To be with you

I’m not a hero.
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" How's the food? Isn't my moms cooking Michelin star worthy?" Minjeong gloats, chest puffed, chin up high.


Taeyeon's cooking was an intergrated aspect of the hero's life, one that others might even say raised Winter to be the person she was today. 

Which led the young hero to becoming the number one Chef Kim Taeyeon fan, bragging about her mother's cooking as if she was the one with the skills.


"5 star!" Chaewon holds up 5 fingers towards the chef who only looks down onto her bowl, shy.


At this point, she should have gotten used to her daughter's antics, remembering how Winter was like when Yizhuo had first tried her cooking too.


" I'm surprised her restaurant doesn't already have at least one, this is way better than the stuff I have during events." Joining Chaewon in showing a thumbs up towards the older woman, Jimin dabs at her lips with a napkin, finished with her food.

Eyes glance over at the raven, another napkin raises to the corner of her lips, wiping away a stain the raven wasn't able to rid herself of.


"I can tell you enjoyed." The hero's eyes are crinkled into crescents, a mellow, shy smile tugging on her lips as she wiped the rest of the sauce away from Jimin's.


" Y-yeah.." Jimin's cheeks are flushed, the heat from her cheeks rising to her brain, frying it.


The atmosphere between the two girl's only grew more and more sickeningly sweet, leaving the adults on the table looking away.


Taeyeon only purses her lips, eyeing the sweet exchange between her daughter and daughter in law, holding in her laughter at the uncharacteristic behaviour her daughter was displaying.

"Ah right, Minjeong, are you alright now? I heard you were injured from some bomb exploding?" Across the table, Minjeong's oldest uncle pierced a piece of meat from his plate, trying to break the tension around the dining table.


The second uncle shifted in his chair, raising an empty fork up, joining in with the conversation.


" I saw the news too, some rich girl got kidnapped there?" Karina's hand lays on her lap, a slight tremble from the memories of being held captive, Taeyeon looks up, eyes widening at her brother in law.


Before the words are able to form on her lips, Minjeong's uncle continued, unable to read the room.


" Poor thing, she must have gone through a rough time..." The younger of the two men places his utensils back down onto the table, solemn.


Looking down at the empty bowl infront of her, Jimin grit her teeth, trying to erase the thoughts out of her mind, not wanting to be affected by this.


And just as the thoughts were about to swallow her whole, a clearer, kinder, happier voice faded in, a warm one.


"I'm sure she's fine. She's the strongest woman I know. Besides, I'm here for her." Warmth.


The warmth of Winter's slender hands rested atop Jimin's, fingers wrapping themselves under, like a warm blanket, cocooning Jimin's anxiety with her touch.

The younger girl's thumb taps softly on Karina's skin, soothing her trembling, a breathe subconsciously held finally releases itself.


Looking up, Karina finds Minjeong smiling at her proudly, as if she had placed the stars in the sky, saved the world, and plucked the moon out the solar system just for the hero.


Another warmth bubbles within the pits of her stomach, chest feeling warmer than before, leaving the girl with a smile, not a bright one, not a forced one. A smile that's unleaving, tugging at the corners of her lips further, the more she looks at the red headed hero.

"'re here for me." Underneath the table, the two teens intertwines their legs, Jimin flipping her palm over to intertwine their fingers, ridding themselves of any gap in their contact.


An actions that grows the warmth they shared even further.


"Oh. Sorry, we didn't know..." Shaking her head lightly with the same small smile, Jimin tightened the grip she had on Winter.


I'm fine...Winter's with me.


"No, you're alright. Besides, I'm fine now, thanks to a certain performer who had performed baby shark for me." There's a teasing smirk on her right lip, eyes glancing over to the performer in question, leaving the younger teen scoffing, rolling her eyes and looking away.


"They're holding hands under the table!" Chaewon climbs out under the table, climbing onto Taeyeon's lap.


Both girl's immediately separate themselves, eyes wide open at the betrayal of their newfound friend.


" At my dining table? Infront of my bone soup?" There's an incredulous look in Taeyeon's eyes, eyebrows arched and staring directly at her daughter and future daughter in law.

 肉骨茶(rou gu cha or Bakuteh, highly recommend you try it once, there's two common versions, one that's  pepper, which will be greyish white and one that's brown. I drink the pepper one whenever I'm sick actually.)


Taking a deep breath, Winter pouted at her mom, whining.


"Maaaa~~ Aish- we'll go back to my room now!" Minjeong untangles their legs before standing up, gathering the empty plates infront of her and Jimin. With the hero bringing their plates over to the sink, Jimin followsclosely behind, holding their cups.


"No closed doors! I can't trust the two of you!" Taeyeon shouts, earning a groan and blushed cheeks from the two girls.


"YOU DID NOT JUST-" Another groan comes out of Minjeong before she takes the cups out of Jimin's grasps, placing them gently within the sink.


"You can go in first, I'll be quick." Minjeong pumps the soap onto the sponge Taeyeon had just bought, getting to work on the dishes, scrubbing away.


A thought, the raven wanting to tease the hero slightly, it's simply been too long since the last time she'd...well, annoyed the younger girl.


"Can I watch? You look...pretty- from here at least-" Jimin is leaned against the counter, watching Winter as she scrubbed and washed away at the bowls and cups, looking the other way, shy.


"Hey hey, look at me?" Jimin stands back up, positioning her face closer to the younger girl's, trying to get Minjeong to look her in her eyes.


"Rina- you are so- " Scrunching her nose, Minjeong avoided the gaze the raven held on her. 

A sudden realisation.


"Wait. From here at least?" The snort that comes out of Jimin resounds throughout the kitchen, the laughter that follows, even further.


"You! Little piece of!!" Winter washes the soap off her hands before flinging the water at the taller teen, the raven squealing at the cold water attack in return.


"Hey why are you guys being domestic!" Chaewon appears behind them, both girls turning their upper bodies to look towards her, their hands brushing against each other in the movement.


Like flowers, the warmth between their contact blooms once again, leaving yet another small smile permanent on Rina's lips.


"Come on, unnie, you should at least grab some of these, and start drying the dishes! it's faster this way!" Chaewon runs over, immediately sniffing out where the kitchen towels are before placing them into Jimin's hand.


Hopping on a stool and climbing the counter before picking up a plate to place into Jimin's other hand, giving a thumbs up to the pair, a smug smile plastered on her face, fueling the pink haired girl's Cupid agenda.


"Sure, sure...hmm, Chaewonie? Wanna do the cups?" Jimin grabs the freshly rinsed cups out of Minjeong's hand, passing them over to Chaewon before grabbing a few more kitchen towels from the cabinet and placing them on Chaewon's head, teasing the kid who sits still, frozen from the object atop of her.


" Hey this is just you being lazy!" The accusation find it's way in and out Jimin's ears, only able to focus on the way the 12 year old looked with kitchen towels on her head, the sight tickling her insides, threatening laughter.


"Agh! You caught me!" 

"Nothing slips past me, nothing!"

"Please have mercy on me, Chaewon ssi~!!!" 

"No mercy for the sloth!!" As the two girl's bickered, flinging wet kitchen towels at each other, fond eyes looked upon the pair.


Minjeong chuckled lightly, washing up the newly added bowls from Chaewon. Finding her chest feeling a little warmer than usual, the sight of the two teens bickering and playing with each other melting a fatigue she had been unaware of, healing her.





(Hey just a heads up, from here on hair colours will be their indicators cause yknow... (I at making sense of who 'her' 'she' is.) Minjeong will be red headed, depending on if you like her drama era or her literal ginger era better you can go ahead with that one. Jimin is black haired, raven, and Chaewon will be PINK. I miss pink Chaewon.) 


Finally getting back to the hero's room, Minjeong plopped down on her desk chair, beginning the discussion they had wanted to talk about.


"Okay, Chaewon, can you tell me more about the fireworks? You said something about them being the same as the ones you guys saw before?" Fingers running through her hair, Minjeong twirled around in her desk chair, eyes wandering the place, boredom creeping in.


" Yeah, we visited a festival, back then. Th-the two of us...we sneaked out." Chaewon, seated atop the hero's bed, remininsced the past, when M

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*pushes glasses* …so what if I just wanted to flesh out 2kims relationship-


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Chapter 20: so much going on 😶‍🌫️
chloe_kim #2
Chapter 19: pls pls pls continue 🙏
Ashyasfuc #3
continue pls 😭
narutoaespaa #4
Chapter 19: please continue 😭
Addlyka #5
Chapter 19: please continue...
21pops #6
Chapter 19: Please continue 😭
Chapter 19: please continue 🥹
154 streak #8
Chapter 19: I think there’s nothing wrong with writing, we have always separated characters from idols, ofc we use their names but we know that’s not who they are in real life, tat’s the beauty of fiction we let out imagination and creativity take over. If you decide to no longer continue because you feel uncomfortable then we’ll respect your decision. If you decide to take a break we’ll respect that too, do what you need to do. Just know you’re not alone, we’re all together.

I’m just a reader but I relate to what you’re feeling, I might have to take a break from Winrina stories while I process this whole thing. All we can do is support our Jimin during this time.
shakieee312 #9
Chapter 19: I totally understand how you feel about the situation and its okay to take a break if you think it will affect of how you’ll write the story. But personally speaking, i think there’s nothing wrong in continuing to write the story but if you can’t do it now don’t force yourself. We are very much intrigued about the story and how it will end so I do hope we get to see its ending but take your time :) thank you for asking our opinion about this too
Chapter 17: 😭 chaewon just kept making it worse at the end