
(Everyday) You're in My Heart

There is a saying that the best romantic relationship is when one's partner is also one's best friend. Tiffany might be taking that advice too literally, but she has known TaeYeon for two years, and they have been the bestest of best friends for just as long. Transitioning into girlfriends feels natural—everything feels so easy with TaeYeon by her side.


Thus, when she arrives on her floor and her girlfriend of three weeks all but tackles her in a bear hug, she welcomes her with a happy giggle. Luckily, she saw her before they both stumbled back from the force of the embrace, or else she'd have at least kneed her crotch, and that will make her a bad girlfriend.


"I missed you too," Tiffany says, squeezing TaeYeon a little tighter and nuzzling her cheek against her head before she lets her go. "What are you doing here?" She asks, moving aside to open her apartment door. They didn't make any plans to get together because TaeYeon is supposed to be out of town for a conference until the end of the week. Yet there she is, hanging her coat and jacket by the door next to Tiffany's and slipping on the pair of fuzzy puppy slippers that are hers after putting her boots and purse away, like she has done for years. The ease of her moving about in the apartment—washing her hands, taking two clean wine glasses from the cupboard overhead, then opening the fridge to take out a bottle for both of them—has affection swelling in Tiffany's chest.


Other than the many kisses on the lips, sometimes with tongues involved, and their decidedly non-platonic sleepovers, their dynamic isn't different than when they were just best friends. Tiffany stands in the hallway with a dopey grin on her face, one that TaeYeon mirrors, and wonders why it took them so long before becoming official. And why hasn't she asked TaeYeon to move in yet? Should she ask her right there and then?


"Do you know what day is it today?"


The question jerks Tiffany out of what will definitely become an impulsive decision, and she is glad for it. She accepts the glass TaeYeon put forward and checks her phone just to be sure. "It's Thursday, December 14th?" She answers with hesitation, dreading that she forgets something important. It has been too long since she dates anyone seriously, probably back when she was still living in the states, and she might be rusty with its intricacies.


From the expectant look on TaeYeon's face, Tiffany's sure she does forget something. But try as she might, she simply doesn't know what importance the day holds. It's long before their 100-day anniversary, even longer for the yearly one since they only started dating officially. It's days before Christmas, though. She has plenty of presents bought already, although they are mostly small gifts like hand lotions and gift cards for her coworkers. Perhaps she can pass it off as a gift for TaeYeon and berate herself later for her ignorance.


"It's Hug Day!" TaeYeon beams, all toothy grin and...


"Socks?" Tiffany blinks at the little bundle TaeYeon took out of her pocket and placed on the breakfast bar in front of her. It's a pair of new socks, neon blue with tiny pink hearts, held together with a silver bow. "Why are you giving me socks on Hug Day?"


"Silly Ppany," TaeYeon scolds playfully. "Because it's tradition. I take it that you don't have one for me?"


Tiffany opens but closes it again and shakes her head. She does have new socks in her drawer; they are the ones that are sold in three pairs of the same color. All black and all white, each with separated toes. They are perfect for daily use but too plain to be gift material. Thinking of giving any of them makes her feel worse than admitting that she doesn't have any for TaeYeon.


"Sorry, I didn't know."


"It's okay. There is still January 14th."


"I can give you new socks then." Tiffany takes a sip of her wine, furrowing her brows in thought. "Will it be Hug Day again?" Because she knows for sure that February 14th is Valentine's Day and that the same date in March is White Day.


Despite Tiffany's clear cluelessness, TaeYeon remains elated. "No, it's Diary Day in January. We're supposed to give each other a yearly planner to write down date plans and fond memories."


Tiffany refrains from making a biting remark about how childish it is or how they are too old to write down a journal about their dates. Instead, she says, "Please tell me there is no celebration on the 14th every month."


TaeYeon's grin widens, and Tiffany knows what she dreads has been true all along. A quick search on her phone confirms that yes, there is indeed a special romantic celebration on the 14th of each month. And they are all entirely too juvenile, in her opinion.


"Planners on Diary Day. Chocolate on Valentine's Day, and even more chocolate on White Day. Jajangmyeon for singles on Black Day, or coffee works too. Yellow roses pinned on matching outfits on Yellow Day; eating yellow curry for singles—at least that's more inclusive. Kiss Day is self-explanatory." Tiffany's brow arches. "Promise rings for Silver Day..." She'd rather not. Not yet, at least. And not so cliché. "Green Day—not the band—for drinking soju in the wild." She sighs. Why are there so many? "Taking pictures for Photo Day—"


"It's Music Day too," TaeYeon points out. "After a photo session, we do karaoke."


Tiffany overlooks the interruption. A photo session sounds a lot more like a prewedding event, and after the promise ring exchange in July, she expects one of the last three 14ths of the year to actually be Wedding Day. Thankfully, she is wrong. "Wine Day, Movie Day, Hug Day—" She shoots a glare at TaeYeon before she can add her own commentary. "Where we give each other socks," she deadpans. "It has capitalism painted over it. All over the year, actually."


"But it's fun. I want you to have the full dating experience."


Tiffany thinks of movie dates, holding hands in the dark cinema and making out in the cramped backseat of a car. She cringes. That is so high school and she has no intention of doing that with TaeYeon. Perhaps these days aren't so bad compared to her own brand of dating experience. TaeYeon, unaware of her turmoil, reaches across the breakfast bar and nudges her hand off the wine glass to intertwine their fingers together.


TaeYeon continues, "I can shower my y, beautiful, and kind girlfriend with gifts and special dates every month. Not that I need an excuse, but, socks!"


Her girlfriend is a smooth talker, Tiffany has to give her that. It's easier for her to brush off the flirting, just as it's better to ignore why y was mentioned first. "Had it been July..." She narrows her eyes.


"What? You'd turn me down? Break us up?"


"Only if you give me a ring," Tiffany warns.


"But the couple's look is so—"


"No," Tiffany says sternly. "And I'm never dressing up in the same outfit as you do. No jewelry either, at least not until we get engaged and married."


"So we are going to get engaged?" TaeYeon asks, too smug for her own good. Of course she latches on that particular part. "And get married too?"


Tiffany huffs in annoyance. "If I kiss you, will you shut up?" Immediately, TaeYeon does. Leaning over the breakfast bar, she puckers her lips in expectation of the kiss. Such a dork. Tiffany rolls her eyes and pecks her on the cheek instead. She darts away to get changed, taking her new socks with her, all the while laughing while TaeYeon pouts at her. "I'll kiss you in June, TaeTae!"

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Fawkes12 #1
Chapter 3: This is a really interesting concept. I hope you give it a continuation. It's really cool, and you're writing is great!!
Fawkes12 #2
Chapter 2: It's so fluffy I'm going to die!! Amazing chapter
Fawkes12 #3
Chapter 1: Cute ;___; Amazing writing, as always
1129 streak #4
Chapter 2: Lol so many "days" hahaha
Chapter 3: Whoa, I am intrigued on how it's gonna be! Looking forward to the continuation of this story >.<
Chapter 1: asdfghjkl
didn't expect this kind of story uwaaaa love it!
Chapter 3: That's Tiffany's main concern! 😁
I wonder how she endured talking to Taeyeon like that... 🤭
I hope they both get what they want and conquer the sea together. 😁
Chapter 1: Tiffany has successfully passed her new years resolution. This chapter was super cute and adorable. Taeyeon is smitten for Tiffany.

Spending New Year together is so meaningful!
Chapter 2: Fluffy Monday! I googled this 14th day of every month, it's fascinating! 😁
This bubbly Taeyeon seems so adorable!
I think they match perfectly.
The ending was funny too! That's in 6 months Ppany! Why So cruel? 🤣