Chapter 4: Princess Maehwa

A Second Chance Isn't As Sweet As What You Think!
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So sorry for the long waiting and cheers to the latest chapter. Enjoy!


“The school called me only to tell me that you got five stitches on your right cheek, 50 moral point deduction, and two weeks suspension? What the hell is wrong with you, Park Chanyeol?”

“There’s nothing wrong with me. Just suddenly got my cheek torn, and the Baekhyun who I thought I knew does not recognize me at all,” I mumbled while looking out of the car’s window.

“We’re having a serious talk right now, so you better look at me in the eyes before I cut open your other cheek, young man!”

I hastily turned my head towards my old man. It was not because I was too afraid to look my father in the eyes, but I was not used to seeing and recognising the guy who sat beside me, as my birth father. Yes, he was my real dad here, but still, the recollection I brought to this world told me that the real one was the guy who right now, sat rigidly next to the driver.

“Here, read and learn what’s inside.”

I took the small vague yellow envelope from my father and opened it. Stored inside was a piece of paper with a pink flower pattern on the border. It was an invitation to a hunting-gathering to celebrate Princess Maehwa’s 17th birthday.

“What kind of ‘hunting’ will it be? That kind of ‘hunting’, or the real hunting as in the Joseon era?”

Why I asked. Because in the modern world, ‘hunting’ meant two things. First, you went to a forest and hunted some wild animals out there. Second, ‘hunting’ meant going outside and chasing after a hot chick or a bonny.

Instead of answering, my father gave me a sour look. “Did you leave your brain under the lake or what?” Mr. Park asked back.

I chose not to answer his question because I knew he would smack my head if I told him that I did not understand the meaning of ‘hunting-gathering’ written on the invitation. Also, I wondered who Princess Maehwa was because I never heard her name in any history books. I promised to ask my father’s secretary once we arrived home.

However, I could not do so because I was the only one who got dropped by the entrance of our mansion. Meanwhile, my father and his secretary had another business to take care of, so the car sped up as soon as I had been kicked out of it.

“You’re home already?”

I looked at the woman who sat with her lingerie on while watching the extra-wide television in the living room. Did she not have shame at all? I meant it was an open space and a lot of people walked past it. And even though I admitted that she had a drop-dead gorgeous body, and she looked too young to be my mother, no, I was not interested in her.

“As you can see, yes, I’m home.” I was about to leave, but then I saw something odd on the table where that woman leisurely put her long legs on.

“You had a guest?” Mrs. Park followed the movement of my eyes and found out that while asking, I stared so hard at the wine glass situated near her smooth legs.

“Yeah, it’s the same guy. I promise,” she answered my question so lightly like it was very usual to cheat on your husband in this world.

At first, I wanted to ask her some more about her debauchery, but I chose not to because I did not want to waste my time on someone whom I did not know. So I decided to leave, but again, I could not.

“How’s your day? Why did you come home so early today?”

“I got suspe

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Beau1996 1378 streak #1
Chapter 6: I can imagine how awkward it will be for Chan to try to protect the fox 🦊 your grammar is on point - the only clunky wording that really stood out was "...made me cannot think clearly..." You could say, " The sight of them disoriented me..." Or you could cut the whole sentence since you convey similar thought with the next sentence. Looking forward to the next chapter !
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 5: Merry Christmas authori! I'm late in reading but appreciate two chapters! So we have a fox spirit - nine tails for sure!
Beau1996 1378 streak #3
Chapter 4: I imagine some shenanigans are getting ready to start!! Looking forward to next update!
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Chapter 3: How will Chan figure this out - which "Baekhyun" will he choose?
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 2: Interesting world for sure!
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Chapter 1: Re-reading to be ready for the update!
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Chapter 3: Two Baeks in the same place??
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Chapter 2: Chan has to make Baek fall in love with him but will he also figure out why Baek wanted to divorce him ??
Beau1996 1378 streak #9
Chapter 1: There is always a catch...
747 streak #10
Chapter 1: This plot is intriguing, I can’t wait for the next chapter.