Nighty night

Hope is a dream that doesn't sleep

Nabyeol was only five years old, so she usually went to sleep around 7:50. Jongwoon always made sure to arrive early so they could have dinner together and later tuck her in bed himself when it was his turn, but there was always the threat of overtime.

Luckily, he could pull out the card of 'I have a kid at home' to make his boss let him go without having to stay three hours after the end of his shift, although his current company wasn't as exploitative as the previous place he worked at. And anyway, he always finished his workload on time, so no one could really say anything to him.

So now that it was seven thirty, Jongwoon was at home, helping Nabyeol to get ready for bed. Her purple teeth brush was held up in her small hand, waiting for Jongwoon to put the strawberry toothpaste in it. Once it was ready, Nabyeol started brushing her teeth. But diagonally.

Jongwoon stopped her hand gently. "Remember you have to brush your teeth like this, Nabyeol-ah." He showed his teeth, making slow motions with his teeth brush so it could be easier for her to imitate him.

"Up and down." She copied the movements clumsily, as her fine motor skills were not fully developed yet.

"Yes, like that." He made small pauses while brushing his own teeth to give her some pointers for how to do it. "Now the interior. We use circles for the teeth at the back."

Jongwoon finished brushing his teeth before asking her to open wide . She did a great job, but Jongwoon still had to brush her teeth to get rid of all the plaque. Jongwoon washed Nabyeol's teeth brush before placing it besides his and Kyuhyun's in the cabinet.

Afterwards, they went to Nabyeol's room. There Jongwoon helped her change to her unicorn pajamas. She really liked that one, but she may soon outgrow it. Maybe they could get a similar one online.

Jongwoon opened the toy's chest, letting Nabyeol see the interior. "Which one do you want to accompany you tonight?"

Nabyeol looked at all her plushies, studying their state. Ever since they saw a certain animated movie about living toys, she had been adamant in giving an equal treatment to hers, not wanting to make them feel lonely. She even kept a count of how many times she chose each plushy, although she usually got confused after the numbers grew too much. She restarted her counting and the story repeated.

After making her decision, she used took out a green plushy. "I'll sleep with General Froggie tonight. I ne-glec-ted him for too long."

Jongwoon arched and eyebrow. "Where did you learn that word from?" By the way she had difficulty saying it, she heard it recently.

Nabyeol frowned as she tried to recall. It didn't take her long to remember, as it didn't happen long ago. "Ah! In one of Kyu appa's dating shows."

Jongwoon was confused with this information at first. Kyuhyun only saw his dating or historical shows after Nabyeol went to sleep, to make sure she didn't see anything unappropriated. So if she caught him while he was watching one of them, it meant something woke her up.

"Was it during the thunder storm a few days ago?" Jongwoon was downstairs when Nabyeol went to search for them at their room. That must be why he didn't notice Kyuhyun was watching something in his computer when he arrived.

"Yes." Nabyeol seemed a little embarrassed from not wanting to sleep alone that night. "But I wasn't too scared because Lieutenant Shelly and Dr Penguin were with me." She pointed at a turtle plushy she got in her last birthday and one of the penguin plushies she stole from Kyuhyun's collection.

"I see. You are very brave, after all." Jongwoon patted her head with a smile.

Nabyeol smiled self contented. She sat in her bed, preparing to lie down, before a question attacked her mind. "Is appa also scared of something?"

Jongwoon looked from side to side and then acted as if he were going to tell Nabyeol a huge secret. "To be honest, I used to be afraid of heights, but I I'm not scared of them anymore."

Nabyeol opened surprised before smiling smugly. "We're both very brave."

He ruffled her hair fondly. "We're family after all."

After Nabyeol lied down in bed and Jongwoon tucked her, he crouched in front of the small bookshelf in her room. There were various fairy tales and some didactic books for children, but given the time, he was focusing more on the previous ones. He didn't know what to choose, so he left the decision in Nabyeol's hands.

"Do you want me to read you a story or do you want a song?"

"Song!" She exclaimed excitedly as she clapped her hands. "Can you sing twinkle star?"

He chuckled at the eagerness she showed, sitting at the edge of her bed. "You really like that song, don't you?"

"It's a star like me."

Jongwoon nodded. "Okay, let's sing together."

Nabyeol's eyes shined with excitement. She loved music as much as Kyuhyun and him, so she always asked to sing the lullabies with them. They counted to three before starting.

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
how I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
how I wonder what you are."

Her high pitched and childish voice contrasted Jongwoon's a lot. He always thought the song didn't match his deep voice and that he made it sound rather sad, but both Kyuhyun and Nabyeol insisted it sounded great everytime he sang it. They really loved listening to his voice.

As they were singing the second verse, another voice joined them. Jongwoon knew very well who it was, but he still turned to see his husband entering the room.

Kyuhyun was doing silly gestures with his hands, imitating opera singers. Jongwoon rolled his eyes and Nabyeol chuckled amused. The younger man sat besides him with a bright smile, brushing some locks of hair from Nabyeol's face.

"... Twinkle, twinkle, all the night..."

Little yawns escaped from Nabyeol between verses, but she was stubborn on staying awake. However, when the last verse came, her eyes had already closed and her breath was calm. Kyuhyun shook his head fondly at the image. Jongwoon held back the chuckle that was eager to escape his lips, he sometimes got jealous of how easy it was for her to fall asleep. They decreased the volume of their voices as to not disturb their little angel.

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star."

The song came to and end, so both parents gave Nabyeol a kiss on her forehead.  "Sweet dreams darling."

"Sleep well."

Nabyeol shifted in her place, apparently still a little conscious of the real world. "G... Night.." She mumbled some unintelligible things before talking more coherently. "I really like appa's voice." She didn't have to clarify for them to know she was talking about the two.

The smile that grew in both Jongwoon and Kyuhyun's face was so warm their adoration for their daughter was blatantly evident. After confirming she had actually fell asleep, they went out the room with quiet steps, leaving their baby in the world of dreams.

Once the door closed as silently as possible, Kyuhyun gave Jongwoon a peek in his cheek, trapping him in a hug at the same time. "Sorry, you had to do it all by yourself even though it was my turn tonight."

Jongwoon turned to look at his beloved and caressed his cheek with his hand. "It's okay. Were you able to finish everything?" Kyuhyun's boss sent him some work last minute that needed to be done quickly, so he had to ask Jongwoon to help with dinner and tucking Nabyeol on bed.

Kyuhyun sighed. "Yes, I already sent the archives." He took Jongwoon's hand in his and intertwined their fingers. They were only going towards the living room, but it was fun walking like that. "I'm free for the night. Would you like to have a date with me?"

"What would we do, watch a movie together?" Jongwoon responded with the same flirty voice Kyuhyun used. The younger man enveloped his body before responding.

"Yes, you can choose." Kyuhyun smiled slyly as he leaned forward to whisper in Jongwoon's ear. A small hand went to play with Kyuhyun's hair as the other went to rest at his hip. "And, afterwards, we could do something else." He bit his earlobe. "We can't make much noise since we may wake Nabyeol-ah up, but we can play a little before cuddling in bed."

Jongwoon bit his lip. It sounded so tempting, although they would have to be very quiet. And definitely lock the door. After thinking for a few seconds, he gave in. "Okay, but you'll have to keep your voice low."

Kyuhyun hugged Jongwoon's waist possessively. "Hyung, you're louder than me."

They moved quickly, in less than five minutes they were already tangled up in their bed with Kyuhyun's laptop on their legs. Jongwoon leaned his head in Kyuhyun's shoulder as this latter was choosing between the streaming platforms they were subscribed to. When the home page opened, Jongwoon could see the most recent added series to ‘my list’ were dating shows, mainly.

"You really like those dating shows." Jongwoon looked at his spouse and decided to a little. "Don't you enjoy your own marriage?"

Kyuhyun was offended for being doubted like that. "I love having you as my spouse." He talked with such conviction Jongwoon blushed. "And since I want to keep you happy, I use these shows to get some ideas for cheesy things to make you cringe."

Jongwoon huffed. "You're insufferable."

This brat and his cheeky smile. "And you'll have me by your side for the rest of our lives."

A pout appeared on the older's lips. "I thought it was even after."

"And you say I'm the sappy one." Kyuhyun shook his head from side to side, but Jongwoon could clearly see his ears were red and pleased smile.

As they couldn't decide on a movie, they chose randomly from the ‘ridiculous movies’ list Jongwoon wrote some time ago. They ended up watching a weird thing about a pastor that could turn into a velociraptor and fought ninja drug dealers... Kyuhyun very often wondered where the heck Jongwoon found about those shady movies.

It was bad, very bad, so bad they were just laughing at how bad it was. The boring parts, that were too many taking into account there was a freaking velociraptor in the movie, were used to chitchat about whatever came to their mind. How work went that day, the funny looking cloud one saw on the window, the joke Nabyeol told them in the morning, the coconut icecrem Nabyeol said she wanted to try, a song they had recently heard, etc.

"It would have been great if more people could hear you singing." Kyuhyun suddenly said as he leaned in Jongwoon.

The older smiled nostalgic, remembering his old dreams of becoming a famous singer. However, that dream changed to wanting to make a happy family the moment Kyuhyun propossed to him. And it got completely fulfilled when they met Nabyeol. He wouldn't change his current life for anything. "I'm happy with giving Nabyeol-ah and you private concerts." He kissed Kyuhyun's temple. "You could still make your debut, though."

Kyuhyun chuckled at the idea. "You have to admit you would be luckier than me. You still look in your twenties." He frowned as he came up with another of his silly theories. "Actually, I sometimes think you're consuming my youth to keep yourself ever beauty."

"What do you take me for, a vampire?" Jongwoon couldn't help but find Kyuhyun's weird theories amusing, so he snickered quietly. His amusement, along something else, grew once he heard Kyuhyun's next words. 

"Well, that would explain why you're so hot and y." He talked with a low voice as he got on top of Jongwoon, smiling seductively. He leaned forward to give those pink lips a kiss, gaining a chuckle from his spouse.

Jongwoon trapped Kyuhyun's nape with one hand, not wanting to let him get too far from him. "Then what would that make you? You also look younger than your age."

Kyuhyun smiled, self-sufficient. "A very handsome man."

They laughed quietly before losing themselves in kisses and caressing hands, leaving Kyuhyun's forgotten laptop on the bedside table.






Author's note: The movie actually exists. It is called "The velocipastor", I think it is available for streaming, but I'm not sure. To clarify, I haven't watched it, but I watched a youtube video where they talked about it. It's not a movie I would recommend, but who am I to tell you what to watch and what not?

On another note, sorry for the delay, I got caught up rereading a certain manga series and forgot I was in the middle of writing this.


Stay safe, see you! 💙

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399 streak #1
Chapter 3: The movie actually exists??? 😱

Once again, this chapter reminds me of my son when he was a kid, so much questions, funny moments, etc
399 streak #2
Chapter 2: This chapter reminds me of my son. When he was a little, he asked me the same question hahaha...

Lovely conversation!
idiyanalexx #3
Chapter 2: The story is heartwarming 💙 very domestic
_MyName_ #4
Chapter 2: Such a lovely chapter, sweet and funny. I think 'that' conversation is every parents fear :D
_MyName_ #5
Chapter 1: I just love domestic fluff, it's so heartwarming <3 but very curious about that one part, a dream? Past? What what what? :D
399 streak #6
Chapter 1: Aaaw, that's sweeeet. I really love daily story like this, easy to read and always makes me smile

NB : curious about the past(?) tho... he as if Jongwoon or Kyuhyun?