Warmth and it's tangibility

Our Secret Moments / In Your Crowded Room (SR)



Joy sits beside her friends at the big table in the school cafeteria during break as she stares off at a point curiously. Not necessarily a point, since if we look closely, Joy is studying Kang Seulgi laying head down at an empty table.


Kang Seulgi.


Joy scans her eyes over to Irene.


Bae Irene.


‘How did you and Kang Seulgi become friends?’, Joy wants to ask, but before she gets a word out— she finds Irene smiling at Seulgi who has now raised her head.




Why does Joy find this odd? Well. It’s pretty simple: Seulgi was a punk, and Joohyun did ballet— what more could she say? Jokes aside, it simply did not make sense in Joy’s mind why Seulgi and Irene would ever interact. It was like they were polar opposites of the spectrum. You had Seulgi, who was a hard partier, gets into fights, hardly smiles– overall, intimidating and not like Irene. Irene is prim and prissy like any girl raised strictly. She wears pink, she smiles, her hair is almost always perfect sweeping over her shoulders and of course, she does not get into fights.


It’s the very cliché of this that makes Joy want to laugh because of course the polar opposites are friends, but then again, are they? Up until yesterday, Joy had never seen Irene and Seulgi interact with each other at all. Yesterday, Joy was at the mall, and she clearly remembered Irene saying she was hanging out with Park Bogum, but then she just happened to find Kang Seulgi trailing behind the older girl as Irene spoke lively and Seulgi had a fond look on her face. Irene wasn’t with Bogum— she was with Seulgi, and that definitely confused her and conjured many questions. Joy just couldn’t decipher what Seulgi’s face meant or what Irene was so happy about.


“Kai and his friends were invited to a party.” Hwasa says. “The invitation is extended to whoever knows about it, wanna go?” 

“Tonight?” Solar asks.


“Do we have anything important tomorrow?” Jennie asks.

“It’s Saturday tomorrow.” Hwasa answers with a laugh.

“Oh. Right.” Jennie grins sheepishly.

“What time?” Joy joins in.

“Like.. eight, I think.” Hwasa jogs her memory.

“I’m down.” Joy nods. “Wen, you in?”

“If you’re in, I’m in.” Wendy sighs and Joy shoves her playfully.


“Irene?” Solar asks her.

“Hm?” Irene turns back.

“Party?” Solar asks.

“Sure.” Irene easily agrees and she turns back.


Seulgi looks up and her eyes meet Irene’s. 


They smile.


Something conjures itself in Joy’s mind.


The party is already loud when they all get there and they push through to join the people that they know. Bogum pulls Irene away, some look for others and the rest go to the drinks. Wendy and Joy settle on the couch.


“You think they’ll last?” Joy asks Wendy and the latter peers over to the kitchen. Irene stands with a drink in her hand and her other arm is wrapped around Bogum’s waist as they talk idly.

“Maybe. You never know with Irene.” Wendy shrugs. “It’s been more than two months that they’ve been talking though, so I guess it’s saying something.” 

“I guess.” Joy says before turning away.


As she turns away, she finds Seulgi in a far corner nursing a red cup in her hand and Joy finds where Seulgi is staring at: Irene.


“Hey, Wendy?” Joy turns back.

“Hm?” Wendy answers.

“What do you know about Kang Seulgi?” Joy asks.

“Kang Seulgi?” Wendy raises her brow in question.

“Yeah.” Joy nods.

“Uh.. well - nothing much actually.” Wendy hums. “I’ve only heard rumours about her and they’re not great.”

“What do they say?” Joy probes.

“Just that she’s a delinquent. A partier, junkie, and she gets into fights a lot - so not great things. People are mean, y’know?” Wendy says.

“I know.” Joy answers as she turns back to Seulgi to find her still looking at Irene— although, there’s a gleam in her eyes that burns with disdain.


“How come you’re curious about her? I’ve never heard you so curious about someone.” Wendy asks.

“Just curious is all.” Joy shrugs. “Saw her at the mall a few days ago.” 

“And that made you curious?” Wendy chortles.

“Well - not really, but there’s other things too.” Joy says.

“Other things like what?” Wendy questions.

“Other things I will tell you about when I have gathered enough info.” Joy boops her on the nose and Wendy rolls her eyes.

“Okay.” Wendy chuckles.


Joy watches Seulgi leave the house as she exits through the front. She sees Irene’s eyes on Seulgi and then she’s watching Irene pull away from Bogum as she follows Seulgi out.


Seulgi ducks into the alleyway beside the residence and she pulls out a cigarette. She puts it between her lips as she searches for her lighter in her pocket. She checks her pants pockets and then her jacket, but she can’t seem to find it. She looks for it violently— and then she finds a small hole in her left jacket pocket, which leads to the discovery that her lighter has now wormed its way deep into the lining of her jacket.


“Seriously?” Seulgi sighs as she takes the cigarette out from .

“Smoking’s bad for you.” Irene speaks and Seulgi looks up like a deer caught in the headlights.

“Well… can’t smoke it now, can I?” Seulgi chuckles as she pockets the cigarette.

“How come?” Irene asks.

Seulgi opens to say why but she just decides she’ll show Irene instead.


Seulgi takes Irene's hand and brings it to the lining of her jacket and Irene feels around and she laughs when she finds the lumpy outline of the lighter.


“Oh my.” She giggles and Seulgi rolls her eyes.

“That’s why.” Seulgi says.


Irene backs away and she leans on the wall facing Seulgi and the latter does the same.


“I don’t suppose you have a lighter I can borrow?” Seulgi smirks.

“You’re asking me? I think you have a death wish, Seul.” Irene scoffs with a smile.

“Kidding - I was kidding!” Seulgi grins and Irene rolls her eyes with a laugh.


They fall into a lull of silence and Irene looks at Seulgi as if she can see right through. Seulgi blinks— feeling a bit conscious of herself because Seulgi knows what that exact look means.


“Don’t look at me like that.” Seulgi says quietly with a ghost of a smile.

“Like what?” Irene only fuels it.

“You know what, ‘Rene.” Seulgi shakes her head.


Seulgi looks away, and Irene finds her shoes more fascinating at the moment— not knowing how to proceed. 


“How long am I going to keep doing this with you?” Seulgi leaves a question in the air quietly. Irene looks up and faces Seulgi for the first time with such clarity.

“Doing what, Seul?” Irene asks a bit desperately.

“This - just… nothing, it doesn't matter.” Seulgi shakes her head.

“Tell me. Don’t shut me out - please?” Irene pleads– leaning forward to hold Seulgi’s free hand.


Seulgi squeezes Irene’s hand before dropping it.


“You can’t keep ending up here with me, ‘Rene.” Seulgi sighs. “Doing this - whenever you don’t like the boys you hang out with anymore. You know I like you - and I know it’s wrong but-”

“Why should it be wrong?” Irene butts in. “Why should it be wrong for you to like me?”


Seulgi looks at Irene helplessly and she finds it hard to form a coherent reason why it is wrong at all.


“Because - because you have a boyfriend.” Seulgi shrugs.

“I don’t.” Irene throws Seulgi’s reason aside.

“Then - I don’t know.” Seulgi sighs.

“I hope it’s not because we’re both girls, Seul.” Irene raises a brow in question and Seulgi shakes her head with a small smile.

“No, it’s not.” She says positively.

“Then what’s stopping you?” Irene asks, pushing herself off of the opposite wall to approach Seulgi.


Seulgi swallows, never expecting Irene to be so bold.


“I don’t - I don’t know…” Seulgi says quietly as Irene invades her space— toying with her loose hair and caressing her face.

Seulgi can feel Irene breathing as it tickles her cupid’s bow and she wants to kiss her so badly, but something grows thick in and she doesn’t think she can bring herself to— she hesitates.


A flurry of footsteps are heard and Irene backs away quickly.


“Irene? There you are! Kai and his group got us all kicked out, the party's over.” Wendy says without properly looking at Seulgi or Irene as she disappears.

“What is stopping us?” Seulgi sighs forlornly and Irene frowns.


Sooyoung sees Wendy.

“Did you find her?” She asks.

“Yeah, she’s over there.” Wendy points.

“Doing what?” Sooyoung questions. 

“I don’t know actually.” Wendy shrugs and Sooyoung chuckles before heading over to the alleyway.


“Unnie, we have to-” Sooyoung clamps shut.


“Sorry, that was bad timing.” Irene says.

“You don’t have to be sorry.” Seulgi shrugs, trying not to care.

“Listen I - I’ll call you.” Irene says quickly— not wanting to lose Seulgi so easily.

“Okay.” Seulgi nods wearily.

“I’ll go now.” Irene swallows thickly.


Irene turns to walk away but in a time frame that barely measures to a whole second— she’s thinking of how cruel it’d feel to be left like that, and it’s Seulgi that she's leaving there and there’s no other crime that is as inhumane as that.


She turns back.


She grabs the lapels of Seulgi’s jackets tightly before pulling her in and kissing her square on the lips. It’s a few seconds or minutes when Irene’s kissing Seulgi and her hands are holding Irene’s hips firmly as she tries to grasp the reality of what was happening in that moment. 


They’re breathing heavily when they pull apart and Seulgi has a bewildered look in her eyes and Irene’s body feels like she just ran through a burning forest.


“Nothing’s stopping us.” Irene whispers. “I’ll see you.”

“Okay.” Seulgi nods haphazardly and then Irene’s leaving like a torrent, just as she came to Seulgi from the very beginning.


They don’t really know how it actually starts but early on, it goes from Seulgi walking Yeri back home late at night to coming over during the day to hang out. Some days, all three of them go out and eat or hang at the park. Other days, they stay inside all cuddled up on the couch watching movies. On days when it’s too late, Seulgi’s tired and Joohyun’s just a bit clingier than usual, Seulgi would stay over and all three of them fall asleep on the couch.


No one questions why Joohyun ends up in Seulgi’s arms in the mornings.


Neither of them questions it either when they’re at a party and Joohyun has wandered outside. Seulgi finds her at two minutes until new years and takes off her jacket and drapes it over Joohyun’s shoulder.


Next, Seulgi’s holding Joohyun against the wall of the house as she kisses her.


Maybe that was when the questions began to come about and Seulgi stopped coming over because she couldn't face Joohyun at all. Perhaps she was reading into things wrong, but then forthcoming the next few days, they’re kissing again like no tomorrow in the dark, in the shadows and in the quiet.



Irene is true to her words when it is almost 12 am and Seulgi’s just getting into bed. She calls and Seulgi picks it up on the first ring.


“Hi.” Seulgi clears .

“You picked up.” Irene blinks.

“I did...” 


It’s too quiet for a moment and Irene giggles at the silence.

Seulgi smiles wryly.


“We’re bad at this.” Irene chuckles and hearing Irene’s laugh makes Seulgi feel things.

“I know.” Seulgi grins and Irene can imagine her eyes crinkling away with joy.

“I miss you.” Irene says after a beat.

“We just saw each other.” Seulgi says.

“Doesn’t matter.” Irene says softly. “I always miss you.”


Seulgi swallows thickly.

“Me too.” 


“I thought I scared you off earlier.” Irene says quietly.

“Almost.” Seulgi says softly, with a smile. “I am scared, but I won’t run.”

“Why?” Irene asks.

“Because being with someone is scary. Do all lovers feel like they’re inventing something? I know the gestures.” She chuckles lightly. “When I imagine myself with someone though… I imagine you, and I wait for you.” 

“You’ve dreamed of me?” Irene questions.

“No.” Seulgi says quietly, voice like feathers to touch. “I thought of you.”


Irene smiles.


The next morning, Irene walks around greeting everyone with smiles and not everyone can point out what has changed about her. They think it's maybe Bogum, but Joy sees and Joy knows.


There is Seulgi at her locker, exchanging her books and Irene's eyes are on her immediately. Irene’s eyes scale Seulgi from head to toe; she’s wearing a black & white flannel over a t-shirt, and black baggy ripped jeans, paired with dirty converse. Joy wants to ask Irene what exactly she sees in Seulgi, but Joy’s never been in this territory. Joy’s never known about Irene’s preference for women— but maybe it’s exclusive to Seulgi only.


Joy doesn’t know yet, but she will find out.


“Hey.” Joy walks up to Irene at her lockers. Irene jolts and closes her locker shut.

“Hi.” Irene blinks.

“A bit jumpy are we? Hiding something?” Joy smirks and Irene rolls her eyes.

“I’ve always been jumpy.” She dismisses, linking her arm with Joy’s.


They descend down their hall to their next class. Joy sees Irene take one last look behind her shoulder, and this time, her eyes meet Seulgi’s. 


Seulgi sits in biology class, drumming her finger on the underside of the table quietly as they’re watching some sort of documentary. Seulgi feels it on the side of her head, but she doesn’t want to turn to acknowledge it. She’s so sure someone’s eyes are on her— practically burning holes at the side of her head.


Seulgi guesses it’s Irene.


She’s right when she peaks over her shoulder and finds Irene smirking at her. She turns back right away.


Shortly after, her phone buzzes in her pocket. She brings it out discreetly, seemingly seeing how the teacher is practically dozing off too.


< Why’d you look away?


Seulgi blinks.


> Why are you staring?
< I asked my question first

> Well because you’re staring that’s why I looked away

< Well you better look at me more often, then I wouldn’t have to stare


Joy looks over Irene’s shoulder and finds her messaging someone.


“Who are you texting?” Joy whispers and Irene turns her phone off in a panic. Joy raises a quizzical brow. “Oh so you are jumpy.”

“Nothing - no one.” Irene swallows. “It’s just Yeri.” 

“Oh - what does she want?” Joy asks.

“Just… asked me to bring food home for her to eat later.” Irene makes up and Joy mentally applauds her for being quick-witted.

“Okay.” Joy turns back.


Irene lets out a slow breath as she turns back, looking forward where Seulgi is looking at her now.


> I’m looking at you now.


The simple message brings something within Irene to the surface and it makes her heartstrings grow taut, playing a familiar quickened beat.



Seulgi waits at their local park at six in the evening as the sun slowly begins to set. The sky grows orange and Seulgi swings gently, kicking the ground every now and then. She’s waiting.


“Hey.” Seulgi almost finches but at the sound of the gentle voice, she simply turns around and finds Irene jogging up to her. “Did I make you wait long?”

“No.” Seulgi smiles as Irene takes a seat on the other swing beside her.

“Sorry, Yeri was nagging me about wearing her fluffy socks.” Irene huffs and Seulgi laughs.

“Seriously?” Seulgi guffaws.

“I know right.” Irene rolls her eyes. “You’re lucky you’re an only child.”

“I guess I am sometimes.” Seulgi shrugs with a smile.


Seulgi untangles one of her hands from the chain and extends it to the side of Irene. Irene smiles softly before taking in, intertwining their hands tightly.


“Your hands are cold.” Seulgi comments.

“Sorry. I kind of ran here.” Irene shivers. 

Seulgi lets go of their hands for a moment and Irene frowns slightly at the loss of contact and heat. She shrugs off her jacket and stands up as she drapes it over Irene.


“You’re warm.” Irene grins, taking Seulgi’s hand back when she sits down again. “Are you sure you didn’t lie to me about waiting for me?”
Maybe.” Seulgi shrugs. “But I don’t mind… I don’t mind waiting for you.” 


Irene leans over, almost falling out of her swing but she manages either way. She manages to press a chaste kiss to Seulgi’s waiting lips.


“You don’t mind even if you turn to stone?” Irene humours as she pulls away.

“I don’t mind.” Seulgi grins.


Soon, they’re laying on the grass together— staring up at the sky and the very few stars you get to witness in the suburbs.


Irene makes herself comfortable, laying her head on Seulgi's welcome and outstretched arm as she uses her jacket as a blanket— having it draped over herself as she curls into Seulgi.


“Your birthday’s coming up.” Seulgi points out.

“It is.” Irene hums.

“Do you want anything?” She asks.


Irene turns to look up at Seulgi. Seulgi looks down to face Irene’s curiously round eyes.


“Hm.” Irene squints at her before looking back up at the sky.

“Would you ever name a star after me?” Irene asks and Seulgi smiles softly.

“I have.” Seulgi answers and Irene shoots up into a sitting position as the jacket slips off of her.


She stares down at Seulgi.


“You’ve named a star after me?” She asks in disbelief. Seulgi sits up with a grin.

“I did it for your birthday last year.” Seulgi shrugs, picking up the jacket. “I just didn’t have a chance to tell you ‘cause y’know..”

“Oh.” Irene blushes.

“I’ll show you the certificate on your birthday.” Seulgi brushes Irene’s hair away from her shoulder— leaving a kiss on the bare shoulder before draping the jacket back on her shoulders. 

“Yes, please.” Irene grins.

“We should get back - it’s getting colder.” Seulgi says getting up with an outstretched hand for Irene, who takes it firmly.


Seulgi walks Irene back home and Irene has her body tightly wrapped around Seulgi’s upper arm.


They stop in front of Irene’s home and the older girl is still clinging onto her.


“Rene, are you going to go in or not?” Seulgi chuckles.

“I am, I am.” She whines. “You’re just warm.”
“I bet it’d be warmer if you went inside.” Seulgi pokes her.
“I bet it’d be even warmer if you went inside with me.” Irene grins, pulling Seulgi closer to her.


There’s this thing with Irene. She likes playing hot and cold, she likes holding you close and at a distance at the same time. It’s this uncertainty that makes Seulgi hesitant. But it’s also the tenderness Irene offers that makes her stay.


It often drives and wedges between them and drives them apart, but we’ll dwell on that later.


“I can’t.” Seulgi says softly. “As much as it’s tempting because it’s Sunday tomorrow, I promised my dad I’d be up early with him tomorrow to run errands.”

“Okay.” Irene pouts. 

“I’ll see you.” Seulgi kisses her forehead before pulling away.

“Wait!” Irene grabs her hand and Seulgi turns back around.

“I’m having a party for my birthday next week.” Irene says. “If it’s not too much to ask, can I ask if you’ll show?”


Seulgi feels the dryness on her bottom lip at the mention of a party. If it’s Irene’s party, then it'll be filled with many people, since she’s friends with quite a lot of people. 


“I-I don’t know, ‘Rene.” Seulgi hesitates.

“Please?” Irene asks. “I… I want to be able to see you on my birthday.”

Seulgi softens. “Okay.”

“Okay?” Irene lights up.

“I’ll show.” Seulgi nods.

“Thank you!” Irene jumps straight onto Seulgi— hugging her tightly, not caring that they may lose balance.



Seulgi doesn’t plan on showing up at the birthday party at all because she knows what people say— she knows what Irene’s friends will say and think and to be frank, Seulgi is downright terrified. She wants to leave a good impression and by the rumours spread around school, just how can she clean her image up if she can’t even talk to anyone without coming off a bit aloof, including Irene? She paces around her room with the star registration certificate, and a little pink box she put Irene’s present in— conjuring excuses to not show up. She seems pretty solid in sticking with her lie of driving her dad to the airport, but Seulgi begins to second guess whether or not she can lie straight to Irene’s face.


She wants to pull out, and it’s no surprise when she shows up halfway late to the party— drunk, and Irene is just as surprised to see her when she opens the door.


“Y-you’re here.” Irene blinks— surprised.

“I am.” Seulgi swallows. “Late - sorry - I didn’t mean to be late… happened.” 

“It’s okay.” Irene smiles softly.

“Um - happy birthday, ‘Rene.” She stammers.


Seulgi her dry lips— not knowing how to continue because her feet feel stuck and her gums kind of ache. Seulgi rubs her hands on her pants and Irene jolts out of her reverie.


“Oh - right, come in!” She shakes her head lightly.

“Thanks.” Seulgi chuckles.

“Joy and Wendy are in the living room - you talk to them right?” Irene says.

“Here and there.” Seulgi nods.

“Good. I won’t be long.” Irene says and Seulgi nods again.


She finds her way to the living room and Wendy’s waving her over. She wants to sit on the end of the couch, but Joy slides off to the side and pats the seat between her and Wendy with a menacing grin. Seulgi purses her lips together before plopping down in between them. 


“Surprised to see you here.” Wendy comments.

“Same.” Seulgi quips.

“Are you drunk?” Joy questions with an amused expression.

“Maybe.” Seulgi shrugs with a smile.

“Yah, Kang Seulgi.” Wendy frowns disapprovingly.

“Okay… I am a bit drunk.” Seulgi confesses with a drunken giggle.

“What for, dude?” Joy nudges her.

“I don’t know - like liquid courage?” She shrugs.

“Why though?” Seungwan asks and she does not receive an answer and Joy doesn’t require an answer either.


Irene walks into the living room with a bright smile as she rejoins her friends.


“Go distract her - we need to set up the cake.” Joy nudges her.

“Huh.” Seulgi blinks.

“You heard what I said.” Joy pinches her.

“Ow.” Seulgi blinks. “How do I distract her?”

“Like this.” Wendy raises her brows with a mischievous smile before completely spilling her drink on Seulgi. 

Wendy!” Joy gasps as Seulgi stands up abruptly and frowns at her soaking shirt.

“Seriously?” Seulgi deadpans.

Irene turns her attention towards the trio and finds Seulgi soaking wet.


“What happened?” She asks.

“Well, you know me and my butter fingers.” Wendy shrugs innocently. “Sorry, Kang.”


Seulgi huffs through her nostrils.


“Come, I’ll get you cleaned up.” Irene takes a hold of Seulgi’s wrist gently as they begin to move away from the party. As they walk towards the stairs, Seulgi turns back and finds Wendy and Joy smiling widely.

“Good luck.” Wendy mouths as she shows Seulgi a symbol of support in the form of thumbs up.


Seulgi rolls her eyes at them.


Seulgi obediently follows Irene to her room and she sits without complaint as Irene pushes her down to sit. She peers around the room and finds it the same as it always has been; neat and clean, although something feels different.


“Why are you looking around so much like you haven’t been in here before? Nothing’s changed.” Irene chuckles as she opens her wardrobe.

“Something is different though.” Seulgi pouts.

“What is, Seul? Tell me when you find it.” Irene says amusedly.


Seulgi purses her lips, determined to find the difference. It doesn’t take long when she locks eyes upon Irene’s photo cork board that now seems to be fuller and more organised. She raises a finger and points to it.


“You have pictures of me on your cork board?” Seulgi blinks. Irene turns to Seulgi and blushes a little.

“Well - yeah.” She shrugs, trying to be nonchalant.


There’s a picture of Seulgi painting, one with them eating ice cream in the scorching summer, and a photobooth picture of them a bit younger and unsure. She looks towards the top and finds another one with both of them and Yeri at the park, grinning like there’s no tomorrow.


“Yeri keeps that one in her room too.” Irene says quietly— holding a shirt after admiring Seulgi in her own little world.

“She does?” Seulgi asks quietly.

“Yeah… you mean a lot to us, Seul.” Irene says softly.

Seulgi breathes in a deep breath and clears quietly as she turns to look at Irene properly.

“You mean a lot to me too - Yeri too.” Seulgi says softly and Irene smiles.


“Here, lift your arms up.” Irene says as Seulgi shrugs off her jacket. She could do this herself because she did come here on her own, but with Irene in front of her in this dim room, she cannot help but forget to speak.


Seulgi lifts her arms up obediently and Irene takes off the wet t-shirt and replaces it with a familiar t-shirt.


“This is also my shirt.” Seulgi blinks.

“Yes.” Irene smiles. “An exchange.” 


She holds the wet t-shirt up with a smug smile and Seulgi rolls her eyes. Irene puts the shirt in her dirty hamper before moving back over to Seulgi. Seulgi’s breathing hitches when Irene swings her leg over and then she’s suddenly straddling Seulgi.


“Hi.” Seulgi blinks.

“Hi.” Irene smiles like the cheshire. “You look so beautiful in my room.” Irene leans in close to her ear when she says it and Seulgi shudders.

“...can I kiss you?” Seulgi asks.

“I like it when you ask.” Irene grins. “Consent comes a long way.”

Seulgi giggles, ”Rene.”

“But, yes - you can.” Irene locks eyes with Seulgi.


Seulgi brings up her hand tentatively and cups Irene’s face before bringing them close together. Irene meets her in the middle and it is gentle and long coming. Irene breathes quietly as a warmth settles in her stomach and she wraps her hands around Seulgi’s shoulders— tighter. Seulgi consumes her whole in the kiss and she slips her tongue in, with no hesitation this time as it elicits a gasp from Irene.


They break apart and Irene chases her.


“You’ve got a party downstairs.” Seulgi breathes in heavily.

“Right.” Irene blinks rapidly through heavy-lidded eyes.


Seulgi swallows thickly as Irene gets off of her. Irene fixes her clothes and Seulgi puts her jacket back on.


“You go down first. I’ll come down after.” Irene says and Seulgi nods.

“Okay.” She says, turning to the door.

“Wait.” Irene grabs Seulgi’s arm.


Seulgi blinks and turns back to Irene.


“You’ve got-” Irene wipes the lipstick from Seulgi’s chin and the corner of her lips with her thumbs. “Sorry.” 

“S’alright.” She shrugs.


Irene kisses her again— chastely this time.


“Okay.” Irene smiles.

“Okay.” Seulgi grins.


She begins to walk away but then she feels the piece of paper crinkle in the inner pocket of her jacket.


“Oh - wait.” She turns back and pulls out the folded paper.

“What is it?” Irene asks.

“I never got a chance to frame it because I kinda misplaced it - but I found it earlier.” She unfolds it and hands it to Irene. “It’s your star.” 

“Oh.” Irene blushes, feeling warm all over. “Thank you… Seul.” 

“No worries…” Seulgi chuckles.

“I’ll frame it.” She grins.

“I’ll go down now.” Seulgi swallows.

“Yeah. Okay.” Irene nods.


She heads back down stairs and finds the people have all gathered around together and in the centre, Park Bogum seems to be trying to grab a hold of the cake. She finds Joy and stands beside her.

“What’s he trying?” Seulgi asks.

“I don’t know but I don’t have a good feeling about it.” Joy replies, feeling pissed off for some reason.

“Everybody be quiet!” Wendy hisses and everyone quotes down.

Someone switches off the lights and the candles are lit quickly as they hear footsteps coming down.


Irene stops halfway at the stairs when she sees that it’s dark, but then she sees the flicker of candles and she grins knowingly. She stops at the base of the stairs when her friends begin to sing happy birthday to her. Solar comes from the side and almost startles her as she puts a party hat on her head.


“Happy birthday, Irene.” Her eyes widen when she sees that it is Park Bogum holding the cake.

“I just want to say that I am very happy to be able to celebrate your birthday with you.” He says.

“Thanks, Bogum.” Irene assumes he is finished but he continues to speak and then Irene begins to notice the cameras around them.

“And I will be a happier man if you say yes to me courting you.” He says and Irene blinks. 

“Make a wish.” He says and Irene is still dazed, feeling her heartbeat in her ears. Her eyes dart around her room— trying to search for Seulgi but it is too dark to make out a definite silhouette. 


Irene closes her eyes and blows out the candle. When she’s finished, she remembers not making a wish at all but she pictured Seulgi in her mind. 


Irene barely gets a word out when the lights turn on and Bogum’s pulling her in by the waist.


Seulgi retreats to the bathroom and splashes her face with cold water as she hears the whistling and cheering from outside. She in a shaky breath and feels her heart grow heavy with some sort of weight. She stares at herself in the mirror— she wants to ask what she's really doing here? She wants to get back out there and pretend nothing happened and that she’s okay, but she can’t, no — She can’t.


Irene’s just kissed her and whispered sweet nothings, and now she’s kissing Bogum.


Everything’s not okay.


She exits the bathroom and finds Joy and Wendy looking for her. She smiles at them as a goodbye and heads towards the door. 


Irene sees her and rushes towards her, grabbing Seulgi's upper arm.


“Hey.” Irene tries to search for her eyes but Seulgi looks away when she sees Irene’s glossy lips.

“Uh - just… my dad called, he wants me home early - something about the water not running in the house.” Seulgi her lips as her eyes grow warm.


She exits the house, walking out the door and not hearing Irene following her.


“You don’t have to lie to me, Seul.” Irene tells her.


Seulgi stops and turns around.


“I-I’m not - what are you talking about?” Seulgi smiles.

“...Seul.” Irene says softly and Seulgi inhales sharply. 


“You don't have to go.” Irene says and Seulgi sighs.

“We’re not doing this again, ‘Rene.” Seulgi says tiredly.

“Doing what, Seul? What are we doing again?” Irene asks.


The wind blows harshly and Irene brings her arms around herself— wound tightly. Seulgi wants to give her the leather jacket on her shoulders, but then it will mean something and it will make her stay— something she doesn’t want to do at the moment. 


“This. Me being at your beck and call all the time. It’s getting old, okay?” Seulgi says and it grows quiet. Irene stands looking at her and she feels scrutinised unfairly because she’s expressing her feelings for once.

“I’ve told you I liked you and fine - you still treat me normally, but I am always here.” Seulgi breathes out. “I am always right where you leave me, just for you to come back and toy with me again.”

“I’m not toying with you.” Irene frowns.

“Then what? Do you like me too? Am I your friend - or a dirty little secret?” Seulgi spits. 


Irene opens to respond but no words form as she watches Seulgi come undone unlike all the other times she has seen Seulgi.


“Whatever - look it doesn’t matter. I’m tired, ‘Rene. I’m just going to go home - I don’t care about this, I’m okay, I’m just drunk and looking for a fight.” Seulgi shakes her head as she begins to back away.

“Just talk to me, don’t lie to me.” Irene steps forward, not able to let Seulgi go.

“I have to. I have to lie, ‘Rene.” Seulgi shrugs sadly.


Irene breathes in sharply and she’s suddenly feeling things she hasn’t ever felt around Seulgi.


“Why can’t you just tell me the truth! Be real with me, Seulgi!” Irene pleads.

“Be real with you?” Seulgi mocks. “How can I be real with you when you keep lying to me?” 

“First you say you don’t have a boyfriend, then you kiss me, and then Bogum’s kissing you and everyone’s saying that he’s your boyfriend.” Seulgi says exasperatedly.


“I don’t-”

“Fine, fine. So you don’t have a boyfriend, but you’re kissing him just fine and being all happy. I see you happy with him, ‘Rene.” Seulgi strangles a cry in . “I don’t see you with me - now, or in the future at all to be honest… I see that you will be secure and okay with him, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.”

“Don’t say that. You don’t mean that.” Irene says with a pained expression.

“I do mean it, okay! It’s always you, ‘Rene… there’s no room for me and my feelings.” Seulgi cries. “What about how I feel?”

“Seul…” Irene reaches for her but Seulgi steps away. 

“It’s fine - I’ll be fine. I’m drunk - I’m just drunk - I’m sorry.” Seulgi’s mind feels all jumbled up. “Just… I don’t think I can bear to be around you.” She shakes her head as she turns away.



She ignores Irene as she continues to stalk away.


They don’t talk again and this time it isn’t Irene ignoring Seulgi, it’s the other way around, so it’s much more different this time. Seulgi is grumpy most days, but a few days later— she’s regretting life as it is.


Seulgi doesn’t know what she was trying to get out of saying all those things to Irene. She was hurt, but Seulgi doesn’t think Irene deserved to hear most of the things she said, since it was her birthday too.


Seulgi decides she wants to make it up to Irene— problem is, she doesn’t know how. Seulgi and Irene were friends first before it all happened and they were still friends in the beginning of it, but now everything’s messed up and Seulgi wants to go back to what they were like before.


She takes a walk some nights to clear her mind. Sometimes he joins her and usually he leaves her alone.


She walks past a familiar bus stop and sees Yeri coming off of the last bus. Yeri sees her and waves. Seulgi jogs up towards her.


“Still going tutoring?” Seulgi asks.

“I have to.” Yeri rolls her eyes. “My parents paid for it so obviously I have to keep going.”

“Right.” Seulgi chuckles. “... I’ll walk you home?”

“Sure.” Yeri agrees, already handing her backpack over to Seulgi for her to hold. 


Seulgi swings the bag over one shoulder and picks up her steps to stay beside Yeri.


“So, how’s life?” Yeri asks.

“Same old, same old.” Seulgi sighs.

“You say that all the time, but somehow you sound sadder this time.” Yeri picks up on her emotions.

“You’re a bit observant.” Seulgi snorts.

“Well when you’ve got a stone cold as a sister, you gotta learn how to read people.” Yeri says and Seulgi chuckles.

“I guess so.” 


They see the Bae’s house come into view.


“Any boyfriends yet?” Seulgi asks.

“Ew.” Yeri frowns. “Plus, if I had one - he’d be walking me home and not you.”

“Makes sense and.. you’re too young to have one.” Seulgi says sternly.

“Not you joining forces with my sister.” Yeri whines and Seulgi grins.

“It’s the truth.” Seulgi shrugs.


They stop at the door and Yeri unlocks the door with her copy of the house keys.


“Thanks for walking me again.” Yeri says.

“No problem.” Seulgi says, waiting for Yeri to enter the house but the girl stops and turns back to her.

“You’re not coming in?” Yeri asks.

“Uh - no… no.” Seulgi shakes her head.

“Why? You guys fighting?” Yeri questions and Seulgi winces.

“Kind of…” She answers.

“Hm.” Yeri hums.


Yeri goes inside the house and turns back to Seulgi.


“It’s Winter break. You should really make up with her.” Yeri says. “You guys love each other. I’m not blind.”


Seulgi blushes. “Oh.”

“Bye, unnie.” Yeri smiles before closing the door.


She walks home in deep thought.


Does she love Irene? Maybe she’ll think about that another time. For now, she needs to figure out how to become friends with her again.


An opportunity springs up when Wheein drags her to another party and she already feels like she wants to throw up when she sees all the people at the house already. 


Seulgi doesn’t find Irene immediately, but she sees Wendy and Joy first, near the drinks table.


“Hi.” She waves to them shyly.

“Hello there.” Joy raises a brow.

“Nice to see you, Kang.” Wendy greets her a little more warmly.

“So… how’s life?” Seulgi asks, trying to strike up a conversation.

Joy snorts at her attempt. “You’re cute, but you can just ask what you want, right?”

“Right… do you guys know where Irene would be?” Seulgi spits it out.

“Lucky you’re both at this party tonight.” Joy tells her. “Irene hasn’t been going to any.”

“She’s there.” Wendy directs her to a corner of a room where Irene’s nursing a drink, people-watching.


Seulgi takes her in fully. They haven’t tried to speak or see each other since Irene’s birthday and it’s been weeks. Seulgi’s practically memorised what Irene looks like everyday, but the distance makes what she feels for Irene fonder because in this ty light, and ty place— Irene is the most radiant.


“Will you please just go to her?” Joy whines and Seulgi blinks at her.

“She’s right.” Wendy says. “Irene’s been all mopey around us and way more snappier.”

“Okay. I will.” Seulgi says but doesn't move.

“Seulgi?” Wendy furrows her brow.

“One second.” Seulgi her dry lips.

“Any time now.” Joy sighs.

“Okay - I’m doing it!” Seulgi releases a breath.

“Go get your girl.” Wendy clasps a hand on Seulgi’s shoulder.


Seulgi’s taking a deep breath and then she’s moving over to Irene— feeling like every step she takes feels heavier by the second. Her hands are clammy and she just can’t take her eyes off of Irene— and really, it’s always been like that.


“H-Hey.” Seulgi begins with a clearing of .

“Hi.” Irene blinks. “I didn’t know… nothing - never mind.” She shakes her head.

“Didn’t know what?” Seulgi’s asking.

“Just.. that we were talking again.” Irene shrugs. Seulgi’s mouth begins to run, and she finds that it happens often when she’s with Irene and she’s yet to find how to remedy that issue. “Well. I’m talking and - wait, is it okay that I talk because it’s okay if you don’t want to talk and-” 

“I want to talk - to you. I want to talk to you, Seulgi.” Joohyun interrupts her and Seulgi’s in a shaky breath.

“Okay. Okay.” Seulgi her dry lips in hopes it will somehow make her think properly.


“I-I was being stupid, and I said things I regret saying and I did things I regret doing - and I’m just really sorry for not talking to you because it kills me to not open my mouth and tell you something ridiculous about my day - I just… I just want to say I’m sorry for avoiding you, unnie. I’m sorry for being stupid.” Seulgi finishes off and she’s breathing heavily like she ran a marathon— though she technically did, in her mind.

“… we’re pulling the unnie card now?” Irene smiles softly.

“..I wasn’t sure if it’s still okay to call you Irene.” Seulgi shrugs.

“Since when have you cared about that?” Irene asks.

“Since I care about you.” Seulgi says and it almost renders Irene speechless.


“You-” She sighs, and she scoffs.

“What?” Seulgi blinks, afraid she may have said something wrong.

“You drive me insane, you know that right?” Irene huffs.

“Maybe.” Seulgi shrugs nonchalantly.

“You can’t just say things like that and expect me to not swoon.” Irene says.

“Maybe I’m trying to swoon you”, Seulgi smiles smugly. “Maybe I’ll sweep you off your feet too, if I’m lucky.” 

“I hate you.” Irene says, but there’s no malice— only a soft smile.

“Do you?” Seulgi pouts.

“No. Not at all and maybe I hate that I don’t hate you.” Irene sighs.

“Maybe it’s better that way.” Seulgi suggests with a grin.

“Is it now?” Irene rolls her eyes.

“Could be.” Seulgi shrugs. “If you wouldn’t mind me showing you.”

“I don’t mind.” Irene smiles. “I don’t mind at all.”


Seulgi wipes her sweaty hands on the leg of her pants as her eyes anxiously dart around the room full of people, and Irene sees it. 


“Do you want to get out of here?”


The two find themselves walking back to Irene’s house. 


“I’m not dating, Bogum.” Irene says suddenly.

“Oh.” Seulgi blinks.

“I just wanted you to know - to not misunderstand.” Irene clarifies and Seulgi nods.

“W-what happened?” Seulgi clears , trying to be casual about it.

“Well, after the party ended, I turned him down and he was sort of nice about it? I don’t know, but he took it well and just left me alone after that.” Irene tells her. “I mean, if I was him and I was rejected, I’d go ballistic, but he was okay.”

“Oh. Okay. That’s good.” Seulgi says but then retracts her words. “I mean not that that’s good - I mean you could be sad about it - or him - definitely him -”

“Seul, relax.” Irene laughs as she grabs onto Seulgi’s arm, stopping her.

“Right. Sorry. I’m a mess.” Seulgi blushes.

“It’s just me.” Irene says softly.

“I know that it's just you. That’s why.” Seulgi says bashfully.

“Seulgi, are you being shy around me?” Irene asks with a grin and teasing tone.

“S-shut up!”


Seulgi’s jacket had landed on Irene’s shoulder on the way back, and Seulgi was holding onto one of the sleeves so she could keep her pace with Irene. 


They reach Irene’s house and she stands halfway in the house and halfway in the doorway.


“Is it too early to ask you to come in?” Irene asks with a cute grin and Seulgi shakes her head with amusement.

“I would, but I was just about to ask if you’ll go out with me tomorrow.” Seulgi says and Irene blinks, mildly surprised.

“Really?” Irene asks and Seulgi nods.

“I’ll get you at twelve.” Seulgi says.
“Are you sure I would even agree to go out with you - since you’re already making plans without my knowledge?” Irene scoffs playfully.

“You’d never say no to this face.” Seulgi grins with her eyes in the shapes of crescents and Irene fights every fibre in her body to kiss her senseless right then and there.

“No, I wouldn’t.” She sighs fondly.

“Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Seulgi steps back.



At twelve o’clock sharp, Seulgi knocks on the Bae’s house and stands there patiently. 


A second later, there’s yelling and then Yeri opens the door.


“Hi.” Seulgi blinks.

“Hello. She’s throwing a fit - please come in.” Yeri says uninterested and Seulgi nods.


She waits at the bottom of the stairs and later, Joohyun comes rushing down in a flurry.


“So sorry - I couldn’t find where the cardigan I wanted to wear was - then I had to pick jewellery, which was a  hassle because now I don’t have a necklace to match my cardigan.” Irene rambles and Seulgi places a gentle touch on her shoulder.

“Hey - relax.” Seulgi grins. “We don’t have to be on time, I can wait.” 

Irene takes a deep breath and sighs.


“Hi.” She smiles softly.

“Hi, you too.” Seulgi chuckles. 

“You look amazing, ‘Rene.” Seulgi tells her and Irene blushes.

“Thanks, Seul.” Irene smiles bashfully.

“And if we’re talking about jewellery, I might have something.” Seulgi brings out the small pink box she was meant to give to Irene on her birthday.

“It’s meant to be your birthday present but I kind of forgot about it that night.” Seulgi tells her.

“Oh. You didn’t have to.” Irene says softly.

“I wanted to.” Seulgi shrugs.


She watches in anticipation as Irene unwraps the box, revealing a gold necklace with a ruby-red heart shaped jewel pendant. 


“Seulgi, this is…” Irene looks up to meet her eyes. “This is beautiful.”

“And it matches your outfit.” Seulgi quips and Irene laughs.

“Put it on me?” She asks.


Seulgi takes the necklace and steps behind Irene, gently pushing her hair to one side as she clasps the necklace around Irene’s neck.


“Pretty.” Seulgi grins.

“Thank you.” Irene grins.

“Shall we?” Seulgi makes room under her arm for Irnee to link her arm with.

Irene grins before latching onto Seulgi.

“We shall.” 


They spend the day together downtown, looking at all the old stores filled with antiques, and stores with cute clothes— which Irene immediately drags Seulgi into.


They share an ice cream cone along the way which Seulgi holds and feeds Irene with from time to time. They share a light meal at a small café around the corner of a street.


Soon, the lamp posts turn on and the sun begins to set.


At the town square, there is a group of people dancing around a busking violinist.


“Are you… are you good at dancing?” Seulgi asks as she gestures with her eyes at the people..

“Not particularly.” Irene answers and Seulgi nods— a bit dejectedly.

“Oh. Okay.” Seulgi says quietly.


Irene smiles softly.


“Ask me anyway.” Irene prompts.

“What?” Seulgi blinks.

“I said, ask me anyway.” Irene shrugs.


Seulgi blinks a bit surprised and she hesitates to speak on Irene’s request, but then she’s smiling too.


“Would you like to dance with me?” Seulgi asks with a hand outstretched.

“I would love to.” Irene answers as she intertwines their hands together firmly.


The violinist sees them together and coincidentally, a mellow love tune begins to fill the town’s space.


Irene hugs Seulgi to her tightly and Seulgi rests her head at the crown of Irene’s head.


The night grows dark and Seulgi opts to walk Irene home.


After complaining about being tired, Irene had managed to worm herself onto Seulgi’s back— and the taller girl makes no complaints as she piggy backs Irene home.


“Rene, you gotta stay still or else I’ll drop you.” Seulgi squirms as Irene nuzzles her nose into Seulgi’s neck.

“But you smell so nice!” Irene whines. 

“And you’re tickling me!” Seulgi guffaws as she begins to pick up a pace.



Irene reluctantly climbs down from Seulgi’s back and holds her hand instead as they walk home. 


Irene stops her when they’re in front of the house— standing near the mailbox.


“Seulgi.” Irene turns around and Seulgi blinks.

“Hm?” She hums.

“I know we agreed to just being friends…” Irene toes the pavement with her shoe. “But I don’t think I can do that with you.”

“Oh.” Seulgi blinks.

“I think I want to love you.” Irene says.

“Oh.” Seulgi blushes.

“No, wait - I know I want to love you.” Irene continues, looking up at Seulgi properly this time.

“Um.. wow.” Seulgi’s brain short-circuits.

“Is that all you have to say?” Irene laughs as she shoves Seulgi’s shoulder.

“Sorry… just - I didn’t think the talk you wanted to have with me would end up like this.” Seulgi stammers.

“A good talk, or a bad one?” Irene raises her brow.

“Good! Definitely a good one - heh.”  Seulgi grins bashfully.

“Great. I’m going to kiss you now.” Irene looks up with confidence and wraps a hand around Seulgi’s neck before bringing her down.


Seulgi doesn’t get a word in, but there is a warmth that is spread and Irene’s lips are so soft and tangible— Seulgi feels incredible.


Irene pulls away— biting down softly on Seulgi’s lip which elicits a small gasp from the other girl.


“Come in with me?” Irene asks, tugging Seulgi towards the door.

“Okay.” She easily agrees, following in. 



The days of dancing around each other, kissing comfortably and holding hands idly by— grows into something more intimate and it crosses over the time in their world.


“Would you like me to be your girlfriend?” Seulgi asks one night when they’re on the couch in Irene’s house watching a movie, and Yeri is knocked out asleep.


It doesn’t take much time for Irene to think— it’s a no-brainer.




There are good days and bad days like when Irene is ditched because Seulgi hadn’t seen her favourite senior, Sunmi in a long time since she graduated. Irene just had to learn in a matter of time that they used to do things together that were more than friendly.


“This is pointless!” Irene scorns. “If you wanted to see her so badly - why didn’t you date her instead of me!”

“Are you serious right now? Are you actually serious right now, ‘Rene?” Seulgi scoffs.

“Yes I am!” Irene huffs.

“No you’re not! You’re just being jealous!” Seulgi shouts.

“Maybe I am! Because I’m childish and I get jealous a-and I’m not mature and happy-go-lucky like her!” Irene shouts back.

“I don’t care that you’re not like her!” Seulgi huffs.

“Well I do!” Irene screams.


Seulgi runs her hand through her hair frustratedly. She looks at Irene’s helpless state before she takes her phone and puts her shoes on.


“Where are you going?!” Irene cries out.

“I’m going for a walk - I don’t know! I just don’t want us to say things we don’t mean”, Seulgi huffs. “So I’m going to sort myself out and I’m going to come back and we’re going to discuss this properly - I’ll be back, I love you!”


The door slams and Irene leans back on the kitchen counter— staring blankly at nothing as Seulgi’s words sink in and tears trickle down her cheek.


The door opens again not long after and a flurry of Seulgi is rushing in and hugging Irene tightly. Irene doesn’t fully register Seulgi's back, but when she does; she snakes her arms around Seulgi and hides herself in Seulgi’s shoulder. Seulgi swallows thickly as she hugs Irene tighter.


It’s like that for a while, for as long as they keep breathing, the night grows longer in each other’s arms.


“..I’m sorry.” Seulgi says quietly like a mantra. “I’m sorry.”

“...it’s okay.” Irene shakes her head.

“No, no… it’s not, I’m sorry.” Seulgi says regretfully. “I didn't mean to walk out - I just didn’t know what to do. I’m bad at this - I’m sorry.”

“I think you’re just perfect at this, Seul.” Irene says softly. “I’m kind of bad at this too.”

“Then.. I think we’re just perfect.” Seulgi says with a small chuckle.


They pull away and Seulgi kisses the crown of Irene’s head— just to bring her into another hug.


“I’m sorry for making a big deal out of nothing - I just… I don’t want to lose you to people that are… that are better than me.” Irene confesses and Seulgi pulls away to hold Irene at an arm's distance ro look at her properly, eye to eye.

“No, no, baby - no one is better than you.” Seulgi says firmly. “You are Bae Irene and there is only one of you in this whole world that I adore with all of me. No one else.” 

“No one else?” Irene chuckles tearfully.

“No one else.” Seulgi affirms.


“I love you too.” Irene says after a beat.

Seulgi smiles sheepishly. “I-I said that when I left, didn’t I?”

“You did.” Irene smiles.

“Sorry.” Seulgi says.

“You’re not taking it back, are you?” Irene asks with a pout.

“No! No - no, just - uh - I wish it didn’t come out like that…” Seulgi stutters, a bit embarrassed. “I envisioned something a bit more romantic.”

“I did too, but it’s you - and I’m doing this with you.” Irene smiles. “I wouldn’t want to do this with anyone but you. No one else.”

“No one else?” Seulgi replays a bit of their conversation.

“No one else.” Irene nods with a laugh. 


She palms Irene’s face and thumbs away the tears, and then she’s leaning in and kissing Irene firmly: to tell her that this is it. This is it for me and I love you and no one else and no one does it for me like you, Bae Irene.



There’s a brief break in the plans when they arrive back at school. The holidays seem to fly past quicker than anything and it makes Irene sad.


“I thought you were fooling around all break.” Wendy chuckles as she sits down beside Irene at the cafeteria table. “Why are you so bummed out?”

“Yeah, what’s got you so blue?” Joy asks, sitting on the other side of Irene.


Irene mumbles into her sleeve, and Joy and Wendy share a look.


“You’re going to have to speak properly if you want us to understand you.” Wendy chuckles.

“... I miss her already.” Irene pouts.

“Aw!” Joy pinches her cheek.

“Ow - what the hell, Joy!” Irene winces.


“Why are we picking on Irene? I want to join too!” Moonbyul slides over with a grin.

“Shut up.” Irene grumbles.

“Aw, did someone break your heart over the break?” Hwasa teases her.

“No!” Irene huffs.

“We should get your mind off them with prom!” Jennie squeals.

“Wait-” Irene’s words fall on deaf ears and Wendy looks at her pityingly as Joy cackles loudly.


It happens just like that: her friends start scheming.


“Seulgi! You don’t understand!” Irene whines over the phone. Seulgi grins and chuckles.

“Okay, okay - I’m listening.” Seulgi says.

“I have tried every way to tell them I’m not interested in finding a date for prom! Like at the beginning of the year, we all agreed we’d go stag together!” Irene whines.

“And then?” Seulgi finds it amusing.

“And then! Moonbyul and Solar had to get together, Wheein and Hwasa are together too, so are Jennie and Jisoo - and Wendy and Joy are definitely fooling around together!” Irene complains.

“How unfortunate.” Seulgi laughs.

“Do you think this is funny?” Irene huffs.

“...a little.” Seulgi says.

“I’m ending this call!” Irene pouts.

“No - wait!” Seulgi wheezes.


Irene slumps her entire body against the library table as she takes the seat beside Wendy who is looking through books.


“Hey, Wen…” Irene greets quietly and Wendy smiles out of amusement.

“Hello, Irene.” Wendy greets back before returning back to her books.


Irene sighs.


And she sighs,


And again.


“Irene?” Wendy calls out.

“Hm?” Irene lifts her lead.

“Why don’t you ask Seulgi to go to prom with you?” Wendy asks, gently patting Irene’s head.

Irene pouts as she lays her head on the table— her cheek getting squashed by the table.

“How’d you know I was bummed out about that?” Irene asks.

“Because I know you.” Wendy chuckles. “And well, you’re the only one in the group with a date.”


Irene pouts.


“Anyways, don’t you want to ask her?” Wendy reiterates.

“She doesn’t like going to big open things like prom.” Irene tells her.

“Why’s she always at parties, then?” Wendy furrows her brows.

“Wheein makes her, but she always leaves early anyways.” Irene answers.


Joy corners Seulgi into a classroom. She slams a hand on the wall beside Seulgi’s head and towers over her. Seulgi shrinks under Joy’s gaze.


“You’re being chicken-.” Joy says.

“W-what?” Seulgi blinks.

Joy steps back and Seulgi scampers to the floor. She gets up and almost trips again as Joy watches her pityingly.  

“Why haven’t you asked Irene to prom?” Joy asks, still a bit hostile.

Seulgi fidgets on the spot. “I just - well - I can’t do big crowds.” 

“But you go to parties?” Joy frowns.

“Yeah, and I get drunk and leave hours earlier.” Seulgi huffs.

“Oh.” Joy softens slightly. “So, what do we do then?”

“You’re asking me? After you just cornered me?” Seulgi deadpans and Joy shrugs innocently.


“A-anyways - I thought you guys were going as a group.” Seulgi says.

“We were meant to, but we all suddenly got dates and now Irene is alone - meaning, you should go with her.” Joy tells her.

“I would like to go with her but seeing the whole school in one place makes me want to and vomit - all at the same time.” Seulgi blurts and Joy grimaces.

“Ew, Seulgi.” Joy frowns.

Seulgi sighs deeply. “I’m just telling you why it would be a disaster if I was there.”

“So what if we got you a bit drunk?” Joy proposes.

“Can’t, that’s out of question. ‘Rene’s making me go sober.” Seulgi says. “She says I should live a long and healthy life if I want to be with her.”

“Sounds exactly like her.” Joy snorts.

“Then you just have to go then - sober.” Joy says.

“How?” Seulgi blinks at her.


Something conjures itself in Joy’s mind.


“I got it.”


“Joy I’m ing drooling because my mouth is so cotton-y.” Seulgi huffs into the phone.

“Well it’s not my fault you’re so obedient and weak to lollies. All I showed you was a bag of lollies and you ate it all.” Joy retorts. “You’re a child, Kang.”

“I told you it’s because I’m nervous! When I’m anxious, I eat or I start talking too much! I have both combinations right now and I feel like I’m going to start bouncing off the walls!” Seulgi whispers harshly into the phone.

“Then bounce away and make your way to Irene!” Joy says back. 

“I’m going to kill you one day, Joy.” Seulgi sighs.

“You wouldn’t hurt a fly.” Joy snorts.

“Okay - okay. You’re right.” Seulgi breathes in. “Thanks for helping me get this far, Park.”

“Ah see - that’s better. You’re welcome, Sluggie.” Seulgi can picture Joy’s teasing smile without seeing it.  “Bye, I’ll see you in there.” 

“Bye.” Seulgi chirps.


Irene looks out of the limousine window forlornly as her friends and their dates chat away.


She checks her phone and finds the message from Seulgi that she sent almost two hours ago.


< Have fun at prom !! <3


She smiles softly.


The limousine stops and everyone begins to get out.


“M'lady?” Moonbyul stretches a hand out to help her get out of the car and she rolls her eyes.

“No thanks.” Irene says, pushing her aside.

Solar cackles.


Irene manoeuvres her dress carefully as she exits the vehicle.


Joy and Wendy appear beside her, each taking one side of her arm and she smiles gratefully.


“Let’s get this party started.” Joy grins.


The auditorium is loud at the beginning of the night— bustling with people dancing and chatting away.


Seulgi almost jumps when her phone buzzes.


She finds a string of messages from Joy.


< Where r u

< Hey

< Heyhey

< I’ll kill u if u ran away !! >:((


> Sorry i was peeing !!


Seulgi replies once she’s finished washing and drying her hands.


< U better have been …


Seulgi sighs as she exits the bathroom and screams when she finds Joy standing right outside, towering over her.


“There you are.” Joy grins like the Cheshire cat.

“Hi.” Seulgi gulps.

“Get in the auditorium and let Irene find you.” Joy shoves her and she practically runs into the place full of other teenagers.


Joy returns back to her friends easily, slipping in right beside Wendy and Irene.


Irene frowns when she spots someone familiar.


“Hey - isn’t that…” She trails off and Joy smirks.


Irene sees her first: her heart warms and her cheeks tingle when she finds Seulgi standing idly towards the back of the hall with a plastic cup in hand, alone. Something about Seulgi being in an open space alone makes Irene feel.


“Irene - hey!” Irene snaps her head back towards her friends and she finds Jennie calling her.

“Hm?” Irene asks.

“We asked if you wanted a drink.” Jennie says.

“Oh - no thanks.” Irene shakes her head.

“Where’d ya go? Are you feeling unwell?” Solar asks her.

“Nothing - just spaced out… music’s a bit boring.” She lies.

“Oh! I can totally get it going - I know who’s DJing!” Hwasa bunches up the hem of her dress and begins to hop away towards the DJ.  

“I’ll be back with drinks, Jisoo come.” Jennie clicks her finger to get Jisoo’s attention and then they’re both going towards the table of refreshments. 


Joy sees before Seulgi: Irene’s glancing towards Seulgi throughout the night and she smiles lightly because she knows exactly where the girl would rather be. She scowls when she sees Suho approach their table.


Irene doesn’t spare a single glance and Joy smirks when she still sees Irene staring right at Seulgi.

“Hey-” Suho barely gets a word out when Irene’s already rejecting him.

“No thank you.” She answers without looking.

Suho blinks, flabbergasted.


“You heard her.” Solar says with a glare and Moonbyul crosses her arm over her chest with a glare of her own. Suho cowers and scurries away immediately.

“That was such a quick rejection, unnie!” Wendy chortles as she nudges Irene who still doesn’t move. “Unnie?”


Seulgi looks around the hall with her drink to her lips as she observes (trying to hopefully ‘not’ catch a glance of Irene), but it just so happens that she does. Her eyes fall upon Irene and her group of friends and she blinks— just to make sure that Irene is staring right back at her. Seulgi swallows the gulp of her juice and it burns as she begins to hack it up silently. She coughs into the sleeve of her jacket and she can feel her eyes b with tears as she chokes— and she just knows Irene is watching this all unfold.


Joy kicks the base of Irene’s chair and jolts her out of her reverie.


“Go.” Joy gestures towards Seulgi.

“What?” Irene blinks.

“I said go. There’s only a few times you can risk losing her.” Joy tells her.


Irene looks around and finds her friends smiling at her encouragingly, and then she’s rising on her feet and making her way towards Seulgi just as a slow song queues.


“Hi.” She makes it to Seulgi.

“Hi.” Seulgi grins nervously.

“You’re here?” Irene questions.

“I am.” Seulgi affirms.

“How - what?” Irene stammers with a laugh. 

“Joy half coerced me to come.” Seulgi answers. “I also came willingly. I guess a part of me doesn’t want to miss out on being your date at prom.”

“You’re my date?” Irene smirks.

“I mean - unless that’s if you want me to be? If you’ll have me?” Seulgi gulps and Irene steps forward.


Irene wraps her arms around Seulgi’s neck, bringing her closer.


“Of course I’ll have you as my date, Seul.” Irene says at the shell of Seulgi's ear— breathing warmly at her neck. “You’re mine.”


Seulgi blinks and drops her hands at Irene’s waist.


“Let’s dance?” Irene pulls away.

“Oh - I don’t dance.” Seulgi tries hiding her smile and Irene gets deja vu— she smiles.

“Oh.. that’s too bad.” Irene pouts cutely and Seulgi grins.

“Ask me anyways.” Seulgi says, replaying one of their moments.

“Would you like to dance with me, Kang Seulgi?” Irene asks, and being dramatic as ever, she curtsies and raises her palm upwards.


Seulgi drops her hand into her palm.




“Look at our babies all grown up.” Joy fake cries and Wendy shakes her head with a laugh.

“C’mon, let’s dance.” Wendy stands up, with a hand for Joy— who latches onto it immediately. 

“Thought you’d never ask.” Joy smirks.


Irene and Seulgi never take their eyes away from each other, and somehow Irene grows shy— not used to Seulgi being so overpowering.


“I’m.. I’m really glad you’re here, Seul.” Irene confesses quietly.

“Me too.” Seulgi hums at the crown of Irene’s head. 

“I love you.” Irene feels a surge– and bursts of adrenaline in her body being up close to Seulgi like this.


Her love for Seulgi is overwhelming and she wants the world to hear her say it.


“I love you too.” Seulgi grins. “And I’m going to kiss you now.”

“You are-? Oh.” Irene is shut up effectively as Seulgi catches her off-guard— leaning down and kissing her slowly and sensually, Irene cannot help but let a sound of pleasure break through.


Seulgi pulls away with a smile as she sees Irene’s dazed expression.


“You taste sweet.” Irene blinks.

“Oh - Joy made me take a shot earlier.” Seulgi tells her and Irene’s eyes widen.

“She made you take a shot?” Irene furrows her brows.

“Not a shot - shot, it just was a wellness shot!” Seulgi clarifies. “She said I needed a sugar boost… she also made me eat a lot of candy and I honestly think it’s helping me. I’m on a violent sugar rush right now.” 

“Oh my.” Irene blinks a bit shocked. “Remind me to thank her, I guess.”

“I’m talking a lot, right? I can’t help it - I have so much energy right now.” Seulgi grins.

“I can see that, Seul.” Irene laughs. “I can definitely see that.” 


Seulgi brings her closer by the waist and Irene leans her head comfortably on Seulgi’s shoulder, in the crook of her neck.


It is warm, so warm— it’s all so tangible and Irene never wants to lose this ever again.








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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
Chapter 2: why they have to be sweet like that😭🤍🤍
Seul_rene14 #2
Chapter 2: Damn it! I'm on a violent sugar rush now, author-nim🥹😂
pieana #3
Chapter 2: 🥹
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
Chapter 2: beautiful 🤍🤍🤍
Chapter 2: this is so heart warming 🥹🥹🥹
JiHyun12 #6
hi. Author. I like this kind of story! The best! Thank you for this! More author haha
Chapter 2: ufff too fluffy and i can't handle their cuteness 🫠🫠
Kylie_123 #8
Chapter 2: Awweeee my no one else couple ❤️❤️❤️
zjkdlin0121 #9
Chapter 2: 💗💗💗
1060 streak #10
Chapter 2: thankyou authornim!🥰🥰🥰