What's friends-to-lovers for Ningning?

Friends to Lovers

The classic friends-to-lovers trope is overrated for Ningning.


The idea of loving someone you've known for a long time, falling for them romantically, and getting into a relationship—Ningning finds all of this cliche and too treacherous, very risky, especially since if everything falls apart, you'll lose not only a lover but a friend who has been there for you for God knows how long.


However, it's a trope Ningning couldn't escape, no matter how hard she tried.


Falling for her best friend, Winter, was easy; admitting to herself that it happened is hard for Ningning to accept. It was inevitable, considering they'd spent most of their lives within each other's circle, treating each other extra special compared to everyone else.


"You see, I tried to fight it," Ningning, a now famous soloist and model, answers her interviewer's question.


"It was our last year in college. Everyone's busy, and it was the only time I was gone for a long time without meeting or contacting them through Facebook because it was too hectic."


"When things started settling on my end, you know, I'm preparing for graduation then, I thought about them. It was when I realized we hadn't had a conversation since the school year began."


"You missed them?" The interviewer asked.


"At first, I didn't like to admit it. For me, missing someone, even if it's what I'm feeling for my parents or other friends, was hard to admit because I'm not good at expressing or acknowledging my feelings. Missing someone was too deep of an emotion for me; at that time, I made it that way because I was guarding myself; she was my friend. I had to remember that!" Ningning answered, trying hard not to make her voice seem shaky. After all, it was a live interview; thousands, even millions, will watch her or this video later.


"But you did miss them?"


"Of course."


"Okay, so what happened next?"


"Long story short, after the graduation ceremony, I met them at the soccer field while everyone was busy taking photos. That's where I admitted my feelings."


"What was the response?"


"I couldn't say they rejected me because my confession wasn't that clear," Ningning chuckles, "She probably understood my statement-"


Ningning was cut off by the interviewer, "She?"


"Oh right, my friend's a girl," Ningning confidently says, "Back to the story, she probably understood my statement as me just saying that I miss her, and that's like a triumph for her because she knows me so well. Acknowledging and admitting feelings wasn't my forte, unlike her, who's eloquent at doing so."


"It's fine. I shrugged it off," Ningning's smile slowly faded, "but then someone came to the field at that moment."


"It was her girlfriend."


The production staff gasped in unison, so loud that Ningning could only laugh at them.


"It's fine! It's fine," she says, eyes slowly drifting towards the interviewer, "back then maybe I was hurt… Okay, I admit it, I was hurt. I had no idea she was in a relationship. Remember, we hadn't had much contact during that period. I cried for days-"


"Did she know about this?"


"No… no, she didn't," Ningning smiles, "well maybe after she watches this interview, she'll know it's her."


Everyone was shocked by this revelation, especially since talking about something this personal isn't something most celebrities are open to sharing with the public.


"You know, the experience taught me a lot about love and life in general. Looking back, I'm thankful I experienced it with her, not just anyone else."


"What did you learn? Please share it with us."


"Well, first off, loving a friend isn't for the weak," Ningning says as she smiles, "there's a lot of things at stake—the friendship, the connection, the memories, there's just a lot that could stay or disappear, whatever path you'll take."


"I also realized that allowing yourself to become vulnerable with your emotions, keeping in touch with your feelings—all of these could help a lot in learning and developing yourself because once you've learned to acknowledge and admit a feeling, the more you'll be able to open up to someone positively, in a way that isn't forceful or guilt-tripping."


"That's actually what I learned the most from what happened," Ningning concludes.


"Yes, and we've heard from a lot of people who have worked with you that you're a great person to work with; it's like the experience taught you to share your thoughts and feelings confidently," the interviewer says.


"Yeah, so, like, the experience was bittersweet, but at least I learned and grew from it."


"Okay, so last question: Are you still friends?"




Ningning looks at the interviewer's eyes intently, "Yes, we are."











"Thank you for coming to the show, Ningning."


"Of course, we're best friends, Winter. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you."


"I didn't know..." the interviewer, who was also Ningning's best friend, Winter, says softly.


"I told you, well, I told everyone else in the room that it's okay, it's been ages! I've healed; my feelings aren't something I'm holding you accountable for."






"You didn't know I liked you too, right?"



P.S. You can now reach out (and follow) me on my Twitter account @ohverflow :)

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Hi! This is my first one-shot au, so bare with me and my writing. Any feedback is appreciated!


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KLXRYU 0 points #1
Chapter 1: Ok wow definitely didn’t expect that
Nblash #2
Chapter 1: wow the twist in the end caught me
winternim #3
Chapter 1: damn… wow.. this is good :0 didnt expect winter to be the interviewer hellooo