Chapter 1-Into the New World.

Rainbow Halo
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T.W. Light mention of eating disorder.


The sound of raindrops falling to the ground was like music to Seulgi’s ears. 


They fell in a silent motion, sound materializing once the drops hit the ground, echoing in otherwise silent night.


The moon shone brightly, illuminating Seulgi’s features with its light.


Seulgi lifted her head up and faced the moon, talking to it like an old friend. “This night is beautiful, isn’t it?”


From an outsider’s point of view she looked crazy.


Well, maybe she was a little crazy. All her responsibilities weighing on her shoulders.


Her feet hurt from the twelve hour shift at Ms. Kim’s strawberry farm. Seulgi used to love the red berry, and hate appeared after her first shift. Now she couldn’t stand it.


Her salary wasn’t much but enough to keep her and her family afloat.


Speaking about her family, what were they up to, Seulgi wondered. 


Judging by the late hour her mom and sister should be sleeping already. 


Doubts overwhelmed Seulgi. She knew what they were capable of. There always was this one little ray of hope.


It disappeared by the time Seulgi arrived at their shared flat and saw the lights .


Their screaming could be heard through the whole building.


“Please let them be alright. Please, please, please.” Seulgi kept praying. God usually didn’t listen to her prayers. Maybe this time he would.


Seulgi basically kicked the door open, not caring that it made a screeching sound. The neighbor's sleep schedule was the least of her problems. They were most likely awake anyways. Walls were thin as paper.


“How dare you not get better? We keep paying more and more money that we don’t have and you still aren’t well enough!” Their  mother’s voice pierced her ears.


Minjeong was basically shivering. Possibly because of the cold or fear of their mother.


Or, the worst scenario, of not getting enough food.


The day Minjeong was diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa, their whole world turned upside down.


Mom started drinking right after finding out, blaming herself for her daughter’s illness.


Minjeong was supposedly getting better. 


Now that Seulgi was looking at her sister’s shaking figure, she could tell that Minjeong was far from better.


“What is going on?” Seulgi asked, standing in between both women. It was more to protect her sister if their mom decided to get physical.


“She is relapsing! All the money spent to treat her health and she dares to relapse!” Both girls knew that their mom didn’t mean bad. It just happens, when alcohol gets in her system she starts doing things she wouldn’t do sober.


Still, Minjeong was afraid Seulgi could see it in her eyes.


Fortunately Seulgi knew what to do. She looked at their mom like a parent scolding their child for mischief,


“Why are you attacking your own daughter? She needs your support the most!” Seulgi tried so hard not to scream.


The rage was building up inside her but she had to control herself. For her sister and for her mom, too.


“Don’t blame yourself over what happened.” Seulgi whispered so only their mom could hear.


“Be there for her, give her a hug and tell her that you will always be there for her.” It worked. Ms. Kang started crying while falling to her knees.


“I am so sorry, Min. Please forgive me.” She begged, tears streaming down her face like a waterfall.


Minjeong stopped shaking, turning her whole attention to Ms. Kang. “ You know I can’t be mad at you, mom.” They shared a passionate hug

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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 1: as long as happy ending I'm good hehe
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #2
Chapter 1: woahhhhhhhhh can't wait for more🤍