a line drew— or blurred.

wonder, wander — wonder, come home.

After taking their exams today, the students will have a Christmas break for two weeks; and so, their group of friends decided to hang out tonight before separating ways over the break. 


During lunch break before their last exam,

"Oy Freen! You better not cover your test paper later, its better to pass together you know!" said Heng

Teasingly, Freen stuck her tounge out and said, "Over my dead body! , you should've studied if you want to pass together!" 

With eyebrows furrowed, Heng ran towards Freen to hit her while saying, "Hey! How could you say that! You literally play with me for hours?!" 

Freen let go of Rebecca's arm in an attempt to run away from Heng, amused to be playing chase and tag. "Yeah and what about it? I would still pass because I'm not a like you" 

Heng and Freen always play around like this. The gang is used to it at this point, everyone was just laughing at their bickering. 

Everyone except Heng and Rebecca. For two very different reasons. 


While they were running around, the bell rang which signals them that they have 10 minutes to return to their room. 

"Thank God" Rebecca whispered lowly.

Nam who was right next to her, heard it and asked "Thank God? are you that excited to take the exam? Girl, may I remind you thats our hardest subject this year" 

"What? Oh, I guess I'm just so done from all of this... I'd rather take the exam" Rebecca said while zoning out, looking at Freen and Heng.

Noticing Nam looking at her and not even saying anything (which is weird because she's usually so chatty and noisy), she added "Tired from studying, yeah" and smiled at her half-heartedly

Nam gave her little taps on the shoulder and said, "I understand" 

And Rebecca has never been more scared to be understood. She hopes Nam doesn't; Because she cant even understand herself. 

Nam maybe the loudest, but she's more attentive and thoughtful than she seems. Nam maybe the greatest gossiper but she sure can keep a friend's secret, especially if its something serious. So she pretends she doesnt know anything, and allows things to flow on their own. 


"Hey guys we better go now! If the both of you don't stop playing around, we'll be late for our exam and we'll get points deducted! But if you want to fail, you guys can stay, we'll go now!" Nam says while grabbing Rebecca's arm to drag her along.

The boys were practically running for their lives, not even seeing through Nam's lie about the deduction of points. 

Nam chuckled and said, "Idiots" 

Rebecca shaked her head while giggling, "You're such a prankster, Nam. But that was funny not gonna lie" 

"Of course! Girl, I'm Nam" 

"Right, ri- oof"  Rebecca's sentence was cut as Freen suddenly appeared, smiling while hugging her from the back.

"Hi! Why'd you leave me there?" said Freen playfully sulking.

"Well, you were playing around and I cant be late" Rebecca responded while turning slightly to her right side, pinching Freen's cheek.

Seeing the two being their usual selves, Nam decided to remove her hold from Rebecca's arm and leave them be. 

"Girls, I'll go the restroom first okay? You guys should head first" 

"Are you sure?" asked Rebecca.

Nam nodded and the two went on their way, holding hands while talking about the main topics of their next exam. Rebecca reviewing Freen about the main points like she usually while Freen listens and stares at Rebecca with a smile plastered on her face. 

Seeing the scene, Nam shakes her head while saying "People weren't kidding when they said the greatest fools of all are those who are acedemically smart huh" 



20 minutes before the time alloted for the exam ends, Heng, Tee, and Saint have already submitted their papers. 

Heng and Tee gave up while Saint finished early because he's a smart guy. He knew he'd pass with the amount of sure answers he currently has, so he submitted his papers early to accompany the others outside the exam room. 


10 minutes before the time, Nam and Irin passed their papers

Not fully confident, but they were already satisfied since they already answered everything anyway. 


2 minutes before the time, Rebecca and Freen was still inside the exam room

Rebecca answering everything to the best of her ability and double checking everything, while Freen sleepily lays on her desk waiting for Rebecca to finish. 


After Rebecca submitted her exam paper, Freen followed suit. They walked out of the room hand in hand. 


When they got out, Freen turned to Rebbeca and asked "How was it? I'm sure you did great and regardless of the results you know I'm always proud of you right? Congratulations for surviving another exam season, Becbec", Freen smiled happily, her gums showing. 

Rebecca smiled "Awww, thank you! Congratulations and I am proud of you too, Freenky" 

"Oh and the exam was okay, but I'm a little tired after all that thinking. Can you give me a hug?" Rebecca said with a little pout on her face

Freen hugged her tight "Of course, becbec. You don't even have to ask. My part time job is actually recharging smart people" 

Rebecca took a little step back and crossed her arms "Smart people? You're recharging other people like this as well?" 

Freen laughed "You're definitely more sensitive when you're tired huh. For your information, the payment of this job is giving me the most beautiful smile in the world, and only you has that" and hugged Rebecca again. 

Rebecca rolled her eyes but melted on Freen's arm anyway "You are such a flirt, Freen Sarocha. This is why people think we're a couple!" 

"Uhuh, said the jealous baby?"  Freen smirked.

Rebecca huffed and said, "I am not jealous! Can you just shut up for 10 seconds, I need to recharge" 

Freen giggled and said, " Okay, okay. Whatever you say, bb. I'll just hug all the bad things away, I got you." 

They stayed like that for a while, feeling content and at peace. 


Until their group of friends approached them.

"You guys are too loveydovey, I might puke. Anyway, the both of you are going later right?" said Irin 

The two separated but Freen's arm settled in Rebecca's arm.

"Yeah we're going. And you know Irin, maybe you should start asking Tee for hugs too, aren't you guys bestfriends as well? Cant hug like friends do?" Rebecca smirked. 

"Like friends do... the friendzone looks very homey right now... hahaha... gosh." Freen thought. 

"Shut up becky!" 

Everyone started teasing the two and were laughing. Amused to see Tee shy and Irin blushing. 

The little moment was cut when a different student popped up. 

"Hi, guys! I'm Nop. Excuse me but can I talk to Rebecca for awhile? Its about the exam"

Frankly, he didn't need to introduce himself, he has asked out Rebecca previously but was rejected. Despite that, he still approaches Rebecca from time to time seeming friendly so the gang knew him already. He doesnt act weird so they just let him be, not wanting to be rude. 

" Sure, dude." Saint replied with a polite smile. 

"Let's go guys, let's just wait for her at the parking lot. We'll have to decide on the seating arrangements of the cars anyway." Tee suggested. 

While the rest were on the way to the parking lot, Freen stayed. 

" I'll accompany Rebecca, we'll follow shortly. You guys go ahead"  the others just shrugged and went ahead

Freen then turned to Nop " Its okay for me to hear your conversation right? Since its just about the exam anyway. Or do you mind?"

Nop hesitated for a while but had no choice, he responded, " Its okay" while staring right into Freen's eyes. 

Wanting to get this over with, Rebecca intervened with their little staring contest "Hi, Nop. What did you want to ask me?" 

Nop stepped closer to Rebecca and asked, "Rebecca, I just wanted to ask, how did you solve the last item? It doesnt fit the conditions to apply the formulas, was it even solvable?"  

Freen rolled her eyes and lowly muttered, "Oh wow suddenly Mr. freeloader cares about academics" 

For a second, Rebecca pinched her waist slightly, just to signal her to stop. She then caressed the area to ease the pain of the pinch.

Rebecca's hand remained on Freen's waist as she smiled politely to Nop and said, "For that particular case, partial decomposition is actually necessary. Basically you break it apart and re-group it, then you'll have to separate terms that would fit different formulas. After applying the formulas, you just have to simplify it then you're done" 

Nop was just smiling and nodding to everything while Rebecca blabbers. Freen thinks he's gone insane because why would you smile while someone's talking about Calculus? so weird. 

"You're really so smart, Rebecca. Thank you for explaining. Oh and by the way, I bought you a Christmas present!" Nop pulled something from his bag and offered it to Rebecca with a big smile on his face.

Freen looked away and thought "Just exam-related huh." 

To accept the gift, Rebecca removed her hand from Freen's waist much to Freen's dismay. 

The entire thing left a heavy feeling on Freen's chest and was made worst when she saw Nop smirking after that. 

"Goodness gracious, why is he so annoying?" Freen thought.

After receiving the gift, Rebecca said, "Thank you for this Nop. I appreciate it, but I hope this is the last time. As a basketball player, you're quite famous and people might start talking, you know? I dont want to be in that position anymore, I'm sorry." 

Truthfully, Rebecca doesn't really care about the gossips, she just feels awkward around her admirers (or ex-admirers whatever). Small talk is one thing, receiving presents from them is entirely a different story, it makes her uncomfortable for some reason. 

Nop sighed, "Okay, Rebecca. Happy holidays and see you around." 

"You too, Nop" Rebecca gave him a sad smile. He kind of feel bad for him but there's nothing much she can do so the best she can do is wish him well. 

Nop smiled and nodded. "I'll leave you two now, thank you for your time." 


As soon as he was out of sight, Rebecca let out a sigh. 

Concerned, Freen asked, "Hey, are you okay?" 

"Yeah, just tired. Can you hold this thing on your left hand?" Rebecca held out the gift given by Nop

"His gift? Sure but why?" Freen responded while doing what she was asked to. 

Rebecca just gave her an eye smile and said "So I can do this" 

Rebecca faced Freen and lifted Freen's hand so she can hug her tightly around the waist while closing her eyes and settling near Freen's neck. "I'm drained, let me recharge for a bit" and of course Freen complied. She always does.

Despite feeling heavy a while ago, Freen could never have the heart to say no to Rebecca. She knew she was jealous, but nothing could ever be more important than her Becbec. Freen realized just how doomed she was. However, is there anything she can do about it? She hasn't figured that out yet. But hey, as Freen's mom has always told her, love is a beautiful thing. They'll be okay. Right? 

Her train of thoughts were broken when Rebecca pulled away and she heard her say "Thats enough for now, they must be looking for us. Thank you, Freenky" then smiled genuinely. 

Freen smiled briefly and held becky's hands, walking towards the parking lot.

"Always, Becbec. You got me..." 

Even in a way you don't even know yet. 

Always in all ways.









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A chapter's finally up! No clear reasons about freenbecky's hesitation yet but how's the introductory chapter so far? Thoughts?
Also, I'd appreciate any comment! Have a great day ahead :)


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Chapter 1: I love it.
1188 streak #2
Oh this hurt....this hurt a lot....
marianee #3
I'm intrigued..