
The Job
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Jong kook hadn’t planned on turning back. He had made a decision and he was going to stick to it. The body guard that was at the door had excused himself and jong kook had decided to stay and listen in. He hid well and tried to hear what they were doing. At first it was just conversation where Ji hyo continued to mouth off. He cursed under his breath and wanted to go in there and yell at her about survival skills again. Soon though he heard her speech change and he could tell she was trying to survive. After that, he didn’t hear much of anything and he concluded that they had moved further down. Jong kook peeked in and saw that the men were gone. He panicked a little until he heard her screams. His heart instantly ached at how pained her cries were. She sounded wounded; the type of emotion that ripped you open. The type that left scars. He swallowed hard and prayed it wasn’t as bad as he was imagining.


He wasn’t sure what was going on but he knew he needed a gun. He cursed himself for leaving his in the car. He only had a knife but he couldn’t take on all those men with a knife. He spotted a guard alone at the corner and slowly approached him from behind. He attacked his neck and rendered him unconscious rather quickly. That was a little trick he learned just for his own safety while being a private detective. Let’s just say some people weren’t always happy he revealed to their wives that they were a cheating piece of . He removed the guard’s undershirt, ripped it to make a rope and tied him to the post as quietly and quickly as possible. He stole his gun and checked the bullets before making his presence known.


One look at her and he wanted to murder them on the spot. After the initial glance, he didn’t look at her state, afraid to make the moment even worse. He focused on the men instead.


“You touch another hair on her body and I will shoot your brains off.” He said to the man currently asking her to open her legs. He felt sick. You did this jong kook.


The men quickly stood and one of them reached for his own gun. Jong kook shot him once directly between his groin. He couldn’t stop picturing his dirty hands trying to open her legs. It was a reflex. Was he aiming to kill? He didn’t know for sure but he knew a simple shot on the leg or arm wouldn’t do. The world wouldn’t mourn if garbage like him never felt the warm love of a woman again. That will do. The only other guy raised his hand in defeat. “Untie her, and give her your jacket.” The man rushed and did what he was told.


As soon as she was free, Ji hyo climbed out of the massive bin and in her rush almost slipped on the water as she tried to pick up her clothes. Jong kook didn’t look at her once, not wanting her to feel more violated than she already was. From the corner of his eyes he saw her put her bottoms and bra on. The rest were in shreds. She buttoned up the suit jacket from the guard.


“Let’s get out of here before more men come back!” She urged him.


Jong kook looked at the guy and asked jihyo to tie him and his other friend up. She did it quickly and spat at both of them after. Jong kook wanted to ring the last one’s neck too but jihyo took the gun from him and shot the guy right on his and then reached down for his gun. She didn’t aim for the general vicinity like jong kook had. Her aim was impeccable. The man cried out in pain and in mourning. Jong kook figured the pain would eventually take them out or the bleeding out would render them unconscious soon enough. Just in case, he found a few spare pieces of cloth and tied both their mouths as hard as he could.


Jong kook looked at her and only saw anger. It was well justified. He took Ji hyo’s hand and quickly exited the warehouse. They ran to his car and he drove straight ahead without looking back.


Ji hyo was staring straight ahead not saying a word. She felt the jacket that belonged to that man cling to her body and she needed it off. “Do you have a shirt in the back?” She asked. She knew escaping was more important but this jacket felt like needles on her body. It smelled like him. It smelled like his disgusting hands on her neck. Her cheeks. Her s. She needed it off.


Jong kook didn’t have anything in the back but he had an undershirt. “Give me a few minutes. We need to get as far away as possible first.” He said softly. He sped up once again hoping that those men took a while to wake up. He should’ve shot them all . He was glad he took away their cell phones. Still it wouldn’t be long before Ji hoon came looking for Ji hyo.


“I need to take this off!” She knew she w

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Chapter 9: I'm still holding out hope that there will be more chapters. Authorniiiiiim, I am truly hoping you are considering about adding two or more new chapters.
Your story is awesome.
Chapter 9: Love the ending♥️
yvslou #3
Chapter 9: CUTEEEEE
Mongjihyah #4
Chapter 8: I haven’t had time to read fanfic in a while but I am so happi I came back to two stories from you and a finished “first love” (I cried btw ♥️) thank you so much for this!!! I cannot wait for the next chapter! You write this genre so well! Love their banter too!
Songtoma #5
Chapter 8: Finally had time to sit and read this and I was so happy to come back to multiple chapters! Thank you for your hard work! Reading the end of this chapter made me so sad tho :((( I hope they get a chance to really date and get to know each other PLEASEEEE AUTHORNIM
jk_lau18 #6
Chapter 7: 💙💙
Chapter 7: Ok lets get it on, go go go
KJK and SJH!!!
This is kinda exciting!
I can't wait for the next chapter... 😭😭😭

Authornim saranghae. 🥰
Can you please update soon? 🙏🙏🙏
elainefun88 #8
Chapter 6: Ooo that cliffhanger! Hahaha I love love love this story!
jk_lau18 #9
Chapter 6: waah the fun is getting started..can't wait what will happen next.😊😁