
In Their Natural Habitat
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New Beginning


Flowers bloom, plants moist, and only the lullaby sounds from the chirping birds were heard. A day after summer— hours before classes would start— should usually flow like that. Quiet, serene, and calm.


It was for the apartment building In Zone...


... but not for so long.


"Rise and shine! Rise and shine, everyone! You've got just 10 minutes to get ready for your first-day ceremony!" A robust, long-haired woman in her late twenties shouted enthusiastically from the apartment's bustling living room.

Though this wasn't her permanent residence, she consistently dropped by to take care of the "kids", especially ensuring they had their meals. Sometimes, she would spend the night, but most of the time, she'd return to her own home.

The clock displayed a mere 6:30 a.m., and the children's classes were scheduled to begin at 8:30. They might accuse her of exaggeration, but she remained unfazed. For her, the well-being and punctuality of these kids always took precedence, ranking as her topmost priority.

With a rapid pace, she weaved in and out of the kitchen and rapped on the doors of the children's rooms. "Come on, everybody! Breakfast is ready. The last one to emerge will be served a plate of distinctly green cuisine," she playfully threatened.

Predictably, her playful warning did the trick.

Moans and groans reverberated through the four adjacent rooms, positioned across from one another. Gradually, in succession, three out of the four occupants emerged from their respective chambers. Their visages were etched with drowsiness as they rubbed their eyes, yet a palpable sense of displeasure accompanied their expressions. Two among them languidly made their way to the dining space, settling into their seats and patiently anticipating the arrival of their meal. Meanwhile, the remaining individual hastened to the second-floor bathroom, intent on rejuvenation through a brisk shower.

"Eww, no veggies, please, Eunbi unnie," Ryujin's voice carried a hint of playful protest as she languidly slouched in her chair, her signature cat whiskers adorning her face as her face showed grimace.

"Hey, hey. No time for naps, Ryujin," Eunbi chimed in, casting a fond yet firm gaze in Ryujin's direction as she skillfully served each of their breakfast plates.

"Now, let's savor our breakfast and remember to take a shower after Minjeong's finished," She directed her attention towards Kazuha, her fingers snapping in a lively rhythm. On the other side of the table, Kazuha's gaze was lost in the horizon, her mind weaving stories of what the day might hold.

"O-oh? Yeah. Of course," Kazuha replied, her response somewhat distant as she gradually returned to the present. She began to delicately nibble her breakfast, a silent gratitude to Eunbi for her enduring care radiating through her every gesture.


Their apartment wasn't the typical residence one might expect for students, yet it didn't boast luxury either. It occupied that middle ground, resembling a modernized condotel in the quaint town of Seoul.

But why were these four individuals living together? The answer lay in their parents. No, they weren't the offspring of wealthy tycoons; instead, their parents were modest, business-savvy individuals who yearned for a prosperous future for their families. Their fathers have been close friends for years, bound by trust, which eventually led them to become business partners. Given their shared interests in the culinary and business sectors, they jointly ventured into the restaurant business, which soon became their primary source of income as it expanded across town.

However, that was not the limit of their ambitions. Back in their high school days, they had nurtured a shared dream - to construct a multi-story apartment building. It was meant to be a simple structure, just for themselves.

Or so they thought.

After years of grappling with the slow progress of their restaurant business, they reluctantly made the heart-wrenching decision to open their apartment to the public. Circumstances had left them with no other choice; it became a do-or-die situation. Although this move didn't align with their initial intentions, they had to proceed with it.

Months flew by, and the business began to thrive. Situated just a block away from a prestigious and influential university, most of their tenants were college students. Fortunately, these tenants were the quiet and studious types, making it a convenient arrangement for both parties.

This successful setup continued for years until their own children grew up. That's when the fathers devised a system: once their child stepped into college, they would immediately move into the apartment and enroll in the nearby university, all expenses paid. The only condition was that the child needed to complete their course. It was a win-win situation - one family member enjoyed the apartment while they recuperated the expenses from the university.

As the apartment business thrived, so did their restaurant chains. Everything fell back into order, and most of the children from their families had already graduated. Things were going so well that they started contemplating reclaiming the apartment for themselves, for their personal use.

And so, they did.

This was the current state of affairs for the occupants. All the kids left were the youngest in their families, except for Nakamura Kazuha who was an only child. After their batch, it would be open to the public once again.

But who knows? Maybe they could change their fathers' minds.

Being the youngest batch, they were the favored ones. And because of that, they could easily get what they wanted. All they had to do was flash their puppy eyes, and they could have almost anything they desired.

So, that's exactly what they did with their apartment.

What was once a simple apartment had been transformed into a modernized haven. It boasted a pool - Ryujin's favorite, after she had used every trick in the book to convince her dad and uncles to make it happen. The ground floor had a spacious living room, dining room, and kitchen. Each floor had its own bathroom. Their bedrooms were on the second floor, with a few vacant rooms for guests on the third. The fourth floor housed a gym and an office room. The fifth floor was a half-pub, half-gaming haven, equipped with both tech-based gadgets and traditional games. And finally, everyone's favorite spot, especially Ryujin's, was the rooftop.

The rooftop featured a pool, a makeshift bar, a griller for parties, and a lounging area with board games and contemporary wooden lounging chairs. It had become their home away from home.


"Hey, everyone! Hurry, hurry! Double time!" shouted Eunbi as she made her way to the other bathroom, getting ready for her shower.

"Yes, yes, Mom. Whatever," replied a short-haired girl who was already dressed and prepared. She whispered the last word as she settled into her seat in the dining area.

"Where are the others?" she added before starting to eat her breakfast.

"Minjeong-ah, stop mocking me. Ryujin’s in her room, preparing, and Zuha’s still in the other bathroom upstairs," Eunbi replied before stepping into the bath.


Kim Minjeong, 22 years old, a sophomore majoring in Business Marketing at Yonsei University, specializing in Business and Management. Eunbi described her as a tsundere – someone who might appear cold on the outside but was actually very warm inside. She happened to be the youngest daughter of one of the two businessmen in their merged family group, specifically in the field of chefs de cuisine. Fortunately for her parents, out of all her siblings, Minjeong was the only one who loved business and marketing, making her the one slated to inherit her family’s businesses after college.

At their university, she might be seen as a sassy person, often wearing sleeveless crop tops and jeans. However, she was mostly known for choosing quiet moments in the library to read and write rather than hanging out with her peers. She considered it quality time spent with herself.

Additionally, she was a sports writer on the university’s publishing team. Even though she was constantly annoyed by her housemates, she still adored them, which is why she chose sports as her topic to write about. She liked it that way.

And oh, despite being a book nerd, Minjeong had a hidden love for playing the guitar and singing. However, she was too shy to join any university band organizations. Her performances were limited to the confines of their apartment, the shower, and special family gatherings. Beyond that, she rarely showcased her talent.

That was Minjeong in a nutshell. Period.


"I wonder who's going to be the next editor-in-chief? Is it gonna be Sooyoung unnie?" Minjeong muttered.

While she was in the midst of talking to herself, a charismatic girl suddenly emerged from the stairs, fully prepared for the first day of classes. The person let out a dramatic sigh.

"Ahh, I'm done— Eyyy, Minjeong, good morning!" She excitedly waved at Minjeong as she went to the sink to brush her teeth.

Minjeong, who didn't even look up from her plate, timidly replied, "Morning," as she raised her left hand as a sign of recognition and slowly continued to chew her food.


The girl with striking features, Shin Ryujin, at 22 years old, was a sophomore at Yonsei University, majoring in Computer Science. She was the youngest daughter of the sous chef in their merged family group and a cousin of Ahn Yujin. Her family bonds were exceptionally strong, forged through various challenges they had faced, including financial struggles and Ryujin's past bullying experiences during her childhood. These difficulties had played a pivotal role in strengthening their closeness.

Having grown up with an older brother, Ryujin embraced a boyish style in many aspects of her life. Her everyday attire typically featured hoodies, sweatshirts, and muscle tank tops, reflecting her casual and laid-back fashion sense. This extended to her hobbies and activities as well.

Ryujin had a deep passion for gaming, to the extent that she would often prioritize playing with her friends over meals. Her preferred gaming partners were usually her classmates: Hyunjin, Chaeryeong, and Felix.

Despite appearances of laziness, Ryujin was surprisingly well-regarded at the university. She held a prominent position as the center defender and occasionally played as the right wingman on their football team, where she was considered the ace. Her speed and remarkable kicking abilities made her an invaluable asset on the field.

But her talents didn't stop there. Ryujin excelled in academics, particularly in Math and Programming. She consistently ranked at

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Chapter 6: 😍😍😍💙❄
J1nj00 #2
Chapter 6: Where are u author-nim 🥲
future_mrs_liu #3
Chapter 6: Thank you author! I can’t wait to read the rest!
Chapter 6: please do continue writing this hhhhhh you got one reader in me XD
i liked the way tell the story btw and the way you slowly introduce each character has a nice pacing! tho i’m kinda curious on who yuj met from prev chap and this chapter. see you next chap! :D
Chapter 5: Yes please continue this 😭 The story is really nice and I’m jinjoo deprived 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
future_mrs_liu #6
Chapter 5: Ooh. I can’t wait to read more!
574 streak #7
Kannakobayashi09 #8
Woah interesting!!!