
What happened to us?
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Yujin was walking around the park, hands in her pockets, taking step after step without really lifting her foot and she was looking down, almost bumping into the people she walked by.

She couldn't concentrate on anything.

Her mind only circled around one person.



Her girlfriend of two years.


Yujin thought their relationship was perfect.

They loved and understood each other without a word.

They were able to experience a lot together, never being without the other.


Their family and friends supported them and were happy and proud of how mature the two have become.


However, after today, Yujin was having second thoughts.




she sighed and kicked a little rock.


She was starting to get a headache from all the thinking



"I couldn't have been that oblivious not to notice how she feels"

she whispered to herself, getting frustrated with the situation she is in.



She then stopped her movements and looked up at the sky, taking her cap off for a moment to go through her hair.



"How am I supposed to make it up to her?"

she asked herself.


She wanted to continue walking but then heard her phone ring






"Unnie, it's already 6 pm. When are you coming back to the dorm?"

Rei asked.


Yujin was surprised to hear that she was already walking around for four hours. That it's been four hours since she fought with Wonyoung.


Her girlfriend, who is mad at her.

Who confessed to Yujin that she is not happy with their relationship at the moment.

That they are lacking passion and affection.


Yujin was so mad at herself for not noticing it before. For thinking that their relationship was perfect while Wonyoung was struggling to tell Yujin her worries.


She can't blame their career.



When they're at home, she could have stayed with her girlfriend to cuddle.

Could have gone on dates with her when they had a day off.

Could have texted Wonyoung when the younger girl had an extra schedule.


But no.


Yujin liked her alone time too much that she didn't even think about these things. She wonders if Wonyoung didn't tell her if she would have noticed it one day.


Right now, she could rip her hair out.

Their talk turned into a fight because Yujin was not accepting that she did something wrong, that it was her fault that the younger girl isn't as happy as the time they started their relationship.


However, now after walking around for these four hours made Yujin realize how big of a mistake she made. There is no one she loves as much as Wonyoung.

Only the thought of losing her girlfriend was causing her to have a lump in .




She only snapped out of it after Rei called for her again



"Sorry. I'll be home in a few"

she said and was about to hang up



"Are you and Wony going to be okay? She is crying in her room the whole time"

Yujin closed her eyes tightly, hating herself for hurting her girlfriend



"I messed up Rei but I will talk to her and hope we can go through it"




"Okay, I see you Unnie"

the two hung up and Yujin cursed inside her mind




"You are such a dumb dog An Yujin"

she started to walk again, moving to the dorm.




However before she got inside, she stopped at the convenience store and got a few of Wonyoung's favorite things.

She was glad that when she opened the front door, none of the girls were there. She didn't want to see all eyes on her when Wonyoung and her are in a situation like this.


It would make her feel only guiltier.


Before moving to her girlfriend, she went to the three girls' bedroom to let them know that she is back so that they wouldn't worry about her.


She then put the things she bought away and then took in a deep breath before going to Wonyoung's room. She knocked lightly and waited but didn't get a response.


She waited a bit longer but nothing.


She then decided to just go in.



"It's me"

she whispered after peeking her head inside.



When she got no reply again she got inside and closed the door behind herself. She tilted her head a bit to see that Wonyoung was hiding under her blanket.

She then sigh and walked closer, feeling a bit more at ease because at least Wonyoung didn't throw her out of her room.



"I'm sorry that I was out for so long. I didn't realize that four hours went by"

she said, walking closer to her girlfriend's bed



"I was thinking about what you have told me and scolded myself for how I reacted"

she said with a small chuckle, wanting to ease the air, but Wonyoung didn't move.



Yujin sighed but then had an idea of how to make her girlfriend at least talk to her. She quickly got under the blanket and cuddled her girlfriend from behind.

She felt her girlfriend freeze at the contact but then muzzled her nose in Wonyoung's neck



"I'm so sorry Princess. I never wanted to make you feel less loved by me. There is no one else for me"

Yujin whispered, glad that Wonyoung didn't pull away.




"I should have noticed that you're not happy, and I should have listened to you first before trying to defend myself. I'm so sorry that I didn't make you happy these last weeks, but please don't give us up"

Yujin got emotional while saying all these things to Wonyoung.



Holding the older girl like this was making her realize even more that Wonyoung was right. It felt like it's been ages since they cuddle

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Chapter 1: my annyeongz baby