12: The Research of Love

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The Research of Love Chapter - 12


Hana sat at her desk in Chanyeol's office, pretending to work while stealing glances at him. She observed him in a different light, trying to understand her true feelings towards him. There was a certain magnetic pull she felt whenever he was around, causing butterflies to flutter in her stomach. It was undeniable that Chanyeol made her feel special and comfortable, acting as though nothing had happened between them.


Throughout the day, Hana and Chanyeol exchanged occasional glances, their eyes meeting briefly before quickly looking away. It was as if there was an unspoken connection between them, a silent acknowledgment of the emotions swirling beneath the surface. Hana couldn't help but wonder if Chanyeol felt the same way she did.


Unable to contain her curiosity any longer, Hana decided to discuss her doubts with Giselle. They met up after work, settling into comfortable chairs as they prepared to delve into the research Giselle had mentioned earlier. Hana opened up about Chanyeol's confession of love and her hesitations about accepting his proposal.


"Giselle, Chanyeol told me that he loves me and wants to date me. I can't help but feel a bit suspicious, even though he seemed genuine," Hana confessed, her voice laced with uncertainty. "I don't want to rush into things, but if our research goes well and I find the answers I'm looking for, I might consider giving our relationship a chance."


Giselle listened attentively, understanding Hana's cautious approach. She nodded and replied, "It's only natural to have doubts, especially when someone unexpectedly confesses their feelings to you. Trust is vital in any relationship, and taking the time to research and learn more about Chanyeol will help you make an informed decision."


Hana felt relieved knowing that Giselle supported her in this endeavour. They began brainstorming the aspects they needed to research, focusing on gathering information about Chanyeol's true personality, character, and past. Giselle emphasised the importance of understanding his dating history to ensure that Hana wouldn't encounter any surprises in the future.


Hana and Giselle prepared for their research, ensuring they had their books and laptops ready for a thorough investigation into Chanyeol's background. Hana's decision to research him before deciding to date him brought immense happiness to Giselle, who eagerly offered her assistance, drawing from her own experience in this area.


As they settled into their chairs, Giselle began outlining the various aspects they needed to explore. She suggested looking into Chanyeol's social media handles to gain insights into his online presence, delving into his true personality and character, uncovering details about his dating life, and understanding his past.


Hana couldn't help but question the necessity of knowing everything about Chanyeol's past, considering they were only considering dating and not marriage. She voiced her concern, asking Giselle, "Why do we need to dig into his past? He just proposed to date me, not marry me."


Giselle leaned forward, a determined expression on her face. "You never know what we might discover, Hana. Sometimes people have hidden aspects of their past that can significantly impact a relationship. Remember when I researched a guy for me? We found out he was double dating, which helped me avoid a potential disaster."


Hana nodded, beginning to see the value in investigating Chanyeol's past. She mused, "So Seohyun was the one who helped in researching that guy?"


Giselle nodded in confirmation, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Yes, Seohyun was instrumental in uncovering the truth. It's always beneficial to gather as much information as possible before making important decisions."


With their purpose clarified, Hana and Giselle continued discussing their research strategy, developing a plan to gather information effectively. They recognized that it was Saturday, providing them with ample time the next day to embark on their actual research journey.


Feeling a sense of accomplishment, the two friends bid each other goodnight and retreated to their respective rooms. As they lay in bed, thoughts of the upcoming research filled their minds, igniting a mix of curiosity and determination within them.


Hana drifted off to sleep, knowing that the following day would mark the beginning of their investigation into Chanyeol's past. With Giselle's unwavering support by her side, Hana felt more confident in her pursuit of discovering the truth and making a well-informed decision about her feelings for Chanyeol.




It was Sunday, a day free from work, which provided the perfect opportunity for Hana and Giselle to focus on their research. They started the day by having breakfast, energising themselves for the task ahead. As they sat at the table, Giselle couldn't help but share some of the information she had already gathered.


"I did some checking, Hana," Giselle began, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "It turns out that Chanyeol did leave school and go abroad to study due to family problems. And guess what? He was the one who danced with you at the masquerade party."


Hana was taken aback by the revelation. She wondered how Giselle managed to uncover these details so quickly. Curiosity getting the better of her, Hana questioned, "How do you know all these things?"


Giselle smirked proudly, basking in her investigative success. "You forgot that Seohyun used to have her eyes and ears everywhere in high school. I asked her, and she has some valuable insights to share with us."


Seohyun, another high school classmate of Giselle's, possessed a wealth of information about their peers. While Hana and Seohyun were not particularly close, they maintained a friendly rapport, often chatting during lunch breaks or free periods due to their shared connection with Gisel

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189 streak #1
Chapter 8: Am enjoying immensely!
189 streak #2
Chapter 4: 🥰
189 streak #3
community promoted...guess I'll just have to read!
kia_fabian #5
Chapter 13: Why i think giselle it the girl that baekhyun waiting for hahahaha just my imagination
Chapter 7: This chapter started so sweet, Hana took everyone’s breath away and had fun with her colleagues.

Baekhyun knows more about Chanyeol than the man knows about himself. He can see Chanyeol’s jealousy and feelings for Hana.

It was good that Chanyeol could take care of Hana and realise that he loves her.

And now he knows what Hana thinks of him and can find ways to become a better boss who doesn’t give her too much work!
Chapter 7: Finally he realized that he's in love.. but i think it's still one sided, because Hana still feel uncomfortable with him..
Chapter 6: The way Chanyeol shows interest in Hana is sooo weird.. if he's interested, he should just be a man and confess.. no need to make her life miserable with all the extra work loads.. hehehe..
Excited for the party!!
Chapter 6: Guessing from the spoiler, Hana won’t miss the party and will arrive in her red dress, being the flower of the party.

Chanyeol is slowly losing his heart for Hana. And people are noticing.

The event looks like it will be a lot of fun. Can’t wait for the next chapter!