baby baby

salty & sweet (baby fever)
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Realizing that a human being had materialized out of nowhere, Winter jumped out of Karina's arms in a heartbeat. 



"Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God." Karina panted. Neither of the two could believe their eyes. Their company had a strict policy on bringing children into the company building. 



"How did this thing get in here?"


"Thing? You could at least be a little more respectful, Minjeong." 



Being the little sister in the group as well as in her family life, Winter had little to no experience with dealing with babies.

It clearly showed.



"Do-do we take him to the front? Or....maybe his parents are somewhere in this hallway?" Minjeong peered around the empty hallway. Karina rolled her eyes.



"Oh, really? Are his parents in the room with us right now? Do you see them anywhere?" The hallway was dead silent. Minjeong rolled her eyes at the elder's sarcasm. "We'll just take him to the front desk."



"Like this? His parents will think we kidnapped him if he shows up sobbing." 



"Obviously not. Here," Karina knelt down, carefully extending her hand out to the disgruntled child. Winter stood frozen still as she watched Karina gently approach the child. 



"Should-should I get a treat or something? Or, like, a toy? I can get that plushy from the training room-"



"Literally, what are you talking about? This is a baby, not a dog." Karina scolded. Winter instantly shut up. Karina turned her attention to the child in front of her, whose crying has subsided due to the gentle pats he was receiving from the blonde girl. 



Once the child had finished crying and was calmly situated in Karina's arms, the two set off to the receptionist's desk. The journey to the front desk was awkward. No words were exchanged besides words of comfort from Karina to the child, while Winter walked behind Karina as if she too were a lost child. 



Upon arriving at the front desk, Karina was unable to utter a word when a loud scream came from behind them. In a matter of seconds, the baby was snatched from Karina's arms into the arms of a distressed woman. Who appeared to be their.... manager?



Two very different reactions were heard from the pair of girls. 



"You have a baby?!" Karina gasped. 



"How do you lose track of a whole human?" Winter scoffed. Karina shot her a look of disapproval.



"Oh, my God! You're alright, baby!" Their manager exclaimed. Ignoring the questions and the shocked look on the girls' faces. The girls stood there awkwardly as the child's mother fussed over him with tears in her eyes. "I thought you had run away into the streets! I was so worried!"



"If you were really worried, you wouldn't have lost him in the first place?"



"Minjeong!" Karina hissed. Their manager only sighed. 



"I wouldn't have lost him if there weren't such a commotion that I had to tend to earlier today. After getting Jimin's call, I had no time to find someone to look after Hajoon. I rushed over here as quickly as I could." Minjeong felt a pang of pity and regret.



"Oh, that's right." Minjeong's eyes shifted around the lobby. "His father wasn't able to take him?" 



"His father is a lying who I refuse to let near my baby. It's fine, I'm glad you two were able to find him and bring him here." Karina looked at Minjeong with a sharp look, again. At times, Winter's blunt personality gave Karina migraines. 



Before the situation could get any more awkward, Karina opened for the first time since arriving in the lobby. 



"Do you have permission to bring him into the company building? Or do we need to hide him quickly?" Their manager laughed wholeheartedly. 



"Oh, Jimin. You're too sweet. Yes, I have permission. I explained my situation to the CEO and thankfully, she sees no problem with me bringing Hajoon into work." She paused. "Well, as long as he doesn't cause problems." She sighed and shook her head. "Thank you, girls."



"Oh, it's no problem! I'm glad we were there. Although, I'm not sure how he even ended up where we were?" Karina answered. Their manager raised her eyebrow at the girls suspiciously.



"Oh, I see. Were you girls in a secluded, private area or something? A closet perhaps?" Their manager asked suggestively with a smirk on her face. It was too much fun to tease these girls.



"No! Of course not." The leader answered quickly. Winter gave her a weird look. Although they definitely were not up to whatever their manager was suspecting, the short-haired girl was a little hurt at the immediate denial. She wishes she could be with me in the closet, the girl thought.



"We were in one of the hallways. I was surprised, though, that no one seemed to hear Hajoon's incredibly loud sobbing?"



"You were in an empty hallway with Minjeong? Well, I suppose that is one way to make up after a fight." Their manager snickered. The girls' jaws dropped to the floor. Karina felt embarrassed that their manager would think that she would do something like that to Winter in public. Winter, on the other hand, was even more embarrassed because she was instructed by their manager to find Karina in the first place. 



"You told me to apologize, and I apologized!" Minejong said defensively. "We did nothing wrong. We made up." Karina was hurt at this revelation.



"Wait. You didn't even wa

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thank u all for reading! i won’t be continuing this work but if you want bodyguard karina and princess minjeong au please check out my new story that i will (hopefully) finish ! there’s more plot to that one i swear.. and improved writing? 😭 but thank u guys!


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Chapter 16: awesome on the new work but sad this is being dropped😭plz continue later on!!
authorr updateeee
Forgetfulbrat #3
Chapter 14: please updateee 😫
Chapter 14: authorrr please updateee
Chapter 14: Poor jimin 😭
with YJ out of the way last 2 chapters or so, now they're going to WGM😩
Chapter 14: Nooo, winter's only prince charming is Jimin. Let's keep it fluff, omg 😭😭
winjnng_01 #8
Chapter 14: We got divorce mo nlng c yeji; winter😭
Chapter 14: oh man, if I were the one in Rina's position... I feel so bad for her already :(((
u_ujiman #10
Chapter 14: Oh, I feel so bad for Jimin already. I watched some of this show irl...