
Forget Me Not

Star Entertainment was the largest record and production company to date, its building towering over everything and everyone. It had produced some of the best artists to date. Selene, one of the leading members of the promotional team, had spearheaded most of the company's events with the support of her boss, James. Her boss was encouraging and had even mentioned an upcoming important project—the biggest one yet. Selene felt accomplished, as if she were in control. However, every time she pulled up into her mother's driveway, she couldn't help but feel small again. Her mother's decision to move to the big city had caught her off guard, and now she was obligated to have dinner there every Friday. Selene knew she shouldn't complain too much about this arrangement, but these dinners were always filled with criticisms about her life. Sitting in the driver's seat for a moment longer, she contemplated smoking a cigarette, but the thought of her mother smelling it and criticizing her once again made her decide to wait. "I'll save it for later. I'll definitely need it then," she thought to herself. Selene walked through her mother's front doors, and even before the dinner had properly begun, the same topic had already emerged.

"So, when are you getting married, Selene?" her mother asked.

"Mother... I am a successful person with an amazing career. Isn't that good enough?" Selene replied.

"Your work is not you. Do you want to end up all alone?"

"I'm fine, Mother. Can we change the subject?" Selene picked at her vegetables on her plate.

Her mother gave her a look that said, "This is not over." They continued with dinner, discussing random topics and avoiding eye contact. It was always like this. Selene would leave her mother's house with a bag full of leftovers because her mother was convinced she wasn't eating enough. Selene sat in the car for a brief moment, her head resting on the steering wheel, wanting to scream. Why couldn't her mother see her for who she was—a successful woman? Would she only be satisfied when there was a ring on her finger? When a man completed her world and she bore children? It felt impossible for her mother to truly see her. She drove onto the highway and blasted her music into the night. " this . I have more important things to think about than pleasing my mother."

It's not like Selene hadn't tried dating; she had. However, meeting decent men had proven to be difficult. They initially seemed interested in a strong woman, but soon their insecurities about money would surface, leading to fights. Selene discovered that some people were just using her to further their own careers, hoping she would boost their music careers even though they had no talent. When she turned 30, she couldn't be bothered anymore and decided that if love was meant to find her, it would. After all, isn't that how love is supposed to be?

"Rough night at your mother's again?" Selene's co-worker and assistant, Terri, asked.

"Oh, you know it..." Selene rubbed her temples. "Why are mothers so obsessed with their daughters getting married?"

They both laughed. "It's tough out there," Terri sympathized.

As they returned to work, Selene couldn't shake the feeling that she might be missing out on something. She loved her career, but there was a part of her that longed for a deep connection with someone. In the following days, Selene threw herself into work, as she always did. However, she began to wonder if she needed to take a break and focus on her personal life. Being a woman in a male-dominated industry was challenging. Men seemed to have it all, while women had to fight to be heard, causing other aspects of their lives to suffer. The patriarchal society frustrated her.

Just as Selene was contemplating taking a break, she received a call from James, her boss, eliminating any thoughts of a pause.

"Selene, I have some big news," James said excitedly. "We just landed the biggest project to date. It's a collaboration between our company and the Shiny Foundation. We'll be promoting our top artists in a massive collaborative festival. We're going all out on the promotion, and you'll be in full control of it."

Selene felt a rush of excitement and fear. This was a tremendous opportunity. While she had worked on significant promotions before, her boss had always been closely involved. Now, she would be leading it. The pressure was immense.

"Of course," Selene replied. "I'm ready for it."

As she thought about the collaboration with the Shiny Foundation, her childhood friend's company, Selene's stomach churned. Jonghyun, her friend, would be involved. They had grown apart over the years, but she had always wanted to reconnect with him. However, she worried that he held negative feelings towards her. Taking a deep breath, she headed towards the conference room. She would find out soon enough.

Exhausted, Selene arrived at her apartment and collapsed on the couch. Her brain felt fried from the day's meetings, creating tension throughout her head. The promotional team had immediately thrown themselves into the project. While the collaboration between the two companies' teams was underway, Selene wanted her team to be prepared, to make a good impression. She felt the idea needed to be genuine rather than focused solely on making money and benefiting the companies involved. But what could that idea be? Selene rubbed her temples, lying on the couch, feeling her stomach grumble. "Ah, yes. I should eat something... Maybe I have leftovers from Mother's dinners," she muttered to herself. However, when she opened the fridge, it was disappointingly bare. There was nothing truly edible unless she wanted to have grapes with a side of mustard. She sighed, closed the fridge door, grabbed her wallet and keys, and headed to the convenience store. These late-night walks had become a comforting routine. After work, there wasn't much to do since her friends were all married with kids. They were always busy and could only meet during nap times or random lunches. Late evenings were reserved for their recovery. Selene could have called a work friend or two, but tonight she needed some space from work. While walking to the convenience store, she thought about how her mother constantly implied that she was lonely. Frankly, her mother's words hurt the most because she was, indeed, lonely. These late nights only intensified that feeling, but if she were to find love, she wanted to find a friend first.

The familiar glow of the convenience store's artificial lights greeted Selene like an old friend. The store remained unchanged, and she often took her time there, people-watching. She wondered about the lives of the shoppers, where they were headed, and whether they were going home to someone. Silently, she created stories for these shoppers, imagining them as superheroes, undercover cops, or runaway circus clowns. It was a pleasant escape from her daily routine. Selene picked up some dishes to microwave quickly at home and grabbed a copy of a magazine called The Shiny Foundation. Each month, the magazine highlighted the company's activities, much like her own. She justified buying it for business purposes, as The Shiny Foundation was their biggest competition and now their collaboration partner. The Shiny Foundation, although only eight years old, had gained significant traction similar to Star Entertainment, which had been in the business since the '70s. The foundation focused on supporting artists that other companies wouldn't dare to take a chance on. They proved to be just as impactful as the artists in Star Entertainment, often being individuals rejected by her own company. This fact infuriated her. The most prominent star to slip through their fingers and end up at the Shiny Foundation was Taemin.

Back at her apartment, Selene flipped through the magazine while waiting for her food to cook. She read about new artists emerging under the company's name and how they were being mentored by some of their best artists. She also learned about the charity work the foundation had done the previous month and their future plans. Selene couldn't help but envy how much the company worked for the people, unlike Star Entertainment. While going through the articles, one headline caught her attention: "Founder and organizer, Kim Jonghyun of The Shiny Foundation, Engaged!" She stared at the title for a while, looking at his photo with a beaming fiancée by his side. Engaged, huh? She hadn't seen his face in a while. She had caught a glimpse of him a few years ago, but she left before he could see her. Avoiding him had become a habit of hers.

She wondered if Jonghyun would be involved in the upcoming collaborative festival. Would she see him again?

The highly anticipated day had arrived—the day when select members of the Shiny Foundation promotional team would meet with the Star Entertainment promotional team. Excitement buzzed throughout the building all week, fuelled by rumours that Jonghyun had attended a few meetings. Selene, however, didn't hold any hope for Jonghyun to visit her team's meeting. Despite her pessimistic outlook, the women in the office busily prepared themselves to look their best. Jonghyun's engagement hadn't dampened their hopes of catching his attention. Selene rolled her eyes, secretly wishing he wouldn't show up. The thought of facing him again after all this time made her stomach churn.

Sinking into her office chair, Selene checked her watch. It was almost 10 AM, meaning the other team would arrive any minute. Restless and dreading the meeting, she couldn't help but feel anxious about the possibility of seeing Jonghyun.

"Um, Selene," Terri knocked and peeked inside. "The meeting is about to begin."

Selene entered the conference room, determined to make a good impression, especially since her boss counted on her. Selene noticed everyone already seated, waiting for her. That’s when she saw him…Jonghyun sat at the head of the table, surrounded by his team. Dressed in a sharp suit, he greeted her team with a friendly smile. However, he avoided eye contact with Selene, barely acknowledging her presence. It felt like an emotional blow—him being right in front of her, yet not acknowledging her.

Selene pushed aside her discomfort and focused on the meeting. There was natural chemistry between the two teams, but she couldn't shake the feeling that Jonghyun's presence hindered the progress. Ideas flew, and notebooks filled with scribbles—a shared excitement for the potential this project held for both companies.

As the meeting came to a close, Selene gathered her things, ready to leave. But before she could reach the door, Jonghyun stopped her.

"Miss Lee," he said, his tone sharp. "I'd like to speak with you for a moment."

Bracing herself, Selene turned to face him.

"I want to make it clear that I don't appreciate your company's attempts to piggyback off our success," Jonghyun coldly stated.

"Actually, Mr. Kim, we see this as an opportunity for mutual benefit," she replied evenly. "Our company has a lot to offer, and if you feel we are 'piggybacking' off your success, take it up with someone who matters—not me."

Jonghyun's expression softened slightly, but his eyes remained cold.

"Fine," he said curtly.

With that, he walked out of the room, leaving Selene frustrated and disheartened.

Returning to her office, Selene rested her head on her desk. Seeing Jonghyun again after all these years, the long-forgotten feelings resurfaced, and it felt like a joke. She spent the remaining work hours analyzing the meeting, simultaneously feeling like she had blown her chance at a dramatic reunion with Jonghyun. Why else would he be so cold toward her?

After work, Selene headed to her mother's house, seeking a relaxed evening with light conversation—anything but her unmarried status. As she parked in her mother's driveway, she contemplated smoking before going inside, thinking it might be a better topic for the night. Chuckling to herself, she stepped out of the car and was greeted by her mother at the door. However, Selene sensed an underlying conversation brewing in her mother's mind. They began dinner, and Selene mentally prepared herself for whatever was about to come.

"Did you hear that Jonghyun is getting married?" her mother blurted out, causing Selene to choke on her food. She composed herself and wiped .

"Yes, I did hear that he was engaged," Selene replied.

Her mother gave her a stern look across the dinner table. "That could have been you," she said sourly.

"Kind of hard when we haven't spoken in almost a decade, however—"

"I wonder whose fault that is," her mother snarled.

"If you let me finish my sentence," Selene snapped, "However, I am currently working with him and his company for a project."

Her mother's eyes lit up, and potential scenarios raced through her mind. "Really? You are?"

"He's engaged, Mother. Don't get your hopes up, but yes, we are. I can't dive into the project details since it just happened today."

"It's so nice that Jonghyun contacted your company about this. I can only assume he wants to reconnect with you," her mother said in a giddy manner.

She kept mentioning Jonghyun's achievements and his engagement, highlighting how lucky that woman was. Time to leave her mother's house arrived, and Selene hit the highway again. Her thoughts were clouded by her mother's overjoyed expression about her working with Jonghyun. “He didn't even shake my hand; I doubt he wants to reconnect,” Selene thought to herself. Arriving home, she sat in her car for a while before realizing her packet of smokes was empty. Groaning, she rolled her eyes and headed toward her local convenience store. Entering the store, she felt a sense of sadness as she navigated its familiar layout. Was this her routine? Would it ever change? Grabbing a couple of beers from the cooler, she approached the counter. The high school student clerk had their nose buried in books, making Selene feel guilty for interrupting them. She busied herself around the counter, pretending to look at items until the clerk noticed her. Selene ended up grabbing a handful of candy bars she hadn't touched since her childhood. The clerk, now aware of her presence, retrieved the packet of smokes and rang her up. The plastic bag crinkled in her grasp as she left the store, heading for the benches outside. Opening a beer can, Selene found solace in its fizzy mess, relishing the chaos. She took a sip before fumbling with the cigarette packet, intending to light one.

Suddenly, a familiar voice broke the silence. "So when did you pick up this habit?" Jonghyun stood in front of her. She placed the unlit cigarette between her lips.

"I don't know... it just kind of happened one day," she replied, recalling their past. "Do you want a beer?" she offered.

"Sure," he said and sat down next to her, leaning against the edge of the table. She handed him the beer, their fingertips barely brushing, causing a tingle inside her. In one smooth motion, he opened the can, and it fizzed over. He the beer off his hands, capturing Selene's gaze. Trying to distract herself, she lit her cigarette.

"So..." she exhaled smoke into the sky, "what brought you to my neighborhood? Could it be our fantastic convenience store?" Her tone was dry, remembering his coldness earlier in the day.

"Oh, definitely. I've heard raving reviews," he smirked back at her, a stark contrast to his earlier demeanour in the meeting. "I'm joking... I sometimes take walks, and I saw you..." He looked down at his beer can, while Selene took another drag of her cigarette. "I just wanted to talk to you," he continued, looking back at her. "I was kind of a to you earlier... in the meeting. I was unprofessional. I was surprised to see you there—I didn't know you worked there, and yeah, I don't even know what overcame me."

Selene took a sip of beer, contemplating his words. "So, do you feel that my company is piggybacking from your success?"

He laughed at his own coldness. "Not at all," he replied, taking a sip from his own beer. "And if it means we will be working together... well, I would accept some piggybacking." He winked. Although Selene was relieved by his change in attitude, she still felt a whirlwind of emotions. This sudden shift in his behaviour, from coldness to warmth reminded her of his Aries nature. Was his coldness really rooted in surprise?

Jonghyun reached into the bag for another beer but pulled out a candy bar instead, looking surprised. "I haven't had these since high school!" He opened the package and offered some to Selene. "Man... they taste just as I remember," he said with enthusiasm. His smile brought back memories of their shared childhood, and Selene couldn't help but reminisce about their past. They had known each other since birth and had practically experienced every milestone together until high school. She wondered what significant milestones she had missed since then.

"Hey, where did you go?" Jonghyun asked, breaking her reverie.

"Huh?" Selene replied, momentarily confused.

"I don't know... you just went somewhere," he said, observing her.

"Oh... I guess I was just really enjoying the candy," she laughed. "Look, I should head home—thanks for... tonight." She smiled.

Jonghyun remained seated on the bench, watching Selene walk away. Part of him wanted to call out to her, to walk her home, to continue the conversation, but something held him back. He had always tried to keep up with Selene's life, knowing where she was and what she was doing…but for some reason he lost her somewhere down the line. He had tried to remain composed throughout the meeting, wanting to appear cool, but he couldn't deny the surprise and nostalgia he felt when he saw Selene. "Today was just a coincidence, right?" he thought to himself. "After all these years, we see each other and then bump into each other again. It has to be just a coincidence." Jonghyun finished his beer and headed back home, his thoughts lost in the clouds the entire time.

The promotional team was swamped with work, and some members, including Selene, had to travel frequently. On some days, their base was at Star Entertainment, while on others, it was at the Shiny Foundation. Selene was stressed beyond belief, and her mind kept going back to the night she shared beers with Jonghyun. It was just a coincidence that he showed up there, right?

"Selene..." a voice finally broke through.

She looked up and Kibum was standing at her doorway. "Oh, sorry, Kibum, come in. What's going on?"

"I should be asking you that," he laughed. "Everything okay? I was calling your name... I thought you had fallen asleep for a moment."

"Oh, you know... life," she gestured with her hands, and he laughed. Kibum was one of her closest friends whom she had met through the company. They often leaned on each other when times got tough. They had a natural bond, and Selene was grateful for that.

"I sense someone might need to drink and spill out their emotions tonight. Drinks will be on me," he winked at her.

"You're truly my hero, Kibum."

"Anyways, I should let you know that Shiny Foundation called us and agreed to our proposition, but they are writing up some agreements on their end... They want to schedule a meeting for next week."

"Oh, they called?" She wondered if it was Jonghyun. "Okay, let's settle for a meeting on Monday?"

He nodded and left the room. Selene slumped into her chair and tried to compose her own feelings. "I need to get a grip," she thought to herself.

The day slowly passed for Selene, and finally, the end of the day greeted her with open arms. She met Kibum, and they both headed to their favorite bar, Moonlit. The bar didn't have much in terms of looks—it was small and couldn't accommodate many people. However, the intimate space and closeness it offered were cherished by both Selene and Kibum. They had shared many moments together in this bar, laughing or crying over life. The place felt like home. They settled into their floor seats with a thud and began ordering drinks and food to keep themselves from getting too drunk.

"So... going to assume your low mood is about your mother again?" Kibum asked. He was well aware of Selene's complicated relationship with her mother, a constant source of problems in her life.

"I mean... I guess?" She took a sip of her vodka soda.

"Oh, something new?" Kibum's eyebrows raised.

"Sure—I guess my mother is still pressuring me about marriage, but recently, a childhood friend of mine got engaged, so she's become even more aggressive about it all..."

"Do I need to marry you to get her off your back?" He laughed.

"And how would Jinki feel about that?" She giggled back at him. Truthfully, Selene had a small crush on Kibum when they first met, and they had flirted here and there. But that was until he met his boyfriend, Jinki. They had been dating for almost four years now.

"I'm sure we could arrange a deal," he picked at the fries on the table. "So, your childhood friend—you're still close?"

Selene shook her head. "No... we lost touch after high school ended. Everyone thought we would end up together, but it never happened...we did bump into each other the other day, though."

Kibum's eyes widened. "You did?" Then he smiled at her. "So, that's what's been on your mind...your long-lost friend."

"It's probably just phantom feelings—my body just remembered what it's like to be around them from way back, you know? I have no idea what they're like now..."

"You could find friends with them again. I mean, obviously you two grew apart for some reason—as long as that reason wasn't something horrible, I don't see a problem with it."

"Maybe you're right..."

The conversation drifted away, but Selene wanted to confide in Kibum that this person was in fact, Jonghyun. She had no idea what it meant or how she felt about it, but something held her back from revealing everything.

Jonghyun found himself wandering the streets at night once again, his insomnia worsening with each passing day, especially after the proposal. These nighttime walks provided him with a sense of comfort and escape from the stresses of work. Sometimes, he would indulge in childish daydreams, imagining a different life or even the ability to fly and touch the moon. As he strolled, he often found solace by the river, but on this particular night, he decided to explore the streets at a leisurely pace, enjoying the tranquility without the need to rush past people.

Restaurants and bars lined the streets, emitting a soft glow that illuminated the night. Laughter and conversation filled the air as Jonghyun observed people enjoying themselves. He would sometimes create stories about their lives, wondering if they, too, were scared of what the future held. 

During his walk, Jonghyun spotted two familiar figures giggling and stumbling out of a bar called MoonLit. As he approached them, Selene and her co-worker, Kibum, noticed his presence and burst into laughter.

"Oh, hi, Mr. Kim," Selene managed to say amidst her giggles, exchanging a knowing look with Kibum.

"Sorry, we may have had a bit too much to drink," Kibum explained.

Jonghyun joined in their laughter. "It's okay. As long as I'm not the of the joke," he chuckled.

This only made Selene laugh even harder. "You said ''!" she exclaimed, causing Jonghyun to laugh along.

"You really haven't changed, have you?" he remarked, enjoying their lighthearted banter.

Just as the conversation was flowing, Selene's phone began to ring. With a roll of her eyes, she answered the call, realizing it was her mother. Excusing herself, she moved a little farther away to speak privately.

Kibum took this opportunity to address Jonghyun. "Now, Mr. Kim, I have to ask a serious question. What did you mean when you said Selene hadn't changed?"

"Oh, well, we were childhood friends," Jonghyun explained.

Kibum's eyes twinkled with curiosity. "And you just got engaged, huh?"

Before Jonghyun could respond, a slightly tipsy Selene returned from her phone call, claiming to have convinced her mother that she wasn't drunk.

"Well... I must get home," Kibum said abruptly, leaving Jonghyun and Selene stunned and unable to protest his departure.

"It's okay, Jonghyun. You don't need to walk me home," Selene said, taking a step forward but stumbling. Jonghyun instinctively caught her in his arms, and for a brief moment, they found themselves in an unplanned embrace before quickly breaking apart, feeling a mix of nervousness and uncertainty.

"I think I'll stick around," Jonghyun suggested, not ready to let go of the opportunity to spend more time with Selene.

They began walking together, with Selene still feeling the effects of alcohol in her system. The giddiness was still present, but she was also aware of Jonghyun's presence beside her.

"So... what are you doing out and about on this night?" Selene asked, trying to strike up a conversation.

Jonghyun shrugged. "Sometimes, it's nice to be outside... to wander."

"Wander by the river and look at the moon," Selene said with admiration, playfully imitating Jonghyun by looking up at the sky and clasping her hands together. "You always liked the nighttime."

Jonghyun couldn't help but burst into laughter, nudging Selene's shoulder, which prompted her to playfully push him back. A surge of childlike energy coursed through Jonghyun, and he ran off, with Selene joyfully chasing after him. They dashed through the streets and eventually found themselves by the river. Jonghyun leaned against the railings, catching his breath, and Selene soon joined him, both panting like dogs and inwardly thinking, "I'm too old for all this running," as they gazed at the moon's radiant glow in the sky. The stars seemed to dance, twinkling in unison. The sound of the river evoked memories of their past, of summers spent catching fireflies in the creek, feeling the warm mud between their toes, and the lingering warmth of the water long after the sun had set. These memories were silently shared between them.

"Congratulations on your engagement, by the way. I haven't said that to you yet," Selene broke the silence.

Jonghyun smiled at her. "Thanks."

"What does real love feel like?" Selene asked abruptly, still under the influence of alcohol, her confidence elevated.

"I'm not sure," he replied honestly. "What do you think it feels like?"

Selene raised her hands up to the sky. "It feels like freedom!" She smiled and spun around but suddenly became somber. "But it also feels like home, someone to lean on, and that you'll have one person in this entire planet that understands you...all of you. Love is... more than just a feeling. It's something that motivates us to be better. I think love is a lot of things, but the feeling of it—I'm not sure."

"I like your idea of love," he said to her. Jonghyun wanted to express how much he had missed her and her energy, how he hated how their friendship got lost, but it was too soon and too much. His head was full of memories of the two of them, and a phantom feeling he had once lost had resurfaced in his chest. He rested his hand on Selene's for a brief moment, suggesting comfort in some sort. He didn't want to leave this spot—he didn't want her to stumble back home into her bed and him back to his, waking up separately from each other.

"Jonghyun?" a familiar voice came from behind him. Both Selene and Jonghyun turned around—it was Honey, his fiancé. His earlier thoughts made him feel guilty about something he didn't even want to think about.

"Hey, hi—love, what are you doing out here?" he said, almost stumbling over his words.

"I had that work thing, remember?" she walked closer to them, Selene standing next to him, almost as still as a statue.

"Oh—oh yes! Sorry, I didn't mean to forget, and ah! This is Selene. We're working together on that project I told you about with Star Entertainment."

Selene stood there with her back resting on the railing to the river, staring at a woman she had only seen in a magazine—Jonghyun's fiancé. She wasn't sure what to do, so she outstretched her hand to meet this woman's. Honey's grip was tight, and she could see that she was judging Selene with a fierce intent.

"You must be Jonghyun's fiancé. He's told me so much about you—he won't shut up about you!" Selene lied through her teeth, for some reason feeling like it was the safest option at this point.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that," Honey smiled.

"I should head home!" Selene said, clapping her hands. The intoxication she had felt moments ago had faded. "It was lovely meeting you, Honey, and uh—yes, Jonghyun, I will send you those details... Honey, you really gotta get this man to stop working!" Selene shot finger guns at them awkwardly and spun around, walking home without looking back. "Jesus ing Christ," she thought to herself, "what the was all that?"

It was a rainy Sunday afternoon, and the sound of pouring rain filled Selene's apartment. She stood on her balcony, smoking a cigarette, and gazed at the raindrops falling. Her mind wandered, reflecting on the interaction between Honey and Jonghyun from the other day. An odd feeling settled in her gut, as if something was amiss. The vibe Honey had given off was peculiar, but so was Jonghyun's, and even her own vibe felt off. She felt a pang of guilt, recalling the moment Jonghyun lightly touched her hand that night. It was a fleeting touch, but it stirred something within her, making her feel like she was fifteen again. As raindrops splattered against the window and distant thunder rumbled, memories of rainy day adventures with Jonghyun flooded Selene's mind. Nostalgia washed over her, longing for those simpler times when all that mattered was being with Jonghyun. The rain outside carried the scent of wet earth and grass, evoking images of cozy days filled with the aroma of freshly baked cookies, huddled under a blanket with Jonghyun, watching the raindrops together. She remembered how her heart would skip a beat at the sound of his laughter. Selene had always held a deep and enduring love for Jonghyun, but she was too afraid to reveal her feelings, choosing instead to keep them hidden away. Taking a deep breath, Selene wondered what could have happened if she had been brave enough to confess her love.

These memories brought a sense of comfort and joy that Selene hadn't felt in a while, but they also carried a tinge of sadness at the passage of time and the changes that had taken place. Closing the balcony door behind her, Selene stepped into her apartment. Her mind still buzzed with the memories of her childhood friendship with Jonghyun. They had shared endless summers, running through fields, exploring the forest, and dreaming of a shared future. As she settled on her couch, Selene couldn't help but question if her feelings for Jonghyun had always been platonic or if there was something more beneath the surface.

The more she pondered, the more uncertain she became. She acknowledged that they had drifted apart over the years and that Jonghyun was now engaged. Yet, she couldn't deny the pull she felt towards him. When they unexpectedly ran into each other outside the bar, Selene had experienced a similar spark of excitement. But could she truly work with Jonghyun without her personal feelings interfering? This question lingered in her mind as she sat on the sofa, watching the raindrops fall outside.

Jonghyun walked down the street, his mind filled with thoughts of his childhood friend, Selene. The sound of the raindrops hitting the pavement mixed with the sound of his footsteps, and he tried to shake off the memories of their past.  He was engaged to Honey, and he loved her deeply, but he couldn’t help but wonder if he had ever really let go of his childhood feelings for Selene. As he walked past a park, he couldn’t help but remember the summers he had spent playing in them and the sense of freedom he felt whenever he was with her.

When he found out that he would be working with Selene on a project, he had felt both excited and nervous. He knew that he had to be professional and keep his personal feelings in check, but he couldn't deny the attraction that still lingered. And now, as he walked in the rain, he wondered if this was a chance for them to reconnect and explore their feelings for each other. 

It had been a a week since Selene and Jonghyun had their conversation by the river, and Selene was still dealing with the embarrassment of being caught by Honey. Although they hadn't done anything wrong, the tension between the three of them had left her feeling uneasy. She couldn't help but wonder if Honey had witnessed Jonghyun touching her hand, even if it had been a gesture of comfort. The situation could easily be misinterpreted by an outsider. 

A knock on Selene's office door interrupted her thoughts, and to her surprise, it was Jonghyun standing in the doorway. He appeared determined yet nervous at the same time.

"Hey, Selene," he greeted her with a small smile. "If you have time, I was wondering if you would like to grab coffee with me?"

Selene hesitated momentarily, contemplating whether she had the time. However, before she knew it, she found herself nodding in agreement. "Sure, I'd love to," she replied, grabbing her coat and following him out of her office.

As they walked to the coffee shop, Selene felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. She wasn't sure what Jonghyun wanted to talk about, but she sensed that it was more than just a casual conversation. When they arrived, they ordered their drinks and settled at a small table by the window. Despite the sunny day, there was an odd chill in the air, and they sought solace in the cozy atmosphere of the coffee shop. Jonghyun appeared slightly nervous as he took a sip from his coffee, but eventually, he spoke up.

"You got home okay... from the other day?" he asked.

"Of course! I wasn't that drunk," Selene laughed, lightening the mood.

More silence ensued as they both sipped their coffees. Finally, Jonghyun broke the silence, setting down his cup. "I wanted to talk to you about something," he began. "I've been thinking a lot about our last conversation... the way you spoke about love—it has been weighing on my mind."

Selene raised an eyebrow, intrigued by his words. Jonghyun took a deep breath before continuing, revealing a vulnerable side to him.

"The truth is, Selene, my engagement to Honey was the result of an ultimatum she gave me," he confessed. "She told me that I had to either propose or end the relationship, and I felt like I had no choice. But deep down, I've been plagued by doubts about whether I made the right decision. And ever since you talked about how love should feel... I've been grappling with my own emotions."

Jonghyun's confession caught Selene off guard, and she could sense his uncertainty. "I'm sorry to hear that, Jonghyun. You were always someone who knew what they wanted in life... it must be difficult to feel like you're not in control of your own decisions," Selene empathized. "But remember, love shouldn't be something you're forced into. It should be a choice that comes from the heart."

Jonghyun nodded, seeming to take her words to heart. "I know you're right, Selene. I just don't know what to do next... I haven't spoken to anyone else about this—I don't even know why I'm telling you."

Selene took a sip of her coffee, then offered Jonghyun a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Jonghyun. Sometimes it's easier to talk to someone who's not directly involved in the situation. I'm here for you... if you need someone to talk to."

Grateful for her support, Jonghyun nodded appreciatively. "I appreciate it."

"Have you talked to Honey about how you feel? Maybe sharing your doubts would help her understand that an ultimatum wasn't the best choice for an engagement," Selene suggested.

His face fell slightly. "I've tried to bring it up before, but every time I do, she gets upset and we end up arguing," he replied, sounding frustrated.

They spent the remainder of their time discussing Jonghyun's feelings and possible ways forward. Selene listened attentively, offering advice and support whenever possible. By the end of their conversation, Jonghyun seemed more at ease. As they left the coffee shop, he turned to Selene.

"Hey... look, I'm sorry I took up your lunch break with my woes, but I appreciate this," he said sincerely.

She smiled, feeling a warmth in her chest. "What are old friends for?" she replied.

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