Love Story

Our Song
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“Please, Eomma, please! I want to hear it again!” The little prince begged.

“Oh, Donghae, my love, I’ve already told you the story hundreds of times. Don’t you want a different one this time?” answered the patient queen.

“No! It’s my favorite! Please, Eomma?”

The woman sighed. “Oh, all right. Lie down now, or else I won’t read it.”

“Yay!” The young one cheered, and laid in bed and pulled his covers up to his chin.

“You ready?”


“Okay.” The woman took a deep breath. “Once upon a time, there was a princess with the longest hair you’ve ever seen. She was so beautiful that her mother trapped her in a tower to keep her away from the townspeople…”

The prince’s mother paused to glance at her child, still wide awake and waiting for the story.

“The princess stayed in the tower for years, until a young man climbed up her tower one night and demanded her to give him the king’s crown.”

The child gasped, as if he hadn't heard this story before in his life. “What happened next!” He cried, anxious to hear the next part. 

The mother rolled her eyes in jest. “But then…because of the princess’ beauty, the young man fell in love with her! He said he fell in love with her because of her luscious, long hair. The princess was horrified! She threatened to cut off her hair thinking it would turn the man away, but he only fell deeper in love. He saw the princess’ true self and promised not to steal the king’s crown, as long as she allows him to visit her from time to time. 

The princess didn’t know what to do, so she agreed with the man’s conditions. And so, the man visited her every other night, bringing her flowers of all kinds to show her his love. At first the princess ignored him. The flowers piled up in her room. 

And during his visits, he would ask her to let down her hair so he can climb the tower. And once he was inside, he would braid her hair and put flowers in it to woo the princess. He did this so often that when the princess heard him calling from outside the tower, she automatically brought down her hair.

But then one day, the king fell sick with an unknown disease. The princess and the queen were so worried they hid the king’s sickness from the rest of the town. And on a night where the young man visited the princess’ room, the princess asked for his help. 

‘Please, do you have a cure for this kind of illness?’ she pleaded.

The young man was taken aback by the princess’ request, but he obeyed and promised to come back with a cure for the king’s sickness, as long as she marries him when he comes back.”

“And then what!” The little prince was too excited for the story’s , tucking his hair behind his ears so he can ‘hear better’.

“And then…after three days, when all hope was lost, the man returned to the princess, holding a bundle of beautiful blue larkspurs. 

‘What are these?’ the princess asked. The young man pushed the flowers into her hand, saying ‘these are symbols of my love, mix them into your father’s tea and he will get better.’

The princess had no choice. She held the flowers to her chest and started to turn away, but the man stopped her.

‘Will you marry me?’ he asked. He did his job, and the princess did promise to marry him. So the princess said, ‘I will marry you when my father gets better.’

And you know what happened?”

“What?!” The prince was now clutching his blanket in his tiny little hands.

“The king’s illness went away. The flowers worked! The princess went back to the young man waiting in her bedroom and agreed to marry him. And when the princess brought the young man to meet the king, she was surprised to see her father recognize him.

‘Prince Jung! What brings you here?’ the king asked. The young man was a prince! The princess was so surprised. Their marriage was immediately blessed by the king and they were set to be married the next day. And after that, they lived happily ever after.”

The queen looked over at the young prince and saw that his eyelids were getting heavier. She tucked him in and kissed his forehead.


“Yes, love?”

“Will I ever be like the princess?”

The queen smiled at her son, smoothing down his silky, pink hair. 

“You already are.”

Donghae ran as fast as he could. If he could just get away this time, maybe they’ll stop. Maybe he could finally get away. Maybe he could finally be free. 

The trees were just a blur around him, he couldn’t see anything but the light at the end of the forest before him. He glanced at his feet every now and then, dirt staining his toes. 

He huffed and puffed and gasped and coughed. 

This time will be different. This time, he will get away.

This time, he will–

“Got you!” A hand shot out and grabbed him by the waist and then suddenly he was being carried on someone’s shoulder.

“Shindong! Put me down! That’s an order!” Donghae demanded uselessly.

“I’m sorry, prince. The queen ordered me to take you back to the castle for suppertime.” 

Donghae frowned while looking at the ground as Shindong carried his body with ease all the way back to the castle. His hair was blocking most of his vision, but really there was nothing to see when you’re hanging from Shindong’s shoulder.

“You found him! Thank the heavens.” A servant said, relieved that the prince was finally being taken back to the castle. “Donghae, this is the last time you’re ever allowed outside!”

Shindong laughed out loud. “You can’t say that, Taeyeon. He has classes outside. Just let him go around, I’ll take care of catching him.”

Donghae refused to meet eyes with the caretaker. His body was not small in any way, but Shindong could carry him with ease. There was a reason why he was the castle’s best guard.

They arrived in front of the castle doors and Shindong finally put him down on the ground. He put on the biggest frown on his face and trudged along inside. Within minutes, he was finally in the dining area where he saw his mother and brother waiting. 

“Oh, Donghae, did you run away again?” His mother sat up from her chair and rushed over to him standing on tiptoes to inspect the scratches on his pretty face and to pick off a leaf from his messy hair.

“Eomma! Why do they even bother teaching me classes outdoors when I can’t even walk around!”

Donghwa, his older brother, shook his head from his seat at the head of the table. 

“Donghae, you have to stop giving your instructors a hard time. God’s sake, Taeyeon is getting grey hairs because of you!” His brother scolded him. 

“I’m not the one who likes staying in the castle and sitting on his throne.” Donghae retorted.

“No talking back!” Donghwa said firmly. “As long as I am king, there will be no talking back in this castle.”

“Eomma!” Donghae wailed.

Their mother crossed her arms and tutted at them both.

“Donghwa, be easy on your brother. He’s 18 years old now. I’m sure he knows what he’s doing. Besides, I remember you running around when you were his age, and giving your late father grey hairs.” 

Donghwa’s face reddened at the memory and Donghae smirked at him.

“Let’s just eat.” Donghwa said finally.

“Yes, my favorite white meat!” Donghae excitedly took his seat at the royal table and waited for his mother to say their prayers.

Their small family always ate together after the late king died. It was the one family tradition that they kept ever since Donghwa became king. Well, that and their hair.

Donghae’s hair fell at his ankles. Old stories say that long hair will mean your reign as king will be long and prosperous. Donghwa’s own hair fell past his feet and could touch the ground if not styled into braids, and it is much longer than Donghae’s.

Donghwa wanted to get rid of this tradition, he said it was foolish and that it made no sense. 

That it didn’t even work for their Appa, seeing as he died before his sons could marry. It’s a nonsensical tradition that should be replaced by more rational ones.

But Donghae loved it. He loved his long, rose-colored hair and wished it to be as long as their father’s hair when he died. His father always pulled his brother to the side to remind him to learn to love his long strands because he was going to take over as king one day when he was gone. He didn’t remind Donghae about this at all. Which, naturally, led to him being obsessed with growing out his hair in hopes of getting his father’s attention.

But aside from his father issues, Donghae did genuinely love his long hair. He loves when the caretakers brush it at night and apply oils to it to encourage growth. He always goes to sleep with his hair feeling soft and smelling nice and he thinks it’s the best thing about being a prince.

“How are your classes going, Donghae?” Donghwa asked.

Donghae swallowed his food, and replied, “It’s going swell. I’m learning absolutely nothing about the kingdom.”

Donghwa rolled his eyes and continued to eat. “I don’t know why I even bother to ask…”

Donghae snickered and took a sip of his wine. “And how’s running the kingdom?

Donghwa swallowed the food he was chewing and answered, “It’s going absolutely great. The country has never been better.”

“At least one of us is happy.” Donghae said bitterly, upset that his brother was having the time of his life ruling over the country. Meanwhile, he was stuck with prince lessons that were extremely boring.

The dinner was quiet, as it always was, but the silence was comfortable. They were a close family despite the strict rules of being royals. They never let their titles get in between them, except for when Donghwa and Donghae had their playful banter.

Once he was done with supper, Donghae headed straight to the bath so he could wash off the dirt all over his body from running and playing sports outdoors all day.

He used to have servants helping him bathe, but he put his foot down when he turned 16, saying he’s old enough to wash himself. And ever since then, he’d look forward to bathing because that was the only time he could truly be alone, away from people who walked on eggshells around him. 

Being a spare had completely changed everyone’s perception of him. They only saw him as the backup king if something were to happen to Donghwa. And it was absolutely frustrating. When their father was alive, he was allowed to roam around as he pleased, because he was only a prince, not a king. He used to have freedom, but not anymore.

Once he was done with bathing, he went to his bedroom and saw that servants were already there to help him dress up and brush his long, pink hair. 

They went straight to work when Donghae sat in his vanity. He looked at the fancy mirror and watched as the servants carefully brushed his hair so it was silky smooth, then they applied oils that smelled of roses to make it soft and voluminous. He closed his eyes and let himself be drowned in the soft feeling of being pampered and taken care of. This really was the best thing about being a prince.

But then he thought about the love stories in his books and how it would be really nice if someone he loved took care of him instead of servants who were paid to brush his hair and fluff his pillows. 

He adored books and different kinds of stories, but he loved romance the most. Call him a pathetic, hopeless romantic, but falling in love was something he desperately wanted.

If only he had his own princess or prince to call his ‘one true love’ like in his fairy tale books. He’d had everything he ever wanted.

“You’re ready for bed, your highness.” A servant said, gathering all the oil bottles and hair brushed in her arms. 

“Thank you.” he said. The servant bowed and exited his bedroom. He looked again in the mirror and saw that they braided his hair so it wouldn't get ruined in his sleep. He smiled at himself, he looked pretty and that made him feel good.

He went to bed and that night, he dreamt of meeting a charming prince who gazed into his eyes with passion.

“Inside the castle grounds, we are proud to have one of the continent’s most beautiful gardens. I’m sure you know all about it?”

Donghae rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “Of course I know about it. You all won’t shut up about it and me being banned from that place because I will ruin everything.”

Taeyeon gave him a stern look. “Your highness, it was for your own safety. There are quite a few poisonous plants in there and we know you have a curious conscience. Also, you are not banned. You are simply being warned about the dangers of going in without supervision.”

“Which means banned.”

“No. Moving on…” Taeyeon looked at the book she was holding. “Now, tell me what is the biggest flower on the planet?”

Donghae yawned. “That’s too easy, Taeyeon.”

“What is it?”


“The scientific name?”

“Rafflesia arnoldii, I read a botany book. Can we please go someplace else?”

They were at a gazebo somewhere in the castle grounds. It was a nice morning, so Taeyeon, Donghae’s caretaker and teacher, decided to hold the study session outdoors. Donghae was excited to hear it, but was disappointed when Taeyeon said they were only going as far as the gazebo. Far away from the swamp, the willow trees, and the super secret garden.

Donghae calls it the ‘super secret garden’ because he’s never been there. He’s been to the swamp when he was younger and got lost and he’s never been allowed to go there ever since. But the garden? Oh, how he wishes to visit it, even just once to see all the flowers and plants.

Ever since he’s been banned from going to the garden, he started studying botany to prove that he won’t touch anything harmful. It’s been a couple of years now, but they still won’t allow him to go there.

It was extremely frustrating and insulting.

The study session ended quickly because he was able to answer all the questions thanks to his knowledge about botany. 

He was pouting and Taeyeon noticed this. She pursed her lips and sighed exasperatedly.

“Fine. Let us go to the gardens–”

“REALLY?” Donghae sat up in his seat, excited.

“On one condition!” Taeyeon held up a finger. “You must stay within a five foot distance from me the entire time, understood?”

Donghae nodded his head like a puppy. “Yes yes, understood! Let’s go!” He stood up and started to go towards the direction of the gardens, making Taeyeon rush after him.

The gardens were located south of the castle and it took up almost a fourth of the castle grounds. Donghae has never been inside, but he could see it from his bedroom tower. There was a giant maze in the middle with a fountain and a gazebo. He’s almost positive no one has been there for decades. What he’s most curious about is the flower garden, which he cannot see from his tower. All he knows about it is that it’s beautiful and full of flowers in vibrant colors and heavenly scents. He couldn’t wait to see them all.

He and Taeyeon walked for several minutes just to reach the entrance of the gardens. When it became visible, Donghae sprinted towards it and made Taeyeon hurry after him.

“Your highness, remember our condition! No more than five feet away from me!” She cried out. She really should have seen this coming. The prince can be excitable more often than not.

“I wanna see them all! Take me to the flower garden!” Donghae said, eyes sparkling with delight.

“We will get there, your highness. But we do have to get through the maze, and you need a guide for that.”

“Okay, fine. Please do guide the way, teacher.” Donghae said sarcastically. As if he couldn’t get through a maze on his own. He knows the story of Ariadne too well not to be able to escape unharmed.

They entered the maze and Donghae’s entire body was buzzing with excitement. They were actually going inside the gardens! He was going to see all the flowers! 

I wonder what kinds of flowers we have. Oh, I hope there are larkspurs like the ones in my favorite story. I hope they are as vibrant as they look in books.

Donghae followed Taeyeon blindly into the maze, and when they got to the middle of it, they gazed at the water fountain and stopped to toss a coin into it. A little wish never harmed anyone.

I wish to see the most beautiful flower in the world.

It was a childish wish, but that was all Donghae could think of.

Taeyeon was carrying books inside a picnic basket and went to the gazebo at the side of the fountain. 

And while she was organizing her teaching tools, Donghae made a split-second decision.

Now is the time. It is now or never.

He quietly sprinted to the other side of the fountain and stuck his left hand to the walls of the maze and ran away from Taeyeon before she could notice.

He ran until he was sure Taeyeon was having a fit because of him running away for the nth time. The woman’s blood pressure must be at an all-time high by now.

But he couldn’t bring himself to care. He wanted to see the flower gardens now. He had no time for lessons.

When he reached the end of the maze, he was met with a thick wall of trees with a path in the middle. He gulped before walking into it. Somehow this was more frightening than the maze where the walls were closer and tighter.

He didn’t have to walk far before he saw light at the other end, and he could see colors of all kinds. 

His heart beat faster. He’s found it! The flower garden!

He ran towards it and was absolutely astounded by the sheer size of it. It must be bigger than the entire maze. He could see rows and rows of bushes of hydrangeas, azaleas, roses, camellias, and more that his eyes couldn’t see. He walked into the flower garden and inspected the flowers nearest to him.

The hydrangeas were in different colors and he gingerly touched one of them and leaned in to smell its sweet scent. 

“Who are you and what are you doing in my garden?”

Donghae froze and turned to the owner of the voice.

And what he saw…was the most beautiful flower in the world.

And it was tucked into the ear of the most beautiful man he’s ever seen.

“I asked you who you are and what you are doing here.” The man repeated, which brought Donghae out of his thoughts.

“I apologize. Let me introduce myself. I am Prince Donghae of the Lee family. And I’m pretty sure you do not own this garden.”

The stranger looked shocked and immediately knelt to his knees. Donghae would be lying if he said it didn’t make his heart skip a beat at the sight. It was just like in the romance books he reads, when a man kneels down to propose to his beloved.

“I deeply apologize, your highness. I am the new gardener, Lee Hyukjae.” The man said apologetically. “This will not happen again. You are free to explore the garden as you please.”

Donghae snickered. “You can get up now. I’m not mad.”

The man, Hyukjae, stood up with a guilty look on his face. Donghae smiled at the adorable sight.

“What is that flower in your ear? I’ve read many books about flowers but I have never seen that one.” He asked Hyukjae.

Hyukjae looked puzzled, then realized he did have a flower in his ear.

“Oh, this one? It’s a Fire Lily. It’s quite rare, actually. But we grow them in the royal greenhouse.”

“It’s beautiful…and the color is so vibrant.” Donghae said. “Can I have it?”

Hyukjae frowned and stepped away from the prince. “No, your highness, you cannot.”

Donghae pouted. “Why not? As the crown prince, I have the right to hold whatever I want. Including everything in this garden.”

“I do beg your forgiveness, your highness. But this flower is poisonous and will cause your skin to itch like mad.”

Donghae was taken aback. “But then…why is it in your ear? Does it not itch?”

Hyukjae blushed and took out the flower to hold it in his large, calloused hands. 

“I have been around plants of all kinds, my skin has grown immune to its vicious attacks. Not even the venus flytrap could hurt me.”

Donghae hummed. “Interesting. This must be what they meant when they said I wasn’t allowed in the flower garden…”

“There are many harmful plants here, your highness. And your safety is of the utmost importance.”

Donghae crossed his arms. “However! I do want to explore the garden further. Will you take me to the greenhouse? I would like to see more flowers.”

Hyukjae sweated and put the flower back in his ear. “Aren’t you supposed to be with a caretaker? Forgive me for asking, but did you perhaps sneak in here on your own?”

Now it was Donghae’s turn to sweat. But he refused to be called out on his mischievous behavior. 

“I demand that you take me to the greenhouse, and you are not allowed to question it.”

Hyukjae straightened up and turned away from the prince. “As you wish, your highness. This way.”

He led Donghae into the east side of the gardens, where the greenhouse was tucked away. It was right in the corner of the entire garden and it could fit dozens of trees inside.

Hyukjae opened the glass door of the greenhouse for Donghae and Donghae slipped inside quietly.

And he gasped at what he saw. 

Rows and rows of colorful flowers grew in huge pots. He could see roses, peonies, camellias, carnations, pansies, crocuses, gardenias, and…

He gasped again.

There were a few Lady of the Nights on one side of the greenhouse. 

He rushed over to it and leaned close to observe the rare flower. It wasn’t blooming because it was still afternoon, but he was amazed by it. It’s been his wish to see a Lady of the Night bloom, and it could actually be fulfilled if he was allowed to visit the greenhouse at nighttime. And even then he might not be able to see it bloom at all because it only blooms one night a year. 

But Donghae didn’t care. It was already a miracle for him to be able to see the buds of the plant.

He’s made a decision.

“Do you know when this flower will bloom?” He asked Hyukjae who was now standing beside him.

“It will bloom a few weeks from now, your highness. I’ve been taking good care of it. It’s growing well.”

Donghae nodded. “I need to be here when the flower blooms, can you do that? Will you let me know the exact moment when it blooms?”

Hyukjae shifted from foot to foot. “Uhh…I’m not quite sure about that, your highness. I’m not even supposed to be talking to you so casually like this. Please forgive me, your highness.”

“Oh, drop the ‘your highness’ please, I beg of you. Call me Donghae.”

Hyukjae’s eyes widened. “Oh no, please, I cannot do that. It’s forbidden.”

“I order you to call me Donghae.”

“...Prince Donghae.”

“Drop the ‘prince.’”



“....Donghae…” Hyukjae stammered out.

“Good!” Donghae chirped. Then he looked around at the rest of the greenhouse.

“This is a lot better than what I expected. It’s so beautiful I could stay here for hours.”

Hyukjae smiled warmly and looked around the space as well.

“Whenever I am down, I find myself going here. The flowers always brighten my mood. Their scent alone is enough to chase my sorrows away.”

“Sorrows?” Donghae asked. “Tell me about them–”

“Prince Lee Donghae!”

Donghae’s entire body froze. And he turned around slowly, scared of what he might see.

Standing by the greenhouse doors was a very cross Taeyeon. Her hands were on her hips and her hair was all over her face. She looked absolutely livid.

“T-Taeyeon, heh…” Donghae stuttered. “Y-you’re here…”

“You are in big trouble, your highness.” She stomped over to where he was standing and grabbed his ear and pulled him away. 

Hyukjae stared at them as they walked out of the greenhouse. Donghae managed to look over at him and mouthed, I’ll see you. He waved a hand before Taeyeon pulled him away out of sight.

“This does not make any sense! I am eighteen now!” Donghae fumed.

“That does not change the fact that you deliberately disobeyed the rules. You know you cannot be trusted in the gardens.” 

“I know more about plants than you do, Donghwa!”

“King Donghwa.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, your majesty King Donghwa.” Donghae retorted and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m older now, I should be allowed to roam the castle grounds.”

Donghwa tapped his fingers on the armrest of his throne. Their mother sat in her own throne beside him and she looked at both of her children with a worried look. 

“Give me one good reason why I should allow you into the gardens.” Donghwa finally said.

Donghae perked up. A chance! I will take this.

He needed to be careful and give a good, solid reason. This was his only chance to prove himself.

“I have decided to pursue botany as my main field of science. I have already started studying it but I do need to have hands-on experience to truly understand the science of plants.” He explained carefully.

Donghwa raised an eyebrow. “Botany? What is the reason you chose this field?”

Donghae blushed. The truth was that he became obsessed with flowers and plants when he was younger, when his mother used to tell him his favorite fairy tale about a girl with long, blond hair and a man who sneaks into her tower to give her flowers. It was a childish reason, but it stirred up his passion for botany. 

“I have always been curious about the growth of plants. In fact, I’ve exhausted our collection of botany books and can proudly say that I’m well-read on the topic.” He said with pride. 

Donghwa took a moment to consider this, then he leaned forward.

“You say you want to pursue botany. Where will we find the perfect teacher for you?”

Donghae was dumbstruck. He didn’t think this through at all.


An idea.

A good, solid idea.

“The gardener can help me!” He said brightly. “I met him yesterday at the greenhouse and he’s very familiar with our flowers. I can learn a lot from him.”

“The gardener, Lee Hyukjae?” Donghwa asked. “If I’m correct, he’s only been with us for a week. Are you sure he can help you with your studies? He’s not exactly well-suited for the teacher role.”

“I don’t need a proper teacher, I just need someone who is knowledgeable about plants. And he is perfect for it!” Donghae reasoned. “Please, your majesty, please!” He was pleading now, but he didn’t care how pathetic he sounded.

Their mother sighed and turned towards Donghwa. “Donghwa, dear, he does have a point. How about we just let him do what he wants rather than keep him inside of the castle day and night?”

Donghwa considered Donghae for a few seconds, and finally let out a sigh.

“Okay. You are permitted to go to the gardens and study. But I will have to talk to the gardener first.”

Donghae gasped and let out a cheer. “Yes! Thank you, your majesty, thank you! You will not regret this!”

Donghwa rolled his eyes. “I desperately hope this was the correct decision.” He shook his head and waved a hand to dismiss Donghae. “You can go now.”

Donghae happily exited the throne room and headed towards his bedroom.

This was going to be the start of something very beautiful and new.

Back at the throne room, Donghwa rubbed at his temples and called on a royal guard.

“Please bring me the gardener.” 

“Yes, your majesty.”

“Ow!” Donghae yelped.

“Your highness, I told you to be careful around roses.” Hyukjae said. “I thought you knew all about flowers and plants.”

“I do!” Donghae said defensively. “I just didn’t expect it to prick that easily.” 

It’s been a week since he’s been allowed in the gardens and he’s already learned a lot about flowers from Hyukjae. He’s seen every plant they have in the gardens, but the greenhouse was his favorite area. He loves entering it and being immediately surrounded by the aroma of flowers. It was like heaven to him.

Right now,

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1455 streak #1
Chapter 3: Omggg loved the twist here! HAHHAHAH
Chapter 3: I LOVE THE ENDING HAAHAHHAHAHAHA and you did so well for your first time writing !! rivals eunhae is my absolute favourite genre and you wrote that so well !!!
stranger-pink #3
Chapter 2: i love this concept eunhae x taylor swift songs 🤍💙🫶
Ashsokawaii #4
Chapter 2: This is so cute I love it! Thank you for blessing us with this beautiful fic, I enjoyed reading it after a long, tiring day of work. This idea of using Taylor swift songs is actually genius cause Taylor swift has so many love songs and I've always wondered what they'd be like as a fanfic. So far, both chapters have been so nice, I can't wait for the other parts 💙
Peas89109 #5
Chapter 2: I love these stories!!!

These cute hopeless romantic stories with happy ending are the best! I don’t know why, but I really teared up.

You had me googling those flowers and I felt it’s so suitable for DH who currently is in his flower boy era as well!!!

Thank you thank you for these sweet fics. They are a nice treat for my eunhae heart💙🫶🏻💙🫶🏻
1586 streak #6
Chapter 1: Ah, this unwanted arranged marriage/star-crossed-lovers trope, it always gets me. Man, f* those rich people. Using other's lives like pawns in their chess game. Business deals and excessive wealth comes over basic humanity and the freedom of others. Having parents that use you like that, as a stopper for their own failures and to further their greedy ambitions. Ugh. Do they really have no shame? Of course, Donghae probably agreed because of filialty and also because he was accustomed to his privileged life.

But still, what kind of life are you holding onto when you have to make sacrifices like that and live in an awful and loveless business transaction of a marriage? Hyukjae is right, (though it's good to have enough of it,) money isn't everything. You can always get more, especially with the connections and resources afforded to these kinds of families. And in modern times it's possible without basically selling your child to another family for profit. But when you're from that kind of family, chances at real love with someone genuine - who aren't simply materialistic and treat you as a possession - are hard to come by.

I know there weren't any tags/warnings to indicate it, and the title/song inspiration hints otherwise, but I was half of expecting this to go down a darker path at one point. With Hyukjae's duffle bag and Donghae's white suit. Let's just say it would be a perfect canvas for a painting, and the tie would match perfectly. I shouldn't be disappointed it was a megaphone, because obviously, though that abusive bastard of a fiancé definitely deserved to be taken out of the picture (and the world), Hyuk would have been more screwed after and they probably wouldn't have a chance to be together anymore. So I guess it's good things didn't escalate and they just escaped.

Even though it's probably too simple to imagine, and though they're risking their lives and they'd have a lot of hurdles to go through (hiding, potential dangerous backlash from the spurned bastard and his family, potential guilt trips from Donghae's family to try to get him to reconsider, etc.) before they settle into a happy life together, I like the thought of them getting their "happily ever after" eventually. ♡
1455 streak #7
Chapter 1: Waaaah. 🥹
1455 streak #8
Subscribed! ^^