Chapter 3

Different Faces
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(Kang Corporation) 

A group of Police officers are now in the lobby of the Kang corporation heading to Mr. Kang's office, some employees are gossiping and looking at the officers with confusion as to why there's a lot of Police in the area... When they reached their destination Mr. Kang is in his phone talking to someone, sensing and expecting the arrival of the police officers he signaled them to wait for a bit. 


Mr. Kang: (in his phone talking to someone) Seonhee.. I don't know if I can return immediately after this..(pause) I know but I don't have a choice either,(pause) of course we're going to fight and find out the truth behind this I promise.. But as of the moment.. Can.. You please take care of my daughter for awhile?? (Sadness can be seen in his eyes) please do take care of Seulgi for me Seonhee.. She didn't have someone aside from me right now.. You as her auntie and Wendy are the only person I trust to look after her at this moment.. So please can you do that for me until I got released??? (Pause) I know.. It will be hard for her.. She already lost her mom long time ago.. And now.. She's loosing me too.. (Tears are starting to flow in his eyes) I don't know what will happen.. But the only thing I want from now is Seulgi's safety.. Can you do it for me Seonhee?? (The other line answer that makes Mr. Kang sigh in approval) thank you Seonhee.. (He turned off his phone) 


After the talk with his younger sister Mr. Kang calmly surrendered himself and go with the police without any resistance. Days later after Mr. Kang's arrests the businessman got extremely sick that the head in the prison station immediately send the sick Mr. Kang in the hospital.. But turns out that the latter got a heart attack in their way to the hospital and didn't get there alive.. The sudden news reached her sister Son Seonhee immediately and the latter goes to the hospital where his brother got admitted in a rush.. Upon seeing his brother's lifeless body the sister broke down in tears immediately. 


After recovering from the break down, Seonhee began processing all the documents needed to let her take his brother's body with her that day immediately, she didn't take his body to the crematorium immediately but decided to let her niece see her father for one last time



Kang Seulgi and her cousin Son Seungwan are currently playing in their schools playground when their teacher called them out to talk with the two, the latter informed them that Mrs. Son sends a driver to picked the two for an important matter that day, the kids just nodded their head and started to packed their things and patiently waited for the driver. 


The cousins are playing and laughing at the backseat of the car that Wendy's mom send to pick them up unaware of the things that happen earlier that day.. Seulgi the only daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Kang.. She only knows that her father won't come home for awhile as what her auntie Seonhee told her.. Understanding that it was for their business she immediately and happily accepted to live with her auntie and her favorite cousin Wendy as of the moment until her dad comes back home... 


Upon reaching the place.. Mrs. Son is already standing outside to meet the two


Wendy: mom!!!(running towards her mom) 

Mrs. Son: honey.. (Hugging her daughter and looks at Seulgi with sadness in her eyes) Seul-ah.. Come here.. 

Seulgi: (grinning.. She approaches Mrs. Son and immediately hug the latter) Auntie!!! 

Mrs. Son: (she cried silently) 

Seulgi: auntie?? are you ok?? What happen?? Why are you crying?? 

Wendy: (look confusingly at her mother) mom?? Why are you crying?? 

Mrs. Son: (she envelopes the two in a hug unable to tell them what's the reason why she's actually crying) I'm sorry Seul-ah.. I'm sorry.. 

Seulgi: auntie what are you sorry for?? Please tell us what happen.. You are scaring us you know?? (She chuckle nervously) 

Mrs. Son: (she stands up) Wannie honey.. Can you wait for us in that room for awhile please?? I need to take Seulgi somewhere else ok?? 

Wendy: ok?? But promise me you tell me why are you crying when you go back here later ok?? 

Mrs. Son: sure honey.. Let's go Seul-ah I need to show you something.. 

Seulgi: yes auntie.. (She followed Mrs. Son) 


They reached the room where Mr. Kang's body are.. 


Seulgi: what is that auntie?? (Looking curiously at the table with white cloth covering something) 

Mrs. Son: Seul-ah.. (Hugging Seulgi) no matter what would you gonna see later.. I want you to know that I am here for you always.. I'm here for you and Wannie no matter what ok?? We love you and you are not alone in this. 

Seulgi: ok auntie!! 

Mrs. Son: let's go.. (She gently drag Seulgi in the middle of the room where the covered thing is located.. She gently take the white cover to reveal it to Seulgi) 


A gasp of horror can be heard in the room followed by a heartbreaking cries from Seulgi... She approach her fathers body while crying endlessly asking what happen at the same time.. Her auntie who is looking at her in her side can't able to utter some words due to her tears as well, she just hug Seulgi from behind whispering some words that can help her calm down at that moment.. Whispering a words of assurance that everything will going to be ok even though at her part she actually don't know if it's enough.. 


After that day.. Seulgi eventhough still sad and grieving agreed to the plan of her auntie to cremate her fathers body and take it to their home and put it beside her mother's urn jar as well. 


Days passed Seonhee notices her niece getting quiet and being aloof to them even to her cousin Wendy who are doing her best to cheer her cousin is actually giving up on what to do anymore to make her cousin smile and be happy again, Seonhee decided to send Seulgi to a psychologist to take some mental health session to help the girl be back

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This was some thoughts that keeps on running in my mind and I just want to try if it actually works haha


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Ichig02101 #1
Chapter 10: Love it! Love it so much!👏👍🥰🥰🥰
Tq authornim for the lovely story.
Waiting for ur next masterpiece authornim 😊
72 streak #2
Chapter 10: 💛💛💛
72 streak #3
Chapter 4: interesting!
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #4
Chapter 10: 🤍🤍🤍
Aliyamoonsun #5
Chapter 10: Cute 🥰