
Soccer Captain Meets Student Council President
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In the bustling corridors of SMCU, where dreams and ambitions converged, two individuals stood out in their own right. Bae Joohyun was known for her unwavering dedication as the student council president, while Son Seungwan's leadership skills shone as the charismatic captain of the SMCU soccer team. Their worlds seemed separate, yet fate had a plan to bring them closer than ever before.


Their acquaintanceship began with polite nods and exchanged greetings in the corridors. Joohyun's keen eye for organization and Seungwan's infectious energy during soccer matches caught each other's attention. However, it wasn't until a charity event organized by the student council that their paths began to intertwine more deeply.


As Seungwan joined forces with Joohyun's team to organize a sports-themed charity event, their interactions became more frequent. Late-night planning sessions turned into heartfelt conversations, laughter echoing through the empty halls as they brainstormed ideas to make the event a success.


During one of these sessions, Seungwan leaned back in her chair, running a hand through her hair. "You know, Joohyun, I never realized how much work goes into these events. Your dedication is really something."


Joohyun smiled warmly, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "It's all about teamwork and making a difference," she replied. "Just like your team on the field."


Their camaraderie grew stronger as they found themselves spending more time together—whether it was finalizing event details, discussing strategies for the soccer team, or simply sharing stories about their lives. They learned about each other's hopes, and dreams, and the challenges they faced in their respective roles.


One evening, as they sat in the student council room, surrounded by event posters and soccer paraphernalia, Seungwan glanced at Joohyun with a thoughtful expression. "You know, I never thought I'd get along so well with the student council president."


Joohyun chuckled softly. "And I never thought I'd be collaborating so closely with the soccer team captain."


Their laughter filled the room, and at that moment, the line between their roles began to blur. They were no longer just acquaintances thrown together by circumstances; they were becoming genuine friends who shared a unique connection.


As the charity event approached, their teamwork and dedication paid off. The campus buzzed with excitement as students participated in soccer matches and other sports activities. The event was a resounding success, raising funds for a noble cause and fostering a sense of unity among the students.


In the aftermath of the event, Seungwan and Joohyun found themselves sitting on the bleachers, gazing at the empty field. The stars above them twinkled like confetti strewn across the night sky.


"I have to admit," Seungwan said, her tone thoughtful, "this collaboration has been one of the best experiences I've had at SMCU."


Joohyun nodded in agreement, her smile soft. "It's been wonderful working with you too, Seungwan. Our teamwork has made a real impact."


Their eyes met, and in that shared gaze, a shift occurred—a realization that their connection was something more than just friendship. It was a moment of clarity that blossomed from the shared goals, the laughter, and the unspoken understanding they had cultivated.


Over time, their friendship deepened into a connection that defied their roles on campus. Their conversations grew more personal, and the moments they spent together became cherished memories. Their hearts beat in harmony, each rhythm echoing the sentiments they had come to feel for each other.


One day, as they sat under a tree on campus, Seungwan turned to Joohyun with a question that had been on her mind for a while. "Joohyun, can I ask you something?"


Joohyun nodded, her curiosity piqued. "Of course, Seungwan. You can always ask me anything."


Taking a deep breath, Seungwan's gaze was steady as she spoke. "Do you think that our friendship... could be something more?"


Joohyun's heart skipped a beat, the words hanging in the air like a delicate melody. She met Seungwan's gaze, her eyes shining with a mixture of hope and anticipation. "I've been thinking about that too," she admitted. "And I believe that sometimes, the best relationships are built on strong foundations."


At that moment, their unspoken feelings converged, and their lips met in a tender kiss—a kiss that spoke volumes about the connection they had nurtured, the laughter they had shared, and the friendship that had blossomed into something deeper.



As the seasons changed, bringing a crispness to the air and a flurry of activities on the SMCU campus, Seungwan's soccer team was in the midst of a highly anticipated match against their biggest rivals. The tension was palpable, the stadium filled with a mix of excitement and nerves. Among the cheering crowd, Joohyun stood, her heart pounding as she watched Seungwan lead her team onto the field.


Seungwan's dedication to her soccer team had always been unwavering, and she approached each match with a determination that inspired everyone around her. However, fate has a way of testing even the strongest spirits, and during a particularly intense match, an unfortunate collision left Seungwan injured.


As Seungwan lay on the field, grimacing in pain, the referee blew the whistle to pause the match. Players from both teams gathered around, concern etched on their faces. Joohyun, who had been watching from the sidelines, felt her heart clench with worry as she rushed onto the field.


"Seungwan, are you okay?" Joohyun's voice trembled with concern as she knelt beside her girlfriend.


Seungwan managed a faint smile, despite the pain. "I'll be fine, Joohyun. Just a bit shaken."


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1701 streak #1
Chapter 1: So cute!
chchcn #2
Chapter 1: Ehmmm i am a little bit confuse... bc at first seungwan is a he andddd turn out he is a she 😅
Riscark #3
Chapter 1: They had each other, gosh this is so sweet
It's beautiful. Their unwavering support for each other is wonderful.
Cyrell #5
Chapter 1: My god. I’m melting. Thank you author
113 streak #6
Chapter 1: happy wenrene day indeed 🥹🩵🩷
Chapter 1: loving this <3