The Cuddlibus

The Cuddlibus

A small One-Shot to heal your day! I hope you will like it :)!



"Hyung, it's been five minutes, can you please let me go now?"


Yesung pouted at Hyukjae who have been whining for the past four minutes about how he couldn't breathe anymore, and how he just wanted Yesung to let him go.


But not yet, Yesung wasn't satisfied enough, he needed just a couple more minutes, just a little bit more, so his grip on Hyukjae's body became a bit stronger instead of answering and Hyukjae just whined a little bit stronger. 


"Why is it always me" he grumbled "Kyuhyun-ah is right here, go bother him instead."


Yesung's heart pinched a little bit at those words, while his head left Hyukjae's back for a moment to go look at the maknae, indifferently scrolling his phone, not even looking at them, from the other side of the practice room.


Hyukjae might not know, but the reason why he has been even more clingy those last few weeks was the exact same person he just mentioned a few seconds ago. 


Yesung was a cuddlibus.


Cuddlibus were a subspecies of incubi, it basically worked the same way, but instead of , they needed cuddles to survive. It might look like an easier predicament on the surface, but in reality, you could find more easily strangers to have no strings attached , than no strings attached cuddles. You could only cuddle people who you had a connection with, a bond, and Yesung was no exception to that.


Luckily for him, he made those bonds through the years, and his family, some of his friends, but mostly Super Junior's members were his main source of feeding, Yesung might have been the most well-fed cuddlibus on the planet, it didn't matter if he was seen as too clingy and a bit weird, he loved the way things were very much.


But starting a few weeks ago, things started to change.


Yesung remembered with some pain the events that led to his current predicament.


It was a normal day, they still had to prepare for their next concert, and as usual, Yesung was one of the first ones to arrive at the practice room. But, and it was rare enough to mention it, Kyuhyun had been here before him for once.


Yesung realized years ago that he might feel different things for the maknae. Things he shouldn't let himself feel but still did. 


As a species that fed a lot on affection, feeling love was as dangerous as it was a blessing, but even though it pained his heart that his love might never be reciprocated or even wanted, he still found a small blessing in how, despite not being the biggest fan of skinship, Kyuhyun never really denied him, even usually initiated contact himself, by usually holding his hand, touching his waist, or his thighs. It was enough for his heart, and for his needs. Not totally satisfying, but enough, and Yesung learned to settle for "enough". Life was much easier this way.


So on this day, while they both were alone, Yesung felt the need as usual to touch, to cuddle with his favorite maknae, consequently, he approached him slowly after greeting him, sat next to him, and tried to grab his hand to hold it as they usually did while putting his head on his shoulder.


It was pretty normal skin contact between them, nothing out of the ordinary, but on this day, while Yesung grabbed his hand to hold it, Kyuhyun stiffened greatly and got his hand away instantly, as if it had been burned, Yesung had no time to recover from the shock of the action, for a cuddlibus like him this kind of rejection burned like fire, that Kyuhyun looked straight into his eyes, a certain resolve in them he didn't understand, and said:


"Ah, Hyung while we're alone, I wanted to talk to you about....That," He pointed at their hands "I don't... " he hesitated for a few seconds "Hyung knows I never felt really comfortable with skinship, and I don't, I just don't want Hyung to keep touching me like this, I really dislike it" He looked a bit wavering while looking at Yesung's expression, which he guessed didn't look all that great, but kept going on "I'm sorry Hyung, I don't want you to feel bad about this, I just, I'm the one feeling bad right now, I'm sorry."

Yesung isn't sure of what he answered to this, probably something along the lines of being really understanding, but inside, he felt really crushed.


Since then, Kyuhyun didn't touch him at least once, and in fact, sometimes, Yesung started to feel like he was a bit invisible now to the eyes of the maknae. It made him wonder what he did that was so wrong for being treated like that.


It was also a bit humiliating because it felt like he was treated like a child, a child who did something so wrong the only according punishment was being ignored.


And with one of his best sources of feeding going away, Yesung had no choice but to be even more clingy to the rest of s, to the point where sometimes Leeteuk Hyung looked at him with worry and Ryeowook with confusion. 


All the members noticed something was wrong, but they couldn't really understand what, just that it might have something to do with Kyuhyun, with him being the only one he wasn't clinging to.


"That's it," said Hyukjae after ten minutes of being unable to move one finger.


He struggled roughly against Yesung's strong grip and finally got away.


Hyukjae's scream of joy was a bit too much if you asked Yesung's opinion.


"I'm gonna go buy something now, I'm hungry," Hyukjae said, and then before Yesung could protest, he left, leaving Yesung and Kyuhyun all alone again, it made Yesung thinks about how this whole situation began.


His skin was burning, it wasn't enough, he craved for more affection, more cuddles. But no one here could provide them for him, not anymore.


He could feel himself sweating, it was bad.


He looked briefly at Kyuhyun, who still didn't react to anything around him, as if he didn't exist anymore, and this, in particular, made him burn with as much rage as sorrow.


And as if he had been possessed, he went automatically to Kyuhyun's standing right in front of him, panting a little bit.


And finally, after what felt like years, Kyuhyun looked at him, daring to even look worried. It made Yesung even angrier.


"..Hyung? Are you okay? Do you need me to call the doctor? The manager?" Even his worried tone made him even more irritated. But he didn't answer, and it made Kyuhyun frown, so he extended his hand to try to touch Yesung's forehead and Yesung lost it.


Suddenly, Kyuhyun gasped while Yesung pushed him to the floor, put his hands around his neck, his legs around his waist, and put his own head in the hollow part of his shoulder as if he was a baby Koala clinging desperately to a tree.


The contact made him shudder strongly, it was as if all his pain was finally going away, all his anguish leaving his body in one go.


"Hyung?" Kyuhyun hesitated, he was extremely stiff as if he was being hugged by a psycho-stalker instead of him, it made his heart hurt again, and yet, he couldn't help it, he needed this, he was such a joke of a living being.


"Hyung knows I don't like physical contact..." He mumbled instead as if he wasn't sure of what he was saying, but Yesung heard him nonetheless and despite how his body was feeling better, those words really kept crushing his spirit.


He started trembling, and with horror, he could start to feel his eyes moisturizing,


"Kyuhyun-ah," he said with a hoarse trembling voice, too weak for his own liking, "shut the up."  


Kyuhyun's eyes widened at that but pursed his lips and kept quiet. But it didn't last long,


Because after a few minutes, Kyuhyun started to feel his shirt dampen, and it made him panic.


"Hyung?" He said with a stressed-out voice, "Are you crying? Why are you crying?"  He was full-on panicking now, he tried to struggle to see more of Yesung's face, but Yesung's grip on him was stronger than steel.


"I told you to shut the up" He only said again, with a trembling voice, signs of his crying all over his voice. "Just keep still."


Kyuhyun pursed his lips once again as if he wanted to say more but didn't know how to formulate it. 


So he kept still as asked, but with a hesitating hand, he put it over Yesung's back, it softly, up and down, in a very soothing matter.

Kyuhyun might not have known it, but this simple gesture made Yesung feel much better.


"...I'm sorry Kyuhyun-ah," He said after a few minutes, his voice still muffled by Kyuhyun's shoulder "I know you dislike when I touch you" Kyuhyun bit his lips at that, his eyes showing some guilt Yesung never saw.


"It's alright Hyung, you seem to need it now." Yesung chuckled at that, a bit more bitter than it needed to be.


"You have no idea." He said and paused. "I...I miss your hugs Kyuhyun-ah"


The hand on his back paused at that.


"...Is this why you're crying?" Kyuhyun said, not really believing his own words, Yesung didn't answer, but his silence was as much of an answer as if he spoke and Kyuhyun's eyes widened once again.


"But you hug everyone else all the time!" He exclaimed, disbelief still clear in his voice. The situation was starting to be uncomfortable to Yesung.


"It's not the same" he mumbled.


"How...How is it not the same" Kyuhyun said, with some hope clear in his voice, hope Yesung really didn't want to interpret.


It was silent for a few moments.


"Hyung, please, how is it not the same?" Kyuhyun was almost pleading.


Yesung's head left Kyuhyun's shoulder, looking straight at those hopeful eyes looking directly at him, those doe eyes widening at his red, but fierce ones.


"I love you, Kyuhyun-ah." He finally said.


"Your...Your touch feels the best, I'll explain it to you one day, but I need it to live. I need you to touch me, just like this. If...I know you think it's uncomfortable, but please, don't, don't ignore me like that anymore. I'll be happy with a simple hand on my shoulder once in a while, just..." His voice was getting softer "Just don't ignore me anymore."


He was looking so weak, he hated it.


Kyuhyun stayed silent at those words, his mouth open, clear shock written all over his face.


"Hyung" He finally said, "I..." He paused. "I didn't want you to feel bad. The truth is, I don't mind touching you, I love touching you. And that was the real issue." He averted his eyes, his ears burning a clear sign of his own shyness. "I just couldn't bear touching you while it didn't mean what I wanted it to mean anymore" He finished, softly. And then, while looking back at Hyung's beautiful eyes he finally said it back.


"I love you too, Hyung"


Happiness comes in many shapes or forms.


To Yesung, happiness came from the hugs he received from the people he loved, from the fans screaming his name at concerts, and from the quiet nights talking with Kyuhyun holding hands with him, and he thought it would be enough.


But on this day, happiness came from feeling the embrace of the one he loved while the lips he coveted the most finally met his ones.


Happiness is made of small things, after all.



Done! I really like the idea so I might write more! Or not. Never expect anything, I'm a mess of a fanfic writer.

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Chapter 1: I love it 💕
Chapter 1: Rereading it on a rainy day was so good 🥹
Chapter 1: this is so cute and warm really love the concept of cuddlibus ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
Chapter 1: I have read for the n-th times, and I still fall for it every single time.
Angsty at first, but thank God it ends with happy ending.
While I can feel how Kyu's words hurt Yesung so much, I feel sorry for Kyu too since he might feel that he is not that special for Yesung (since Yesung does a lot of skinship with other members, with the major reason still unknown for Kyu) while Kyu actually wants more from his beloved hyung
Awesome fics as usual, can't wait for your next works, but no bad ending. Please? (My greedy side as a reader is talking)
400 streak #6
Chapter 1: ♡⁠(⁠>⁠ ⁠ਊ⁠ ⁠<⁠)⁠♡

Fluffy! Cute! A little bit angsty ⊙⁠﹏⁠⊙

Thank you for sharing this story! Tho you said to not expect anything, but still I hope this has part 2 or sequel (?? Or maybe lots of parts! LOL I am a greedy reader, thank you very much 乁⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠o⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠ㄏ
400 streak #7
Cuddlibus? 🤔 Interesting