To you, tomorrow

Bad Liar
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hello hello ^^

before you read the oneshot i would like you to read this project I made for this story :)

it's very simple and I hope you guys participate ^^

warnings: slightangst, open end, inspired by leading us to this new chance and the song To you, Tomorrow

The sky had an orange and pinkish hue, indicating that it was already late afternoon.

The waves crashed against the rocks and that smell of salt water invaded my nostrils.

I wanted to be here, but I also wanted to be somewhere else. However, I couldn't get out of my comfort zone.

At least not at that moment.

Still, I missed having a pair of arms around my waist while I got kisses on my cheek or the tip of my nose. Those same arms that held me when I cried with happiness. Those same hands that caressed my back when sad tears left my eyes. Those fingers that one day touched me and made me believe I was unique.


I don't know why things ended that way.

I don't know why we said so many cruel words and never talk about it again after he came to the house he once owned to get what was left of his things.

And God... I was so hurt. I cried for a long time and didn't eat for days. I didn't want to leave the house, or my bed. What I wanted was for him to come back and say that everything would be fine because we were just mad at each other and we didn't have to end it that way.

It hurt when he didn't come back.

It hurt when I went to sleep and there w

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1586 streak #1
Chapter 1: "Can we talk, Donghae?"

He was so stunned to see Hyukjae, he fumbled, automatically opening the door wider for him to come in.


The part of him inside that reminded, /I've been trying to talk to you all this time, but you wouldn't answer or return my calls,/ was silenced by his eager, longing heart, that was simply jumping with excited joy at having Hyukjae here, so close after these weeks of complete deprivation. Close enough to touch. If only he could.

Quietly closing the door behind them, Donghae stood awkwardly at the entrance. Just watching as Hyukjae moved around what used to be their place, comfortable as though he'd never left, never taken his things and disappeared from his life. Leaving a monumental Hyukjae-shaped hole in it. It was making Donghae anxious, because he couldn't understand how he was so relaxed, but it also made him a bit hopeful.

Either, Hyukjae had already moved on and didn't feel like there was anything left between them to make a big deal over, or maybe he just wasn't as tense because he was sure they'd make up now, and he was back where he belonged. Donghae prayed it was the latter.

"How have you been, Donghae-yah? Did you miss me?" The question seemed a bit cruel, but the way Hyukjae asked it made it feel tender somehow. Or it was more of Donghae's wishful thinking.

"I...I've been, well, as well as I could be," he gulped, deciding to be honest and vulnerable, "Of course I missed you, so much."

Hyukjae sent him a soft smile, the kind he'd sent him many times before, before their stupid relationship-rending fight.

"Where have you been, Hyukkie? You've had your phone off. I left so many messages. I even reached out to your noona...I..." he trailed off, "I was so sad. I wanted to say I was sorry, I wanted to work through it. I didn’t want to leave things the way they were, I don't want to lose you from my life forever...I was even going to send you a letter to show my sincerity to you, any way I could think of doing it, just to ask you to come back, and to let you know I'm sorry," he made his plea and could feel the tears escaping the edges of his eyes.

"I'm sorry too. About ignoring you as well, I did listen to your messages. And read every word you sent me. I just needed time. To get my thoughts in order, and I didn't want to keep arguing and hurting each other. I never wanted to hurt you, or us,"

Donghae took some deep breaths in, " needed time. You sorted your thoughts. What did you come here to talk about then?" He was still holding out hope that it was for a happy reason, to reconcile, but he also couldn't ignore the painful twinge at the possibility that this was just Hyukjae coming to give final closure. To tell him to stop calling, leaving messages, and reaching out to his loved ones.

"The time apart made me appreciate what we had, before petty squabbles clouded that. And want to cherish it, now, us. If we give us another chance," Hyukjae reached out for his hands, tilting his head to the side adorably and sweetly asking, "We can work through it, right?"

Donghae could barely see him through the tears now, and he choked out a sob of relief, bringing their hands up so he could press kiss after kiss into Hyukjae's. "Yes, we can. We will,"

I changed the tense as it's my usual style of writing and I feel like it's too awkward when I try a different tense, hope you don't mind. I've used this language all my life but I have to say, English is weird. 😂

This one needed a fluffy sentimental happy ending to heal after the angst imo. The a kind of ending To you, Tomorrow's lyrics call out for, and leading into the next part with Change. (My top song from the album, it's just so lovely and sweet! I'm looking forward to read that one too.) 💕
1646 streak #2
Chapter 1: Oh this was bittersweet. But I hope for an happy ending for them. First I thought it was kind of prelude to Leading us. But it also can be standing on it own. I don't know how I could end it. There are so many way how this could turn out. But I'm clad that Hyuk came to talk out of his own intention. It's what both want in the end, right? So they don't need to end like Leading us Eunhae with years of separation. I truly believe they can talk thinks out. Thank you for sharing this little beginning here. I'm curious if there will be one giving them an ending they deserve.
Happy Easter ❤️
1455 streak #3
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