iii. and i am?

tell me who i am
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“What are you doing here, Joohyun?” Wheein asked as soon as she’s in front of the woman, Joohyun smiled softly. 


“Good evening, Wheein, I’m sorry for coming here unannounced.” Wheein couldn’t smile back, she’s nothing but confused why Yongsun’s ex-lover is in front of her door.


“I don’t mean to sound rude but I want you to cut to the chase.” The woman smiled with her straightforwardness. 


“Alright then, I am looking for Yongsun.” Joohyun's tone changed, like she was worried, making Wheein anxious a little bit. 


“Joohyun.” Wheein paused, composing her thoughts, “I don’t know why out of all people, you think Yomgsun will be here right now. Really? With me? Haven’t she told you what really happened? Maybe you should ask Hyejin instead.” 


Joohyun was taken aback with how exhausted Wheein sounded, she gulped. It was really wrong of her to go look for Yongsun in Wheein’s house but Yongsun mentioned many times that Wheein is the only one she could confide her problems to.


“I’m sorry, yes, she told me when I asked her to be with me again but she’s still your friend, Wheein.”


Wheein felt insulted, she bit her lip, restraining herself from shouting at Joohyun. Wheein took a deep breath.


“We are no longer friends, Joohyun.” She said softly, calm, collected. “Please don’t tell me what to feel about what happened. Yongsun and I will never be friends again after everything.”


Joohyun looked at her, confused. Joohyun was about to say something but Wheein beat her to it.


“I ed your ex-girlfriend, Joohyun. I guess she left out that part.”


Joohyun’s eyes widened in shock and then, there’s the anger. Honestly, Wheein was expecting a slap or even a punch on her face but Joohyun remained where she was standing.


Wheein knew she shouldn’t be walking around, telling people what happened between her and Yongsun but she hoped Yongsun is doing the same because she wanted to hate the older woman, loathe her even in her grave.


“Oh, I see.” Joohyun said after a moment of suffocating silence. The musical actress nodded. “Good night, Wheein. I’m sorry for bothering you.” She turned her back to Wheein, leaving.


“You’re back together?” Wheein can’t help but ask.


“No, she said she doesn’t want us anymore.” 


Wheein nodded in understanding. A relief coursing through her, well, she can't help it. She doesn't want Yongsun to be with someone else, not when she's still wounded herself.


Wheein wanted to paint Yongsun as the antagonist, the worst of all but Wheein is not really that type of person. Yes, she’s mad at her but she can never hate Yongsun, her love for the woman is too big to be replaced by rage nor indifference. But she guesses Yongsun will never feel the same.


Hell, she’s with Hyejin already, even giving the younger singer flowers and Wheein never had that with Yongsun, maybe she was never really that special to the older woman. 




2 months have passed and she’s now sitting in front of monitors, ordering the camera men through their headphones, just like when she first met Yongsun – she’s the assigned director for her musical’s VOD.


The musical has been running for two months already and now they’re shooting the last show. Wheein used to find this work fun, well, she gets to watch free shows without being in the actual audience, also, she gets to hear the actors and actresses more clearly this way. 


But now, she’s tensed, if she’s being honest, she wouldn’t have accepted their offer of being the director again. Despite all this, she wants to see Yongsun. Even through the screen, she wanted to hear the musical actress’ voice even through her headphones, she wanted to see her smile.


She’s now watching Yongsun, or Esmeralda hit the high-notes with ease. Yongsun has been in the industry for such a long time that she knew the techniques and how to execute them properly. She remembered arguing in an online forum, no one knew it was her, the director Jung Wheein about how Yongsun is easily the best vocalist of the entire musical scene.

She watched her take the deepest bow for their last curtain call, Yongsun was a crying mess and Wheein could feel her heart ache little by little. She watched her blow a kiss to the audience and maybe, she wished for Yongsun to look at her too. 


Yongsun was thanking everyone nonstop, gazing at them with love and she wished she’d be the receiving end of those gazes.


All of the staff, the actors, and actresses were called backstage as the musical director Kim Moon Jeong wanted to thank everyone, naturally, Wheein should be there too. She remained at the back, like the director that she is, behind everyone else. Wheein is more comfortable watching everything unfold in front of her rather than be the center of it all. 


The musical director began her speech, thanking everyone and the musical director mentioned her name, looking for her, all of them glanced at her, waiting for her to be at the center, giving her way so she walked, contrasting to what she really felt – she walked at the center with confidence.


“Thank you, Director Jung for doing this with me again.” Wheein smiled at the musical director, nodding her head, thanking her back for contacting her again to do this project, telling her that it was nice to see her again after years. Wheein now looked at everyone, including Yongsun.


“Thank you for your hard work, everyone. Job well done!” Everyone cheered, the musical director signaled a group hug, personally, Wheein doesn’t like it. She thinks she doesn’t deserve to be at the center, she thinks she didn’t form a connection with them like the cast did  to be hugged like that because she’s just watching them on the screen of her monitor.


But when Yongsun circled her hand around Wheein’s waist, it wasn’t firm, it was as if Wheein was a snowflake, Yongsun’s touch was fleeting, like Wheein is so fragile that a little bit of pressure would crush her. Wheein melted, the tension in her body was gone, in an instant. Wheein hated that Yongsun still had an effect on her just like that. 


“I– thank you for your hard work, Director Jung.” Yongsun whispered to her. 


“You did great, Solar.” It was so obvious that Yongsun didn’t expect it, she didn’t expect the arms around her shoulder, pulling her in for a loose hug l

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Chapter 3: Happy new year! I’m glad it was a happy ending after all haha thank you for writing and good luck on your 4th year in college 💪
Frozen_J #2
Chapter 3: Omg yesss
Chapter 3: Happy new year🥳. The story is so cute❣️
waiting for your update 😋
Chapter 2: Thank you for the update!
I’m so curious about hwasun’s relationship, it’s so weird that Wheein didn’t know they were so close. And why is Joohyun looking for Wheein? So many questions, i hope we don’t have to wait a long time for the 3rd chapter hehe
I love ur story so much.❤️‍🔥😍
Knightlym #7
Chapter 2: Oh an update ! Thank you ! Looking forward to know the rest of the story 🤩
Chapter 2: The chapter is so short🙁. I will be waiting for your next update. Please update next chapter fast🧸
AnitaNgera #9
Chapter 1: Please please chapter two
Chapter 1: Please pleeeaasssseeee update part 2