Hidden Love

Hidden Love

You’ve never felt love prior to this very moment and it was devastating. Most of your life you’ve wondered what love was and if you would ever get to experience it, never realizing that there were different types of love and some can wiggle their way into your heart without knowing. Which explains why you were currently sitting in your car in front of your job, bawling your eyes out. You had told yourself that you wouldn’t cry today, but the moment you left home, the tears started flowing and you couldn’t make them stop. It’s not the first time you’ve experienced loss, but it’s never really hit you as hard as it was this time.

Of course it probably didn’t help that you were listening to relatively somber and sad songs that aided in your emotions. And as the song changed, you found yourself sobbing harder. You were so caught up in the memories you didn’t even notice that the passenger side of your door opened. 


You startled, quickly wiping at your eyes as you turned to stare at Jisung, the man peering in with one arm resting on the roof of your car. “Oh, hey.” Your voice cracked and you cleared your throat in hopes of covering it up. You really hoped that Jisung hadn’t seen anything but it was hard to deny what a mess you looked like. He would have to be blind not to see. 

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” Sniffling, you looked away, taking a few deep breaths to try and calm yourself but they only seemed to upset you even more as fresh tears started to well in your eyes. You tried to keep them at bay, whining softly in the back of your throat as you did so. You had to be strong! You had to get yourself collected so you could go to work.

The car shifted as Jisung climbed in, closing the door behind him. He stared at you and you shyly met his gaze. The tense silence spanned a few short seconds before Jisung was leaning over and pulling you into his arms and against his chest. It was awkward with the center console digging into your side, but you went willingly anyway and the moment your head hit his chest, you were sobbing once more. 

You hated crying in front of other people, but with Jisung you felt less embarrassed and weak and just more comfortable and vulnerable. Jisung was someone who made you feel safe and not judged. He was probably the only person you would so easily show this vulnerable side to. Shifting to the side, you wrapped your arms around Jisung’s waist as best as you could, clinging to the material of his uniform. He whispered soft and encouraging words, even though it felt like it was all a lie. It didn’t feel like things were going to be alright, but what could you really do when everything was already said and done?

You sat in the car for another three songs, and you were sure by now you were both late. But never did Jisung try to push you away. Never did he remind you that it was time to go in. He simply held you, rubbing your back in slow circles, even as your sobs slowly subsided. Eventually you pulled away, sniffling a few times, even though your nose was clogged and angry at you. 

“Feeling better?” He asked softly and you nodded slowly, wiping at your red and sore eyes. Jisung smiled and reached out, your hair gently and placing a few strands back in their rightful places. “Do you want to talk about it?” 

“Not really.” You croaked out, grabbing your cup from the holder and taking a sip. You were parched and the few sips you took helped to ease the dry throat and make you feel a little bit better. It was probably a mental thing honestly. 

“Okay, well if you want to talk about it, I’m here for you.” It was those sweet words that had you crumbling. The extended hand of kindness just really hit your heart and once again you felt the tears freely falling, a frustrated groan leaving you as you slumped in your seat. Soft fingers caressed your cheeks, wiping away the tears as they fell. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry again.” 

“It’s okay.” You sniffled, followed by a whine as you swallowed another sob. “My cat…died last night.” You barely managed to get the words out before you sobbing into your hands, Jisung’s own all over you once more - doing his best to offer some sort of comfort.

“I’m so sorry, Y/n.” He whispered. “Which one?”

“Abby, the disabled one.” It felt like you had shouted the words through the sob and you hoped it hadn’t been as loud as you thought. It wasn’t like you were shouting at Jisung for not knowing. It was just a bodily reaction you couldn’t control through your tears. The soft “oh no” was all that you needed to hear. It was comforting to know that Jisung at least understood. You didn’t always talk about your cats, especially Abby, but when you did it was usually to Minho, the other resident cat lover at the office. Jisung was usually around because they were joined at the hip, so it only made sense that he knew about her too. 

So he knew just how special Abby was to you. You had found her as a kitten on your front porch, head wobbling as she kicked herself in a circle on her side. The vet had told you it was a neurological condition and that she most likely would never be able to use her front paws. But she had been such an eager little kitten, always hoping around when you held her up. She had been so adorable, yet despite her fighting spirit, it seemed that she was just destined to not be able to move. As she got older, despite your best efforts, her mobility continued to decline until she was confined to a cat bed all day and night with you doing regular feedings, cleanings, baths, rotations and play time. For three years you nurtured her but that didn’t seem to be enough. She was still taken from you and your heart was utterly broken - life completely turned upside down. Her life expectancy hadn’t been a long one to begin with but you still thought you had more time. It just felt too early. You couldn’t stop your mind from running with the “what ifs”. What if you had just tried harder, would she still be alive? That type of thinking contributed to your tears, body shaking with every wail. 

Jisung wrapped you back up in his arms, but the awkward position just wasn’t cutting it this time. You struggled a bit, pulling away long enough to unbuckle your seatbelt and toss it over your shoulder before climbing out of the driver’s seat and over into his lap - a feat that you didn’t think was possible, but you had completed nonetheless. It took a bit of shifting on both your parts, but eventually you found a comfortable position - arms wound tightly around Jisung’s neck as you pressed your face into his shoulder. Your cries were softer this time, the changing of seats having distracted you briefly. Jisung’s hands rubbed up and down your back slowly, his chin hooked over your shoulder as he held and rocked you slowly. Bless his soul, he was such a kind and caring person and you were so thankful to be able to call him your friend. 

Another 5 songs played, at least you thought it was 5. You weren’t sure and honestly you couldn’t care less. By now you were very late for work and you were contemplating just calling out and going home. Being sociable wasn’t a very appealing thought, but you didn’t want to be at home and left to ruminate in memories of Abby and how lonely and empty your home felt now. Nothing good would come from that. Jisung’s phone suddenly went off, startling the both of you. As the loud music blared, he fumbled to pull it out of his pocket, answering it without so much as looking at the caller ID, his cheeks a pretty shade of red now.

“Hello?” There was a pause and you could vaguely make out a voice but you couldn’t hear it clearly enough to know who was on the other line. “Oh hey. Yeah, I’m outside in Y/n’s car.” He shifted, his free hand coming up to your head gently and felt all the muscles in your body relax, eyes fluttering closed.  “No, she’s having a hard time. Um…” he trailed off and you could feel his eyes on you. You had no idea what he was going to say, but you felt as if he was asking permission for something, so you simply nodded. “Abby passed away.” He whispered, taking his own shuddering breath. It surprised you to hear how much saying those words affected him as well. Jisung had never met Abby before, but through all the stories and pictures you’ve shared with him, it probably felt like he did. He was just involved in her life as you were. “Yeah, the usual spot. Okay, bye.” 

You lifted your head and looked up at Jisung curiously, but he shook his head, hand pressing lightly on the back of your head to guide it back down. You didn’t put up a fight, resting your head back down and snuggling against his neck this time. You were comfortable and for the first time in hours you felt at peace enough where you didn’t want to cry. Which your body was very grateful for. Your eyes felt like you had rubbed them raw with sandpaper, cheeks flaming hot and nose so clogged that you didn’t think you would ever be able smell out of it again. And yet all those pains faded away the longer you focused on Jisung and the feelings you felt. The way you just seemed to fit so perfectly in his arms and his lap and how at ease he was at giving you comfort. It was like you were meant to be there with him and if you didn’t know any better, you could have sworn there was something more between the two of you. 

But you knew better. 

More time passed and at this point you knew you needed to either go home or turn the car off before you ran out of gas from sitting idle for so long. And just as you gathered the motivation to pull yourself away from the warm embrace, the driver’s side door opened. Panic struck you and you quickly turned your head, only to relax as you saw Minho sitting there, staring at you. That must have been who Jisung was talking to. It made sense now. Minho looked you over for a moment before his eyes moved to Jisung. Their eyes locked and they seemed to have some sort of silent conversation before Minho was buckling up and putting your car in reverse. 

“Where are we going?” You asked tiredly, confused. Minho didn’t bother to give an answer and Jisung simply shushed you. And while you were curious, and possibly a little scared, you trusted them. Making yourself comfortable, you pressed your face into Jisung’s neck and allowed yourself to start to drift off for the duration of the car ride. You had only meant to cat nap - sleep for a few minutes and then wake up, but that didn’t happen. You were 100% sure that didn’t happen because when you finally woke up, you were in your own bed, dressed in your favorite pajamas - a cute little black and leopard print set that Jisung had gotten you two years ago as your secret Santa. 

Frowning, you rolled over onto your side, looking over the edge of the bed and staring at the empty spot that once was occupied by Abby’s cat bed. A wave of sadness washed over you, but thankfully this time it was not accompanied by tears. Maybe you were finally all cried out. You laid there for a few more moments, debating if you wanted to get up or just continue to lay there, eyes never leaving that spot. Your mind wandered to whatever happy memories you could recall of Abby until you finally forced yourself out of the bed. Leaving your room, you made your way down the hall, searching the two other rooms in your small apartment before finally walking out into the living room. You noticed two things and one more shocking than the other. It was pitch black outside and Jisung and Minho were curled up fast asleep on your couch, cuddling. It was actually very adorable and you wished you had your phone on you so you could take pictures. A quick glance to the cable box told you it was 8 and you were actually shocked that you slept the entire day away. And how had you been allowed to sleep the day away? You missed work and you hadn’t even called to let them know you weren’t coming in. You could only imagine how many calls and texts you probably had from your manager about it. You hoped you still had a job tomorrow. 

Your eye moved back to the two bodies on your couch and you smiled softly. Regardless if you were fired or not for not calling in, you were glad you hadn’t gone in and had been given the time to sleep away the sadness. It was much needed and very thoughtful of them. You were so glad to be able to call them your friends. They looked so peaceful, so you decided to leave them be and headed into your kitchen, intent on making some form of sustenance for the three of you. It was the only thing you could think of doing to repay their kindness. 

You worked in silence and it was actually peaceful. Cooking was keeping your mind occupied, so even though there wasn’t any sensory object to distract you with, you were still able to keep your sadness at bay. And you knew it wouldn’t always be like this. The first few days were going to be the hardest, coping with your loss. But as time goes on, it would get easier and the pain and sadness would eventually ease - if not disappear all together. The memories of Abby would always stay because things would just never feel the same after three years of a strict routine, but it would be bearable. As you stirred the pot filled with ramen - because that was the easiest and quickest thing you knew how to make - you failed to notice the presence behind you until it was too late and two strong arms wrapped around your waist, scaring you so much that you actually screamed. 

Minho’s soft laugh filled the kitchen and you pouted, leaning away from him as you craned your neck to look back at him. “That wasn’t funny.” 

“Yes it was.” He grinned and you sighed, not really feeling up to arguing with him. Had it been any other day, you would have launched into a tirade about how scaring a person while they were cooking was dangerous for both parties, though you were sure Minho probably wouldn’t have listened at all. “How are you feeling, sleepyhead?” 

You smiled softly, shaking your head. “I should ask you that.” Turning back to the stove, you turned off the burner and moved the pot off of it. “That position you were in didn’t look very comfortable.” You commented.

“It’s hard to be comfortable on a couch, but it was fine.” Minho resumed his previous position, tugging you back against him. “Now answer my question.”

“I’m fine.” You whispered, eyes closing. Minho hummed, but didn’t say anything else and you were happy about that. Fingers moved, skimming lightly against your stomach and you couldn’t tell if it was supposed to be a soothing gesture or if he was trying to tickle you. There was also a third option, but you honestly didn’t want to acknowledge that because there was no way Minho, out of all people, would be interested in you. Just like Jisung would never be interested in you. And if you were honest with yourself, you were pretty sure Minho and Jisung were already dating. 

“I’m sorry.”

You stiffened at the whisper, a soft whimper leaving you. Those two words triggered an immediate emotional response and you fought hard to keep from crying for what was probably the millionth time in 24 hours. “Minho.”

“I know how much she meant to you and I’m sorry you lost her. I wish I could take that pain away.” You whined, pulling away from grasp and turning. You smacked him against his chest, a little harder than intended, but you didn’t feel bad about it since he made you cry. You swallowed thickly, breathing deeply to try and stop the onslaught of tears, but just looking at Minho was enough to keep them going. The sincerity in his gaze was just another piercing stab to your already broken heart. How was he even real?! Not even your parents would show this much empathy and sympathy towards you when a pet died. 

“I hate you.” You choked out, face scrunching up as you took a step forward and pressed your face against his chest, fingers clutching at his shirt. He didn’t stop you, but he didn’t whisper sweet words like Jisung had. The contrast between Minho and Jisung could be startling but that’s what made them both so unique. While Jisung was about physically making someone feel better through words and touch, Minho was more like an emotional support animal. Just his presence there was really enough and you got the same level of comfort from him as you did Jisung. Minho rested a hand on your head, it gently as he let you just cry it out in the middle of your kitchen. 

You were able to calm down relatively quickly this time around, pulling away once your sobs subsided. You used the hem of your shirt to carefully wipe away your tears, eyes screaming in sensitivity. Dropping your shirt, you let out a deep sigh and looked up at Minho, who was just staring at you. You fell into a staring contest, lasting only a few seconds before Minho was blinking rapidly a few times - almost as if he was coming to his senses. A cute behavior you loved to see and never got enough of. “Go wake up Jisung, I’ll fix our bowls.”

“Kay.” Walking around him, you headed back into the living room, smiling as you spotted Jisung’s fluffy bed head over the back of the couch. At least he was already awake.  As you walked around the couch, your mentally corrected your previous thought as you stared at Jisung’s sleeping face - cheeks puffy and cute, lips slightly parted. He looked so peaceful that you didn’t really want to wake him up, but you knew he would be upset if he missed food and you certainly didn’t want to deal with a pouty Jisung. 

Taking a seat next to him, you gently shook his shoulder until his eyes fluttered open. It took a moment for him to gather his bearings, a loud and obnoxious yawn leaving him, which triggered your own yawn response. It went back and forth a few times and eventually the two of you erupted into giggles after one more shared yawn. “You’re horrible.” You giggled. 

“Sorry?” Jisung asked and shrugged, grinning. “How are you feeling?” By now the question shouldn’t bother you and it really didn’t. But it did feel like they were being broken records, asking how you were. You couldn’t blame them though, considering the pain you had been going through. 

“I’m fine.” And you really were. There was still a thin veil of sadness looming over you and that most likely wouldn’t go away any time soon, but you no longer felt the need to just break down and cry and that was a good thing. It meant you could at least function like a normal human being during the grieving process. “Really.” You tacked on for emphasis and it was reassurance that Jisung needed. Nodding, he reached up and your cheeks slowly, eyes raking over your face before pausing momentarily on your lips. There was a feeling that overcame you - one of hope that you swatted away almost immediately because there was no need for hope. Jisung was just being a good friend, making sure you weren’t lying to him. That was all. That look and his touches didn’t mean anything more. You had to keep reminding yourself of that. “Minho is fixing us bowls of ramen.” Pulling away from Jisung, you missed the way his face fell as you busied yourself with shifting décor and magazines on your coffee table.

On cue, Minho walked in with a tray of three bowls and three glasses of something. There was no telling what Minho had decided to give you for drinks, though you were hoping for wine because boy did you need a drink. Scooting to the side, you made room for Minho to sit between you and Jisung, but the older male seemed to have other plans as he shooed you towards the middle of the couch before taking a seat. Now between very attractive and very caring men, you did your hardest to not malfunction because at the end of the day, they were still your friends and they were there to take care of you.

“Should we watch something?” Jisung asked as grabbed the remote control, situating himself into a comfortable position. 

“Sure, but not Howl’s Moving Castle.” Minho agreed around a mouthful of noodles.

“Ugh!” Jisung whined and pouted. “Why not?!”

“Jisung, we watch it every time!” You whined. “Let’s watch something else. Something not emotional please. I want to forget that I even have emotions.” You grunted when Minho nudged you and stuck your tongue out at him. “I just…need a distraction.”

“I know, baby.” Jisung mumbled and your heart stuttered as your stomach did a few flips at the pet name. Not uncommon because everyone was Jisung’s ‘baby’ at work. But for some reason it just felt different - like he said with a different meaning behind it. “Alright, let’s watch one of the Hellraiser movies then.” He offered, laughing as Minho audibly groaned, head falling back against the couch cushion. 

“Okay!” You quickly agreed, giggling happily. 

“You’re both trying to kill me.” Minho muttered, eyes looking anywhere but at the TV as Jisung queued up the fifth movie. While the first four movies were canonically in the same universe, you found that you really liked the movies that followed after, even though most of those were the ones critics and other horror lovers hated - or so you heard through the many review channels that you watched that loved to pick apart your favorite movies. And they weren’t wrong. The movies were honestly terrible, but it was that terribleness that just made you love them all the more, specifically Hellraiser: Hellworld. It was a not so secret love of yours. 

As the opening intro started to play, you found yourself getting lost in your food and the flashing pictures. The distraction was a success and you made it through the majority of the movie without thinking of Abby, but at some point the thought of feeding her crossed your mind, only to be reminded very quickly that you didn’t have to do that. And suddenly, the movie was interesting and lost your appetite. You placed your bowl down on the table, half-eaten and cold. Leaning back on the couch, you sat there, eyes downcast as your mind wandered to what your life was going to be like now without her. How your body and mind were so trained to follow specific routines and now you didn’t have to do them. How the hell were you going to be able to function properly? It seemed so surreal. 

Your sudden mood change didn’t go unnoticed, and Jisung slid his arm around your shoulders, pulling against your side. Sighing softly, you rested your head on his shoulder, basking just briefly in the comfort, before it was just washed away with sadness. Moments later, a comforting hand was placed on your thigh and turned to stare at it before looking back at Minho. He was still facing the TV, engaged in the movie, but it was clear he too had noticed the shift. His thumb gently caressed your thigh before he gave it a gentle, reassuring squeeze. You smiled at that, turning your attention back to the movie as you nuzzled against Jisung’s shoulder gently. Jisung leaned down, muscles flexing under you as you pressed a few gentle kisses to your head. “You okay?”

A broken record.


“Be honest.” 

You closed your mouth, taking a moment to really think it through before you answered. “No.” You whispered. “But I’ll be okay.” You lifted your head, your eyes catching his.

“Anything I can do to help?” He asked, breaking eye contact to stare at your lips. Your own eyes found their way to his lips - slightly plump and pink from all the slurping of the noodles he had done. It was only then that you realized just how close you were and it would be so easy to just lean in and close that gap. You weren’t sure which of you moved first, but like magnets you were pulled together, lips pressing together in a chaste kiss that lasted all of a second before you were pulling back quickly.

“I’m so sorry.” You apologized quickly. Jisung frowned and cocked his head.


“I shouldn’t-“

“Oh my god please don’t do this.” Minho called from his spot on the couch, startling you. You had honestly forgotten about his presence for a moment. Turning, you were greeted with a very unamused look. “We’re not in some romance novel. You’re not sorry, it happened because you both liked each other, can we move on? It’s so painful watching you two dance around each other.”

Shock couldn’t begin to accurately describe the emotion you were feeling. Minho hadn’t needed to go in that hard, but you could get where he was coming from. If his words were true - and you had no reason to not believe them - then you and Jisung must have been very frustrating to watch.

“You’re one to talk.” Jisung scoffed. “You’re just as bad with her.”

“Huh?” You questioned.

“No, I’m just more subtle.” Minho corrected with a roll of his eyes.

“Yeah, well, I got to kiss her first, so there.” Jisung taunted like a little child. The two continued to go back and forth in their little argument while you struggled to wrap your head around what you were hearing. Both Jisung and Minho had a thing for you? When in the fresh hell had that happened? And why? You honestly had trouble believing you had garnered the attention of one of them, yet alone two. You must have been having a fever dream because there was just no way!

“I think we broke her.” 

Lifting your head, you looked from Jisung to Minho and back again. “I’m just not understanding.”

“Well you see, people can love more than one person at a time and-“

“I know what a poly relationship is!” You snapped, eyes narrowed. “I don’t understand how you,” you pointed to Minho and then Jisung. “Want me.” You finished as you pointed to yourself. You watched as their faces dropped, different emotions flashing across them, but you weren’t able to decipher them quick enough. “Why?”

“Why?” Minho echoed before scoffing, looking away. “Why not?”

“That’s not an answer.” You protested.

“Well, do you have about five hours, because we could list all the reasons as to why it’s you.” Jisung said softly, chewing on his bottom lip. “But I don’t think it’ll give you the answer you’re really looking for.”

You cocked your head, trying hard to comprehend what Jisung meant. Your question had been pretty straight forward, ‘why you’? There wasn’t any underlying meaning or question that you really wanted answered, right? Looking away, you closed your eyes as you tried to focus and think, but nothing was coming to mind. You were pulled out of your thoughts as fingers slid across your jaw and tilted your head back up. Your eyes fluttered open and you stared into Minho’s eyes as he loomed over you.

“How you wiggled your way into our hearts isn’t a mystery. But sugar coated words hold little weight when actions speak in volumes.” He whispered, looking over your face. “So tell me, Y/n, how loud have our actions spoken to you?” You had to admit, Minho always had a way with words and that’s probably why he was usually the one to handle the major projects at work. Being asked to reflect on their actions wasn’t something you had expected, but as you sat there and thought back on it, every action that you told yourself to not overthink about came flooding to the forefront of your brain. Every smile, every touch, every sweet little gesture that you waved off as just ‘friendly’ now had a whole new meaning and you couldn’t believe you didn’t realize before. But hope was such a fickle thing that could break a heart and you didn’t want to have to constantly go through that.

“I guess-“ You paused, searching for the right words. “-they’ve been screaming at me. I just haven’t noticed.”

Minho chuckled and shook his head slightly. “And now that you’ve noticed?” He asked curiously. “Do your own actions hold any truth?” You were shocked at the question. You hadn’t thought you were that transparent with your feelings. Sure you had many crushes while working in the office, from Seungmin to Chan and Jisung and Minho, but you thought you did well at keeping those feelings a secret. Apparently, you hadn’t.


“Then why ask pointless questions when you know the answers?” Minho asked, leaning closer to you. You took a shuddering breath because he was right. You knew the answer to your question, despite how much your brain wanted to tell you that you just weren’t that special of a person. It was clear to you, laid out so prettily in front of you. They wanted you, cared about you and most probably even loved you. “Close your eyes.” 

Your eyes closed automatically, heart racing as you waited for what Minho would do next - for what you hoped he would do next. You weren’t disappointed as soft lips ghosted against yours in a teasing kiss that left you longing for more. But you didn’t have to wait for long as those same lips pressed against yours once more - hard and insistent. You definitely couldn’t say it was all you ever dreamed of because you hadn’t really dreamt about kissing Minho or Jisung - at least not that you could remember.  But the kiss definitely exceeded your expectations in the moment, especially as Minho tilted his head ever so slightly and deepened the kiss - your lips slotting together in such a way that you got a better feel for how soft his lips were. A soft moan escaped you as Minho’s small fingers cupped your cheek with such tenderness that your slightly mended heart was melting. 

The kiss didn’t last very long, but you were more than content when he pulled away. “Now, can we go back to the movie?” He asked and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. Leave it to Minho to just glaze over a whole confession and kiss just so he could finish watching the movie. But that was one thing you liked about him - his no nonsense and straight to the point personality. 

“Wait, I want a kiss too.” Jisung pouted and Minho laughed.

“You already did. Should have tried harder, I know I taught you how to kiss better than that.” Minho shrugged and it was then that a thought struck you.

“So, does that mean you two have fooled around before or…?” You trailed off as you eyed them.

“Fooled around?” Jisung asked and laughed. “Y/n, we’re dating.” Your eyes widened the size of saucers as the information was brought to light. “I thought you knew that.”

“I-I mean -“ You stuttered. “I had a feeling but I was never sure and now…this isn’t a joke is it?” You frowned, brows knitted together.

“Oh god no!” Minho was quick to reassure you, hand once more on your thigh and giving it a gentle squeeze. “It’s not a joke, our feelings about you.”


“Sometimes there are just things you can’t explain, but you know they just are.” Jisung explained. “We just know that for a while now, we’ve wanted you. While today was not the day we wanted to do any sort of confession, it just happened.” He said and sighed softly. “I hope it could give you a little bit of happiness to all the pain you’ve been in though.”

Smiling sadly, you crawled into Jisung’s lap and wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. “It has.” You whispered, resting your head on his shoulder lightly. “Thank you for being here for me.”

“Thank you for accepting us.” Minho countered with a smile as he scooted closer and kissed your cheek and then Jisung’s before settling next to the two of you. The three of you sat there in a comfortable silence, just taking in the moment and the previous moments that have happened. While you lost a pet that meant the world to you, you gained two supportive boyfriends. It was more than you could have ever expected in life and you were thankful for it.

“Can’t wait to rub this in Lucy’s face in the morning.” Jisung snickered and you giggled. Tomorrow was certainly going to be interesting.

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Chapter 1: a new concept for me enjoyed