All The Time In The World (I Still Love You)

I've Loved You Three Summers Now (JMJ)
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“Wait so you’re going all the way to your grandparents hometown?” Giselle asks as Winter empties her locker.

“Yeah.” Winter answers.

“But that’s like hours away!” Giselle gasps. “We’ll never get to see each other over summer break!”

“I’ll still talk to you, Gi.” Winter laughs. “I won’t leave you in the dark.”
“You totally cannot leave me in the dark because you’re rich and I need constant updates of your outdated practices!” Giselle grins.

“I’m not rich..” Winter grumbles.

“Okay but your family is old money and you guys hold balls, dude.” Giselle deadpans. “If that’s not rich and outdated, I don’t know what is.”

“It’s a debtuanté.” Winter sighs.

“Same thing, rich girl.” Giselle shrugs. “It’s still the same. You have to find an , and then get a dress and practise a waltz.”

“Ugh - don’t remind me.” Winter groans.

“Oh yeah, your mother is totally going to hound you on that, right?” Giselle says and Winter nods dejectedly.

“When it was my sister’s deb, the spotlight wasn’t on me but the family had to attend - but I still found a way to run away.” Winter recounts.

“Oh yeah, what’d you even do that time?” Giselle snickers.

“Right, I was-” Winter begins as she closes her locker shut but she stops herself.


Winter has one hand on the locker clasp and her eyes are elsewhere as they accidentally meet Yu Karina’s one’s from the opposite side of the lockers.


“You were?” Giselle blinks.

“Um - I don’t really remember. I think I just stayed in my room…” Winter looks away as she turns back to Giselle.

“Of course you did.” Giselle snorts.

“Anyways, I can’t find a way out of this because the spotlight is actually on me this time since I’m turning seventeen.” Winter sighs.

“That’s right, seventeen is when you debutant’s get shown to the entire world.” Giselle snorts.

“Yep.” Winter quips.

“Well, I’ll be needing constant updates because if it’s anything like the movies, there will be hot people and I need to know.” Giselle tells her.

“Ew - everyone I know there I grew up with. They’re like my cousins.” Winter grimaces.

“So you’re saying your is going to be your cousin?” Giselle deadpans and Winter scowls.

“Not what I - you know what, it doesn’t matter.” She sighs, shaking her head.

“I’ll find someone who isn’t affiliated with my family to me.” Winter says offhandedly.

“Uh, good luck with that.” Giselle almost guffaws. “You and your family know everyone in that town.”


Winter in a breath.


“Come on, fret about it later.” Giselle links her arm with Winter’s. “We’re about to have our last class as juniors.”

“Right..” Winter sighs as they begin to descend down the hall.


Winter turns back ever so slightly and looks over her shoulder. She sees Karina staring right back at her, and she looks away.


Winter’s packing her bags with her phone clamped between her shoulder and ear as she talks to Giselle.


“You promise to keep me updated?” Giselle says and Winter chuckles.

“Only if you do the same.” She answers.


They talk for a little more before Winter says goodbye since she’s exceptionally terrible at multitasking as her suitcase has barely been filled with actual necessities. She hums along to the music playing from her phone as she picks out which items to bring and not bring.


“Mind if I come in?” Winter jolts in surprise when she hears another voice that isn’t her in her room.

“Jesus - mom! You scared the crap out of me!” Winter gasps.

“Sorry.” Taeyeon smiles sheepishly.


Taeyeon enters the room and takes a seat on Winter’s bed where there aren't any strewn pieces of clothing lying around.


“So… you excited to come back to my hometown?” Taeyeon asks.

“I’m just excited to see Chaewon-unnie ever since she started to go to college there.” Winter smiles softly.

“She says she misses you too.” Taeyeon smiles.

“I know.” Winter grins as she folds a t-shirt.

“Are you excited to be a debutant?” Taeyeon grins as she reminisces on her memories of her own ball attendance as well as Chaewon’s.

“So excited.” Winter says monotonously and Taeyeon throws a t-shirt at her.

“Mom - I just folded that!” Winter whines as the shirt lands on the floor.


“Be excited! It’s only once you turn seventeen and get shown to all the families!” Taeyeon says sternly and Winter huffs.

“I don’t like being shown off.” She grumbles.

“Well it up because Chaewon didn’t want to do it either but she still did it to make us happy.” Taeyeon says and Winter snorts.

“God, I remember. It was the worst time of her life and she had Yu Taeyang as her .” She doubles over and her mother rolls her eyes.


“Speaking of the Yu’s.” Taeyeon begins and Winter freezes in the slightest of movements. “We’re expecting Yu Jaemin to be your .”

“Ew.” Winter frowns as she relaxes.

“Why? He seems like a nice boy, and plus didn’t you guys date in middle school?” Taeyeon says and Winter rolls her eyes.

“Obviously to you he’s nice - plus having rumours and peer pressure in middle school does not count as dating.” Winter says.

“But you guys said you would marry when you were younger.” Taeyeon says.

“I remember no such thing.” Winter lies with a shrug. “No way will I have Jaemin as my .” Winter shudders at the thought of it.

“It’s family tradition, Minjeong.” Taeyeon sighs. “We’ve had such close ties with the Yu’s for so long, we just want to have at least one of our kids marry each other. It obviously didn’t work with Taeyang and Chaewon, so we have you and Jaemin left.”

“But-” What about… Winter shakes her head lightly. “I will never ever marry Jaemin.”

“Can you at least get along with him so we can just get your debutante over and done with since you’re so eager?” Taeyeon rolls her eyes and Winter smiles.

“That I can do.” She nods.

“Smartass...” Taeyeon mutters before getting up.


She leaves Winter to finish up with her packing.


The next day, it’s honestly all a blur from the morning where her dad, mom and herself piled into their car and began the road trip. Winter barely got any sleep the night before so she was fortunate to get some shut eye in the car.


When she wakes, she finds her dad turning into a familiar resident she recalls from the years before when she was here last summer, and many summers before.


Her grandparents’ house is nice— that’s an understatement, it's practically a mansion and it speaks volumes about being old money without having to say a word. Giselle’s jaw dropped when she showed the house around to her. She called it a mansion and then asked Winter to buy her a lamborghini, to which she said no to, obviously.


“Minjeong!” Winter twists like a meerkat at the sound of her sister’s voice. She sees her running out from the house and Minjeong grins like a child.

“Chaewon!” Minjeong meets her in the middle and Chaewon hugs her tightly— practically squeezing the air out of her.

“W-wait - I can’t breathe!” Minjeong heaves and Chaewon only squeezes her tighter.

“Good.” She grins.


Minjeong manages to push her off and then Chaewon’s bringing her back in a headlock as she ruffles with Minjeong’s hair.

“Hey!” Minjeong complains as she jabs Chaewon in the stomach with her hands.

“Okay - okay!” Chaewon chuckles before releasing her.

“No matter how old you guys get - you’re still like this.” Kibum shakes his head lightly with amusement at the sight of his two daughters together.

“It’s not everyday I get to see little Minjeong in the flesh.” Chaewon says.

“Chaewon-ah, help carry your sister’s things in!” Taeyeon calls out.


Chaewon takes a look at Minjeong’s suitcase and duffle bag and she smirks.


“Please?” Minjeong attempts and Chaewon snorts.

“You wish.” She says before turning around and skipping away into the house.

“Damn you…” Minjeong curses under her breath before she begins to pull her things up the hill.


Her suitcase comes to a stop and her duffle bag thuds when it hits the ground. She collapses onto her bed when she reaches it and breathes out all the air in her lungs, face down onto her pillow.


She closes her eyes for a moment and then she hears footsteps running up to her room.


“Don’t fall asleep yet.” Chaewon snickers and Minjeong weakly lifts her head up. “You have to greet grandma and grandpa.”

“Okay.” Minjeong whines before pushing herself off the bed. She goes to the bathroom in her room and washes her face with cold water before trotting downstairs to see her grandparents.

“Harabeoji, Halmeoni!” Minjeong grins like she’s four again as she sees them waiting for her at the bottom of the stairs.

“Ah, our Minjeongie grew up so well!” Her grandpa smiles until his eyes crinkle and wrinkle.


She hugs them both tightly.


“Our Minjeongie is so pretty now~” Her grandma coos and she pulls away.

“Not anymore than you, Halmeoni!” Minjeong says back and they all laugh.


She feels Chaewon’s presence as she glides past Minjeong whispering, “ up..”


Minjeong sticks a foot out quickly and manages to trip her slightly. She turns to Chaewon and sticks her tongue out childishly.


“You must be hungry, no?” Her grandma mentions and her stomach grumbles.

“So hungry.” Minjeong nods.

“I have cookies if you want them, darling.” Her grandma pats her head lovingly and she beams.

“Really!” Minjeong buzzes with excitement. “Can I eat them now?”
“No.” Her mom answers quickly and she frowns.

“Why?” Minjeong pouts.

“Because we’re going to meet everyone else. You can eat there.” Taeyeon tells her and she whines.

“I’m going to go get ready.” Taeyeon tells everyone as she goes upstairs.


Minjeong crosses her arms over her chest with an angry expression.


“Just go put on a nice dress.” Kibum tries gently as he pats Minjeong’s head as he goes upstairs too.

“ should have a cookie now.” her grandma says quietly. “They’re gone.”


Minjeong’s face lights up and she grins before stuffing a cookie into .


After that, Minjeong runs upstairs and fixes her hair and puts on some make-up before putting on a white dress.



The get-together is boring the life out of Winter already. There are at least fifty sets of parents from other families that come up to greet Winter and to say pretentious things like “Oh, it’s been so long, Winter! You’ve grown up so well and beautiful!” And then she has to awkwardly greet the other kids her age too, and they don’t want to be here any more than her.


She finally gets a chance to sit down at her table and her family is all deserted across the hall. She sees her grandparents near the desserts table, she sees Chaewon with her group of friends and she recognises Yunjin from the bunch— someone her sister had always spent time around with.


She sees her parents last and she finds them talking to the Yu’s. Taeyang isn’t here this year because he’s busy doing whatever abroad. Jaemin is shaking hands with her father and Winter rolls her eyes but stops halfway when she sees a set of eyes boring right back into hers.


She straightens up unconsciously and her breath hitches.


Yu Karina.

She’s… here?


Her expression is unreadable but Winter feels like she’s seeing right through her like glass and suddenly her cheeks flare with embarrassment.


She blinks out of her reverie and the staring contest with Karina when she sees her mother beckoning her over.


“.” Winter curses as she rises from her seat. She swallows thickly as she makes her way to them.


Her mother puts one hand on her shoulder and her father does the same with the other.


“Minjeong - Winter, you prefer to be called Winter, right?” Yu In-na says. “Jaeminie’s told me all about it.”

“Yes, Mrs. Yu.” Winter nods shyly.

“Don’t be so formal! Call me eomoni.” Yu In-na grins and Winter blinks.

“Ha - ha. Y-yes, eomoni.” She stutters and the older woman pats her head gently.


Winter tries not to let her gaze deviate to the side behind Yu In-na because she can still definitely feel Karina’s eyes on her.


“We were just talking about the debutante ball that’s happening this summer.” She continues.

“Right...” Winter nods.

“Aren’t you just so excited?” She asks and Winter feels her mother subtly tightens her hold on her shoulder.

“Yes - totally! I’m really, really looking forward to it.” Winter grits her teeth.


Karina smirks.


“Jaemin.” Yu Ji-tae brings his son forward by the shoulder. “He’s been talking non-stop about spending the summer with you!”
Jaemin smiles and something about it unsettles Winter and makes her want to throw something hard and heavy at him.

“I’ve missed you since last summer, Minjeong.” Jaemin pouts and Winter grits her teeth.

“It’s Winter.” She corrects and Jaemin chuckles awkwardly.

“No need to be hostile.” He says quietly and she almost rolls her eyes.

“Now kids, don’t get too excited.” Kibum pulls Winter back a bit and she relaxes.

“Jimin’s been asking about you too even if she’s a tad bit shy about it.” Jaemin nudges his sister harshly subtly and Karina grins.

“It’s Karina, dear brother.” She corrects and he rolls his eyes.

“What’s with kids and changing names these days.” In-na chuckles.

“Well when you have a twin brother with a name too similar, it gets a bit tiring when you get called Jaemin instead of Jimin.” Karina smirks.

“I second that. Mom still calls me Chaewon from time to time.” Winter says and Karina smiles at her.

“But those are two different names?” Karina smiles with her brow raised quizzically.

“I know right!” Winter rolls her eyes playfully and Karina grins.


“Look at you girls getting along so well!” In-na beams. “How about you kids go and catch up?”

“Okay.” The three of them answer before moving over to the snacks table.


Jaemin tries to talk to Winter the time that they’re there and Winter really is trying her best to keep the convo going, but she’s trying to sneak in a few chocolate strawberries, and Karina standing right beside her isn’t distracting at all.


“Minjeong.” Karina leans down beside her ear and Winter flinches slightly.

“Y-yes?” Winter blinks.

“I need to go to the bathroom, come with me?” Karina asks and Winter nods quickly like she’s been possessed by a being that only listens to Yu Karina.

“Okay.” She nods.

“Hey Jae, we’re going to the bathroom.” Karina joins her hands and her fingers curl around Winter’s.

“Okay. I’ll wait here - don’t take too long!” He grins as they begin to walk away.


Karina leads her out of the dining hall with her hand still tightly wrapped around Minjeong’s— and the smaller girl pretends it doesn’t make her feel things.


“Karina.” Minjeong calls out but the other girl continues to walk, hand tugging on Minjeong’s hand without turning back. “Karina!”

Minjeong rolls her eyes before she huffs. “Jimin.”


Jimin stops at a hallway in the banquet hall where large paintings hang on the walls and turns around with a smirk.


“Yes? You called?” She grins and Minjeong stomps on her foot and Jimin yelps.

“You were doing it on purpose!” Minjeong whines.

“I wanted you to call me by my name, Minjeongie.” Jimin smiles softly. “Just like we used to. Say my name again.”

“Why?” Minjeong defies.

“Say it.” Jimin comes closer and Minjeong takes a step back.

“W-wait…” Minjeong’s voice hitches when she takes another step back and feels the cool wall behind her as Jimin backs her up into the wall.


Jimin leans forward until she’s practically breathing into Minjeong’s mouth— both hands beside Minjeong’s head on the wall. Minjeong looks around hastily and sees that there are no people around them. It is quiet, and only the quiet distinct chatter and music from the main hall can be heard in the distance.


“Call me by my name.” Jimin shifts to her ear and Minjeong shudders as she feels her breath against her neck.

“J-Jimin.” Minjeong says quietly and Jimin smiles. “Jimin.”

“Good girl.” Jimin says in that low voice of hers.


She trails down and then she’s nuzzling into the side of Minjeong’s neck, breathing warmly on Minjeong’s neck. Minjeong puts her hands up and tries to push Jimin away as she holds onto Jimin’s shoulders.


“What are you…” Minjeong’s voice is weak.

“You smell nice.” Jimin says simply as she breathes in Minjeong’s scent, and nuzzles against the soft smooth skin.


Jimin drops her hands and wraps them around Minjeong’s frame, pulling her in the waist until they’re hugging without any space left between them. Minjeong hesitantly wraps her arms around Jimin’s shoulder and she feels Jimin smile into her shoulder— releasing a contented sigh.


“I guess you missed me a lot?” Minjeong humours and she expects Jimin to do so too, but it catches her off guard— hitches her breath when she hears what Jimin says next.

“I did.” Jimin says softly, pulling away and looking right into Minjeong’s eyes. “You have no idea, Minjeong-ah.”


Minjeong feels a blush come to her cheeks as her eyelashes flutter— trying to avert her eyes even if she can still feel Jimin’s eyes on her.


“Why aren’t you looking me in the eye, Minjeong-ah?” Jimin’s lips curl into an overly saccharine smile.

“B-because you caught me off guard.” Minjeong says through a clenched jaw.

“Really?” Jimin smirks as she places a hand at Minjeong’s nape, feeling her pulse. “Your heart’s beating really fast.”

“You flustered me.” Minjeong frowns as she swats Jimin’s hand away..

“So what I’m hearing is that I made your heart flutter?” Jimin asks cockily and Minjeong rolls her eyes as she meets Jimin’s gaze.

“So cocky.” Minjeong tuts. “Did you even need to pee?”
“Nope.” Jimin answers easily. “Just wanted to get you alone for a moment.”

“What? So you can cuddle up to me? I’m sensing an ulterior motive.” Minjeong humours and Jimin rolls her eyes.


Jimin’s hands return to their favourite spot at Minjeong’s hips.


“It’s not my fault I miss you and want to touch you when someone’s been ignoring me all this time.” Jimin pouts and Minjeong’s heart stutters.

“I-I haven’t been ignoring you!” Minjeong defends herself.

“Then you’ve been avoiding me?” Jimin tilts her head with a lopsided smile.

“You have too!” Minjeong exclaims and Jimin nods with a smirk.

“Fine. I guess we have been avoiding each other since that night.” Jimin says and Minjeong’s blinks when an image pops into her mind.


They’re fifteen and have just run away from Taeyang and Chaewon’s debutante. Feeling bored and not wanting to be there, Jimin walks Minjeong all the way home until they both end up in Minjeong’s bedroom. They unlock Minjeong’s grandfather’s liquor cabinet and raid it for something easy and cheap. They share a couple drinks before they’re bubbling with laughter, drunk off their asses for the first time in fifteen years of living.


They stumble up to Minjeong’s bedroom and lay on the bed. They both lay on their sides, facing each other as Jimin counts Minjeong’s eyelashes and Minjeong focuses on the mole under Jimin’s lips.


“What, so are you going to run away when it’s your debutante too?” Jimin chuckles.

“Probably, but you’re running away with me too, right?” Minjeong smiles and Jimin rolls her eyes affectionately.

“Of course.” She agrees easily.


When Minjeong asked Jimin to leave the ball with her and the taller girl agreed immediately, she envisioned them doing something reckless like crashing a party or spending money, but here they are, very tipsy and laying by each other on Minjeong’s bed.


“Have you ever kissed anyone?” Minjeong asks quietly and Jimin eyes are oozing with affection, but Minjeong thinks it’s the trick of the light and it’s because they’re tipsy.

“I have.” Jimin answers.

“Really?” Minjeong asks and she nods.

“It was some guy back in middle school.” Jimin shrugs. “Wasn’t that great but I’m experienced now. Have you?”

“No.” Minjeong shakes her head. “I… I want to know what it’s like.” She admits quietly.

“Why?” Jimin asks with a lazy smirk.

“Because I’m curious.” Minjeong says and Jimin doesn’t miss the way Minjeong’s eyes flit back down to her lips.


Jimin her lips unconsciously as she pushes herself up to her elbow and hovers above Minjeong. Minjeong lays flat on her back as she blinks up at Jimin.


“How about I show you?” Jimin asks and Minjeong nods meekly.


Jimin caresses Minjeong’s pink cheeks softly with her hand that’s not propping herself up and leans down— breathing on Minjeong’s mouth to gauge a reaction. The girl under her doesn’t seem to resist, so Jimin leans down all the way and captures Minjeong’s lips in a gentle kiss. Minjeong’s eyes flutter close as a warm sensation tingles all over her lips and travels to all the crevices of her soul.


Jimin pulls away as she peers down at Minjeong, feeling nervous all of a sudden when Minjeong just looks back up at her.


“How was that?” Jimin tries to ask with masked confidence.

“I think…” Minjeong her lips and tastes the remnants of Jimin. “I think I need more to know.”


Minjeong hovers herself off her back as Jimin leans back down to kiss her.


A tongue pushes into Minjeong’s mouth and she doesn’t shy away when a moan of satisfaction slips out from between their lips and she blushes a bit when she finds herself not able to keep it together.


Jimin sits up and Minjeong follows. Jimin helps Minjeong into her lap and Minjeong swings her leg over until she’s straddling Jimin.


Jimin moves down to place light kisses down the length of Minjeong’s neck and Minjeong’s eyes roll into the back of her head.


She grabs Jimin’s hands and slips them both under her shirt just where her waist is.


Jimin pulls away with her heart beating out of her chest as she looks at Minjeong.


“What - what are you…” She can’t form a thought.

“I want you to touch me.” Minjeong rasps out and Jimin glides her hands to Minjeong’s soft skin at her back and the girl shudders in pleasure at the contact.


Minjeong breathes heavily as her hands tangle themselves into Jimin’s hair as Jimin continues to kiss at the column of her neck and jaw— even trailing down to her collarbone. Minjeong savours the feeling of soft lips on hers and she doesn’t shy away from the soft noises of glee that she releases when Jimin’s hand moves its way higher up her shirt.


Jimin pulls away again and looks up into Minjeong’s eyes.


“I think we should… I think we should stop, Minjeong.” Jimin hesitates and speaks in a small voice.

“I… I don't want to.” Minjeong blushes and Jimin smiles softly.

“Are you sure?” Jimin asks again and Minjeong nods firmly.

“I’m sure.. I - I want you.” Minjeong confesses and Jimin’s cheeks flare.


Jimin never takes her eyes away from Minjeongs as she brings her hand to cup Minjeong’s jaw, and the other at her hip to bring her closer.


“Can I?” She asks as she toys with the hem of Minjeong’s shirt.


Minjeong nods and Jimin kisses her chastely before using both hands to lift up Minjeong’s shirt over her head. Jimin looks down and her face feels hot when she sees Minjeong’s lacy bralette.


Jimin brings them back together in a lingering kiss with her arms exploring the warmth of Minjeong’s body. The kiss is hungry, but no aggression is present. Instead, the kiss is soft, gentle, warm and of pure ecstasy.


That night is unspoken of and they did things that left an everlasting effect.


Minjeong finally gains consciousness again and blinks when she sees Jimin looking at her with a smirk.


“You were thinking of it, weren’t you?” Jimin questions and Minjeong blushes— abruptly shoving Jimin away.

“No!” She feels her cheek with the back of her head and feels a heat. “What if I was thinking of someone else?” She scoffs.

“I doubt it.” Jimin shrugs confidently and Minjeong hates her smile.

“We should get back to the party.” Minjeong shakes her head, feeling the bittersweet feelings she felt that night begin to resurface now that Jimin’s here.

“Okay.” Jimin agrees quietly.





Minjeong wakes up the next day with clothes on and she looks for Jimin, who isn't beside her at all. There is no trace of Jimin and only what is left behind is Minjeong's drunken memories. Something hollows carves itself out of Minjeong's chest and it aches until the next summer, and the summer after.





When they make their way back, Jimin doesn’t make a move to latch onto Minjeong’s hand and somehow, Minjeong is grateful for that.


Minjeong functions on autopilot for the rest of the day, and then she’s in the kitchen with her father— washing the dishes as they’ve finished dinner.


Minjeong rinses the dishes with cold water as her father washes them.


“So… how was seeing Jaemin?” Kibum asks and Minjeong sighs.

“Normal… why?” She questions.

“Just I don’t know…” Kibum shugs cryptically. “Don’t you think it’s nice to see him more out of school?”
“Not really.” Minjeong shrugs.

“Don’t you think he’s cute?” Her father probes and she closes her eyes.


All she can think about is Jimin and her father is speaking about the other Yu— which is not making it any better for her.


“I get it.” Minjeong rolls her eyes as she stops him from beating around the bush. “Jaemin and I wanted to marry each other when we were like four.”

“You never wanted to marry Jaemin when you were four.” Kibum chortles as he scrubs a dish.


Minjeong slows down rinsing the plate in her hand until she completely stops and looks at her father.


“What?” She questions.

“You never wanted to marry Yu Jaemin when you were four.” He repeats.

“No, no - I heard you.” Minjeong blinks. “What do you mean by that?”

“Oh, just when you were younger you rarely played with Jaemin.” Kibum says it simply and Minjeong is confused.

“Then who did I play with?” She frowns.

“Jimin.” Kibum says.


Minjeong’s eyebrows shoot up as drops ajar.


“Why are you so surprised?” Kibum chuckles as he passes another dish to Minjeong.

“I - I’m not surprised, I just… I remember everyone saying how cute I was for saying I wanted to marry Jaemin?” She frowns in confusion.

“I guess it was confusing for you.” Kibum chuckles. “Jaemin and Jimin looked exactly like each other when they were four. They both had the same boy haircut and they were almost always together.”

“Woah, what?” Minjeong feels like her whole life has been a lie.

“Yeah, but when they weren’t together, you were always with Jimin.” Kibum chuckles fondly at the memory of little Minjeong. “Every time you’d come home, you’d be like Jimin this, Jimin that.”

“So you’re saying I wanted to marry Jimin?” Minjeong blinks, feeling embarrassed.

“Yeah.” Kibum tells her. “I don’t blame everyone for the confusion because a four year old’s pronunciation is all that great, plus their names are very similar.”


Minjeong finishes the dishes and returns to her room where she rifles through her desk drawer. She reaches the bottom of the drawer and pulls out a plastic sleeve where she keeps all the letters and notes she’s gotten over the years from her friends and family.


She finds the old delicate paper from thirteen years ago and pulls it out carefully.


She sits down on her bed and looks at the card.


On the front, it’s decorated with stickers and crayon doodles of two stick figures holding hands. Above them, there is the sun in the corner, clouds and ‘m’ shaped birds. She smiles softly when she sees the heart and initials J+M inside of it above the stick figures.


She opens the card and sees the messy scrawl of a four year old and she manages to decipher what it actually says.


To: Kim Minjong


I love you Kim Minjong and I will marry you !


She squints as she tries to read the last time, seeming as if the ink has been run out and had been written over to get a good amount of ink.


From: Yu Jimin


She manages and she feels the tips of her ears grow red.


She calls Giselle.


“Wassup!” Giselle beams and Winter looks at the background and sees Aeri in an unfamiliar room.

“Where are you?” Winter questions and then the frame moves to show Ningning.

“With me!” Ningning beams and Winter lights up.

“Oh my god, you guys are together right now? I have FOMO!” Winter whines and Ningning giggles.

“Girl you are living life over there in your fat mansion!” Giselle guffaws.


“And don’t you have something to say!” Ningning puts the screen to her face.

“Um no..?” Winter blinks.

“When were you going to tell us that Yeji, Ryujin and Karina are there with you?!” Ningning says and Winter rolls her eyes.

“It didn’t seem important.” Winter shrugs.

“It should be important because Yeji posted something and you and Karina were in the background being buddy-buddy.” Giselle says knowingly and Winter freezes.

“W-were not buddy-buddy!” Winter blushes.

“I bet you’re trying to get close to Jaemin that’s why you’re up to his sister!” Giselle gasps.

“Can we not jump to conclusions!” Winer whines.

“Um the picture is pretty clear right now.” Ningning says and Winter sighs.

“Believe it or not, Karina and I are friends.” Winter decides to say.

“I have never seen you two interact in my life.” Giselle says.

“Well, we’re friends over here.” Winter tells them. “We grew up together so it’s pretty normal for us to know each other and everyone else.” She shrugs.

“Makes sense.” They settle.


Winter ends the call and promises she’ll tell them things from now on. She washes up and falls asleep fairly quickly as she remembers her mom saying something about a community brunch at their local golf club that’s happening next week.


The days between her settling in and the brunch blur and suddenly she’s getting ready with Chaewon in her room.


The next time she sees Jimin, it’s at the family brunch. Minjeong sees her at the kiddy table, awkwardly perched on a chair as she crouches to meet the height of the other kids. Jimin sees her and beckons her over with a pleading face. Minjeong, just for the sake of teasing, shakes her head.


Please. Jimin mouths desperately and Minjeong rolls her eyes with a smile before coming over. Jimin grins in triumph when she sees the other girl walking towards them.


“Minjeong-noona!” One of the little boys call out.

“Yes, Bin-ah.” Minjeong coos sweetly at him. “Are you having fun with Jimin-noona?”

“Yes but it’ll be more fun if you’re here too!” He pouts and Minjeong’s laugh trickles into Jimin’s ears like a sweet melody.

“Okay, I’ll sit and play too.” She looks around for a chair and finds none. She sees one far at the catering table but Jimin grabs her wrist and stops her.


She turns to Jimin and sees patting her lap with a cheeky smile. Minjeong rolls her eyes and crosses her arms over her chest.


“Our families are around.” Minjeong says quietly. “And other people.”

“So?” Jimin scoffs. “They’ll think we’re best friends, now sit.”


Minjeong wastes no time when Jimin pulls her down until she’s sitting squarely on Jimin’s lap. Jimin’s arms snake around her waist and Minjeong pretends the contact doesn’t make her blush as she excuses it for Jimin holding her in place.


“Noona! Me too!” Bin jumps up and down and Minjeong chuckles fondly before picking him up to sit her on her lap. Minjeong shakes her head lightly and jostles the younger boy to entertain him but then Jimin pinches her side.


“Ow - what?” Minjeong asks over her shoulder and almost regrets it when she’s face to face with Jimin— practically breathing into .

“Quit moving.” Jimin grumbles, tightening her hold on Minjeong and Minjeong pouts before stopping and letting the boy down.

“Bin-ah, go play with the other kids - I’ll catch you later.” She says sweetly and he nods before scurrying off to the other younger kids.


She smiles as she waves to Bin and then she turns to Jimin with a glare.


“Can I sit on my own seat now?” Minjeong asks and Jimin shakes her head with a grin— lightly tapping Minjeong’s stomach with her hands.

“No.” She answers.

“Why?” Minjeong counters.

“Because Lucas Wong is looking at you and I’m preventing myself from going over to him myself to ask him what the hell he wants.” Jimin says and Minjeong blinks.


She turns away from Jimin and sure enough, near the refreshments table— there is Lucas Wong staring at her over the rim of his cup, wearing a white polo shirt.


“Look at me.” Jimin huffs into her ear and Minjeong flinches.

“I am.” Minjeong tsks at Jimin.

“I don’t like the way he’s looking at you.” Jimin complains.

“Why?” Minjeong chuckles.

“Because he looks like he’s going to take you away from me.” Jimin pouts. “Will you go?”

“No, but he’s coming over and I have to say hi to be polite.” Minjeong slides off Jimin’s lap and straightens her dress as she waits for him to approach her.


He plasters a stupid grin on his face and Minjeong holds it all together so as not to vomit at him.


“Kim Minjeong in the flesh!” He cheers as he leans down and presses a polite kiss on the back of Minjeong’s hand. Minjeong doesn’t like how he lingers and she yanks her hand back.

“It’s Winter now.” She raises a brow at him.

“Right, Winter.” He nods.


Lucas glances behind her and sees Jimin with eyes shooting daggers at him.


“Who’s the guard dog?” He asks.

“She’s Karina and she’s not a guard dog.” Minjeong answers with a scowl,

“It was a joke.” He chuckles lightly to break the tension and she rolls her eyes. “I didn’t know you guys were so close.”

“We are.” Jimin’s smirk is full of triumph and Lucas raises an annoyed brow at the tall girl.

“What did you want?” Minjeong asks.

“Well, I wanted to say hi and wanted to ask if you’ll be coming to my pool party tomorrow night.” Lucas tells her and Minjeong scoffs lightly with a smile.

“I’ll think about it.” She shrugs coyly.

“Sure. Make sure you think about it and show up.” He says raising the cup in a manner of goodbye. “I’ll see you.”


He walks away and Minjeong gags when she turns back to Jimin who laughs immediately.


“Looks like the elders are making a speech, let’s go?” Jimin stands up and holds out a hand for Minjeong, and Minjeong nods— slipping her hand into Jimin’s as they make it through the crowd of families.


Coincidentally, the Yu’s and the Kim’s are standing side by side.


Minjeong stops on the side of her mom and to her left is Jaemin. He looks down with a grin and rests his hand on her shoulder. Yu In-na watches them fondly. Jimin bulldozes Jaemin and then she’s standing between Minjeong and Jaemin. Her brother scowls at her while Minjeong tries to stifle a laugh.


She turns to Jaemin and gives him an overly saccharine grin before resting her hand on Minjeong’s hip— who does nothing to move if it bothers her.


Yu In-na sees and she’s happy that the girls are close friends. Taeyeon’s eyes widen for a fraction of time at Jimin’s comfortable hand resting at Minjeong’s hip.


“I would like to thank everyone here today for attending…”


At some point, Minjeong zones out and Jimin’s hand comes down to her side where Minjeong lightly clings onto her hand, swinging them slightly back and forth.


The speech is over and the choir performance by the little kids is also finished. It was adorable and Jimin couldn’t stop gushing about it to Minjeong, who only listened to her fondly. Soon, they joined the other kids their age and Minjeong spotted her sister.


“Hey.” She smiles as she hugs her sister quickly.

“Hey you.” Chaewon grins before bringing Yunjin forward and Minjeong hugs her too.


Minjeong makes Jimin do the same and it amuses her a lot to watch Jimin flounder like a baby giraffe.


Jimin and Yunjin move to talk amongst themselves and Minjeong rests her head against her sister’s shoulder.


“Are you tired yet?” Chaewon snorts.

“Can you tell?” Minjeong makes a face and Chaewon laughs.

“Yes, you look like you would’ve dropped dead if it wasn’t for Jimin.” She says and Minjeong rolls her eyes affectionately.


“Yo, Winter!” Winter’s head perks up and she sees Ryujin coming over to her.

“What's up!” Winter meets her half way and they do a bro shake before Ryujin hugs her tightly and spins her around— lifting her off the ground.

“Dude!” Winter giggles childishly.


Yeji stops beside Jimin and they both have matching scowls.

“Hey.” Jimin greets her without looking.

“Hey you too.” Yeji doesn’t look either.


“You look great! I feel like I haven’t seen you in so long!” Ryujin beams and Minjeong pushes her playfully.

“I look like this all the time!” Minjeong grins.

“Oh so you look like an angel everyday?” Ryujin says and then she leans in close to whisper the next words for her to hear only. “Jimin must be lucky.”


Minjeong blushes and she shoves Ryujin away— who cackles loudly.


“Shut up!” She whines as she raises a fist to her, but Jimin grabs her by the waist and pulls her in.

“Okay, no violence.” Jimin chuckles as she holds Minjeong firmly in place. Minjeong looks down at Jimin’s hands and then she looks back up to see Ryujin looking at her with a -eating grin.


In retaliation, she gestures to Yeji with her eyes and Ryujin flushes, looking elsewhere.


“Are you guys going to Lucas’s party?” Yeji asks.

“Probably.” Chaewon shrugs. “If Yunjin goes, I go.”

“Yup.” Yunjin grins.

“How about you, Winter?” Yeji turns to her.
“No way.” Minjeong shakes her head. “I am not fond of parties and I despise Lucas.”

“Do you? He’s kind of hot, though.” Yeji shrugs and Jimin tightens her hold on Minjeong subtly.

“I guess I can appreciate beauty, but no.” She shakes her head.

“Nah man, you have to come.” Ryujin says to her. “The last time I partied with you, it was not good enough.”

“I’ll think about it.” She chuckles and she turns to Jimin. “Are you going?”
“I have to.” She rolls her eyes. “If I get drunk, Jaemin has to drive and if he gets drunk, I have to drive.”
“Makes sense.” She nods.


“So we’re going then.” Yeji decides for them and Jimin and Minjeong share a look.


Oh boy.


Nothing ever goes right at a party.


The pool party is in full swing and Winter already wants to turn away at the sound of the chatter and bass-boosted music. There are people loitering around the front lawn, all the way through to the backyard of Lucas’ house where the actual pool party is.


“C’mon.” Ryujin grins lazily before slinging an arm around Winter’s shoulder. “You look like you’re about to freeze the party with your ice powers, Winter.”

“I might if I could.” Winter retorts with a grin.

Ryujin chuckles before they begin to make their way in.


“Hey! You made it!” Yeji beams and then when her eyes land on Winter, she smirks.

“Didn’t want to miss out on the biggest party of the year, right Win?” Ryujin nudges her and she rolls her eyes,

“Yes, of course.” She says monotonously and Yeji laughs.


Winter subtly looks around, trying to see off the girl that’s been on her mind for a while.


“Looking for Karina?” Yeji asks and Winter scowls.

“N-no.” She blushes.

“Don’t worry, she’s somewhere here. I saw her earlier.” Yeji still tells her and her blush intensifies.

“Thanks but I didn’t ask.” Winter still bites back.

“You thought about it though.” Yeji smirks and Winter fights the urge to do something violent.

“Let’s grab drinks.” Ryujin nudges her and she nods.


They make it over to the drinks table and bump into Jaemin on the way.


“Hey, you’re here!” Jaemin beams and Winter nods at him.

“Yep.” She sighs.

“You sound like you’re here against your will.” Jaemin notices and Winter chuckles.

“That obvious?” She smiles.

“You’re pretty easy to read.” He tells her and she shrugs.


Ryujin hands her a cup and she takes a good sip from it.


“You want a drink?” Ryujin directs her question to Jaemin.

“Thanks, but no.” He shakes his head.

“How come?” Winter asks as she recalls in her mind that Jaemin fairly liked to drink and party.

“I drove with Jimin here so one of us has to be sober to get us back.” He says over the music.

“I see.” Winter nods, eyes flitting elsewhere as she tries to catch a glimpse of the taller girl.

“I’ll still get down to the music and have fun though, so don’t worry.” He laughs obnoxiously and Winter rolls her eyes as she looks back to Jaemin.

“Of course.” She chuckles.

“I’ll get back to partying but if you need me, come find me!” He shouts as he dives back into the crowd.

“Will do!” She answers.


Ryujin nudges her and Winter turns to her to find her wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.


“What?” She questions.

“Look at you, two boys at your beck and call.” Ryujin teases and Winter grumbles.

“He’s not at my beck and call - and wait,” Winter blinks. “Two?”
“Yeah, look but don’t look.” Ryujin tells her as she tries to subtly point her gaze to the left.


Winter looks as slow as she can, but she still ends up looking at him right in the eye. He stares back at her, eyes narrowing and an insufferable grin matches with it.


Winter turns back to Ryujin with a face of disgust.

“Ew, Lucas?” Winter frowns.

“Yes, Lucas.” Ryujin nods. “This is his party after all. Why don’t you go smooch him to say ‘thanks for the awesome party’?”

“You’d have to get me drunk to do something like that.” Winter shakes her head.

“Then get drunk.” Ryujin pushes Winter’s cup until it touches her lips. “Drink up, Winter.”


Winter indeed gets tipsy and she remembers dancing with Ryujin but now she’s dancing with someone much taller, and when she looks up to find out whose shadow is looming over her, she finds the party thrower.


“Quit glaring.” Yeji tells Karina and Karina snaps her head towards Yeji.

‘I’m not.” She glowers.

“You are.” Yeji rolls her eyes. “Why don’t you just go up to her?”

“She’s having fun.” Karina shrugs.

“You’re a wuss, Yu Karina.” Yeji cackles and Karina growls as she takes a swig of her drink.


Winter blinks and he grins at her. Winter tries to look for an escape— not really wanting to talk to a man at the moment.


She finds Ryujin and grabs onto her.


“I’m going to the bathroom!” She shouts and Ryujin just nods. Winter frowns because that was an indication for her to follow her, but Ryujin stays in her spot of dancing with other people and Winter loses patience. She rolls her eyes and begins to push through the people and heads upstairs to hopefully find a bathroom.


She finds the top floor completely empty and she assumes Lucas has put a warning to not go up there, but she needs to pee and she’s drunk, so she doesn’t care.


She closes the door and locks it as she does her business. When she’s done, she splashes her face with cold water which sobers her up for a bit. She shakes her hands free of the water and dabs it on her pair of bottoms.


She switches off the light and exits to find Lucas coming up the stairs.


“Hey.” He smiles at her and Winter musters up to manage a polite smile, since this is his party and house— and she just peed in his bathroom.

“Hi.” She greets hastily as she tries to move past him to go downstairs, but he grabs her arm to stop her.


Winter’s gaze travels from his large hand on her wrist to his face and her eyes are cold when she looks him in the eye.


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Literally poured my heart, soul, and into this fic 😮‍💨 😩 I do not think I'll ever top this one. Pls give it a lot of love <33


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162 streak #1
Chapter 2: Woah this is really one of your best! You’re so talented author-nim it’s actually insane
Chapter 2: God that was so cute! Loved every moment!
Chapter 2: OMG!!!
This is the best winrina fanfic i have read until now...and i love all of them, but this one...JUST WOW!! I loved that they both liked each other since like forever and grew to not know this but the feelings are still there as always ~ This is just so amazing, pls write more like this one
And NingSelle teasing Winter is so fun to read ~ i really loved it
Chapter 2: Damn! This is by far my most favorite out of all your works. 😍❤️ Though I almost had a panic attack while reading the TW part 'cause the 6.7 earthquake just have to startle my already anxious heart last night. 🤧 I'm so thankful for the fluffy 2nd chapter. Thank you so much, authornim! and to feb for recommending 😘
Chapter 2: Accckkkk! I was already bracing myself for the worst to happen when Jimin said Minjeong's hers. Relieved to know their parents aren't homophobic... 😭😍❤️
Seulrenity23 #6
this is such a lovely story and one of my favorites. thanky ou author ~ keep writing 🥺🥺🥺🫶🫶
Cien96 #7
Chapter 2: Thats so sweet and lovely storiesss.. very love it ❤️ thankyou
Chapter 2: this is so well written ugh 😫😫 ill miss this winrina sm
joyie4ever 16 streak #9
Chapter 2: cute🥲 sweet
Chapter 2: I am binge-reading your stories!!!!!!!!