiled at him.

The blond had a reserved smile, watching him with his clever eyes. That guy, in the end, might make the night worthwhile. Because at that very moment, he had grown in Kyungsoo's estimation. And all because of sparkling water.

"Are you done for today?" Kyungsoo asked, locking eyes with him.

Baekhyun smiled to the side, getting a little closer to him. They were close to a railing that overlooked the outside of the restaurant. It wasn't cold, but it wasn't hot either. However, with the pianist by his side, he didn't seem to feel anything but excitement. And a bit of dizziness from the drink too.

"Maybe..." The blond replied. "I think I'll stay here until the restaurant closes, and I also have to straighten everything up before leaving."

Kyungsoo nodded briefly. "I understand."

"Which doesn't mean, however... that I can't come here and bother you."

That caught Kyungsoo off guard. Doh smiled widely, taking a sip of the water for the first time since he had brought it for himself. It had a fizzy taste, but it didn't compare to the butterflies Doh felt in his stomach because of the pianist.

"You're not." Kyungsoo said. "In fact, I want to thank you. If you hadn't talked to me, I think I would have already passed out at the bar by now."

The blond chuckled softly, leaning against the railing as he watched the sun disappear from the horizon. It was getting much later than planned, and Kyungsoo couldn't stop thinking about what he should do: stay and call a taxi to a hotel, or endure the hours on the train back to his city. It would all depend on how his heart would react to the pianist by his side.

Baekhyun looked back at him, with a sarcastic smile that was taking some effort to be seen.

"Don't feel that way, Do Kyungsoo. It's a shame that your date stood you up on Valentine's Day, but maybe it was a sign for you."

"A sign?" Kyungsoo asked.

Baekhyun nodded. "To meet me and talk to me." Kyungsoo laughed at his audacity.

"I see," he said, smiling at him reflexively. "And what do you want to talk about, Baekhyun from Bucheon?"

The pianist smiled when he realized that Kyungsoo had used his name-recalling technique. Kyungsoo could also be terrible when he wanted, shamelessly flirting. Alcohol sometimes granted him that courage.

"About you," the blond simply replied.

Doh was taken aback by his fervor.

"Oh..." he said, at a loss for words.

Baekhyun smiled at him. He seemed to be enjoying his shyness.

"What do you do in life, apart from jumping on trains for blind dates on Valentine's Day?"

Kyungsoo chuckled.

"I'm a librarian."

"Ah... a book lover?"

"No, I hate reading." The blond laughed.

He squinted his eyes as if evaluating him. Kyungsoo couldn't help but notice his arms, while his slender fingers went to his mouth reflexively. He was a y guy. He could sense it in the way he acted, but also in his gestures. It was hard to concentrate with him being so close in that way.

"Hate reading? Hm... that's unexpected," he said, getting a little closer. "You surely haven't read the book of the millennium yet."

"And what book is that?"

"Twilight," he said, seriously.

Kyungsoo was incredulous. That little teenage book, full of vegan vampires, was his pianist's favorite? Well, everyone has their flaws.

"Are you serious?" Baekhyun shrugged.

"People didn't understand the genius of that work. Apparently, you're one of them, Kyungsoo from Goyang."


"Or maybe you have questionable taste, Baekhyun from Bucheon." Baekhyun laughed.

"Let me tell you something: on our next date, I'll bring the book for you to read. And then you tell me if I'm right or not."

Kyungsoo smiled this time. He was thinking about a future date, which meant that the blond liked him. He couldn't help but blush a little because of it. It was rare for Kyungsoo to feel embarrassed about something, but at that moment, the closeness of the guy was making him slightly intimidated.

"By your smile, I'll take it that you just agreed to go out with me again," Baekhyun whispered, this time placing his hand very close to Kyungsoo's.

He was asking for something that Kyungsoo wanted to give him so badly: his sanity. The proximity was such that his scent ended up intoxicating the shorter one. When Kyungsoo realized it, he was already looking directly at him as if he were the only thing worth looking at in the vastness of that moment. The guy leaned in with a gentle smile.

"Would I be a really bad guy if I asked for a kiss from you right now?"

Kyungsoo smiled, realizing that his gaze had fixated on his lips.

"It's cruel to deny oneself," he said, mustering whatever courage he had found.

And in the next second, Doh simply took the blond's nape, bringing their lips together as he had been waiting for since the moment he saw him. Baekhyun was taken by surprise, smiling for a brief moment before responding. Their hands roamed each other's waist and nape as Kyungsoo pulled him closer. The taste of his kiss was of lemon and alcohol, probably from some drink he had before. But Kyungsoo didn't mind at all, wanting to savor everything that Baekhyun had to offer.

His kiss was curious, slow, and precise. He knew exactly what to do to keep Kyungsoo from thinking about anything other than his presence, his touches, and the way he on his lips as if it were the best thing in the world.

Baekhyun deepened the kiss, breaking it to gaze into his eyes. There was something playful in his gaze, and he was likely going to say something more when they were terribly interrupted.

"Do Kyungsoo?"

Kyungsoo averted his gaze from Baekhyun, turning slightly towards the voice calling him. He was afraid to face the reality that was right in front of him. Because it couldn't be possible that he had just arrived.


"It's me... Sehun."

The guy was on the other side of the railing, holding a bouquet of flowers three times bigger than himself. That's when Kyungsoo started feeling like trash. Oh Sehun had a fresh face, as if he had gone through a lot to get where he was. Standing there. Watching his date kissing another guy on Valentine's Day.

"Sehun... look, I'm sorry. Really. I... thought you stood me up, man. And then I got angry for traveling all this way, and..." Kyungsoo stopped when he realized Sehun was crying.

Thick tears streamed down his face as, in anger, he threw the huge bouquet to the ground while pointing a finger at Kyungsoo's face.

"You have no heart!" Sehun said before leaving without saying another word.

Kyungsoo stood there, not knowing what to say. Baekhyun, by that point, still held him in his arms. He ended up stepping back, with a frozen, forced smile on his face. He didn't seem comfortable with the situation, but neither was Kyungsoo. The whole incident was horrifying in itself.

"Well... quite a date, huh?" the pianist said, holding back a smile.

"Ah, I'm an idiot. Go ahead, laugh at me. I know I deserve it now."

Baekhyun smiled, approaching him. He took his hand, as he seemed to have wanted to do for many minutes, and looked at him with gentle eyes.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Kyungsoo. You thought he stood you up. And... between us? I know my charm had a bigger effect on you."

This time it was Kyungsoo who laughed, feeling embarrassment fill his entire being. Baekhyun shook their hands, getting a bit closer to whisper softly:

"Let me tell you something, Do Kyungsoo from Goyang."

"What?" Kyungsoo asked, curious.

Baekhyun smiled, theatrically bringing Kyungsoo's right hand to his lips.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Kyungsoo smiled widely.

Of all the chaos that had unfolded that night, it was incredible that it had still ended so well—and in such good company. Kyungsoo looked up at the guy beside him who had just saved him from a horrible evening. He thought that maybe life was like that sometimes. If you ever find a date in the midst of a misencounter? Well, make it happen. So, with that in mind, Kyungsoo simply replied:


And the pianist's wide smile upon hearing that was better than any other response.

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968 streak #1
This is quite interesting.
I love how straightforward is Barkhyun to Kyungsoo's uncertainty.
Sorry for the later (hehe) Sehun!
Thank you so much for sharing.