Chapter 3

Freen's Pup

Freen strolls as she thinks about earlier and their encounter. They could’ve met in class but coincidently it had to be during a tutoring session. 


“Maybe it was fated,” her conscience claims. 

“Maybe she’s the one for you,” it ridiculously states again. 


A smile and smirk escapes Freen’s face as she thinks about Rebecca-Becky. The way she sweetly smiles, the way Becky’s beautiful brown eyes twinkled as she looked at her to confirm each math answer, and the way she smelled. 

“Thank you for being patient with me,” Becky’s voice reiterates as Freen recalls. 

And for a second Freen wished their session lasted longer so she could actually admire the little one next to her more. 


The smart girl approaches her favorite go-to restaurant and orders her regular whilst taking a seat by the window. 

“Bec-bec,” she says aloud and smirks again.


Freen sighs and scratches her head. Was it the stress that’s gotten into her? She sighs once more still thinking about Rebecca, unable to shake the same weird feeling in her gut and her heart starts pounding. Feeling panicked, she clenches her hands together, calming herself. The hungry girl stares out the window and looks at the night sky as she waits for her food. The orange glow of the sunset and the mix of blue and pink with soft clouds parting ways. And she fantasizes a little…thinking of silly things, like how small Becky’s face is and what it would be like to simply grab her or cup her by the jaws with both hands. Or to the loose strands of hairs behind her ear as it bothers Freen that those baby hairs dangle, covering her beautiful face. Freen lets out a small laugh as she also thinks about covering Becky’s entire face with those loose hairs to hide her so no one can steal a stare. Mesmerized by her attractive eyes, Freen swallows as she feels like she can read what Becky is thinking the moment their eyes meet. And it makes her nervous, thinking maybe Becky can reciprocate and read hers as well. 


“That’s nonsense, of course people will stare and admire, for she is one of the most popular girls on campus,” her mind reasons. 


Freen looks down and purses her lips feeling silly for thinking nonsense. The clank of the plate breaks her thoughts and the sight of her favorite dish makes her smile. She quickly eats in quietness, enjoying her salmon, rice, and salad. And her head starts to drift, what do you like to eat, what is your favorite color, what do you like to do.



“I’m home!,” Becky calls as she enters her quiet apartment. The pretty tired girl tosses her bag on the chair and flings herself onto her bed. Becky sighs and reaches for her care bear. 

“Why is math so hard,” she mumbles in frustration. She always tries her best, but math simply isn’t her forte. If it was law she’d memorize things so easily and could read a whole case in one setting. 


Becky lets out a laugh as she thinks about “you + me = us,” and if only math was that way, it would be more enjoyable. She stares at the ceiling and inhales still smelling Freen’s lingering scent. Maybe it was the closeness or the proximity between them that allowed Freen’s perfume to jump onto Becky and she inhales again smelling it once more.  

Becky closes her eyes, thinking about Sarocha’s face, especially her lips. The little one touches her lips and thinks about the split and how ones lip’s could be that special, to be born that way. 


“How come you have a split in between your lips?” Becky pretends to ask whilst tracing her own. 

“That’s rude to question,” her conscience answers.
“Oh because when I was a kid, I got nibbled by a baby shark,” an imaginary Freen jokes. 

Becky laughs at her own thoughts and answers and bites her own upper lip. For if it was true, how hard would one have to bite for that to happen. The tired girl eskimo kisses her care bear and hums a tune and closes her eyes, feeling tired from a productive day. Lost in thought, she wonders how long she’d have to go to tutoring since she's already on the verge of failing and how she’ll be able to make up her grade or even attend choir club. She sighs again, she could pay Freen to do her homework, but what good would that be. The tired girl rubs her eyes and hugs her bear, falling fast asleep. 



A now food coma Freen walks home with bag on one shoulder. She gazes at the almost dark night sky and hopes tomorrow will be the same or just as beautiful. She also thinks about meeting Becky again and what it would be like. Entering her apartment, she tosses the keys onto her side table along with her bag and pours herself a glass of water. She chugs it down like beer and yawns, exhausted from today too. Freen freshens up, brushes her teeth, combs her hair, and changes her clothes. Like Becky, she climbs into bed and grabs her best friend- bunny. 


“Why,” she randomly asks as she peers at bunny’s black round eyes. 

“Why what,” it pretends to ask back. 

“Why did you look at me that way,” she asks, actually referring to Becky’s pretty gaze. 

Squeezing bunny hard, and letting her best friend hit her in the head in hopes to come to her senses, Freen slumps over. 


Spellbound by Becky’s smile, Freen squeezes bunny again and yanks at the ears as panic and giddiness sets in again. 


The giddy girl, bites her lips and closes her eyes, falling fast asleep from the apparent food coma and exhaustion of today. 



“What is it,” Becky questions as she softly gazes at Freen whilst laying next to her. 

Sarocha shakes her head and simply smiles in admiration as their eyes connect. 

Decoding the little ones thoughts, Freen smiles back and breaks her gaze as she analyzes every surface of Rebecca Armstrong’s face. Touching at the pretty girl’s face, a fond Freen tucks her hair behind her ear, and traces Bec’s brows and widows peak. Wandering eyes, looking left then right and all around, Freen blushes and gummies. 

The older girl drills her index into Becky’s dimple and she lovingly smiles. 

“Very cute, I like,” she compliments. 

“I like too,” Bec-bec answers and points with the eyes at Freen’s plump lips. 

Becky continues to smile as Freen pokes all her dimples, even the little dips below her eyes. 

“You’re like a cute pup that I want to keep forever, just not on a leash,” she sarcastically says with a gummy laugh. And she pulls Becky closer grabbing at her arms and drawing her in. 

“If you pull me any closer, I wont be able to breath,” she says with a pout. 

Freen laughs and lets go a little to meet the little ones cute gaze before blowing into her face.
“I’ll give you air,” Freen teases and continues to blow. 

A cute and smiling Becky closes her eyes and inhales. 

“You give me….,” she says with a laugh, stopping Freen in her tracks. Rebecca clenches Freen, pulling at the back of the tall girl’s shirt. 

“You give me…mumu,” Becky repeats with an adorable smile. Freen cackles and smiles back at the adorable girl before reading her thoughts and knowing what she wishes. Sarocha her lips and delicately pecks the pup real quick and pausing to gape. Giving into Becky’s desire, Freen leans in completely and tenderly kisses her baby girl. Warmth radiates from Becky’s lips as Freen continues to gently kiss away, escalating into something more whilst stealing her every breath. Becky’s heart leaps and she lets out a quiet moan in between each kiss as it intensifies. 

With a slight push and pull, Freen lets go, allowing Becky to take control and the little one aggressively bites and grabs for her. Stealing all the air back, she reciprocates each tenderly kiss and bites Freen's lips hard whilst digging her nails into the older ones back, marking what belongs to her, unable to stop.  



Swallowing her words, a muttering Freen gently pushes the pup back as the same warmth fills her head to toe. The little pup pouts and pulls Freen’s shirt hard wanting more and begging with her pretty brown eyes. 

“Why did you stop…more mumu,” the hard-breathing girl sulks with puckered lips.

Freen lets out a cute smirk and swallows hard because she knows where things will lead if she continues to give the little pup a hundred more kisses.

“Why can’t you be gentle,” Freen asks with wide eyes, feeling the pain from the bite. 

“So-wwryy,” the cute one replies.

“Because you didn't say please,” Freen jokes and pecks Becky on the nose. 

“Please,” Becky immediately says with a cute baby voice and pinches. 

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FateNdreaM #1
Chapter 1: First chapter is so cute...
1197 streak #2
Chapter 3: Well I can say that this is interesting