
A Cherished Ray
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Monday finally came round and as soon as Shin Hye sat at her desk, Min Ho approached her,

“I’m done with the book… Can we finally talk now?”

She looked at Min Ho, blinking her eyes as she quizzed, “Really?”

“Yeah… And we need to talk…”

“Later… The teacher is here…” as she indicated with her eyes, cutting the conversation short and causing Min Ho to get back to his seat. When it was finally lunchtime, he was quick to get hold of Shin Hye, just in case she slipped away.

“Are you going to the library again? Or somewhere else?”

“Nowhere… I’m staying here in the classroom… So, what is it that you want to talk about?”

“About the guitar…”

“Huh? Not about schoolwork?”


“Then we don’t have any reason to talk to each other…”

“Aren’t we friends? Friends can talk about a wide range of topics besides schoolwork…”

“Are we?”

“Are we not? Why, don’t you wish to be friends with me?”

“It’s not that… I never thought of it that way…”

“Then what were you thinking?”

“Someone that I’ve encountered before who is now a classmate who needs help in his studies…”

“What?!" exclaimed Min Ho who could not believe what he had just heard, "So, you really have no intention to be friends with me? Then why did you give me such an expensive guitar?”

“Huh? Give? I thought I told you that it was a fair trade… And it wasn’t that expensive…”

“Don’t lie, will you? I know I’m not good at my studies but I know my guitars and it’s custom…”

“No, I’m not lying… I did the customisation… So, it’s not as expensive as you think…”

“You’ve got to be kidding me…”

“What for?”

“You build your own guitars?! Are you a guitarist too?!”

“Huh? No… Not really…”

“What do you mean not really?” with Min Ho probing further.

But Shin Hye was determined to steer him away from asking her any questions regarding the guitar, “Hey… Aren’t you a student? Shouldn’t you be more interested in improving your grades?”

“I love music more than my studies…”

“That I can tell... But will you be able to pursue music freely while being bad at your studies?”

Min Ho was puzzled by her question. It was as though she knew about his father’s resentment, which made him questioned her, “How do you know? Were you there when that incident happened?”

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Oh dr... U r back.... With minshin.... Yes sure they are otp.... I was so much in love with them.... If I turn back now.... 10 years have been... Both has their loved ones..... Anyways God bless them
Chapter 6: you out done yourself again dearest Piecesofrainbow...Loving this mysterious Shin Hye.Hahaha Lee Min Ho remains the Lee MinHo I recognize from MinShin days.
apinyaYC #3
Chapter 6: Thanks author...I can't wait next chapter (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
apinyaYC #4
Chapter 4: Author.. Can you update everyday??? It's very fun...I like you story (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
apinyaYC #5
Chapter 3: I can't wait next chapter!!!! Your fanfic so interesting.. thank you so much author for update (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
apinyaYC #6
Chapter 1: Thanks for update minshin fanfic...I am so glad to see minshin's writer comeback... hope that you update next chapter soon(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡