Byul and Yong- Moon and Sun

Did Gumiho kill my wife?
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When Byul-YI brought Yongsun back home, the whole family showed their support and how much they cared about the brunette.

It took the gorgeous female several weeks to get back on her feet. 

The engineer carried her wife to the bathroom and helped her shower every day.

Mrs. Moon cooked for the couple and her husband did the groceries.

One of Byul-YI's sister offered to help cleaning the house and the black-haired female felt extremely grateful to them all.

As the days went by, each one of them began to forget details of what happened.

And suddenly, neither Byul-YI nor Yongsun remembered any detail related to the brown-haired female's past as a demon.

On the brunette's next check-up, the doctors came to the conclusion that she had had a rare type of brain aneurysm, which ruptured.

According to the neurologist, Yongsun was lucky to be alive and apparently, having no brain deficit.

When Byul-YI's partner finally felt well, she started to think of finding a job.

However, the brown-haired woman didn't believe she was qualified for anything.

One morning, the alluring female took the Moon's dogs for a stroll around the neighborhood and saw some tiny humans playing at the yard of a school.

Yongsun grinned and lost herself in thoughts, enchanted by those children.

The kindergarten's director was one of Mrs. Moon's friends and recognized the brunette.

__ Oh, hello dear. I'm Si-Woo, your mother-in-law's friend. Planning to start your family?__ The middle-aged female smiled.

__ Good morning, ma'am. Ah, no. That's not it. Although they are all adorable and chubby. I was considering if I would fit the task of taking care of kids. And teaching them something.

The older lady nodded and asked:

__ Have you got any artistic talent? Do you play any instrument?

Scrating her chin, the brown-haired female responded:

__ Actually I do. I play the piano, flute and  harp. And I know how to draw.

__ Excellent! I was struggling to find a teacher who could wake their internet in art and music. If you don't mind, you should start as the second teacher. Marian will supervise you for a couple of months.

Yongsun widened her eyes and exclaimed:

__ Really? Oh my God, Ma'am! That's so important to me. I feel that I need to rediscover myself. I don't want to be just someone's wife. Don't get me wrong. We are happily married and Byul-YI is more than I could dream of. It's just...

__ You need your individuality.I understand. So, can you start tomorrow?__ The director patted the brunette's back.

The brown-haired female exhaled because of all the emotions overflowing her chest.

__ Sure! What time should I be here?

__ At 7 is good enough. Glad to have you as part of my staff. See you soon, darling.__ The middle-aged female turned around and crossed the gate back to the school.

Caressing the dogs, Yongsun couldn't stop smiling 

She continued the stroll and later, took them back to her in-laws.

__ x __ 

The engineer showed genuine enthusiasm and happiness when her wife told her about her job.

At first, Yongsun felt insecure because Byul-YI had a prominent career and she thought the black-haired female might feel that her partner should be in the same level.

However, the handsome female encouraged her to give her best and kept asking her details on the school, the age of the kids and etc.

It didn't take long for th

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Thank you for your patience. This is the end for Gumiho and her human.


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Taitai84 1235 streak #1
Chapter 13: The kittens with the moon and sun remind me of sailor moon :p

Yay to the happy ending!
Chapter 13: awwwww w yong finding her passion wth the kids and then the cutee kitties! i love this story so much!! thank you and hope to see more stories in the future hehe
Ichig02101 #3
Chapter 13: Awew .. kittens w 🌙 n ☀️😍
Tq authornim for the lovely story.
greenjade21 #4
Chapter 13: Nice ending! They became instant Furmommies! Always love a happy ending! Thanks for giving us an awesome and nice ending for this story! Always appreciate your works! Thank you very much! Looking forward to a neww one! Happy Holidays! 🤗
_moongalaxy #5
Chapter 13: auwwwww🥺😆❤that was so cuteeeeeee😆🙈
yong being a teacher, found kittens and being their mommies😆👏🏻
congrats jana for another amazing story🥳👏🏻🔥
Chapter 12: Ohhh will yong become human now that she had blood transfusion from byul? 🤔 can’t wait for the next update 🙈 thank you authornim
Ichig02101 #7
Chapter 12: What actually happened?!
Is yong completely be human n byul be demon?!😳is it?? Is it??
Chapter 12: whatttt this chapter was crazy i couldnt tell if things would work out or not, literallt on the edge of my seat! thanks for the chapter! can't wait for the next!
_moongalaxy #9
Chapter 12: oh god😭😭it does work in mysterious ways😆
Ichig02101 #10
Chapter 11: Yyyyyyyyy?? NO! NO! NO! YOOONG!!.😭😭😭