Something New

#NOWPLAYING: Taeyeon - Fabulous
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Now Playing: Taeyeon - To The Moon







Don’t tell me you bring that girl you met to your home!


Taeyeon read the message in her phone with a smirk plastered on her face. Her thumbs typed a reply.


Why? Can’t I? I am not committed to anything


A reply came after.


This girl you bring today. Do you even know who she is?


She chuckled at the question.


Dunno. I don’t ask, she wants me anyway.


She was about to put down her phone when another message popped.


Until when are you gonna live like this, Taeng?


She frowned reading the last reply from her friend. The question was not new for her. She had received it countless time. But it wouldn’t change anything. She lived for the freedom. She lived not to attach to one person. She lived only once and she wanted to do whatever she wanted. She believed the freedom could brought her away from the boredom. But the magic of freedom had disappeared. Even now, she felt bored just by having the freedom she had. She sighed and typed another reply.


None of your business, Yul.


She locked her phone and put it on the bed post. She then stole a glance at the girl who still slept soundly in her bed. The girl has body made of curves Taeyeon liked. Taeyeon could not remember the girl’s face but she could remember the girl had a pretty smile. She looked at the girl again to remember the face but to no avail, the black hair covered the girl’s face. Taeyeon stood up from her seat and walked towards her bathroom to take a shower.


When Taeyeon got out from the shower, the girl she slept with last night was still asleep. She took her time to put on clothes and prepared for work. After she finished preparing, she looked at the girl again, but the latter was still sleeping. She shrugged and made her way out of her apartment. It was not the first time she left someone in her apartment. There was no important or valuable stuffs in her apartment, hence she didn’t care even if the person she slept with was a thief. No matter how often she brought girls home, at the end of the day, she would come home to an empty apartment. Same old story repeated again.






Taeyeon walked down the hall of the apartment lifelessly. She considered to resign from the company she worked for right now. She always thought of resigning due to the amount of work she needed to do. It was her dream company when she was still a university student. Working in an advertising company was her dream as a communication major graduate. However, after hitting thirty, she noticed she wasn’t as energized as when she was in her twenties. She always felt exhausted from her works. And today was no difference. The only energy left was only for her to walk down the hall and get into her apartment unit. Even the used to be dream job she had, already became a boring routine of her everyday.


She punched in her key and opened the door to her apartment only to be surprised, noticing a girl was inside, preparing food on the dining table.


“Oh, you’re home.” The girl stopped her activity and smiled at Taeyeon. “I am sorry I opened your fridge and use your kitchen. I am hungry.” She smiled sheepishly.


“Ah, okay.” Taeyeon answered shortly and closed her apartment door. “You are the girl I slept with last night, right?” She asked rather flatly. She remembered the dark black hair and the pretty smile the girl flashed. She asked just to ensure.


To Taeyeon’s surprise, they girl answered with a melodious laugh. “You can’t even remember whether I was the girl you slept with?” She clicked her tongue as she continued preparing the dinner. “How many girls you’ve slept with in a month, huh?” Instead of getting offended the girl only took Taeyeon’s question lightly. And even asked back as if it was normal to bring girls over and slept with them.


Taeyeon shrugged and took off her shoes. “I stopped counting.” After putting her shoes in the rack, she proceeded to walk to her room which had the door opened. She stopped her step in front of the door and turned her head to the girl who was already sitting in the dining chair. “You tidied up my room?”


The girl turned her head to look at Taeyeon. “Yeah, our clothes sprawled over everywhere. So I put everything in the laundry basket, tidied up the bed, vacuumed the carpet, and that’s all. Don’t worry, I didn’t touch any of your belongings.”


Taeyeon finally let out a chuckle upon hearing the girl’s answer. “Thanks for that.” She didn’t expect such act from the girl she slept with. She only expected this to be just another one night stand. But here she was, coming home to the girl she slept with. And as a bonus, she also got her bedroom tidied up.


“Wanna join me for dinner?” The girl offered.


The question, again, surprised Taeyeon. The girl even now invited her a dinner in her own house. It sounded really ridiculous for Taeyeon. How could the girl act as if it was her apartment? Taeyeon thought. “I am going to take a shower.” She answered flatly and proceeded to her room to put her belongings and took a shower.


After done showering, she put on shorts, topped with black loose tanktop. She walked out her room and found the girl hadn’t touched the food. “Why are you not eating yet?”


“I thought you’re joining me for dinner. That’s why I am waiting for you.” She answered innocently.


Taeyeon stole a glance at the clock on the wall and noticed it was almost nine in the evening, and she wondered when will the girl go home.


The girl seemed to notice Taeyeon’s gaze. “I do not plan to go home tonight.” She stated as if she could read Taeyeon’s mind.


Taeyeon was taken aback with the statement and she looked at the girl questioningly. “What do you mean?”


“I am sleeping with you again tonight.” She answered casually while shrugging her shoulders. “You were amazing last night. I want to do it with you again.” She paused before stealing a glance at Taeyeon. “So, are you joining me for dinner?”


Taeyeon laughed hard. It was really her first time experiencing this. “You’re weird.” She then made her way to the dinning table. “First of all, it was supposed to be just a one night stand thing, but you stayed in my place and tidied up my room.” She paused as she took a seat across the girl. “Second of all, you prepared dinner for us and offered me dinner in my own place.” She put her elbow on top of the table and propped her chin on top of her opened palms. “Third, you decided to stay over without even asking my permission.”


The girl in front of Taeyeon laughed along as she took the chopstick on the table and put some food on Taeyeon’s plate —which again, surprising Taeyeon with the gesture. “I told you, you were amazing last night. I wanna do it again.” She said as if it was something that was an innocent thing to say.


Taeyeon pressed her lips into a smile. “I am Taeyeon.” She decided to introduce herself.


The girl halted her hand movement which was putting the food in both her plate and Taeyeon’s. And looked at Taeyeon in confusion. “We did our introduction last night. I still remember your name, Kim Taeyeon.”


Taeyeon grinned sheepishly. The girl remembered her name but she had no idea what the girl name was. “Yeah…” She took her chopstick and started to dig in her meal. “But I forgot yours.”


The girl only chuckled. “Tiffany.” She spilled out her name. “Tiffany Hwang.” She continued. “You better remember it when you moan my name later.”


And Taeyeon laughed again. “Okay, Tiffany.” She took a piece of kimchi and swallowed it. “I will remember your name this time.”


Tiffany only smiled and started eating.


“Can I ask you a question?” Tiffany opened the conversation again.


Taeyeon nodded in answer. was busy chewing the food.


“Are you gay?” She asked rather innocently, making Taeyeon choked on her food.


Taeyeon took a while to drink the water before clearing . “You’re so blunt.”


“You are free not to answer the question, Taeyeon.” Tiffany stole a glance at Taeyeon as she continued eating.


“I slept with you last night. Isn’t it obvious which way I swing?” Taeyeon took another gulped of water.


“I am not gay.” Tiffany replied casually. “But I slept with you.”


Taeyeon put down her glass and looked at the girl in front of her in curiosity. “How come? There’s no way a straight girl would be able to do what we did last night.”


“Yesterday was the first time I slept with woman.” Tiffany answered. “I’ve only been with men before.”


“What were you doing in gay bar then?” Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows. She remembered exactly where they met. It was a gay bar where she was a regular.


“Just curious.” Tiffany shrugged. “Some forums in internet mentioned that some K-Pop artists were spotted in gay bars. So I tried my luck, maybe I would be able to bump into some idols.” She chuckled. “But I bumped into you instead. You’re as cute as those idols though. So, I don’t mind.”


Taeyeon laughed again. Having the conversation with this Tiffany girl was indeed refreshing. She started to like the bluntness the other girl had. “I still can’t understand how did you decide to agree sleeping with me. You came to the gay bar out of curiosity and trying to push your luck to bump into K-Pop idols and ended up sleeping with me. There was no correlation to it.”


“You were handsome.” Tiffany took another bite of food with her chopstick and chewed it. “I know you are a woman. But you looked handsome and pretty at the same time.” She stopped for a while to swallow the meal. “And I love your confidence when you approached me.” She smirked at Taeyeon with a playful twinkle in her eyes. “You checked me out openly, and you even came approaching me when I stared back at you.”


“Isn’t that normal?”


“Yeah, for boys.”


Taeyeon lost count how many time she laughed tonight. “Are you now saying I am a boy?”


“You’re not a boy, obviously. But you brought me to your place to , right?”


Another set of laugh escaped from Taeyeon’s lips. “That I can’t argue.” Taeyeon wiped with the napkin and put down her chopstick. “So, wanna be my dessert tonight?” She said with a smirk on her face.


“Sounds good to me.”






Taeyeon woke up to an empty bed. She unconsciously let out a sigh, noticing the other side of the bed was left empty. Another same old story. Woke up to the empty bed, and starting the day by herself. She stretched for a while and casually walked out of her bedroom to get a drink, ignoring her state.


“Why are you walking around ?”


Taeyeon almost jumped in surprised when a voice was heard from the living room.


“Gosh, you startled me.” She held the kitchen counter as her other hand tapped her chest, trying to recover from the shock. “Why are you still here?” She eyed the girl who was sitting on the couch, wearing Taeyeon’s oversized tees without permission, showcasing her pretty legs.


“Do you expect me to leave?” She asked back nonchalantly as she stared back at Taeyeon. “Do you normally walk around your apartment like that?”


“I normally live alone, so I can walk around .” Taeyeon shrugged as she continued to walked towards the fridge and got herself a drink. “I thought you left already.” She said after taking several gulp from the bottle she got from the fridge.


“Can I get your number?” Tiffany ignored Taeyeon’s commentary.


Taeyeon put the bottle back into the fridge and tilted her head towards the girl who was busy with her phone. “Why would you need my number?”


“Just in case.” 


“In case of what?”


“In case I want to do it with girls again.”


Taeyeon chuckled and made her way towards the woman. She stole a glance at the clock in the process, noticing it was still six in the morning. So she still had some times before preparing to work. She reached the couch and sat next to Tiffany. “You can go to gay bar again, trying your luck finding K-Pop idols, and them, you know?” 


“I no longer interested in them.” Tiffany huffed.


Taeyeon then took Tiffany’s phone from the latter’s hand and punched in her number before saving it and gave the phone back to the owner. “Text me so I can save your number.”


A smile rose on Tiffany’s face. “Do you normally give away your number to the girls you slept with?”


Taeyeon shook her head, disagreeing Tiffany’s statement. “Of course not. I just think you’re interesting.” She smiled at the girl next to her and leaned forward to kiss the girl’s lips. “Your lips tastes good.” She mumbled in between the kisses. She broke the kiss only to latch her lips on the latter’s neck. “You smell good as well.” She stated as she nibbled the skin on the neck, earning a soft moan from Tiffany. “I still have thirty minutes before I need to prepare myself to work.” She stopped her activity and lifted up herself to be at the same level as Tiffany. “Wanna do it once more?”






Taeyeon stared at the chat bubble in her iMessage.


This is Tiffany’s number


She just finished work and on her way to the parking lot. She saved the number before checking w

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Now Playing: Taeyeon - Fabulous

I really love the song!


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1129 streak #2
CrissYoung #3
Chapter 6: Yes. With taeny together as the happy ending hehe
Chapter 6: I’m so intrigued!! I can’t wait to read this story.
TaeNysmith22 #5
Chapter 6: Fabulous is also my fave track from the album! It was so charismatic, so warm yet so cool to ears! The lyrics are so true for Taeng's life (for me) so rare.

As I was reading the part of Tiffany and Siwon especially the first one that mentioned their marriage. I was like " what?? So it's not a TaeNy one?? " Then our Fabulous star came who's dropping hints of her uality.

Yes! We will ready a chaptered story. Thanks for dropping a teaser with my fave track! Hahaha
Chapter 6: can't wait for the next chapter....
574 streak #7
Chapter 6: Hayy
Chapter 6: A thousand yes from me. The story line seems interesting. Waiting for you to update the 1st chapter
thegloomy11 #9
Chapter 6: Berore i listened to Fabulous and check the lyric what came to my mind was Tiffany 😁😁😁
Bellove #10
Chapter 6: go go go go...make it cont.