Role Model ≠ Model Dongsaeng

Role Model ≠ Model Dongsaeng
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The first time Jimin met you, you were curled up with Jung Dawon noona on her couch as the two of you slowly vegged on popcorn, eyes hidden by the other’s body as some random person in your taiwanese horror marathon died a gory death. Apparently, Hoseok hyung wanted to surprise his sister for her birthday, although all that changed after the members heard two very scared screams from his phone (one of you had somehow managed to buttdial him). As soon as the blood curdling screams were heard the members rushed to her apartment (surprisingly small for someone who owned a clothing store), her birthday gifts completely forgotten in the elevator. For once Hoseok used his key to immediately open her apartment door as he came in screeching in an attempt to scare whoever might’ve attacked you two (well… really just her because no one in the group knew you were there). It wasn’t until you, with your large doe eyes and trembling body, turned to look at Hoseok that he suddenly shouted “My friend! My friend!”  repeatedly while jumping up and down, his normal, excited smile invading his face.

“H-H-hell-hello… Hoseok…” You squeaked out. He later found out as you ran around the apartment screaming about not needing to give crazy people respect that you had just returned from a four year long study abroad in Costa Rica. He also later found out that you either didn’t want to address a close friend with any semblance of respect or you completely forgot how to properly speak Korean.

The second time was two months later when you suddenly burst into the dorms with a beet red face and demanded for Dawon noona (who came over to hang with her brother), but before you could ussher her out of the dorms you burst down into tears crying about needing chocolate but not wanting to be in public because you looked ugly (something Jimin would have vehemently disagreed with if he wasn’t so shocked). The mood swing came suddenly before your eyes widened, you groaned, and curled up into a ball.

He was only able to catch a muffled, “I literally feel like someone is ripping my spine out from my uterus. This isn’t normal.” Before noona’s face turned red from embarrassment as she struggled to drag you out of the living room with strangled grunts. No less than five minutes later (once you were cuddling a tub of chocolate ice cream and a bottle of sriracha and was watching some reruns of a show called “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”) you apologised for that. Your excuse was simple: You weren’t used to that stuff being taboo to talk about in more open spaces.

The third time was only a day later. You went up to him when he was at the convenience store with a nervous smile on your face. “What are you famous for? Because I swear I think I’ve seen your face in at least two adds, but I have not been able to place it at all and I sure as hell am not going to ask Dawon or Hoseok. They’d just make fun of me.”

A small snort left his lips when you asked because the way your brows furrowed together as you cussed made you look so adorable and he couldn’t handle it, “I’m in a band with Hoseok hyung.” He said, and though he wanted to ask for your number, you merely perked up, eyes shining as you thanked him and scurried away to some other part of the store. 

By the fourth time he met you (nearly a month later when the band visited Dawon’s apartment-- now your shared apartment) he had finally managed to get the courage to ask for your number, something a couple other members did directly after you gave Jimin yours. It was nice to see you again and he couldn’t stop smiling like a child in a candy shop when he did. Later you ended making a Costa Rican snack for everyone to eat (which was basically some fried banana and sauces), although you repeatedly told them that they were Platanas and the dish was called “Patacones”  with a very offended and very cute look of scorn taking over your face but all he could hear was smooth foreign words flowing from your mouth. Later that day you started to sing some song in the same language, your voice cracking as you stumbled over your feet in a poor attempt at a tango while everyone laughed, including you. 

The fifth and sixth time he has seen you was in a pre-drama binge interview you were in. Hoseok had gathered everyone up (including Dawon noona) to watch this drama that was fully released on this random website. At first he didn’t recognize you as your introduction was a video of thirteen-year-old you dressed up as a princess for some popular tv show he probably watched after his b

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