Chapter 5 - Flushed

Washroom Wonders

The beach felt serene on a clear afternoon somewhere by the Mediterranean sea. The sound of waves was calming as well. The weather was also nice and clear, perfect for a swim. Joohyun, wearing sunglasses and a two-piece floral bikini, walked on the white sand and enjoyed the summer breeze. When she wanted to walk to the spot where she put her belongings, she could feel someone tapping her shoulder. She looked back to see the person but the latter was gone. However, she was sure that the one she saw was a woman, she could feel the soft hands of a lady. 


She then looked around to look for that person but what she could see was only a sea now filled with floating defecations all over. She ran away as far as she could to escape the contaminated waves that kept on reaching her. And when she tried to open her eyes wide, all that she could see was her bedroom interior. She was a bit shocked but at the same time glad as it was only a dream.


She also saw someone sleeping on the sofa beside her bed, it was Seungwan. Of course she was there, Joohyun was the one who insisted that she stayed in her apartment to have the work calls and stay the night as the calls lasted until after midnight.


Joohyun couldn’t help but look at Seungwan’s face. The fatigued face after working tirelessly and taking care of Joohyun until she got a proper sleep looked very innocent and strangely, baby-faced. 


Joohyun was well aware that she should’ve not let someone she just knew to enter her apartment let alone her bedroom. But with Seungwan, she somehow felt safe and secured — with no suspicion. Is it because she works next-door? Is it because my co-workers know her? Did I probably meet her somewhere? She was not sure. Heck, she was never sure with her own thoughts after meeting Seungwan.


Everything was becoming very wild because of this particular person’s sudden constant appearance in her life. Do I probably have a major crush? Am I feeling lovesick… literally? Joohyun erased the thoughts and didn’t want to let that pass. Falling in love with a fellow woman was the one thing Joohyun had never ever thought before. It should be impossible, no? We can’t have kids and we can’t even live peacefully. Not in this conservative society.


“Ugh…” She held her forehead and shut her eyes. She still couldn’t figure out what she was having and feeling. She heard moving sounds from the couch. Seungwan slowly opened her eyes, “Joohyun, you’re awake already?”


“I am. How was your sleep?”


Seungwan rubbed her eyes, turned to sit, and looked at her watch, “I guess 4 hours of sleep wasn’t that bad.”

“You were having calls until 2?”


“Half past one to be exact. Got to sort something with the LA client.”


“Sorry that you had to sleep on the couch after a very tiring night.”


“No worries really. Your couch is nice… Much more comfy than the one I’ve got in my office.”


Joohyun smiled, “I really don’t know how to thank you.”


“Then don’t.”

“You silly.” They both laughed.


Joohyun smiled. “Say… What do you want for breakfast?”


“Surprise me,” responded Seungwan as got up from the sofa. “And you… How was your sleep?”


“It was…” Joohyun took some time to tell Seungwan about her strange dream or not. She decided not to. “Okay.”


“Okay? Could you elaborate more?”


“Good enough for me to go back to work.”


Seungwan frowned. “No Joohyun, you should stay. Even Sooyoung told me that Taeyeon told you to rest until the weekend. And I gotta agree. You should rest. Go relax.”




“Don’t you love yourself?” Seungwan said, with a firm tone that caught Joohyun in surprise. “Sooyoung was so worried about you. Even Seulgi texted me so many times. And it pains me to see you being sick. Please take care of yourself more.”


Joohyun just nodded. She felt sad and just realized that she didn’t really take care of herself recently. At the same time, she liked being “scolded” by Seungwan. She felt strangely… loved. She realized that what she felt was weird as Seungwan was someone new to her. She barely knew her. But once again, she felt really comfortable with her. Did I know Seungwan in my past life? Or is my mind messing with me now? She didn’t know… again.


“Sorry if I’m being harsh. But that’s for your own good.” Seungwan continued.


“Not at all. I should thank you and I should really just stay at home.”


“Good. Can I use the bathroom, though?”

“Of course! Do you wanna take a shower as well? You wanna borrow my shirts? I think we have the same size.”




“Please don’t hesitate, it’s like the least I can do,” Joohyun opened her wardrobe. “You can choose.”


“Okay if you insist,” Seungwan picked the black long-sleeve shirt. “Could I borrow this? I think this fits me so well.”


“Go ahead. Let me know if you want to switch or it doesn’t fit,” Joohyun took a towel and a toothbrush. “Please take it.”


“Sure… Thanks.” Seungwan said. “Really sorry to bother you.”


Joohyun rolled her eyes, “Well… if you want, you can just go to the office with that lovely morning breath of yours.”


Seungwan giggled, “That’s quite a challenge, don’t you think?”


“Just go shower! It’s almost 7 AM.”


“Ah you’re right,” Seungwan said and went to the bathroom. “One thing though. Could I have a menstrual pad? I forgot to bring it, it’s some kind of my travel-hack when I’m short of .”


“Oh same! It’s my travel-hack as well. Much more convenient when you travel for weeks, even days as well.”


Seungwan laughed, “True. I learnt from someone about this.”


Joohyun was stunned but she tried her best not to look nosy. “That someone might love traveling around I suppose?”


“Yeah, she was.”


Joohyun got even more curious. “Is she a friend or something?”


“Kind of,” Seungwan said with a faint smile. “I’ll tell you about her when it’s time. As I think you need to know about her and you probably know her well too.”


“She’s not Seulgi, right?”


“No!” Seungwan laughed and shook her head. “Not her. I’ll tell you maybe some of the next months or even much later.”


Might be her ex or something? Son Seungwan is into women? Or maybe just some old friend… And she said I probably know her? Better not assume. Joohyun tried to form her best smile, “Yes you can tell me later, just go shower! Now!”


Seungwan peeked at her watch. “Oh shoot! Gotta bath fast!” She closed the bathroom door.


Joohyun walked to the kitchen to prepare for breakfast. She decided to cook seaweed soup as it wouldn’t take much time to make. She never felt as free and liberated as that morning after quite a while. She also didn’t have any major things to take care of, except for her health, at least from that day until the weekend. Just as she waited for the soup to boil perfectly, she checked her phone and checked her creative division chat group.


The chats were full of the previous day’s work coordination. Mostly about the discussion of the shooting session. Other than that the chat room was filled with wishes for her.


Kang Seulgi: @Bae Joohyun get well soon unnie! 


Kim Yerim: Unnie stay hydrated please! And get a good rest! @Bae Joohyun


Park Sooyoung: Please don’t think about work for now. Leave it to us @Bae Joohyun. Take best care!


Kim Taeyeon: <3


Taeyeon might only send an emoji in the group but Joohyun knew her quite well after working together. Her boss-slash-co-worker was never the type to show blatant gestures in public, especially seen by the workers.


Before she replied in the chat group, she turned off the stove as the soup was finally cooked. When she finished replying to her co-workers’ ‘messages and closed the chat group, she checked the personal chat from Taeyeon that was sent last night.


Joohyun… I’m really sad to see and hear that you are currently in a very weak condition. I’m aware that we have always been restless since the creation of KimTae. Only work, work, and work. And for that, I’m sorry. I should’ve been a better leader. I have plans about our life-work integration so that something like this won’t happen again to everyone in KimTae. But for now, let’s focus on you first. Please take a rest. Stop working (at least until Sunday). Stay hydrated xoxo


Joohyun couldn’t help not to grin after seeing Taeyeon’s message. It was definitely not Taeyeon’s fault that she got sick, it was just how she couldn’t manage her time to have a proper rest and probably how her circling thoughts stressed her out. Some thoughts about something deemed unthinkable before. It was supposedly strange that she accumulated the sickness around the same time after she met Seungwan. But at the same time, Seungwan acted as the “cure”. 


Once again, she couldn’t think straight. She needed to unleash the scattered thoughts she had and rewired everything.


“Joohyun…” Seungwan’s voice snapped her thoughts.




Seungwan asked as she dried her hair with the towel. “Could I borrow your hairdryer? It won’t take long.”


Joohyun looked at Seungwan and was surprised at how her shirt fitted Seungwan even more than her. It was as if the shirt belonged to Seungwan. Or maybe she just loved seeing Seungwan out of the shower as the latter looked fresh and dreamy. these thoughts.


Joohyun then gave the hairdryer to Seungwan and prepared the seaweed soup and rice. After drying her hair, Seungwan looked even fresher though she hadn’t put any make-up on. The two sat in the dining room.


“This smells yum,” Seungwan said as she inhaled the warm seaweed soup.


“I couldn’t cook much and we didn't have much time so I could only prepare that.”


“Don’t lie. Based on the look I know you’re actually a great cook.”


Joohyun shrugged, “May I know your deductions?”


“Easy. You add some mussels here. Someone who couldn’t cook won’t dare to put real seafood in this.”


“Okay, you got me.” Joohyun accepted her defeat and was impressed. “I can cook indeed but I didn’t have much time.”


“Why was that?”


“You silly! It’s you who need to work!”


Seungwan cackled, “Well… I can actually inform my associates that I have some urgent meeting with a client.”


“Oh… I can’t believe I just fed a liar,” Joohyun smirked.


“Not exactly… who knows that KimTae might be one of our clients, no? I'm practically meeting with a ‘future’ client.”


Joohyun said as she sipped her soup. “I can see why you’re a managing partner.”


“And why is that?”


“You got the confidence. Quite a seller as well.”


“And you don’t?”


Joohyun giggled, “Don’t bring it back to me. Just say ‘yes I am, thanks’ and just eat.”


“But if KimTae needs legal counsel, we’re more than ready to assist. Just let your boss know.”


“There! You were just prospecting me!”


“I’m not,” Seungwan laughed. “I am just offering you some suggestions.”


“What a lawyer indeed.” The two just giggled and continued to eat. Not long after, they finished each of their bowls. Seungwan then prepared to go to the office, Joohyun cleaned the table and washed the dishes.


“Keep cozy, Joohyun. Don’t think too much. Especially about work. Kindly pause.” Seungwan said as she wore her shoes.


Joohyun nodded, “Thank you, Seungwan. Hope everything’s well for today.”


“Let me know if you need anything. See you later, Joohyun.”


The two bid goodbye. Joohyun decided to take a bath and cleaned her bedroom. When she approached the sofa near the bed, she could feel Seungwan’s odor — this time mixed with her natural scent. Joohyun hated it, she hated that she was probably obsessed. But at the same time, she liked having even the tiniest trace of Seungwan in her bedroom. She knew that she might be mad and tried her best to calm herself. After finishing cleaning her room, she checked the temperature outside. It was quite warm, so she decided to go for a little walk in a nearby park that took around 15 minutes of walking distance from her flat while listening to her favorite songs.


Up until that point, she enjoyed how the day went. She was confused, still and a bit sick, but she was overall in a better state. After around 1 hour, she decided to take a rest and went to call Sooyoung.


“Unnie! How are you doing? Feeling the comfy bed at home?”


“Nah… I’m at the park.”


“What?! I know you might feel bored being at home but don’t overdo yourself, please.”


Joohyun laughed, “Don’t worry. I know my limits.”


“Yeah… Whatever.” Sooyoung knew very well how her unnie “liked” stretching beyond her own limits.


“Did I bother you though?”


“No. Things are kinda slow since this morning,” Sooyoung said. “Why do you call though? Do you want to talk about work? Or you just simply miss me?”


Joohyun didn’t really know the actual reasons of why she called Sooyoung. She just wanted to talk to someone. “To be frank, I don’t know.”


“Okay you just miss me.”


Joohyun cackled, “As much as I want to pinch you, maybe you’re right. I kinda miss your presence.”


“If being sick makes you like this, then probably it’s good to be sick at times.” Sooyoung laughed.


“For goodness’ sake… Remind me to pinch you hard on the hand.”


“No violence please!”


“Well you started it!”


The two shared a laugh. Joohyun came to a realization that maybe she indeed missed Sooyoung.


“So…” Sooyoung continued. “That’s it?”

“Actually no.”


“Go on.”


“I just wanted to talk…..” Joohyun took a pause. “About Seungwan.”


Silence could be heard from the other side. Sooyoung actually had a feeling that her unnie wanted to talk about their neighbor as Joohyun wasn’t really the type to call if there was nothing “major”. She smiled, “Go on. I’m listening.”


“She stayed the night. She slept on the couch.”




“What oh…? We didn’t do anything.”


“Um… I was just literally saying ‘oh’ but please continue.”


“It’s just weird… It’s like I feel… comfortable with her. Is it because she’s being kind to me?”




“Park Sooyoung… Help me please,” Joohyun let out a long sigh and closed her eyes. “I don’t know what’s happening to me. But even in our call now, I could get reminded instantly with her.”


“Unnie…” Sooyoung smiled. “Based on my direct observation and assumption, I might not know whatever you’re feeling. But you definitely do not regard her as mere ‘friend’ or acquaintance. Let me ask you this question then… How do you actually feel about her?”


“Well… I’m afraid I can’t give the exact answers but I want to meet her again.”


Sooyoung laughed, “Okay then.”


“Thank you for listening to my nonsense.”


“Not at all, I’m glad we could have this talk. Anything you want to add?”


“No for now.”


Joohyun thanked Sooyoung and the latter wished her good health and told her to call or send a message if she felt like it. They ended the call, Joohyun decided to walk back home. On her way home, suddenly had the urge to call Seungwan — to merely hear her voice. She chatted with her asking whether she had a relaxed schedule. And Seungwan responded… with a call. Joohyun frantically accepted it.


“Hello Seungwan, sorry to bother.”


“Not at all, Joohyun. Just in time, I just finished my 2-hour meeting. I’m just going to check for some documents while taking my lunch.”


Joohyun formed an involuntary smile after hearing Seungwan’s voice. “Whoa… That must be tough.”


“It is but I’ve gotten used to it,” Seungwan chuckled. “So… What’s up? How are you feeling now?”


“Much better. Thanks to you.”


“Good to hear, although I don’t think I’m some kind of help.”


Joohyun smirked. “Whatever Seungwan. Should I just retell everything you’ve done to me yesterday?”

Seungwan laughed. “No need for that. Thanks. So is there anything I could help? I hope nothing bad happened.”


“Oh no. No worries about that.”


“Ah okay. So is there anything?”


Joohyun got caught, she just really wanted to hear Seungwan’s voice. “It’s just that…” She tried her best to reason. “I think KimTae indeed needed some kind of legal advice on things like external contracts. We’re beginning to have bigger clients so your assistance would probably be needed by us.” 


“Of course, I’ll be more than glad to cooperate with you. But Joohyun…”

“Yes, Seungwan?”


“Didn’t I tell you to not think too much, especially about work?”


“Oh…” Joohyun laughed. “Sorry for that.”


“Geez… Bae ‘workaholic’ Joohyun indeed.”


“I think you should put a mirror on your desk.”


“Oh don’t worry, of course I have. Gotta look sleek before meeting our clients.”




The sound of a speeding car passing by Joohyun was so loud that Seungwan heard it as well. Seungwan asked, “You’re not home, aren’t you?”


“I’m bored… So I decided to take a little walk.”


“Oh dear... You’re still not 100% fit.”


“Don’t worry, Seungwan. I can take care of myself.”


Seungwan raised her voice, “Well, take care of yourself then. See you, Joohyun.” She hung up her phone. Joohyun was speechless but she knew she was at fault. After all, Seungwan had told her repeatedly to be comfy at home.


She finally arrived home and called Seungwan quickly afterwards.


“Yes?” Seungwan responded with a cold tone.


Joohyun gulped. “I’m sorry… I just wanted to tell you that I’ve arrived home. You’re right, I’m not 100% fit.”


“Yes. Thank you for the information.”


Joohyun felt a pang with the sudden coldness. “Okay.”


“Have you planned for lunch already?”


“Not really.”


“Do you want me to have lunch there?”


Joohyun got confused with the sudden warmth from Seungwan despite having a cold tone still. “What?”


“You don’t want me to?”


“No… I mean. Don’t you have to check your documents?”


“Yeah. But I can do it everywhere as long as I have my laptop.”






“Sure Seungwan, I mean if that doesn’t bother your schedule.”


“Not at all.” Seungwan responded. “I’ll probably arrive around 12.15. Don’t forget to drink.”




“Later, Joohyun.”


“See you, Seungwan.”


Seungwan hung up the phone. Joohyun was just processing everything that happened. First, she knew she was supposed to stay at home. Second, she was surprised at how Seungwan was able to be cold. Third, she was wondering why Seungwan actually cared for her that much. Fourth, she should’ve stopped thinking too much. She decided to clean herself up and lay on the bed, watching nonsensical Youtube videos while waiting for Seungwan’s arrival.



Author's note: Sorry for taking quite a lot of time with the update! Enjoy reading and thank you so much!

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0 points #1
Chapter 2: Mona, tu tá sonhando demais com bosta, se tu tiver prisão de ventre come um mamão e vai ao médico ver isso.
O negocio tá barril, viu?!
Chapter 5: Bae Joohyun apologizing to Seungwan so fast. My goodness 🤭🤭
WluvsBaetokki #3
Chapter 5: I'm curious as to why Seungwan acts like she knows Joo-Hyun... 🤔 And that part where Seungwan said something like, you probably know her or something... that to me is sus lol
Riscark #4
Chapter 5: Oh how I love their dynamic at that phonecall, like they're not together right, I mean they're barely friends, but how Seungwan manage to set a tone and how the workaholic Joohyun immediately succumbed to Seungwan's cold response. And let's not forget how smooth Seungwan was with that lunch date 😏
Chapter 5: omg joohyun hahaha you are sooo cute
len_rinto #6
Chapter 5: Their convo is so cutee
Chapter 5: Glad I'm found this story!! Like it so much
Maj227 #8
Chapter 5: Great story, author-nim 🥰
ahahaha but "floating defecations" omg 💀
WenRene_77 15 streak #9
Chapter 5: Whipped joohyun🤭💙💝
1702 streak #10
Chapter 5: Total rest Hyun~~~ or Seungwan may scold you for that