Is this LOVE?


It's 5am in the morning and the smell of coffee filled up the room. Taehyung tossed and turned in his bed, woken up from the smell. I smiled at him, "It's 5, go get some more sleep."

He the other way and fell back to sleep. I brought my cup out of the room to the porch, sliding the door closed before I took a seat. I fished out my phone and went through the social media applications as a habit but I forgot that there was no signal here. I shove my phone back and sit back, sipping my coffee and listening to the wave crashing to the shore. I looked out of the way to the ocean and a flashback of Y/N came to my mind, reminding me of the first time I saw her. I smiled from the thought and shook my head, sipping more of my coffee.

Speaking of her, I saw her coming out from her room alone. Placing her hands behind her and starting walking towards the beach, I sip a little bit before I walk down from the casita and follow her.

"Hey," I tapped her shoulder then she turned around.

"Oh hey, good morning. You got up early!" she exclaimed. I couldn't help but smile at her. "Yeah, had a good night's sleep and waking up early has been a habit," she nodded her head and smiled back. "Where are you going?" I asked as I moved a bit to face her. 

"Just going to take a walk while listening to music and going to watch the sun rise, wanna join?" A huge smile creeped in my face, knowing that we have the same agenda except listening to music was something that I could cherish for a long time.

"Actually, that's my plan too. Except listening to music...I prefer to listen to waves,"

"Hmmm I think you're right. The sound of the waves are therapeutic," she put her phone back to her pocket. "Let's go!" she gestured with a smile, walking away first as I followed her from behind. Stepping on the steps she marked on the sand to match her pace before I jogged a bit to walk beside her. 

"How was your sleep?" My mouth just blurted out random stuff to say in order to converse with her. 

"Sleep was great, had a good night's sleep. My first time to have one ever since I started working. Thoughts of problems suddenly come to mind whenever I'm asleep, but last night I had none of that. I had good dreams instead,"

I nodded and smiled at her, "I know the feeling. Had a good night's sleep like yours last night too. But I woke up too early."

She chuckled softly, "You should try again tomorrow. Waking up early is the worst habit ever especially when you're on vacation and wanted more sleep,"

We ended up in a big tree with a swing made out of a piece of wood and rope tied around a big branch. She excitedly went towards it and sat down. She reached out for both ropes since the wood was big enough to fit two people in it.

I went behind her and offered her a push which she gladly accepted. I pushed her gently as she started giggling asking to push harder in which I complied. Her giggles echoed at the empty beach, overlapping with the soft crash that the waves made. 

“Stop, stop, stop,” she softly said. 

I stopped and so her giggles started to fade, replacing with a soft smile as she scooted over and patted the space beside her, offering me to take a seat beside her. I looked at her, I was hesitant at first but she insisted so I bravely sat down. Our skin touched a bit which gave me a shiver down my spine. My gaze went to her hand which was resting on the plank, having the urge to hold it bursting inside me. I wanted to, but I didn’t. I feared that she might get turned off or get scared. She might have thought that I’m a creep for holding her hand which she only met yesterday. I don’t want her to have a bad impression of me, I want her to remember me as a good guy. 

“Ahh isn’t that pretty?” she said. I followed her gaze and there it was, the sun peeping behind the clouds, slowly rising from its sleep, ready to light up the whole place welcoming a new day. 

“Make a wish,” I softly muttered as I closed my eyes and made my wish. A wish to stop time so that I can learn more about her. However, I’m afraid that I’m the only one who wanted that and not her. I opened my eyes and turned my head to look at her but her eyes were still closed, probably making a wish while a gentle smile plastered on her face. I didn’t notice how long I was looking at her, I came back to my senses when I saw her opening her eyes. 

“It’s wonderful to witness a new day has arrived,” she said softly, looking up to me with her doe eyes that I hadn't noticed before. My gaze locked with hers and her lips curved into a smile which made her eyes create a crescent shape, I can’t help to return a smile as well, eyes still locked with hers. She turned her head, gazing back to the scenery.

“Beautiful new day indeed,” I muttered, my eyes were still on her, however, I broke my gaze when she turned her head towards me. I suddenly felt shy. 

“Isn’t this relaxing? Being one with nature. It’s giving me a huge comfort and it helps me to relax and calm. I can’t remember the time I spent admiring beautiful scenery and know, just there witnessing a beautiful creation in front of you,” she mumbled. I can’t help but smile at her because it seems she can read my mind since that was what I was thinking, however, the ‘beautiful creation’ she meant wasn’t the same as what was in my mind. Because the ‘beautiful creation’ was beside me, witnessing the scenery in front of me.

“We think the same. That’s why I love going to parks, hiking, and exploring nature. It’s relieving my stress and really helps to clear my mind from everything,” I responded back. 

She looked at me, “I bet you were desperate to have this break, huh? Isn’t being famous, always in front of the camera, and keeping your book close is hard to preserve? Because here you can do whatever you want, act who you really want to be, take off the mask that covers up your true self in front of millions of people. Not too long you have to put that mask again after this,” a sound of disappointment appeared in her voice when she mentioned the last part of what she said.

I can’t help but to smirk at how our minds are on the same page, “That is true. And I am impressed. Can you read minds?” I jokingly said. 

“It is tiresome sometimes. Putting that mask back. However, it seems I’m slowly coming out from that mask since I always feel how our fans love us and I appreciate everything they have done to us. And in front of them it feels like I can entirely take my mask off and just be myself. No criticism, no judgments, just pure love.” 

She gave me a big smile as she looked back in front, “Well said.” she gave me a two thumbs up. “I’m speechless.”

I can’t help but chuckle at her cuteness.

“Did I go too deep or..” she shook her head.

“No you didn’t. I love this kind of conversation, it somehow gives me relief. Because it seems someone can understand what I’m feeling and I want to thank you for that, you gave me comfort,”

After hearing that all I could hear was my heart pounding out loud, wishing she couldn't hear it since it’s ringing in my ears. She left me speechless and I don’t know what to say. The only action I could only give her was an ear to ear smile which she gladly returned. 

I looked through her eyes and held it for a while and I think I can see my true self in her and I love what I’m seeing. 

I think I’m falling for her. 


Everyone was on the beach doing their own stuff, I sat down by the beach chair and looked around looking for her wondering if she had finished changing. I looked at the sea, maybe she was already with her friends who were swimming and playing ball in the water. 

I was too distracted when suddenly someone poked my back. I turned around and greeted her with a smile. “Oh hey,” I said, casually creating a space for her to sit. She sat down and started putting sunscreen on herself. 

“Why aren’t you out there with your brothers?” she asked. 

“A bit later, I just got here,” I responded. She nodded her head as she finished putting on lotion.

“Do you wanna go kayaking with me? Each casita has one kayak,” she stood up looking around, probably looking for a staff to ask. She spotted the lifeguard by the big tree with life vests beside him. She ran towards him and asked for a kayak, the lifeguard  immediately left then came back with a kayak behind him, pulling it. 

She motioned me to come to her, I walked towards her and handed me a life jacket. Her friends came as well, “Oh yeah, I forgot about the kayak,” one of her friends said. Then all of us were gathered, each one asking who wants to go kayak with. 

Her friend asked if she could go with her but she refused and told her friend that she’s going with me. I smiled at her friend and pointed towards Taehyung, “Taehyung doesn’t have a partner yet, you can ask him,” she thanked me before going to Taehyung. 

I can’t believe she asked me to go with her, maybe because like what she said, I gave her a comfort slash making her comfortable in a way. I smiled at the thought but I came back to my senses when Taehyung hit my arm, smiling cheekily at me, “Why?” I asked.

He just shook his head and went with his partner, dragging the kayak to the shore. I shrugged it off and did the same as well, dragging the kayak, letting her get in first as I pushed the kayak further to the water before I jumped in and started sailing with her. 

Everything went smooth, we kept on chatting and stayed together for company and knowing more about her in just a day until the sun we witnessed together was slowly setting behind the vast sea. 


After dinner, everyone gathered around the bonfire that existed by the beach. A staff member kindly offered to light up the fire for us, “Fire!!!” Hoseok sang along with Taehyung and Jungkook and danced wildly, making the atmosphere good and the staff handed us some sticks and marshmallows if we felt like roasting some later.

The night was cold, a light breeze passed by. Y/N shivered a bit beside me so I took off my long sleeves and placed it around her. 

“Oh, but aren’t you cold?” she was trying to push my hand away lightly but I shook my head and put it around her. “I’m good, I don’t feel cold. Don’t worry.”

She shyly smiled and thanked me, keeping it tight around her small body, cuddling against it. Seokjin hyung came with his guitar, he took a seat and sat comfortably positioning the guitar in his arms and he gently strummed the strings and started singing. Everybody who knew the song sang along, while the others were hyping the song by Hoseok and Jungkook of course. Those two have been wild after dinner. 

I turned my head a bit to glance towards y/n, to my surprise she did the same as well giving me the widest smile until her eyes disappeared. I was mesmerized, responding with a soft smile but my eyes were on her. I didn’t notice how long I was looking at her, our gaze somehow locked for a moment, my surroundings became blurred so were the sounds the guys made. It felt like the time just stopped at that moment, and I thought that I will never forget this moment. 

That night felt so right, I hoped that the time could stop or let the night stay longer and let me get lost in her eyes.


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