First Real Date

First Love Found


  You laced the straps on your shoes; hole 4 on one and hole 4 on the other. As you quickly straightened up, you ran to the bathroom to powder your nose and ran out the bedroom door, down the stairs. HE was waiting there. Your mind went blank as you looked at him in that crazy, y black suit.

“Ehem” someone behind you cleared their throat. You looked back just to see Lena holding your purse. You promptly took it with a smile and bent down to kiss her on the cheek and she wrapped her little arms around your neck. She knew how important this day was to you. TaeminxRose was her OTP.

As you were still in the embrace of your little supporter, Taemin came over and put his hand on you shoulder and asked innocently,

“Can I be part of this bear hug too?”

You lifted Lena up and she pulled you two extremely close with her little arms wrapped around both your necks now, struggling to make her fingers touch to make a full circle with her arms.

You gave her another little kiss and so did Taemin as you put her down. She scampered away to go play with her dolls and she blew you a little kiss. Taemin’s hand gently swiped under your hand and his fingers wound through yours. He held on tight as you two walked out the front door.

The moment you were out the door, he stopped and you continued to walk a couple feet until you stopped as well.

“Why did you stop?” you asked with a giggle

“I wanted to get a better look at the most beautiful, breathtaking girl in the world.” He proudly said with that seductive glare in his eye. You felt your cheeks get a little bit red.

“Really?” you asked playfully

It was dark outside with only some green, partially ancient, street lamps lit outside. The moonlight made tiny circular reflections off the water of little puddles on the side of the road and the pond in the park. Fireflies started to appear; their lights shining brightly. They started to swarm around you and then they flew over slowly to him. A warm summer breeze touched your skin. You gently took off you heels and ran full speed to the love of your life. He caught you, easily, and held you in his arms above the ground. This was surreal, like magic out of a story book; it was love.

He kissed you on the neck and put you down. You pouted.

“What?” He asked

“Why'd you stop kissing?”

“You liked it?”

You nodded.

“Well then, I guess I'll have to do it again one day” he said with a smirk

You walked over to him and took him by the hand.

“Lets go eat something light and then we can do something even more fun afterwards.”

Author’s note: Sorry, but there will be non of “that” in this chapter (or book for that matter)- no here.

“I love the way you think!” he said

The two of you walked away into the darkness of the unlit park, only led by 4 senses and the 5th one being love.

That was a small, yet unforgettable experience. It was only you and Taemin against the darkness. Walking hand in hand, feeling the direction of the wind and hearing the smooth gravel under your feet, you held your heels in the other hand.

Suddenly, you were swept off your feet: literally. You squealed a little, like most girls of your age do, and you put your head into the indent of his shoulders. They were warm. Taemin carried you through the whole park and before he put you down, as the park road was coming to an end and the small town lights were shining, you giggled and asked,

“I am heavy, aren’t you tired?”

“You are as light as a feather!” he responded and then added, while showing his guns

“Plus I am pretty strong!”

Both of you laughed and you yawned. Taemin cupped your face in his hands and sweetly said,

“Poor baby. You are tired.” He looked at his watch,

“Its already 9:30!” We have been out for a long time!”

“I enjoyed every second of it Taeminnie. You mist be tired from carrying me so far as well. Let’s sit down.”

Taemin nodded his head and put his arm around your waist as he led you to the bench. Taemin quickly took off his blazer and laid it down on the bench where you were about to sit. You sat down and you put your head on his shoulder. He moved over so that you would have enough room to lay down on the bench and you head lowered to rest on his lap. He pet your head and kissed your forehead. You dozed off gently into the warm night. 

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