Set In Stone


I had a dream about a knight, a female knight. She was called handsome by the ladies of the kingdom, not as an endearment or compliment, but as an insult. It was used as mockery. I remember she went on an expedition out in the forest with a couple of knights, it was a maze of sorts; the plants shifted on their own as if they were hiding something...Someone.

An attack insued and the knights split. I saw her leaning aganst a tree, holding onto her side, her shirt was torn and bloodied. I was peering at her through some bushes. I could feel my green reptilian eyes focusing on her. I knew her. It wasn't me who was looking at her, it was someone else. There was another woman, that's who I was seeing through, a descendent of Medusa or Medusa herself. She knew the knight, I could feel that she did. She had met her when she was younger, when she looked...normal. She keeps a close eye on her hiding between the bushes and tree roots. I see their meetings, their falls, their fights, their laughter. I see everything. And now I see them meeting for the first time in years, the knight was trying to get somewhere. Find the others, that's what she was trying to do. But the trees had spoken and they didn't want her gone. 

She used her hand to move the leaves of a willow tree aside, its branches caressing the ground with an uncertain gentleness. The other woman didn't have time to move, to hide. They stood still. It wasn't fear, it was captivation and somewhat recognition. 

A story about a knight (Kim Taeyeon) and a descendent/Medusa herself (Tiffany Young).

This is.a dream I had that I thought would make a good story, this description is a mere retelling of my dream. The story will not be structured like this. Are people even lurking in AFF anymore?

Please comment so I know that ya'll are alive and well. Should I make this M rated? 


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Looking forward to reading this
taeny01989 #2
Interesting plot. M rated pls :p
CrissYoung #3
Cant wait how you will portray Tiffany as Medusa
1128 streak #4
Interesting authy hope to read the continuation of that dream soon 😁😁😁